
Wanna Love You Again

Jinhwan had moved into his own apartment and let Taehyun and Mino have their privacy back.  It was the first time in a while for Jinhwan to be living alone.  Many nights he spent distracting himself with work and cleaning.  He was always a clean freak, but soon it was the only thing he did.  Sometimes he would internet stalk Bobby, just to see how he was doing.  Bobby posted pretty frequently when they were going out, but he was less and less active post breakup.  Jinhwan still felt pangs of sadness when he saw Bobby around.  Sometimes they talked on the phone or took walks around the city.  Jinhwan knew he was just leading Bobby on, but he was being a little selfish.  And Hanbin wasn’t having any of it.


Hanbin was raging around his apartment, interrupting his roommates’ video game time … again.  Yunhyeong and Donghyuk paused the game before Hanbin could mess up their match.  


“He’s crazy.  He’s absolutely crazy.  He must be insane for actually going back to Jinhwan.”  Hanbin said, incredulously.  “Why did Bobby even ask Jinhwan out?  What does he possibly see in him?  It makes no sense!”  

“Hyung, sometimes opposites attract.”  Donghyuk said.  


“You still haven’t told Bobby, have you?”  Yunhyeong asked.


“No.”  Hanbin said, curtly.  “Don’t change the subject.  Ughhh.  I wish they had never even gone out.  It would be so much better if they never even met.”  He sighed and fell into an armchair.


“That’s a little harsh.  They were pretty happy together.”  Donghyuk replied.


“Happy my .  They fought all the time.”  Hanbin shot back.


“Isn’t it kind of your fault for that?”  Yunhyeong questioned.


“What are you trying to say?”  Hanbin sat up and glared at Yunhyeong.  His roommates never took his side when it came to this.


“Well, they fought because Bobby was always partying with you.  Maybe -”  Hanbin cut Yunhyeong off and stormed out of the living room to sulk in his own bedroom.  


From behind his door, Hanbin could hear Yunhyeong and Donghyuk resume their videogame.  “s.”  He thought.  “If only Bobby never asked Jinhwan out.  Everything would be so much easier.  Everyone would be happy.”  


When Hanbin woke up the next morning, he thought he was going crazy.  He was back in college and he could hear Bobby snoring in the narrow bed next to his.  Bolting out of bed, he frantically searched for his phone to turn off his alarm.  His less than subtle fumbling around woke up Bobby, who woke with a shout.  


“Why is there a dog in our dorm?”  He shouted.  This prompted Hanbin to turn towards where Bobby was pointing.  In the place of this “dog” was a teenage boy.  The boy raised a finger to his lips, shushing Hanbin.  He jumped down from the window sill and walked out into the hallway.  Hanbin was left dumbfounded, staring between the now empty window sill, the open door, and Bobby.  


“I must still be tripping from last night.  Tell me I did not just see a dog trot out of our dorm room.”  Bobby was still sitting up in his bed, the sheets thrown every which way.  He turned to Hanbin, who was staring at the door frame.  “Hey!  Earth to Hanbin.”  He snapped his fingers, trying to draw his roommate’s attention.


“Huh?”  Hanbin finally turned and faced Bobby.  “Oh, um.  I don’t know where the dog came from.  I’m gonna go …”  Hanbin trailed off, walking towards the door.


“Dude, where are you going?  Put some clothes on for God’s sake.”  Bobby threw a pair of jeans and a T-shirt at Hanbin.  He barely caught them and realized neither he nor Bobby had shirts on.  Where are my pants?  Bobby’s the one that sleep strips.  Hanbin thought.  He pulled on the, probably dirty, clothes and walked out into the hall.  The boy from their dorm was standing by the stair case.  When he saw Hanbin, he gestured for him to follow and disappeared behind the door.  Hanbin followed him, a bad feeling in his gut.  He got onto the roof and realized he didn’t have shoes on.  The kid was standing in the middle of the roof, looking out over the campus.  


“Hey!  Who are you?”  Hanbin shouted, storming over.


“My name is Junhoe, but you can call me June.  I’m your fairy godmother.”  He said.


“What?  ‘Fairy godmother?’  What does that even mean?”  


“I am here to look over you.  Make sure you don’t mess anything up too much.  Can’t have you altering the past and accidentally killing someone important.”


“‘Alter the past?’  Is this some kind of joke?  What did you do to me?”  Hanbin kept raising his voice.

“Hey.”  Junhoe said more seriously.  “You asked for this.  You wished they had never met.  You got what you wanted.”

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i dont know why but the font changed for the new chapter ... * shrug *


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judyshi #1
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 8: hello update pls c:
Chapter 8: Oh wow thank you for updating!

Hanbin getting Bobby into trouble...Bobby letting Hanbin pull him into things smh. The pattern hasn't changed.
nottsherlock #4
Chapter 7: Love your fic. Do you plan to continue updating
judyshi #5
Chapter 1: Yes please continue dear ?
eeeeuuuunnnn #6
Chapter 7: Just read this story now....
And waiting for your update...
Minha1510 #7
Chapter 7: Please continue I am still waiting for more BobHwan~~ they so cute lately
RealFangirl #8
Chapter 6: my binhwan shipper soul will go crazy if hanbin's one night stand partner is jinhwan ssfqetyxvb#$&*':/ buutt biijj hanbin you hurt bobby!! :@
SenyaHachisu #9
Chapter 2: I wanna slap the out of Hanbin right now even though I am Binhwan Trash