Episode Two

SuperStar BootCamp ☆ Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Star?


"Hello, hello and welcome to the first day of BootCamp!" Kang Jongwoon smiles brightly to the camera. He's standing in what appears to be a living room, though quite a small one. "I'm sure everyone is excited to meet our trainees! Voting was quite close, but the nation has decided! So without further ado, let's bring in our teams!"

The screen shifts to show images of all twenty contestants, lined up in four rows of five. Slowly, images begin turning over, until only ten remain face up, and these ten grow to fill the screen with two rows of five, the females at the top and the males on the bottom.

A short bio of each person, containing their name, age, and idol skill, appears below the images, lingering for a bit less than a minute before all ten cards fall off of the screen to reveal the ten trainees live in person, standing with Jongwoon in the living room.

The cheerful MC turns away from the camera to directly address the participants.

"Congratulations to you all for making it onto the show! Your mentors for the week will arrive in an hour, but until then this is where you'll be staying for the next two months!" He gestures around the small space proudly, though several of the contestants look less impressed than him.

The notable exception is Eunchan, who grins excitedly. "It's like living in dorms! This is so cool!" He then bounds off screen as he explores the apartment.

Jongwoon grins happily, apparently unconcerned about Eunchan running about without any supervision. "Exactly my young friend! You ten will be sharing a room with your groupmates for the next two months to recreate the living situations of real idols! Your rooms are in the hallway just behind us, and there's an air mattress in the closet if anyone wants to use it. If you have any questions, well, your mentors will be here in an hour! Good luck friends, I'll see you all next week!"

And with that, Jongwoon makes his exit, leaving the remaining participants to stand awkwardly in the living room.

Giri breaks the silence by clapping her hands like a teacher trying to quiet a class. "Alright then! Why don't we pick our rooms and unpack then? We only have an hour and we'll probably be tired when we get back so we won't want to do much!"

Hadon shrugs. "Whatever. You guys can pick, I'll take whatever is left." He offers, before settling himself on the couch.

Myunghwa frowns slightly as he sits, but apparently decides to let whatever is bothering her go as she turns and follows the others towards the rooms.

The living room is momentarily empty except for Hadon, but he's not alone for long as another figure sits next to him a moment later.

Hadon glances blearly over at the new arrival. "Hey. I don't remember your name." He declares after a moment. "I'm Hadon."

The man sitting next to him gives a small smirk. "Kang Hanhae. Remember it next time."

Hadon shrugs. "No promises. So why aren't you checking out the rooms?"

Hanhae rolls his eyes faintly. "All I had to do was claim a bed and leave." He glances over and appraises Hadon for a moment before speaking again. "And you might want to go check yourself. The rooming arrangements are... tight."

Hadon shrugs. "Eh, I can sleep on the floor if needed, and I'm not one for arguing with people over stupid sh*t like a bed. If I have to dance for the next two weeks I'm enjoying my last hour of freedom."

Hanhae laughs. "You know what? I think I don't mind you."

The camera pans away from the two men chatting on the couch and zooms in to show the rest of the participants standing in the hallway, looking into the bedrooms.

"Jongwoon-sunbae said there's an air mattress right? Someone could just use that?" Myunghwa sounds borderline panicky as she looks back and forth between the rooms, which are shown to be composed of two bunk beds each, resulting in a total of only eight beds.

"There's only one matress and two missing beds. Somone has to share." Akihiro declares.

Eunchan makes a face, having rejoined the group at some point. "Do we have to? There must be something else that could be done?" He asks hopefully. "Is the couch an option?"

"Are you volunteering?" Jisoo asks. "I mean you are the youngest. You should get the crap bed."

Jinyi grins. "By that logic you should get the air matress then. Since you're the second youngest and all."

The teasing remark earns a few grins from the others, but Jisoo seems to bristle slightly.

Akihiro interferes before she can get too angry though. "Is anyone okay with the idea of sharing a bed? The bottom bunks aren't too small so you'd get one of those of course."

Jinyoo shuffles a bit but it goes unnoticed by the others as they continue to debate the sleeping situation.

"Well Hadon  said he could take whatever bed was left so he can get the matress." Eunchan and Jisoo seem to have started to argue again over who deserved the worst bed.

"Hadon is obviously too nice for his own good." Jisoo snaps back.

Myunghwa looks vaguely ditraught at the fight and she awkwardly tries calming the two youngest down but her attempts reap no results as the two contine to argue back and forth, though Jisoo is much more intense about the subject than Eunchan, who looks like he's almost enjoying the debate.

Akihiro and Jinyi meanwhile continue to observe the rooms.

"I'd offer to share but I'm a sleep kicker." Jinyi observes. "I think it might make more sense for the girls to share though, since we're all pretty small." She grins.

Akihiro doesn't share her amusement. "We don't have much time left to figure this out. Can someone get the others over here?"

Jinyoo again says something quietly, but again she goes unheard over the maknaes' argument and Akihiro's orders.

"Hanhae already picked his bed and Hadon says he's fine with anything, why do we need them?" Giri sounds genuinely confused. "All the girls are here - right?" She glances over at Jinyoo as she speaks to check if the nervous woman is still there. "Right. So why not just choose between ourselves?"

"Hanhae chose a bed in the room with the larger bunks. If you girls are sharing then we should be in the other room. And Hadon can hopefully break up that." He gestures to the continued maknae war with clear annoyance.

However, the group's discussion is interrupted when the sound of the front door opening resounds through the small apartment.

"Hello! Where is everyone? We're about to get started!"

The bright female voice is familiar, and a moment later the camera pans back to the main living space to reveal two debut idols standing in the doorway.

Suzy looks curiously around as she steps inside. "Oh wow, flashbacks to debut." She laughs lightly, grinning back at the other mentor before looking back to the living room, where the other participants have reappeared from the hallway. "Are you all ready to get started? We have a full week ahead of us starting today!"

Behind her, Infinite's L stands quietly, observing the group in front of them with a careful eye as Suzy continues to talk.

"The girls will of course be with me this week, and the boys will be with L. The week's lesson is on image, though some of you seem to already have a good grasp of it!" She shoots a grin straight to Jinyi. "I like your hair!"

Jinyi grins back. "Thanks!"

L cuts in before any more can be said on the subject of Jinyi's dyed locks. "If there are no questions, we should get going."

Suzy smiles again. "Right, sorry. Alright ladies, we're just down the block so we'll be walking! See you boys tonight!"

With little else to do the five women of the show follow Suzy out the door, leaving the men with the still mostly silent L.

After a long moment of the boys looking rather awkward, their mentor finally speaks.

"You didn't actually finish moving in, did you?"

Akihiro has the decency to look embarrassed, but the others seem less concerned with the observation.

"Apparently not. There was a lot of arguing but I wasn't listening." Hadon offers with a shrug when no one else says anything.

L then surprises them by giving a faint laugh. "I figured. One hour to work out these kinds of living conditions? It took us almost a month to be fully conent with our setup. You guys go ahead and finish unpacking, we can spare an hour or so off today."

Akihiro bows in thanks and proceeds to forcibly herd the others back into the hallway, while L set himself up on the couch with his phone.

Meanwhile the women arrive at their destination: a gymnasium.

Jisoo looks awed. "Wow. This place is huge!" She notes softly.

Myunghwa swallows hard. "So, um, what are we doing today?"

Suzy flashes a smile at the older woman. "Can't you guess? We're getting you girls started on a daily workout routine! Women in the industry especially have to keep perfect body proportions so today we're going to run you through some basic exercises and take your body weight readouts to get an idea of what routines to put you on for the next few weeks."

Jinyi looks hopeful. "And then we're done working out?"

Suzy laughs. "No, then you'll take readings again and get a new routine of course! If you aren't training or sleeping, you'll be in the gym! Come on, let's go meet your trainer for today."

Only Jisoo looks even remotely excited as the group follows their mentor into the large building.

Inside, several patrons are working out or using the mats to stretch. The group is met by a woman who looks to be in her late twenties, though thanks to her excellent form it's difficult to really tell.

Suzy greets her cheerfully. "Ahn Miso, it's been a long time."

The trainer grins. "That is has. Now we may have eight hours booked for you five, but you'll be surprised how fast that will pass, so let's get started!"

The scene shifts to an interview with Jinyi, who looks distinctly exhausted.

"Eight. Hours. I wouldn't wish eight straight hours of work out training on my worst enemy" She groans heavily, closing her eyes. "Do I have to keep talking to stay in the interview room? I need a few more minutes to catch my breath."

Back in the dorms the boys seem to have finally worked out some sort of compromise to the rooming situation.

"Okay, so you're sure you're okay with the matress Hadon?" Somehow Woojin has gotten hold of a clipboard and seems to have been elected to be the situation organizer.

Hanhae grins. "I'm happy to shove the kid off the top bunk so you can take it."

Hadon laughs even as Eunchan gives puppy eyes to Hanhae.

"You wouldn't really, would you?"

Hanhae just smirks without replying, choosing to instead turn back to Woojin.

"Yeah, the girls said they'd do the cuddling thing so I think we're happy. Just tell them how we laid things out when they get home."

Woojin nods quietly and puts the clipboard on one of the bottom bunks - presumably his own.

Akihiro leads the men back into the main room, and L looks up as they approach.


Akihiro nods in answer for everyone but Eunchan pipes up regardless.

"Heck yes! What are we doing today? Dancing? Singing? Rapping? Ooh ooh, are we going to learn how to interact with fans??" He bounces eagerly on the balls of his feet and L smiles faintly.

"In time you'll be doing all those things, but as I said earlier today is about image. And that means looking good no matter where you are or what you're doing."

"So working out?" Akihiro suggests.

L nods slightly. "Tomorrow it will be our turn to hit the gym and get your training regimens. But today we'll be doing something different but just as important. Today you learn how to do your own makeup."

The show returns to an internal shot of the gymnasium, where Miso has brought the women into a small office-like space containing a computer, a stationary bike, and an odd looking scale that has what appear to be handles hanging down the side of a long metal attachement coming off the top end of the scale. The attachement has a screen on the top of it, resting just below chest height.

All five girls have changed into proper workout attire since leaving the dorm, though all of it is clearly borrowed as several pieces don't fit quite right and are pinned in place.

Jinyi eyes the bike warily as the other four look around the room with mixed uncertainty and curiosity.

The screen splits down the middle, sliding sideways to show the five men and L standing in the same room side-by-side with the shot of the women. A note in the corner reveals that the males are there at 8 AM the day after the women's visit.

"Alright," Miso speaks loudly to get attention back onto herself.

"Okay boys," The male side of the screen takes over the full view of the camera as their trainer appears. He seems to be a bit older than Miso, and he's identified by a tag onscreen as Jo Jaehwa. "This can take one hour or it could take several, so hush up and listen in."

"Each of you will get a base body reading on the scale here," Miso gestures to the odd looking scale to her right, "And then take a ten minute interval bike over here." She points to the stationary bike and Jinyi looks distinctly nonplussed. Amongst the males, Hanhae looks equally unenthusiastic.

"Before we start have any of you worked out before?" Jaehwa's voice asks the question, but it's clear Miso had the same one as the girls reply as well, with all five shaking their heads.

However, both Woojin and Hadon nod in their own section.

Jaehwan smiles. "I thought some of you might. Much more common for men, after all. Here, fill these out for me so I can better tailor your regimes." He hands the two a single sheet of paper each as well as a pen, and they begin writing.

An interview with Hadon pops up. "I don't really work out that often, but I'll hit the gym with my friends sometimes. It's more fun to workout with other people than by yourself. I hope I overlap at least a bit with the other guys or this is going to be boring."

Woojin's reasons for working out are much simpler. "Working out is just something you're supposed to do as a guy I guess." His voice is soft but steady, as it was in his interview the previous episode.

Meanwhile the girls have begun to be weighed. Jisoo is already on the bike as Suzy counts out intervals for her while Jinyi is standing on the scale, her shoes and socks abandoned to the side. She's awkwardly holding the handle bars so that her arms aren't touching her sides.

"Just hold that for a minute while we get your readings." Miso instructs as she presses a few buttons on the screen at the top of the scale.

"What does this actually do?" Eunchan asks curiously as he watches Hadon get his measurements. The teen is sweaty, indicating he already completed his bike section.

Jaehwan doesn't look up as he replies. "In addition to weighing you, the machine determines approximately how much of the weight is water, fat, and muscle so that we can determined exactly how healthy you are."

Eunchan frowns. "Isn't that just what BMI is for?"

Jaehwa gives a faintly tired smile. "Despite popular belief, no. BMI can give a rough idea but if someone has a lot of muscle they could weigh in as overweight but actually be in perfect health, you see?"

However Eunchan has lost interest and wandered over to watch Woojin starting his intervals. Jaehwa just sighs and finishes Hadon's measurments.

Jinyi is panting hard as she swings her legs off the stationary bike. Immediately she grabs on to Suzy to keep her balance. The idol laughs lightly and allows Jinyi a moment to find her balance and locate a chair to beeline to once she's released their mentor.

"You don't work out at all do you? Not even walking around the city?" Jisoo sounds more curious than mocking as she asks the question, and Jinyi laughs a bit.

"I do some walking. My partner makes me. Apparently that's not enough though." She grins up at the younger contestant. "You did pretty well though! You barely sweat at all."

Jisoo smiles modestly. "Well, dance is an exercise in itself so I'm probably in okay shape." She admits.

"You've actually got the best balance of the group." Miso interrupts the conversation as she walks over, holding five sheets of paper. "Would you like to see your results?"

Jisoo eagerly reaches out for hers, and Miso begins distributing them to everyone not currently on the bike.

"What do these percentages mean?" Akihiro asks, scanning his own page uncertainly.

Jaehwa waits to answer as he hands Woojin's page to the actor as he gets off the bike, slightly winded but much less sweaty than Eunchan who had gone before him.

"Those show how much each part of your body contributes to your overall weight. It's why you had to take your shoes and any loose layers off, so that those numbers will be as accurate as possible."

"And the small graph at the bottom?" Giri wonders.

Miso nods idly as she takes over from Suzy to start Myunghwa's bike intervals. "That will update each time we do this. It will show your overall progress in terms of weight balance. Your goal is to be under the fourty percent line by the time you get your original songs."

Jinyoo looks down at her page uncertainly. The paper crinkles slightly as her hands attempt to move with her soft question. "I'm at sixty eight percent. Wouldn't it be dangerous to drop that much in such a short time?"

Miso waves her off distractedly as she counts up another interval and Myunghwa picks up her pedalling pace. "Don't worry. That's the goal, but we're going to be very safe with it. Myself and the other trainers you'll be working with know what we're doing."

Jinyoo doesn't look completely convinced but she nods regardless and looks back at her chart.

With the men, Jaehwa is explaining their goal.

"A lot of you are about where you should be in terms of overall levels. You need to be between fourty and fifty five percent by the time your original song is ready. The major factor with you boys will be switching that overall weight from being mostly fat and water to muscle."

There's another brief interview with Woojin.

"I actually already almost fit the goal standards, which surprised me. But Jaehwa-hyung says I can just stick to my usual routine because of it so I guess I'm thankful."

"I'm worried about the goal. It's a lot for such a short time." Myunghwa looks concerned in her own interview.

"What was your overall percentage? If you don't mind my asking?" Gikwang's questions sounds from just off screen and Myunghwa blushes.

"I'd rather not say." She admits shyly and Gikwang apologizes before the scene shifts back to show the girls now standing by the treadmills, all of them faintly sweaty from their time on the bike.

"Alright ladies, today we'll be doing a more generalized workout with you all. You'll get your tailored routines tomorrow." Miso is in full career mode as she speaks, her voice carrying easily over the muted bustle of the other gym patrons.

Giri looks almost pained in her interview. "We had only just gone on the bike, and then we went on the treadmills right after, and then we did over two hours of free weights and matt training. I'm going to be so sore in the morning." She groans.

Meanwhile, the boys have finished their intervals and follow Jaehwa out into the main gym, where they run into the female participants as they arrive.

"Enjoy your sleep in?" Hanhae drawls lightly.

Jinyi sighs. "Trust me, I wish! We spent all morning getting lactured about proper fashion."

Jisoo is a bit more optimistic. "At least we got free workout clothes! These are really expensive you know."

Before the groups can discuss any further Jaehwa shouts for the lagging boys to hurry up and Miso appears to greet her group.

"Alright, we've got trainers set up with each of you and they'll walk you through your routines." She then hands Jinyoo a padlock. "First though, you can drop off your things. Locker three twenty seven was reserved for you kids so dump your stuff and meet back here in five."

The girls hurry off as the boys begin their general workout, save Woojin who heads off to do his own routine by himself.

"I was so jealous! He didn't have to do the treadmill." Eunchan pouts cutely in his interview.

"That's because he already works out a lot." Gikwang points out, and Eunchan laughs.

"Yeah, I know. I'm still jealous though! I bet he won't be nearly as sore as we will tomorrow!"

The screen then chooses to focus on Myunghwa. Her trainer is identified as 25 year old Kim Woobin, a fit young man who is extremely patient as the older woman struggles to properly execute the exercises he's assigned.

"I'm sorry. I don't really work out ever." Myunghwa pants as she once again fails to complete a squat.

Woobin smiles encouragingly. "Well everyone starts somewhere, right? Here, I'm going to go grab some Steps to help out. Why don't you take a breather in the meantime?"

Myunghwa nods thankfully and Woobin heads over to a different part of the mat, where Jinyoo is working with a young woman identified only as Ahreum by her introduction card.

"That's so amazing that you teach deaf kids though, I'd never have the patience." The young trainer seems to have discovered the key to getting the quiet woman talking as the two are quite engaged in their conversation even as Ahreum corrects Jinyoo's planking form. "Keep your hips down love."

The older woman pants a bit as she responds. "That's what's so sad though. So few people have the patience or interest to take the time to help those who require just a bit more effort." She in a shaky breath and Ahreum quickly cuts in.

"Ten seconds love, just hold there and talk later, yeah?" She grins cheerfully and Jinyoo nods, her arms trembling to hold the position for the remaining seconds.

"And time!" Ahreum calls after what feel like much longer than the promised few seconds. Jinyoo collapses gracelessly onto her face and then turns onto her side, her arms still trembling slightly.

"But really, handicapped children are as capable of everything we are, they just need people to believe in them and give them the means to chase their dreams." Jinyoo finishes her thought after taking a moment to catch her breath.

Ahreum nods thoughtfully. "I can see that being possible. I think it's just a special sort of person who has the patience to really see it through."

In her interview Jinyoo is smiling. "Ahreum is a sweet kid. A little naive, but she's very open minded. I'm glad she was paired with me."

The scene then shifts to an interview with Suzy, who looks quite pleased.

"I actually know Miso, she used to work for JYP around the time of Miss A's debut. We stayed up pretty late last night with Gikwang matching everyone to appropriate trainers so I'm glad things came out so well. The poor guys aren't going to be quite so lucky." She laughs.

The show returns with an external shot of the gymnasium and a note revealing it's day three of the first week, and that it's seven thirty in the morning.

The five males of the show trudge onto the screen, carrying sports bags plastered with the Boot Camp logo and looking quite sleepy.

L walks ahead of them, occasionally glancing back to be sure they're all still there. He's distinctly more alert than the boys and is also carrying a Boot Camp workout bag slung over his shoulder.

The scene shifts as they enter the building, showing Jaehwa already waiting for them in front of the check in desk, holding five sheets of paper in his hands.

"Excellent, you're early. These are the routines I created for you, and your trainers' names are at the top. When you finish changing just ask for them at the front desk here and you can get started." He hands out the pages and then heads off himself, leaving the five men to awkwardly see themselves to the change room.

It shifts to an interview with Akihiro, who looks a bit annoyed.

"My trainer... let's just say he and I aren't friends and leave it at that." He sighs.

This is of course followed with a clip of Akihiro and his trainer, identified as Goo Minho, working at one of the rowing machines.

"No no, you need to use your shoulder muscles more!" Minho sounds incredibly exasperated.

Akihiro grits his teeth. "I am using them, this excercise uses every part of your arms! You said so yourself!"

Minho obviously bites back a sharp retort and takes a short breath instead. "It only does that if you actually engage all your muscles, you need to do some work too!"

"I am doing work!"

Nearby Woojin looks on as he does some free weights.

He looks somewat relieved in his interview. "I'm really glad I don't have a trainer. I know Hanhae likes his, but I think that's more because she flirts back with him. But the other three..." He shakes his head. "I'm glad I don't have a trainer."

The scene returns to the women, who are sleepily putting on their makeup back at the dorms while Suzy reviews their techniques.

"Myunghwa it's good to use neutral colors if you're going to be sweating heavily, but try putting a little pop of color in there for today! I think green would look nice for you. Jinyi your hair is so pretty, try using a slightly lighter foundation to match it! Jinyoo," She pauses, and then sighs. "Here, give me the brush and watch what I do."

"None of them are bad per se at putting on makeup, which is great." Suzy  states in an interview segement. "But they aren't idol-level yet either. I almost wish I had more that just two mornings to help them with it, but obviously the guys need more time with the makeup tutorials than the girls do."

"How do people do this without stabbing their eyes out?" Hadon groans as he attempts to shakily apply eyeliner, only to jerk the pen away at the last moment.

A note onscreen reveals it's now day four of the week and all five men are in the living room, sitting in front of mirrors and putting on makeup.

"By practicing. A lot." L responds from where he's sitting, a few feet away from the men, observing their progress. "And eyeliner is one of the most important parts so you better practice a lot."

"This is ridiculous. Don't idols have coordinator people who do their makeup for them?" Hadon is still complaining in his interview.

"Only for performances. The rest of the time they do it themselves." Gikwang responds, unimpressed with Hadon's frustration.

"Why would any guy want to become an idol?" The beatboxer grumbles as the scene fades back to the men in the living room.

Aside from Hadon, both Akihiro and Eunchan are having equally as much difficulty with the task at hand.

Woojin and Hanhae however, have a better grasp on how the makeup tools work.

"I'm an actor. This is just a toned down version of stage makeup." Woojin explains in his interview segment. "I still have a ways to go to do it properly, but I at least know the basics from that."

Hanhae has a very different reason for his mastery of the makeup brush. "Makeup makes me look even better, don't you think?" He flashes a shameless grin at the camera. "Which is impressive considering."

"Well most men don't wear makeup." Gikwang points out.

Hanhae rolls his eyes cheerfully. "Most men aren't secure enough in their masculinity to wear makeup. I'm not most men."

Gikwang sounds slightly amused as he responds, "Fair enough."

The scene  changes back to day three, as noted by an edit across the bottom of the screen. The image filling the screen is a wide shot of an ordinary looking building.

After a moment, the view changes to the inside of he building, where the girls are waiting with Suzy in what appears to be a dance room.

Jisoo looks completely in her element, stretching using one of the bars, but the other four remain standing awkwardly near the doorway while Suzy talks with an older man - likely a dance teacher from his physique.

After a moment, the man claps and Suzy walks back over to the girls.

"Mr. Kim and his top students will be working with you every afternoon for the rest of this week on delicacy. Women in this industry are expected to be beautiful in everything we do, and that includes how we walk." Suzy looks quite excited. "I wasn't sure how to incorporate something like that into my section at first, but then it hit me! The most effortlessly graceful people are dancers. And so, for the next five days, your afternoons will be spent taking ballroom dance lesson!"

The girls stare at her for a long moment before Jisoo breaks the silence.

"Do we have to wear heels?"

The girls do, in fact, have to wear heels, as is made clear a moment later when five young men approach them and hand each woman a pair of simple white heels. The lift isn't very high, but Jisoo is clearly not thrilled with the development.

"I hate dancing in heels." She admits in an interview segment. "I feel far more comfortable with my feet very firmly on the ground."

Back in the dance studio, Mr. Kim has begun the lesson. Each of the girls has paired off with one of the male students and is attempting to follow the teacher's instructions.

Jinyoo is regularly stepping on her partner's feet, and it's clear he's getting sick of it.

"Ma'am, if you just keep your feet lower to the ground, like they're gliding, then this won't happen." He sighs impatiently.

Jinyoo blushes in shame.

Myunghwa is struggling as well.

"Miss you need to stop backleading. You follow me, not the other way around." Luckily for her, her partner is much more sympathetic.

Myunghwa sighs in her interview. "Following is hard." She admits. "I don't even know my partner's name even but I have to trust him to spin me in multiple circles without hitting anyone or anything else? It's worrying."

Even the dancer Jisoo is stumbling, though it's possibly just because of the heels. Her movements are mostly fluid, but every so often she'll take a step and promptly trip over nothing. Her partner seems more amused that annoyed with the situation though, and he patiently catches her each time she stumbles.

Giri and her partner aren't even dancing as he pauses to fix her stance every ten seconds, and Jinyi isn't doing much better, repeatedly moving the wrong foot or placing her hands in the wrong areas.

"Dancing is so picky!" She announces in her interview. "Stand like this, arms like this, head like this, now don't move anything except your legs for the next thirty minutes!" She barks the orders, and then laughs. "I have new respect for people who do this kind of thing professionally. They must have crazy strong arms, having to hold them up for so long!"

A montage of the next few days follows the interview, showing the boys continuing to struggle with makeup, the girls stumbling as their partners try to twirl them, and both groups continuing to work with their personal trainers.

An interview with L comes in after a few minuts of montage. "The guys are doing alright. I find they respond best when I give them an objective and then let them go at it on their own. It isn't the best mentality for teamwork, but it's not my job to foster that. Plus they only just met each other, it's best to let the bonds form as naturally as possible."

"Are any bonds forming now?" Gikwang asks.

L nods thoughtfully. "Hadon and Hanhae seem to get along surprisingly well. You wouldn't call it from first impressions, but the two of them seem to have a common outlook on life and it's definitely causing some sort of connection there."

Suzy is less optimistic about the girls' friendship. "Being female in this industry is always hard, and I can already see it taking a toll on them." She confesses in her interview.

"In what way?" Gikwang prompts when her subsequent pause goes a bit longer than necessary.

Suzy hesitates a moment longer before replying. "I don't really see any friendship developing, even between Myunghwa and Jinyoo who are sharing a bed. If anything, there actually seems to be some tension building between a few of them."

Gikwang doesn't sound surprised. "Really? In what way?"

Suzy lightly shakes her head. "Hopefully I'm wrong. I'd rather not say anything this early on. They have two months with each other so there's plenty of time for attitudes to change and friendship to develop."

"Do you think it will?" Gikwang challenges, sounding equal parts curious and disbelieving.

Suzy doesn't reply, instead awkwardly glancing away from the camera.

The scene fades back to show the groups in their dorm living room, sweaty and looking absoutely worn out. A tag on the screen reveals that it's nine at night on the last day of the week.

Suzy and L stand in front of their sleepy charges watching them. L is impassive while Suzy looks a bit more sympathetic.

"Well, this is the last time we'll be seeing you. Tomorrow you start your new week with new mentors." Suzy says sadly. "Is there anything you want to ask us, or say before we leave?"

"Considering L barely said a word to us I don't think we're really required to say anything back to him." Eunchan is shameless as ever, giggling as he finishes speaking. "But I'm going to miss you anyway. You're cool. I bet our next mentor couldn't possibly be as cool."

L gives a small smile to the maknae contestant as the teen sits back down on the floor, which he had previously sprung up from to make his declaration.

Suzy looks hopefully over at the girls, and after an uncomfortable moment Jinyi speaks up.

"I'll be frank unnie, you were pretty pushy." She shrugs. "But you really just wanted us to be better, and we did sign up to train as idols." Here she gives a small laugh. "I admit I was hoping it would be less hectic than the shop, not more."

"I have never been this tired in my life." Giri still sounds out of breath as she speaks. "But... it's been good. To really get to know what it's like to train. So thank you for arranging all this."

Suzy looks very happy with her review. "JTBC arranged most of it, but I'm happy to have worked with you all." She replies warmly, and then gives a small smirk. "And don't forget girls - you have a workout session at eight tomorrow! Don't miss it, I won't be here to drag you out of bed this time!"

Next week, on SuperStar BootCamp...

"It's time to kick it up a notch!"

Jongwoon isn't visible, but it's clearly his voice speaking as a montage plays across the screen. Jinyi is briefly shown swearing, Myunghwa appears alone in a small room with her guitar, Hanhae and Hadon are shown exaggeratedly dabbing in a larger room as the other three boys watch with mixed reactions. The montage ends with a shot of Jongwoon, grinning impishly as he stands in the center of a large dance room.

"This week, we start dance lessons."


Author's Note.  And so it begins! I'm going to say right now that the female mentors are going to probably have way more screen time than the males, since I don't really know many boy groups OTL I will do my best but please don't crucify me for getting the guys wrong ;; And that's it really! Once again a shoutout to Fringe Trainees which is going to be an awesome story by some awesome people that will likely do some more in-depth covering of several of the things I'll be addressing here. Another story for those romance lovers out there is Bachelor's Paradise Season 2, which is a realty-show style story starring Monsta X. And finally I'll toot my own horn and remind everyone that I do have one final project for this site starting right after this story ends over at Princess! If you're enjoying my writing (or my update schedule xD) I'd love to see you over there!

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I am a horrible horrible liar but it's finally out. It's not great but dang it it's done OTL


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Chapter 16: Ahdlskdkdjfbsowosbc cmalsmdbfbcmals
Chapter 15: Aight let's do this, I promised you a last stream of conciousness and one you will get. Also I wasn't able to scream about the fact that you included Myunghwan but YOU INCLUDED MYUNGHWAN AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.

I love the fact that Jinyi downing coffee has been a constant for these 8 episodes. Oooh coffee mystery! Who made the mystery coffee? Jinyi's bromance with Hanhae points the finger to him, but that wouldn't be very surprising now would it? Hmmm. Hadon finally shaping up? He'd be the most surprising I think. But Woojin would be surprising to those who don't know him.

Omg this newfound JinSoo friendship is everything I didn't know I needed! Oh man the team has grown so much, they're actually a team now //wipes tear. I'm so proud of these babies ;A;

Aaah I thought it might be Woojin! HOLD UP. WOOJIN MADE A FRIEND. Well more like a friend was upon him but I'M COUNTING IT. Oh man I feel like Woojin got noticed by the most popular guy in class xD AW HADON AND FEELINGS. Oh no the fact that this is the end just hit me like a brick wall. Of course Hanhae is the best at body rolls oh my god I love that guy. "Sure I was blessed with this face" it's lines like that that make me love him omg. You teach that kid how to be y Hanhae.... well you tried.

"I am one with the youth" and lines like this is why I love Hadon. NOT JINYI'S PINK HAIR. I see it now, the Great Korean Bakeoff directed by Jungwoon starrng Jinyi as judge. AW Gikwang having fun ;A; Oh man this chapter is just filled with great lines and exchanges. DANI THIS IS MAKING ME SAD. Okay. Okay. The pink stayed. Phew. Aw Myunghwa honey and her sptretch marks ;A; HANINI. "I do declare that you are one y lady" AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE JINYI. Myunghwa you have been lesbian approved.

I have actually never listened to the Legend before, I only know it as the group with Kyungtaek's face xD It's a good song though they did good! And using nugus for them is actually really fitting since nugus often miss that bit of polish that other groups have. I will be adding this song to my music library yes. Aaaw GROUP HUGS I CANNOT HANDLE.

NEXT. Ah I get the y performance comments now that was definitely something xD Oh man I'll miss these guys too SO MUCH. I will give you some feedback/critique at some point when thesis stops looming, but it will be done! We've been through so much with these heads I look forward to the afterword and what happened to them!
Chapter 14: UGH I am so late with this comment! I sincerely apologize for not commenting earlier and for not commenting at all recently. Let's just say that personal life hasn't been the most forgiving the past few weeks. But anyways, let's get on with it.

So I read this chapter Sunday morning at like 1:00 and I was close to dying because this chapter was the best and I was trying so hard not to laugh too loud XD But SOMI! She's such a cutie, and to tell you the truth, I personally did not like her at first glance, but I've been starting to like her a lot more now that I've been giving her a chance.

Jisoo is actually attempting to dance in heels? So shocking! XD And "I'm basically the lead vocal now" haha keep boosting you ego Jisoo. Awww poor Giri, actually missing Jinyoo and Myunghwa taking on the leadership role. If she doesn't get the leader role, I will be really really mad.

Akihiro, dude, you need to lighten up a bit more. Stop being so serious and at least attempt to do a body roll! Haha he's the best. I'm betting Jisoo is so relieved right now. Actual high heels that have a stable heel instead of those ridiculous stiletto heels. At least she'll feel more attached to the ground now!

Yes! Improv again! The girls did such a good job. OMG! Jisoo had me completely dying with her acting skills! "Oppa! Annyeong Oppa I'm your biggest fan!" had me dying and her next few sentences had me sold! Jinyi has the best ideas and along with Jisoo, they would make a really good variety duo together. I want Jisoo to go in to acting now. She's golden! Awww, I wanted to see the guys try to improv. I wanted to see Akihiro and Woojin make fools of themselves (not like that would ever happen)

Such a cute fanmeeting. Hanhae and Jinyi make a good flirty duo, of course that's what Korean fans want to see on tv and they sell it really well. Oh and Jisoo's line "Hadon even managed it on his own!" is great and Hadon silently rolling his eyes.
Chapter 13: You know when a chapter is called scandals that this is going to be good. Oh and also //whispers: shay y p.

Huh I guess Hanhae is a bit like Myunghwan isn't he? Aka a handfull xD Oh my god those flirt lines I am cringing what is life. Oh he has a blog! Interesting. I've always found it odd that modern dance is called modern dance, how long does it stay modern? What if it becomes oldfashioned? Will it be oldfashioned dance? Is it post-modern dance already??? Things that keep me up at night.

Oooh Woojin and Jinyoo, that's a pairup I did not anticipate but is very interesting. But yeah they're team quiet I don't forsee long discussions xD WOAH WOOJIN BIT BACK I AM SO PROUD OF MY CHILD. That was such a bull thing of Akihiro to say, I mean in character but son get off your high horse. I mean don't because conflict but also ugh I do not like you. But also thank you show for taking pity on my child. WOAH HANHAE. WERK IT. "Hwanhee pauses the music in the middle of Hadon dabbing" is a perfect sentence that should be framed. Aaaw Myung is coming out of her rigid controlling shell I am such a proud mom right now MY CHILDREN ARE DEVELOPING //wipes away tear.

You're also making me so curious about the songs they're doing!

Oh Akihiro. Now you jynxed it.

Oh man I do love how WOOJIN COMING FOR YOUR POSITIONS is now a thing, though clearly Hanhae is coming this time. WOAH MAIN VOCAL. Did not see that coming. WOOJIN CAME FOR THAT POSITION. Saaame Hadon. SAME. I'm surprised Woojin kept the lead dance position, but not that Hanhae got bumped up. Good for you flirty manchild, you earned it. Nobody got downgraded, this is all very positive. I don't trust it.

Now as for the ladies. Aw Giri! You go Giri! HOLY YOU GO JINYI. Aaand here comes the downgrades. That's not going to bode well for the JinSoo conflict. Oh geez Myunghwa you tried.





Oooh I don't know much about Ivy but the way you've described her she's already a woman after my own heart.

"You'll state something about yourself that you think no one else in the group can relate to." Oh the dramatic irony. Oh how it hurts me. Also IVY TAKING NO PRISONERS. "with a face this ethereal it was an easy mistake but still." Have I mentioned that I love this guy yet because oh my god. Okay but don't make me laugh and cry in the same breath oh my god Dani you have too much power. My child. The contrast between the liberal Hanhae and the, well, conservative Woojin is an interesting one though. I wonder how much Hanhae could mean for Woojin if seeds of friendship were planted, and if Woojin would be comfortable enough to let it. Hmmm. I hadn't pondered these two together much yet before now, Hanhae was always more laughs and dabs, but that contrast tho. Woojin my child, I'm not kidding every single time he's mentioned my heart hurts. Why did I make Woojin Dani? Why did I aim to hurt us? Aaaw Jinyoo getting positive attention for her KSL ;A;

Leave to Jo Kwon to bring peace and sunshine where he goes okay. I am not biased at all. Not at all. Take your baseless accusations elsewhere!

Ah of course Jinyi is the master of redirection, I imagine she's had quite the bit of practice. Of course the rivalry with Jisoo is friendly. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? Also not surprised to see Hanhae thriving here. Oh no personal but also /oh yes personal/.

"We'll be starting by reading you a few comments made by netizens."

Now everyone looks terrified.

Wise response.

OH NO JINYOO. I can handle anyone being shat on but NOt JINYOO. Would fight for this turtle! Oh no. Oh no these scenarios. This cannot go well. I am getting the anxieties this cannot go well. Edge of seat is my state of being. Also what comment was that Woojin? WOOJIN. D A N I W H Y.

Okay. Okay I'm not ready but bring it on anyway.

OMG JINYI. Did not handle well is an understatemen omg my love. This didnt hurt yet. Luring us into a false sense of security are we Dani? I know the game. I've played this game damnit. Oh no there's nothing sadder than leaving someone hanging.


I'm curious about everyone's scenarions, what they chinks they found and how they dealt with them, but I also understand why you didn't show them. Oh a Gold guy! I wonder who it'll be! Oh man I miss those idiots <3 Either way this was a really good chapter, as you could probably tell by my overemotional rambling, oh man I was on the edge of my seat through most of it! Thank you <3
Chapter 11: Ohh this episode hurt my soul. It really did. It made me actually angry. I mean...I get the whole give them a external enemy to focus on. Get them to rally together and be a unified front. I get it. But I do not condone these kinds of tactics. Had the girls not been able to rally, Taeyeon's actions would probably have just destroyed them, and they very well would have left the show. And then JTBC would be screwed. XD (this is not a commentary on your writing btw: it's lovely. But these are things I see in reality shows too, like biggest loser and such, and they piss me off just as much XD). Fortunately, this did not happen. I don't recall reading this if the girls ever stood up for themselves more, or if they developed some understanding and respect for Taeyeon during this episode. Hmm...but regardless, it's great that they could get around their differences to help each other. I hope this momentum keeps going, and hopefully this will mean the girls will continue to grow some bonds that will see them through the show. /crosses fingers/ The highlight was Giri feeling like she could rely on the others. I'm glad they could rally around her, and taking care of her like a real group. And Im equally glad she found some strength in herself for this. She's going to need it.

The boys...well this was interesting. It wasn't infighting the boyd had to deal with. It was control. And I feel that Leeteuk handled it well...granted, I don't like the tactics much more than Taeyeons, but at the end there was some genuine concern and understanding. Also, the insight into Woojin though. That fracture that is forming. WOOJINNIE. I was wondering about all of this lead this, lead that, add this, add that, and how it would be affecting him. The plot thickens Dani. It thickens so much. But you needed that little bit of break there to keep this groups development going. And I approve, and look so forward to seeing what happens. (I noticed Jinyi is also still getting vocal lessons too...Dani...what are you plotting.../sideyes you cautiously/

But this chapter is fantastic. It got a real reaction out of me, and it showed some wonderful development of these characters. Me gusta.
Chapter 10: Okay, this one is going to be more of a commentary on what happened than a long comment on each event.

This chapter really showed the beginning of the boiling point being reached: at least for the girls. For the boys, there's enough flippants, devil may care, and optimism to keep them from going to crazy at their mistakes just yet. And poor S.Coups. That has to be frustrating for him since they are willful and can sorta of bully their way. They even bullied Rain into dabbing with them lol. Hadon, Hanhae, and Eunchan are really forces of nature in the group. Woojin is more of the silent pillar. And poor Hiro has to be the adult. Lol. But congrats to the leads! Even if they are reluctant. XDD Yes Hanhae...they just gave you lead because what else are you going to do...but the last vhapter showed he may have what it takes to be center, and that is very important in the group. There is some bristling with the boys, but dayuuum, not to the extent of the girls.

That boiling point of the Ji-Ji fighting. Wow. You hinted at it a lot in the last chapter, and here is the result. Jisoo...sweetie, be careful. You may be here to train, but alienating others won't do you any good. I'm glad Giri does like her. And Giri...sweet, sweet child. This is going to be a rough ride for you for certain. And I do appreciate that you show Jinyi is just as wrong in her fight with Jisoo too. Sure, she tries to care a bit and Jisoo may have taken it the wrong way, but Jinyi definitely is not as patient as the other ladies to respond accordingly. So many boiling over emotions culminating in Myunghwa just crying. Sigh. These girls are a mess. It almost feels like you need to get these groups together as a co-ed group soon. They seem very unbalanced in some ways. Its like...too much of one personality type on one side and it overpowers the others so they're not as complete. But it does present an intetesting dynamic, and I am still enjoying the ride immensely.

Poor mentors. XD Again though, they may not fully realize these are people off the street. Of COURSE they'll be difficult and tiring to work with. Plus you're accelarating this training. They literally have no time to adjust. Aigooo...I know the next chapter hurts my soul too. But that comment comes later! I WILL CATCH UP WITH THESE!!
Chapter 9: Oh lordy we have dance lessons now XD. And I love how you've been writing Jinyi. That "coffee" over and over again...I feel this so much. X3 Poor Giri: no one should have to suffer sleeping in the same bed as Jinyi. You poor, poor soul...
Is Jinyoo about to use sign language? Is that why her hands fluttered before she could speak? Hmm...and Jisoo...you're feels are showing. Silly child lol. But yes Hadon. 30 minutes. Some girls take hours (some guys too!). Tsk, tsk, Hanhae. I see you there flirting with Jinyi. But I love it. And Hiro don't be such a sourpuss. They're young and having fun. No sense in making your entire exprience here on the show miserable if you can get a little bit of levity in.
Ahhh, the broship continues. One of my favorite things to read here. X3 I get the feeling if Hiro is team dad, Myungwa sorta fits team mom.
The beginning of the Ji-Ji headbutting begins!! Don't be too insulted Jisoo! Jinyi is older than you and has adulting to worry about! Onwards to glory Jinyi!! lol. She would be the one who just throws open a door. Oooh. Minji. Certainly the girl is known for her dancing. This will be interesting. And I can feel Minzy on this. There were certainly some good dancers in the tryouts. It is nice to see Jisoo so excited for dancing. She has that youthful energy the others, while not lacking, don't always showcase. But I get it. With that energy comes that cockiness, and Jinyi ain't having yo child. /keeps watching the Ji-Ji battle warm up/

And then we also have bouncy energy pill Eunchan. These two bring such good energy to this. IT'S RAIN!!!...Ing. It's raining~ /bricked/ Ahem. Rain was one of the originals known for his dancing. Another good choice. Also if he could somehow impart his charisma to these boys, dayuuuum.

WOOJIN COMING IN. This child. Can he not do something? I mean...really. Woojin is my hero. Truly. And he's so cool about it too~ /kattiisawoojinfansorrynotsorry/ But this lead thing is really turning up the competition. Interesting insight on how much infighting there could be. I mean...its obvious when there's a main dancer, but the lead is just sometimes the one who least. XD

Yass Hadon. Call out the fangirl Jisoo. XD That smirk though...girl, Jisoo watch yourself. I like your smugness, but be careful. This could burn you later. That realization of Myunghwa...oh no. That must hurt her soul so much to realize this. It sorta makes sense that Jinyoo and Myunghwa would get along, or at least gravitate more to each other. They're both vocalists and even if not friends, are older and "wiser" in some ways.
...awww...Hiro...;; so sweet...doing this for his wife /coughiknowsomeoneontheshowwhocouldprobablyempathizewiththatsentimentsenor/

"Apparently the kid hasn't burned anything down yet, which I admit is impressive." She laughs lightly as the scene switches yet again."...this is so very Jinyi. I still love how you are writing her here. X3 I love this interaction of the ladies though. Shows some of the group dynamics very well. You go Jinyi. Get them rappers in line!! lol.

This contrast of skill versus stage presense is so true though. You can forgive a less skilled performance if its enteratining and earnest.

I like how you're showing the improvement and development, as well as understanding with these characters. The moments where they realize the hard work that is needed, and that its not what it seems. And then discovering things about each other. Ie: The broship are great fun, Jinyi actually knows things, Myunghwa;s willingsness to help, etc. It's all a delight to read in the midst of the training and interactions. You're subtley teaching us about these characters. Me gusta. (and the dabbing...XDD)

The positions...Jisoo was obvious. Jinyi...that's hilarious. XDD Good luck my child!! XDD
WOOJIN SWOOPING IN! XDD I find it funny the maknaes are the dancers. How did that just happen to work out? (or was this purposeful...hmm...)
Chapter 8: EP 2 LEGGO – I lost the first one I did...I had like...fpur chapter commentaries done. T^T THIS TIME I SAVED ON SEPARATE WORD DOC! TAKE THAT INTERNET OUTTAGE!!! Anyhoo, I'l lbe aiming to finish one chapter a day and by the next update I SHOULD be caught up!!...note the word "SHOULD". Siiiigh....

Ooooh. Room arrangments. Always a good time.Ahhh, the first "friendship" beings: The Double H broship. And the Jinyi/Jisoo antagonism also begins. It's a different feeling rereading these chapters to comment after knowing what happens in the future. This should prove to be an interesting. And yes, there;s team dad Akihiro emerging already. Wow, seriously though, these little things you don;t realize until rereading. Oh Eunchan...Eunchan are you doing the whole "pull the girl's pigtails" thing? Enjoying the debate? This child I sweat. X3


Yess Suzy. Behold the glory that is the pink hair of Jinyi!! XD But aww, L is being a least a little considerate. I mean, you did just throw a bunch of strangers ina room and expected them to work these things out. I feel for these girls...I do. Workouts are the worst. Especially ones you are obligated to do as opposed to doing it for your own benefits/fun. Jinyi is me...except after only 30 minutes. XD
The Double H Broship conitnues@ Poor Eunchan. It's tough being the maknae child. Hanhae...it's caleld "sharing a bed", not a cuddling thing. XD All of these chars play well off each other so far which is enjoyable to read.

...THESE MACHINES ARE A LIE!!! /katti may or may not have had to use one of these at a gym and is now having traumatic flashbacks of the horror of her readings/ DX

I agree so much with Jinyoo. Losing that much wait, "safe" or not, can;t be easy or good for you in the short time they have. Also, these folks are in different age and physical fitness levels. You would need to truly tailor the regime to each one (frankly, it's doubtful they will DX). Nd I see you there Dani. The girls are UNDER 40 percent....but the giys can get away with being more muscles and bigger. Sigh...double standards you s.

Hahaha, yes, be jealous of Woojin boys. Because he's not only gonna outdo you all for fitness...hegonnacomeforallyourpositionsspoilers!!! I like Ahreum. That's a perfect way to get someone into the routine: distract them with something they are passionate about. And it;s nice to hear Jinyoo talk about her work. It really is a commendable thing.

"How do people do this without stabbing their eyes out?" Hadon groans as he attempts to shakily apply eyeliner. Pahahaha. Practice child. Practice. Just don't get mascara in your eye if ypu're wearing contacts. /katti has more flashbacks of that one time and how she refused mascara for months after that...shudder/ Hadon speaking truths already. Why indeed would anyone want to become an idol? A lesson I'm sure you and the others will learn by the end.
WOOJIN SWOOPING IN TO TAKE YOUR MAKEUP SKILLS. XD And Hanhae's reason is legit. Shameless, but legit.

Sigh. Working on "delicacy"...that just.../katti vomits at the concept/. But it's a real thing. The standards the females are held at are vastly different from the men based on the gender specific roles and stereotypes. It's sad really. But that's how society is still. Anyhoo...alas.

But legit. Ballroom dancing is an art. It is so hard to do it well. Counting, movement, precise movements, aghhhhh. But when done well, it's so beautiful to watch~ And I appreciate you showing that even the dancer is having issues with this. Shows that just because you can dance one way, doesn't mean you can dance every way.

I see your foreshadowing. I see you in the form of Bae Suji. /cackles and rubs her hands together
Chapter 12: //whispers: Shay Y P.

Ah yes. Female idol fashion. Not for the prudes amongst us. Oh man I will never get sick of smooth Hanhae and teasing Jinyi xD Best broship of the show so far. Oh man yeah those dresses are short wow. It was a messy performance but it was cute, which is perfect for their level. Certainly not good in any way, but also not a total disaster xD Aaaw Myunghwa!

Aaah B1A4! Woojin coming for all your positions makes sense now since CNU is annoyingly decent at everything xD And Sandeul (main vocal) looks so awkward too hanini. You sing great sweet thing but dance great is another matter entirely. Though I think my favourite part of the performance is the stage hands running on the main stage while they're in the little circle xD Aaw my other child did good too <3 And Hanhae SON. Stay in your lane omg.

YOOK SUNGJAE. HANI. I mean. I'm okay. I'm not okay. HOW DARE YOU TARGET MY WEAKNESSES. Of course Hanhae knows BtoB. I knew I liked you for a reason Hanhae. You have good taste. Hah Woojin you had better appreciate them you sing like one fo them xD

Oooh original songs huh? Very interesting. Jinyi: same tho. Hani is amazing. Also "yes, and" is never going to sound the same again. Oooh I've played Freeze before it's fun! Ah Woojin, my child, your theatre hipster is showing xD

Hanhae, son, you're walking a tightrope here. Oh I've played Hitchiker before too! Why is that so exciting? xD You're making me miss my high school acting class. Aaaaw seeing Giri let loose is so heartwarming omg honey. Improv has a way of loosening people up as long as they're open to it. Jinyi, Jinyi babe. Same. Same tho. S A M E. Oh no Jinyoo. Jinyoo sweet thing ;A; ...... I SEE THAT MENTION OF MYUNGHWAN. He IS gold. Little of my heart okay. BUT JINYOO CHILD. And Woojin child. Muted child. You still hurt me and give me a heart attack every time you're mentioned. SO MANY FEELINGS.

I can see why this chapter was hard for you to write. It had a lot of things that are irregular, acting exercized require you to improv for everyone else and it's not something that's come up in your other fics before. It'd be hard for me to write too. But you made it through and it was an excellent chapter, one subtly exploring many an character while the humour takes center stage and covers it up. Obvious things like Jinyoo's struggles, but also less obvious things like Woojin's conspicuous struggles with improv despite being an actor, Giri's slow loosening up and coming into her own, and Hanhae's stubborn sticking to his own guns with little regard for the consequences. Interesting things happening in the background and I ever look forward to more <3