chap 1

My Strange Boyfriend

My Strange Boyfriend


youngjae felt a hand wrap around his waist. youngjae hummed in content with how his life was going at the moment. jaebum was a successful photographer and youngjae just got a job at a local high school to be a music teacher. life was good, life was great, life was fi-


youngjae’s eyes shoot open when he remembers today is his first day. his eyes flicker to the clock on his bedside table. 6:45 AM. school started at 7:15 AM.


‘!!!!!!’ he exclaims, throwing jaebum’s hand off of his waist and ripping covers off of his body. before he runs to the bathroom, he looks behind him to see a sleepy, confused jaebum.


‘where are you going?’ he asks in a groggy sleep voice.


‘to take a shower and get to school. i am going to be late for my first day! ing hell!!’ youngjae replies taking off his shirt to get in the shower.


once youngjae takes a record long shower of 2 minutes, he hops down the stairs to the kitchen. he smells something cooking and smiles to himself.


‘whatcha makin’?’ he asks cutely while buttoning up his white shirt.


‘some breakfast for my cute little boyfriend.’ jaebum pokes youngjae’s nose with his finger making youngjae crinkle it up.


‘i’m so nervous! what if they don’t like me? teenagers are s, jaebum.’ youngjae has a mini-rant while biting into his chocolate waffle.


jaebum chuckles cutely, ‘honey, don’t worry about it. if they don’t like you, there i something wrong with them. you should get going it is 6:53.’ 


youngjae perks up to look at the clock, ‘you’re right i should go. love you!’ he pecks jaebum on the lips before grabbing his jacket.


‘have a good day at school!’ jaebum teases, smiling to himself. when he hears the door shut, he taps his finger on the countertop.


‘now what do i do for the next 7 hours?’




youngjae nervously taps his fingers on his desk as he waits for the bell to ring. he keeps fixing his shirt and hair and continues to read over his lesson plan for the day, which was close to nothing. suddenly, the bell rang scaring the hell out of youngjae. he gulped and breathed out nervously. he turned around with a bright smile to face the dead looking kids.


‘hi, my name is mr.choi. nice to meet you.’




the sequel is finally out!! i was contemplating on doing this or not but i was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so here it is

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Chapter 5: *dramatic background music*
Glad you make the sequel :D
chogiwasebooteuh #2
Chapter 5: Dun dun duuuuuuuuun
Ftislands #3
TheJinMarkIsReal #4
Chapter 4: Kudos to thou! I can't wait for the next chapter!! :D
TheJinMarkIsReal #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: O.O Oh, no... (Good fanfiction though!)
putrikrisna #6
Chapter 1: What the prequel title of this sequel ?
Chapter 3: OMG OMG OMG. I am so exciteeeeed ✨✨✨✨
Chapter 2: Woow.. it's great and fluffy. Can't wait for the next chapter. Fighting, authornim! ^&