Episode Four

SuperStar BootCamp ☆ Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Star?

   Talent vs. Skill

"Hello, hello and welcome back to Boot Camp!" Jongwoon's standard opening sounds just before the cheery host comes into view. He's standing in one of the private practice rooms shown in the previous episode and grinning broadly.

"Last week we established who our main and lead dancers will be in the final groups! But there are still positions up for grabs. This week our participants will be working with professional vocal and rap trainers to determine who will claim the main and lead rankings in those disciplines!" He pauses to flash another excited smile to the camera before speaking once more.

"But most importantly this week - our trainees will begin working on their first performance!"

The camera zooms out and tilts up to show the hallways above, competing music blasting from under the two doors as Jongwoon gives one final narration. "I hope they know how to multitask, because this week is the start of the real training."

The women's room is shown first, and it's revealed that the girls are doing their stretches without any propting from a mentor, due to one not being in the room.

"So are the mentors not showing up until noon just a thing now?" Jinyi wonders as she attempts to reach her toes.

Giri shrugs slightly, which proves difficult when her arms are stretched over her head. "Maybe? Maybe it just depends on what they need though."

Myunghwa sighs. "I admit I wish they'd be a bit more consistent." She lowers her own arms, rolling her shoulders as she does. "I do like that we get schedules at the start of the week though."

"I like that the only time I'm not dancing is when I've got workout!" Jisoo chimes in happily as she drops into a spilts.

Jinyi eyes the youngest female as she gives up on her own attempts at flexibility. "That seems odd to me since even Giri and I have voice lessons and we're rappers. Are you sure you got the right schedule?"

The question isn't accusatory in the least, but Jisoo immediately gets defensive. "Obviously they can tell I sing perfectly well and that dancing should be my focus since I'm the best one here."

Jinyi rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright. Sorry for attempting to care about you."

"Jisoo has been pretty weird the past couple of days." Jinyi comments in her interview. "Not in an I hate her now kind of way, but more like she thinks she's against all of us even though we're a team."

Gikwang looks thoughtful. "Was there any sort of triggering event you can think of?"

Jinyi shrugs. "I didn't really pay any attention to her the past few weeks to be honest, so I wouldn't know."

Gikwang looks almost amused. "Well did you think that might be a part of it?"

Jinyi just shrugs. "Okay, so she does kind of get on my nerves. Sue me." She grins wryly.

The men are also warming up on their side of the hallway, though with perhaps a bit less focus.

"I'm just saying that if underground rapping can suddenly become popular why not beatboxing?" Hadon for once is fully engaged in the conversation, though he isn't even trying to do any stretching. "It's a fun crowd, high energy, and beatboxing is awesome."

Hanhae shrugs. He seems to be doing something resembling a seated toe touch but his hands are barely reaching his knees. "I suppose so, but it's a long shot. Underground rapping mostly became big because of idol diss tracks and Show Me the Money. People like drama and people insulting each other at every turn, not fun, cordial competition."

Hadon scoffs. "That stuff is stressful though. I don't understand people."

"Seeing others stressed or upset can be relaxing for many people. It's called schadenfreude." Akihiro observes. He and Woojin are the only two members of the team properly stretching, though Woojin is sitting further from the group and doesn't seem to be paying any attention to the conversation.

"Talk about a tongue twister." Hanhae notes with a grin, giving up entirely on the toe touches and falling gracefully onto his back.

"Shad-in-floid-duh?" Eunchan sounds out the word carefully. "It's weird!"

Akihiro visibly suppresses an eye roll. "Shadenfreude. It's German for-"

"Aaand I don't care anymore." Hanhae announces loudly, causing both Eunchan and Hadon to laugh.

Akihiro frowns and returns to stretching in silence.

"The three of them are an insufferable group. Always undermining superiors and never putting in effort." The Japanese man grumbles in his interview.

Gikwang lifts an eyebrow. "I've heard the second part, but there hasn't been that much to suggest they undermine the mentors. Annoy them perhaps." He adds, as an amused afterthought.

Akihiro just shrugs, clearly still irritated.

Hanhae is unrepentant in his video. "It's just for fun, a bit of ribbing between guys. Akihiro is just way too uptight about everything. I think he thinks that he's the leader or something." He shrugs. "And sure he's the oldest, but technically the mentors are the leaders, therefore he isn't."

"There is still the age heirarchy to consider though." Gikwang reminds the other, but again Hanhae just shrugs.

"I know, and I use the right formalities. But just because he's older doesn't mean I have to like him. Stick up the rear is stick up the rear no matter the age, you know?"

Gikwang can only laugh in disbelief.

The scene returns to the hallway between the two dance rooms. A time stamp shows that it's twelve noon exactly, and the ding of an elevator arriving sounds loudly.

Two figures appear in focus, with their backs to the camera, and they walk to the rooms.

Then they open their respective dance room doors and enter.

An interview with Woojin is shown next.

"I admit, after Rain showed up last week I was expecting someone a little bigger name for this round, but I suppose there are only so many legendary idols you can get to participate when on a budget."

The male mentor is then shown as he steps into their practice room.

Choi Seungcheol smiles almost awkwardly at the men in the room, most of whom are older. "Hello! I'm S.Coups and I'll be your mentor for the week." He announces.

"It took everything in me to not make a Captain Obvious joke." Hadon declares in his interview, looking serious for all of two seconds before he starts smirking.

The men do get to work, as the next shot shows them going through one of their dances from the previous week while S.Coups watches intently. As the song wraps up he stands and walks over to the sound system to pause the next song.

"You guys only started two weeks ago, right? You're looking pretty good all things considered!" He smiles warmly, though his enthusiasm is only met by Eunchan.

Theier mentor presses on despite the lacking enthusiasm, though he looks a bit nervous now. "Which is good because this week you're going to start working on your first real live stage performance!"

That gets everyone's attention, though reactions vary from extreme excitement to cautious uncertainty.

"A performance already? I'm not sure we're ready as a team for something like that, especially with our skill levels so low." Akihiro isn't quite put out in his interview, but there's a definite sense of unease. "I want our first performance to be great, but with the group as it is now I just don't see that happening." The admission is stated slowly, as if Akihiro is analyzing each word before he releases it into the world.

Their mentor has much more faith in them, as shown by his immediate launching into the performance.

"Alright, since Woojin and Eunchan are our dancers we'll have them up front more if possible. I actually didn't see the first episode so I'll need to get some one-on-one with each of you to hear your singing and or rapping abilities, so why don't you guys take five and I'll start with Woojin?"

Though the men are barely winded, they agree and Woojin and S.Coups depart to the opposite side of the room.

"I can't wait to find out what our performance is going to be!" Eunchan's exciement is voiced before they've even settled down. "I didn't think we'd get to do real idol things so fast!"

"This is still a show. JTBC needs something to keep audiences entertained." Akihiro points out.

"Wonder where we'll be performing this?" Hadon doesn't sound particularly curious, but rather like he simply wanted to add something to the conversation.

Woojin returns to them just then and motions for Eunchan to join S.Coups on the other side of the room before sitting against the wall, a bit removed from the others as always.

Hadon glances over at the quiet man. "So what does he have you do?"

Woojin doesn't look over as he replies. "Just had me sing a short section of a song I'm comfortable with. Nothing big."

Hadon nods. "Makes sense. He has no idea what any of us do." He notes wryly.

For once Akihiro has nothing to add, instead sitting in silence and taking the occasional sip from his water bottle.

He explains in his interview. "Honestly, for once Hadon was right. Our mentor this week seems a little less prepared than the last two."

The scene then shifts back a few minutes as the door to the women's dance room opens and their mentor is revealed.

Kim Youngsun seems much more relaxed than her counterpart in the men's room and she smile at the five in front of her

"Good morning! Are you guys ready to get started?"

Jisoo is the first to nod enthusiastically, and the others give their more restrained affirmations shortly after.

Solar quickly gets them started, turning on the music and watching several of their routines learned in the previous week's lessons.

She finally pauses the music and gathers her fince charges into a circle on the floor.

"Alright, I'm going to be pretty frank here, but you guys have a long way before you'll be able to handle any really intense choreographies."

Jisoo frowns. "I'm the best dancer on the show though." She points out. "I can handle the complex parts just fine."

Solar ignores the eyerolls from a majority of the other women - Jinyoo is the only one who doesn't look at least somewhat aggravatd by the declaration - and addresses Jisoo as one might a petulant child.

"Though that may be true, this is a group, which means I have to arrange things so everyone will be able to do well."

Jisoo is still frowning, but she seems to accept the explanation as she offers no further complaints.

Solar the returns to addressing the full group. "The next few days are going to be spent figuring out your exact positions in terms of rap and vocals, so until then we'll avoid doing anything too position-specific. Instead our main focus will be to continue strengthening your dance basics and learning the group choreography for the performance in a few weeks. Does that sound good to everyone?"

The girls stare at her for a long moment before Myunghwa politely raises her hand.

However Jinyi blurts out the question before Myunghwa can. "We have a performance in a few weeks? What the heck? When were we going to be told about this?"

Solar looks surprised. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the producers had mentioned it to you. But yeah, you'll be giving your first performance soon! I'll be starting you off and dividing lines this week and next week your mentors will work on the final touches before the final performance." She smiles warmly, though it falters when she sees how unenthusiastic her repsonse is from everyone but Jisoo.

"A performance already?" Jinyoo sounds incredibly nervous in her interview. "We only just started, I don't think we're ready for anything like that yet..." She trails off, her hands still fidgeting with the hem of her shirt as she stares at her lap.

Jinyi is much more blunt in her analysis of the situation, given in her own interview. "We are in no way ready for this. We're f*****."

The opening shot shows the exterior of the Boot Camp practice building It's as run down as ever, but today there are several cars parked in the front lot.

A zoom through the walls shows that inside, several people are mingling in the main hallway, seemingly waiting for something to happen.

In the practice rooms above, the groups seem unaware of the company downstairs as each team slowly works through their new choreography.

Solar is the first to glance at the clock and wave for her group to stop. "Alright, nearly time for privates. I assume you all know your own order?" She looks cautiously hopeful, and smiles in relief when the girls nod. "Great! Then if you have a three o'clock vocal or rap practice you should head downstairs now. Whoever is left is stuck with me for dance rehersals!" She grins and the women attempt to return the cheer despite their obvious exhaustion.

Next door the men are still stumbling through their own choreography when the sound of footsteps in the hallway seems to remind the male mentor of the lessons. He quickly shuts off the music and laughs apologetically.

"Normally Jeonghan keeps an eye on the time for me. Anyway, if you have a lessons scheduled for three, it's three now so you'll want to get going." He grins awkwardly as Hadon and Akihiro depart, leaving him with the three younger participants.

He quickly claps his hands and starts the music again, and the group, after glancing at each other awkwardly, attempt to find a spot to jump in at.

"It's admittedly a lot harder working with them than I had anticipated." S.Coups looks dissapointed with himself in his interview. "In Seventeen everyone kind of knows how I work so I don't have to say that much. These guys need a lot more direct instruction."

"The women are really different from my girls." Solar is equally unsure in her own discussion of her team. "There's some serious tension between a few of them. It's weird to me since MAMAMOO get along quite well normally."

On the first floor, Jinyoo and Giri have exited the elevator, only to be met with several pairs of eyes immediately focused on them.

Giri gulps hard but pushes on a smile and awkwardly waves to the small congregation, while Jinyoo shrinks back towards the elevator, only for her escape to be cut off as the doors slide closed.

Jinyoo attempt to defend her actions in her interview. "I wasn't trying to run away! It was just... a lot of people all at once." She mumbles the last part nervously, eyes flicking awkwardly down to her lap, where her hands continue their endless fidgeting.

"Um, hello!" For once Giri seems to be trying to be confident and she addresses the group. "Are you all the trainers? I'm Giri, I have rap trainig?"

There's a moment's pause, before a stout man works his way to the front and beams warmly at Giri. "Excellent! You'll be hanging out with me then! Right this way dear!"

Giri follows after him, relief written in every movement.

Jinyoo stands like a deer caught in headlights before the elevator doors abruptly open up directly behind her, causing her to jump yet again.

Hadon raises an eyebrow. "Playing roadblock today Jinyoo?" He guesses wryly, stepping around the stationary woman and regarding the trainers with mild curiosit. "Alright, who am I stuck with?"

"You mean who's stuck with you." Akihiro grumbles, possibly a bit louder than intended based on his slight blush when Hadon glances back at him. He clears his throat and quickly changes the subject in a louder tone. "Well then, um, I'm Akihiro, I have a vocal lesson?"

Luckily for him his trainer, a young and highly amused looking woman, waves him over and steers him into one of the closer practice rooms.

Hadon and Jinyoo are collected by their trainers shortly afterwards, and the scene shifts to show Jinyoo with her vocal coach.

"You have amazing raw talent dear, but very little in the way of technique." Her trainer sighs.

Jinyoo nods quietly, accepting the critique with grace.

In a nearby room, Giri is having a harder time keeping her composure. Her cheeks are stained a blotchy red as she attempts to keep her tears from slipping past her eyelids.

Her kindly looking tutor has no sympathy. "If you don't listen to what I'm saying you'll never get better. And trust me, you have a very long way to go before you can even consider calling yourself a rapper. Or even someone who rap. Work on your flow like we practiced, and I'll see you tomorrow."

Giri nods and stumbles quickly out of the room, wiping futilely at her eyes.

"I really appreciate the lesson. I just cry easily." She sound like she's trying to convince herself in her interview.

Hadon's lesson is shown next, and his trainer seems quite exasperated with him.

"No, rapping is not just talking fast." He grumbles.

Hadon shrugs. "Sorry, I just don't really hear a difference. And your teaching isn't really changing my mind."

The trainer sighs heavily. "Well you're with me for another thirty minutes, so let's see if we can fix that."

Akihiro's lesson is going much more smoothly. In fact, his trainer looks quite pleased.

"Great, you're already showing wonderful improvements! Have you had lessons before?"

Akihiro shrugs. "Kind of? I was in choir as a kid so we did some basic technical stuff."

His trainer nods. "That makes sense. You do have a bad habit of putting too much emotion in the wrong areas. With your type of voice you'll want to focus more on the technique. The rest will follow."

Akihiro nods and they begin another scale.

Myunghwa's lesson is similarly functional. A time stamp shows that her vocal lesson is at five in the afternoon, and she looks a bit sweaty as she sings.

"I went straight from a pretty intense dance workshop into the lesson so I think I could have been a bit more stable, but my trainer was really wonderful." She smiles almost wistfully in her interview segment. "I really missed vocal lessons."

Jinyi is less enchanted by her training, but she seems to be enjoying herself nonetheless as she works with her own teacher. A time stamp notes that it's the morning of day two, and a zoom through the neighboring practice rooms shows that all ten participants are working with individual trainers.

The zoom ends on Hanhae, who perhaps surprisingly is not in a vocal lesson, but rather a rap one.

"We all have to do both rap and vocal training during the first half of the week." He explains in his interview. "Which kind of because the rap coaches are really entitled. I can't wait for when I only have vocal lessons to worry about." He smirks. "Poor Hadon and Jinyi though, they're stuck for the rest of the show."

Jinyi doesn't seem to put out by the idea though, as she reveals in her interview. "The guy is intense, but only because he really likes rap. I can respect that." She grins. "It means he really knows what he's doing."

Woojin has similar thoughts. "I'm not really a rapper, but his instructions are quite clear and effective. As are the vocal coach's." He adds after a momentary pause. "You hired good people."

Gikwang smiles faintly. "You just happened to get the good ones. There's a mix of good, great, and poor, just like what real trainees have access to."

"That's a bit generous, saying all trainees have access to great trainers. I'd say there are at least a few obvious exceptions to that." Woojin notes with a trace of wry humor evident in his voice.

Eunchan is the last member to be shown in his private lesson. His trainer looks a bit pained, but the teenager looks like he's having the time of his life warbling along to the piano.

"Singing is fun!" He declares happily to Gikwang. "I've never really tried it before, but I like it!"

Gikwang laughs. "That's good to hear since it sounds like you'll be getting extra voice lessons next week."

Eunchan fist pumps happily.

Finally Jisoo is shown. She's in the main dance room by herself, practicing her own routines. Her iPod has been hooked up to the room's sound system and she seems completely tuned out from the world around her.

"I really like that I get a few hours each day to myself in the dance room." She announces happily in her interview. "Solar sometimes will run some warmups with me right after everyone else has left for their lessons, but then she and the guys' mentor go off somewhere and I get to do my own things for a while. It's great!"

The next shot is noted to take place just after noon on the third day of the week. All ten participants are in one of the dance rooms, eating lunch and chatting with each other, their mentors nowhere to be seen.

The participants have split themselves pretty clearly, with almost no gender overlap save for Jisoo sitting with Hanhae and Hadon, while Eunchan pouts nearby.

Woojin is sitting a bit away from the main group and so he's the first to notice when the practice room door swings open to admit their mentors of the week.

"Everyone feeing full?" Solar's cheery question gets the attention of the other participants, and they quickly fall silent to regard the two newcomers.

Solar clears lightly before smiling once more. "Alright! Seungcheol and I have been communicating with your private teachers for the past thirty minutes and we have decided on the remaining positions for your groups. This means that this afternoon will be spent dividing and then learning your parts for the final performance." She takes a quick pause to breath before finishing her thought. "And if we get through those sections fast enough we'll be able to record tonight and get an extra two hours in the morning to really begin the dances! Any questions?"

She waits for about thirty seconds before deciding that the resounding silence is a 'no' and she launces into another short speech.

"Well then, I'll start with the ladies. Jinyoo, we've decided that you'll be the main vocalist for the women. Myunghwa, you're the lead."

Both women nod, and for the first time there's a trace of dissapointment on Myunghwa's face, though she keeps quiet.

Solar doesn't notice as she continues with the rap placement. "I think this one is obvious, but our main rapper will be Jinyi and our lead is Giri. In addition though, Jinyi you will be continuing your vocal training as you've shown surprising improvement in just the past few days."

All the girls except for Jisoo give Jinyi some form of congratulations as S.Coups steps up to hand out the men's placements.

"For the singers we have Woojin as the lead and Akihiro as the main."

Akihiro breaks out into a smile at his placement, though he quickly tries to act nonchalant. Woojin as usual shows no reaction to the news.

"And for rappers," S.Coups sighs sligtly. "Hadon, you're the main rapper. Your coach asks if you can please start paying better attention in lessons."

Hadon laughs. "Sure, I'll try."

S.Coups nods. "Okay, then our lead rapper is Hanhae. And that's all."

Hanhae is stock still for a long moment beore the announcement seems to sink in and he goes into immediate denial.

"Oh heck no! I hate rapping, why am I the lead rapper? I demand a recount!"

Hadon for his part find the entire situation highly amusing. "Not how it works my friend. Welcome to the dark side!"

The show once again returns to an external shot of the practice building. There are still a few cars parked out front, but not as many as there had been at the start of the episode.

In the women's practcie room, Solar seems to be having some trouble getting her group organized.

"I know you don't like heels Jisoo, but they're for the performance! Jinyi, please stop trying to twirl the microphone stand you're goinng to hit someone!"

Jinyi grins. She' standing at the far end of the practice room attempting to use a microphone stand as a baton. "That's why I'm way over here! And you can't tell me you've never done this, it's absolutely the first thing I would do."

"It was the first thing you did!" Solar has a frayed edge to her voice as she gives up on Jisoo and goes to take the mic stand away from the women's main rapper. "Just put it down and leave it be please."

Jinyi shrugs and walks over to the rest of the group who are seated against the wall, pulling on their own heels. Giri passes Jinyi her own pair as she sits down.

"They're surprisingly comfortable!" She notes with a smile.

Myunghwa frowns and flexes her foot after securing the final strap. "I don't know, mine feel a bit tight."

"Well guess that means we can't wear them!" Jisoo announces happily, moving to pull off the one heel she's put on.

Solar frowns. "No it does not. Let's do some dancing first and then tell me if your foot is huting in thrity minutes or so, alright? Tight shoes are better than accidentally kicking one off." Their mentor points out.

Myunghwa nods while Jisoo pouts, but proceeds to return the shoe to her foot.

"Thank goodness for Jinyoo honestly." Solar sighs in her interview. "She doesn't complain, or freak out, or ignore direct requests. She's an oasis of calm in the room."

The next shot shows just that, as Jinyoo stands awkwardly to one side while Jisoo copmlains loudly that Jinyi is messing her up while the rapper snarkily suggests that perhaps the dancer isn't as flawless as she thinks she is.

Giri and Myunghwa are awkwardly attempting to break up the bickering while Solar takes a few deep breaths to steady her nerves before she looks firmly towards the group.

"QUIET." Her voice carries over the noise easily, and the contestants do fall silent, perhpas surprised to see Solar nearly losing her composure.

"Jisoo, Jinyi, you're teammates. No one is at fault for anyone else's mistakes and you shuld be supporting each other, not fighting. Now let's go again from the twelfth measure."

"Isn't it almost lunch time though?" Giri pipes up nervously, but she quickly shrinks back at the look she receives from the mentor. "But that's not important. Sorry."

"I really like Jinyi and Jisoo both, but I wish they would get along better. Solar has a pretty clear schedule and if we have to miss meals to make it then we will." Giri stares sadly at her feet. "I miss lunch."

The men's room is shown next, and while there are no fights they don't seem to be much more functional than their female counterparts.

"Again why don't we just give my rap parts to Hadon and I'll take some of Woojin's lines. You gave him a lot of lines. It sure would save time." Hanhae blinks over at S.Coups, smiling sweetly while the mentor looks distinctly uncomfortable.

"You're doing the lines just fine Hanhae, and we'd save just as much time if you didn't keep interrupting practice." The mentor points out, avoiding meeting Hanhae's eyes as the older man is still blinking hopefully.

Hadon speaks up next. He isn't even standing in formation anymore, having taken the opportunity to sit down and have a water break. "And I don't want more lines, don't try pawning yours off on me buddy."

Hanhae grumbles but falls back into line as Akihiro subtly kicks Hadon to do the same.

"Okay dude jeez." The rapper grumbles as he puts down his bottle and returns to the group.

Akihiro sighs heavily in his interview. "It feels like I'm the only one trying. Sure Woojina and Eunchan don't actively try to get out of practice like Hadon and Hanhae do, but they don't try to help either. It feels like I'm the only one who actually wants this performance to turn out well!"

"It's not that I want things to go badly, but it's ridiculous that I'm rapping! I sing. I auditioned with singing and I don't understand why you're all trying to push me to do something I don't want to do." Hanhae explains his own side to the cameras quite bluntly.

Gikwang nods. "That makes sense. But how many of the early idol rappers do you think intended to learn how to rap?"

The question deson't seem to quite register with Hanhae, who simply shrugs. "Well I'm not really an idol. I still don't get why I have to rap."

Hadon is a bit less easy going in his interview. "Hanhae is my friend, but he really needs to chill out. I have enough to do trying to dance, I don't need more lines!"

The next shot is time stamped for just after noon on the final day of the week. Solar and S.Coups are both sititng in the interview room with Gikwang, looking absolutely exhausted.

"So what exactly happened you two? I've seen our past mentors get frustrated before, and I know you're both new to the industry, but we'd hoped you had some experience with uncooperative group members, being leaders of your respective groups."

Solar looks up apologetically. "It was my fault mostly. Mamamoo are really quite close so I've never had to deal with such animosity before! I reacted without thinking."

There's another shift to show the women's practice room, time stamped approximately two hours before the joint interview with the mentors.

"This is ridiculous, how do people move in these thing?" Jisoo snaps, kicking angrily as if trying to fling the silver heel off her foot.

Jinyi snickers but holds her tongue, glancing away innocently when Jisoo shoots her a glare.

"It's the last day guys, can we have one go through without incident please?" Solar sighs from where she's fussing with the sound system. "Dang thing why won't you..." She mumbles angrily.

"Is everything okay?" Myunghwa immediately walks over, looking concerned. "It normally doesn't take this long for you to start the music." She notes, tilting her head to try and see around their mentor.

"Everything is fine Myunghwa, stay in formation." Solar sighs heavily, running a hand through her hair. After a moment, she stands up. "You know what, why don't you try singing live this time around? Technically next week's mentors are more in charge of running that, but it's never to late to start!" She declares, spinning to look at the girls with a bright smile.

The girls share a look, ranging from disbelieving to nervous, but after a moment Jinyi shrugs and it seems to be a cue for the rest, even a reluctant Jisoo, to fall into formation.

Solar counts them in, and they begin their practice with Jinyi singing - off key.

Immediately Jisoo starts to laugh. "Oh wow, and you were worried about my not having vocal lessons this week!" She snorts.

"I'm not mean, but Jinyi has been mocking me for my troubles dancing in heels all week!" She defends in a brief cut away to her interview. "I owed her a few return jabs!"

Back in the practice room, Jinyi bristles. "I just started learning to sing six days ago! I doubt you're much better, you haven't even had lessons!" She points out.

Jinyi has her own defense ready in the next cut away. "Normally I'm all about live and let live but I told you, Jisoo has been driving me crazy, and I'd missed breakfast that morning after oversleeping and having to rush to workout. Yes I'll admit I was a little harsh, but can you really blame me?"

Solar looks lost as the two girls begin bickering heavily, their volume increasing with each hurled retort. Giri and Jinyoo both shrink back from the two women, looking towards Solar with clear desperation. However their mentor looks as frazzled as they do, and all three turn to the final member of the room.

Myunghwa looks like she's panicing, but after a moment she takes a deep breath. "STOP IT." Her voice carries the way Solar's had earlier in the week, though it takes a moment longer for her angry words to reach the participants of the argument.

Jisoo looks startled, while Jinyi has the decency to look somewhat embarassed

"Could you two stop? You've been fighting all week and we're all hungry and tired and-" All at once Myunghwa starts crying, cutting hersel off in the middle of her sentence. "I just want things to go well for once!"

Now Jisoo looks ashamed as well, and Jinyoo hurries over to Myunghwa to offer a hug, which the teary woman accepts.

After a moment she steps back, sniffing and looking ashamed. "I'm sorry." She mumbles.

Solar stares at the group for a long moment, looking haggard, before she flings her arms into the air. "YOu know what? Take the rest of the day off. Cool your heads. Hopefully things will go better for your new mentor next week." With that she exits the room, rubbing at one temple with vigour.

The scene shifts back to the dual interview of the mentors. Solar finishes the story.

"And after that they all scattered and hung out in the practice rooms downstairs for hte most part. I think Jisoo actually tried doing the dance in heels for a while there but she came down eventually as well." She looks at her lap. "I'm sorry."

Gikwang shakes his head. "It's alright, it was a stressful situaiton. Seuncheol, how come the men weren't working either when we came to pick them up?"

S.Coups rubs the back of his neck. "Well..."

"Oh come on, we just had a water break! Seungcheol, you're the mentor, tell them they can't have another water break so soon!" Akihiro is clearly agitated as the scene transition to show the men's training room. A time stamp notes that it's shortly before Solar releases the women for the day.

The men do seem to have accopmlished a bit more as they're all sweating.

Hadon waves away Akihiro's concerns. "That was almost an hour ago, we've earned a break!"

S.Coups shrugs to the vocalist, who sighs but does sit down to take a drink.

As the six sit in silence, a slamming sound can be heard from the hallways.

Eunchan immediately perks up from where he'd been sitting, clearly bored, against the wall. "I'll check it!"

He darts to the door and eagerly swings it open, only to frown in confusion. "Hey Jinyi, what are you guys doing out?"

The female rapper laughed awkwardly. "I think we broke our mentor. I'm going to be working on my singing downstairs for the rest of the day." Shrugging, she excuses herself to chase after Myunghwa, loudly asking if the other would help with her vocal practice.

Hadon had perked up immediately when he heard Jinyi's words, and he spins to look at S.Coups.

"If the girls are done or the day, I'd say we can be too!"

"All in favor." Hanhae quickly jumps onboard, and Eunchan eagerly joins the two in putting his hand up.

"That's majority, see ya!" And with that the three vanish rom the room. Woojin shrugs and follows shortly after, and S.Coups drops his head into his hands.

"Seventeen isn't nearly so willful. We always discuss what we're doing." The young leader attempts a defense before sighing. "And have you ever tried to get Hadon to do something he doesn't want to if he thinks he has a legitimate reason not to?"

That gets a sympathetic look from Gikwang.

Solar shakes her head. "I don't know what else to tell you. Neither of these groups is even close to working as a project group, nonetheless performing in front of people. I hope next week's mentors are ready for some rough water."

Next week on SuperStar BootCamp...

"We're continuing forward as scheduled!"

Jongwoon sounds cheerful as ever as a montage plays showing continued tension in the groups. An argument between Akihiro and Hadon is shown, followed by a shot of Giri sitting on the JTBC stage crying. The montage ends with a series of shots showing the groups repeatedly messing up their choreography and arguing with each other because of it.

"Will the groups be able to work out their issues, or does this mark the end of the road?"

Instead of Jongwoon's voice being the end of things, one final, soft voice sounds over a black screen.

"I don't think I can do this anymore."


Author's Note.  This episode was actually finished on Wednesday, and I have a decent buffer on Episode 5 so there should be midnight updates for every chapter for the rest of the story! I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep that up so this is exciting for me xD I hope you enjoyed the episode - this marks the start of the real conflict which will continue until the very last episode! Hang onto your seats everyone, the real bootcamp is about to begin!

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I am a horrible horrible liar but it's finally out. It's not great but dang it it's done OTL


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Chapter 16: Ahdlskdkdjfbsowosbc cmalsmdbfbcmals
Chapter 15: Aight let's do this, I promised you a last stream of conciousness and one you will get. Also I wasn't able to scream about the fact that you included Myunghwan but YOU INCLUDED MYUNGHWAN AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.

I love the fact that Jinyi downing coffee has been a constant for these 8 episodes. Oooh coffee mystery! Who made the mystery coffee? Jinyi's bromance with Hanhae points the finger to him, but that wouldn't be very surprising now would it? Hmmm. Hadon finally shaping up? He'd be the most surprising I think. But Woojin would be surprising to those who don't know him.

Omg this newfound JinSoo friendship is everything I didn't know I needed! Oh man the team has grown so much, they're actually a team now //wipes tear. I'm so proud of these babies ;A;

Aaah I thought it might be Woojin! HOLD UP. WOOJIN MADE A FRIEND. Well more like a friend was upon him but I'M COUNTING IT. Oh man I feel like Woojin got noticed by the most popular guy in class xD AW HADON AND FEELINGS. Oh no the fact that this is the end just hit me like a brick wall. Of course Hanhae is the best at body rolls oh my god I love that guy. "Sure I was blessed with this face" it's lines like that that make me love him omg. You teach that kid how to be y Hanhae.... well you tried.

"I am one with the youth" and lines like this is why I love Hadon. NOT JINYI'S PINK HAIR. I see it now, the Great Korean Bakeoff directed by Jungwoon starrng Jinyi as judge. AW Gikwang having fun ;A; Oh man this chapter is just filled with great lines and exchanges. DANI THIS IS MAKING ME SAD. Okay. Okay. The pink stayed. Phew. Aw Myunghwa honey and her sptretch marks ;A; HANINI. "I do declare that you are one y lady" AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE JINYI. Myunghwa you have been lesbian approved.

I have actually never listened to the Legend before, I only know it as the group with Kyungtaek's face xD It's a good song though they did good! And using nugus for them is actually really fitting since nugus often miss that bit of polish that other groups have. I will be adding this song to my music library yes. Aaaw GROUP HUGS I CANNOT HANDLE.

NEXT. Ah I get the y performance comments now that was definitely something xD Oh man I'll miss these guys too SO MUCH. I will give you some feedback/critique at some point when thesis stops looming, but it will be done! We've been through so much with these heads I look forward to the afterword and what happened to them!
Chapter 14: UGH I am so late with this comment! I sincerely apologize for not commenting earlier and for not commenting at all recently. Let's just say that personal life hasn't been the most forgiving the past few weeks. But anyways, let's get on with it.

So I read this chapter Sunday morning at like 1:00 and I was close to dying because this chapter was the best and I was trying so hard not to laugh too loud XD But SOMI! She's such a cutie, and to tell you the truth, I personally did not like her at first glance, but I've been starting to like her a lot more now that I've been giving her a chance.

Jisoo is actually attempting to dance in heels? So shocking! XD And "I'm basically the lead vocal now" haha keep boosting you ego Jisoo. Awww poor Giri, actually missing Jinyoo and Myunghwa taking on the leadership role. If she doesn't get the leader role, I will be really really mad.

Akihiro, dude, you need to lighten up a bit more. Stop being so serious and at least attempt to do a body roll! Haha he's the best. I'm betting Jisoo is so relieved right now. Actual high heels that have a stable heel instead of those ridiculous stiletto heels. At least she'll feel more attached to the ground now!

Yes! Improv again! The girls did such a good job. OMG! Jisoo had me completely dying with her acting skills! "Oppa! Annyeong Oppa I'm your biggest fan!" had me dying and her next few sentences had me sold! Jinyi has the best ideas and along with Jisoo, they would make a really good variety duo together. I want Jisoo to go in to acting now. She's golden! Awww, I wanted to see the guys try to improv. I wanted to see Akihiro and Woojin make fools of themselves (not like that would ever happen)

Such a cute fanmeeting. Hanhae and Jinyi make a good flirty duo, of course that's what Korean fans want to see on tv and they sell it really well. Oh and Jisoo's line "Hadon even managed it on his own!" is great and Hadon silently rolling his eyes.
Chapter 13: You know when a chapter is called scandals that this is going to be good. Oh and also //whispers: shay y p.

Huh I guess Hanhae is a bit like Myunghwan isn't he? Aka a handfull xD Oh my god those flirt lines I am cringing what is life. Oh he has a blog! Interesting. I've always found it odd that modern dance is called modern dance, how long does it stay modern? What if it becomes oldfashioned? Will it be oldfashioned dance? Is it post-modern dance already??? Things that keep me up at night.

Oooh Woojin and Jinyoo, that's a pairup I did not anticipate but is very interesting. But yeah they're team quiet I don't forsee long discussions xD WOAH WOOJIN BIT BACK I AM SO PROUD OF MY CHILD. That was such a bull thing of Akihiro to say, I mean in character but son get off your high horse. I mean don't because conflict but also ugh I do not like you. But also thank you show for taking pity on my child. WOAH HANHAE. WERK IT. "Hwanhee pauses the music in the middle of Hadon dabbing" is a perfect sentence that should be framed. Aaaw Myung is coming out of her rigid controlling shell I am such a proud mom right now MY CHILDREN ARE DEVELOPING //wipes away tear.

You're also making me so curious about the songs they're doing!

Oh Akihiro. Now you jynxed it.

Oh man I do love how WOOJIN COMING FOR YOUR POSITIONS is now a thing, though clearly Hanhae is coming this time. WOAH MAIN VOCAL. Did not see that coming. WOOJIN CAME FOR THAT POSITION. Saaame Hadon. SAME. I'm surprised Woojin kept the lead dance position, but not that Hanhae got bumped up. Good for you flirty manchild, you earned it. Nobody got downgraded, this is all very positive. I don't trust it.

Now as for the ladies. Aw Giri! You go Giri! HOLY YOU GO JINYI. Aaand here comes the downgrades. That's not going to bode well for the JinSoo conflict. Oh geez Myunghwa you tried.





Oooh I don't know much about Ivy but the way you've described her she's already a woman after my own heart.

"You'll state something about yourself that you think no one else in the group can relate to." Oh the dramatic irony. Oh how it hurts me. Also IVY TAKING NO PRISONERS. "with a face this ethereal it was an easy mistake but still." Have I mentioned that I love this guy yet because oh my god. Okay but don't make me laugh and cry in the same breath oh my god Dani you have too much power. My child. The contrast between the liberal Hanhae and the, well, conservative Woojin is an interesting one though. I wonder how much Hanhae could mean for Woojin if seeds of friendship were planted, and if Woojin would be comfortable enough to let it. Hmmm. I hadn't pondered these two together much yet before now, Hanhae was always more laughs and dabs, but that contrast tho. Woojin my child, I'm not kidding every single time he's mentioned my heart hurts. Why did I make Woojin Dani? Why did I aim to hurt us? Aaaw Jinyoo getting positive attention for her KSL ;A;

Leave to Jo Kwon to bring peace and sunshine where he goes okay. I am not biased at all. Not at all. Take your baseless accusations elsewhere!

Ah of course Jinyi is the master of redirection, I imagine she's had quite the bit of practice. Of course the rivalry with Jisoo is friendly. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? Also not surprised to see Hanhae thriving here. Oh no personal but also /oh yes personal/.

"We'll be starting by reading you a few comments made by netizens."

Now everyone looks terrified.

Wise response.

OH NO JINYOO. I can handle anyone being shat on but NOt JINYOO. Would fight for this turtle! Oh no. Oh no these scenarios. This cannot go well. I am getting the anxieties this cannot go well. Edge of seat is my state of being. Also what comment was that Woojin? WOOJIN. D A N I W H Y.

Okay. Okay I'm not ready but bring it on anyway.

OMG JINYI. Did not handle well is an understatemen omg my love. This didnt hurt yet. Luring us into a false sense of security are we Dani? I know the game. I've played this game damnit. Oh no there's nothing sadder than leaving someone hanging.


I'm curious about everyone's scenarions, what they chinks they found and how they dealt with them, but I also understand why you didn't show them. Oh a Gold guy! I wonder who it'll be! Oh man I miss those idiots <3 Either way this was a really good chapter, as you could probably tell by my overemotional rambling, oh man I was on the edge of my seat through most of it! Thank you <3
Chapter 11: Ohh this episode hurt my soul. It really did. It made me actually angry. I mean...I get the whole give them a external enemy to focus on. Get them to rally together and be a unified front. I get it. But I do not condone these kinds of tactics. Had the girls not been able to rally, Taeyeon's actions would probably have just destroyed them, and they very well would have left the show. And then JTBC would be screwed. XD (this is not a commentary on your writing btw: it's lovely. But these are things I see in reality shows too, like biggest loser and such, and they piss me off just as much XD). Fortunately, this did not happen. I don't recall reading this if the girls ever stood up for themselves more, or if they developed some understanding and respect for Taeyeon during this episode. Hmm...but regardless, it's great that they could get around their differences to help each other. I hope this momentum keeps going, and hopefully this will mean the girls will continue to grow some bonds that will see them through the show. /crosses fingers/ The highlight was Giri feeling like she could rely on the others. I'm glad they could rally around her, and taking care of her like a real group. And Im equally glad she found some strength in herself for this. She's going to need it.

The boys...well this was interesting. It wasn't infighting the boyd had to deal with. It was control. And I feel that Leeteuk handled it well...granted, I don't like the tactics much more than Taeyeons, but at the end there was some genuine concern and understanding. Also, the insight into Woojin though. That fracture that is forming. WOOJINNIE. I was wondering about all of this lead this, lead that, add this, add that, and how it would be affecting him. The plot thickens Dani. It thickens so much. But you needed that little bit of break there to keep this groups development going. And I approve, and look so forward to seeing what happens. (I noticed Jinyi is also still getting vocal lessons too...Dani...what are you plotting.../sideyes you cautiously/

But this chapter is fantastic. It got a real reaction out of me, and it showed some wonderful development of these characters. Me gusta.
Chapter 10: Okay, this one is going to be more of a commentary on what happened than a long comment on each event.

This chapter really showed the beginning of the boiling point being reached: at least for the girls. For the boys, there's enough flippants, devil may care, and optimism to keep them from going to crazy at their mistakes just yet. And poor S.Coups. That has to be frustrating for him since they are willful and can sorta of bully their way. They even bullied Rain into dabbing with them lol. Hadon, Hanhae, and Eunchan are really forces of nature in the group. Woojin is more of the silent pillar. And poor Hiro has to be the adult. Lol. But congrats to the leads! Even if they are reluctant. XDD Yes Hanhae...they just gave you lead because what else are you going to do...but the last vhapter showed he may have what it takes to be center, and that is very important in the group. There is some bristling with the boys, but dayuuum, not to the extent of the girls.

That boiling point of the Ji-Ji fighting. Wow. You hinted at it a lot in the last chapter, and here is the result. Jisoo...sweetie, be careful. You may be here to train, but alienating others won't do you any good. I'm glad Giri does like her. And Giri...sweet, sweet child. This is going to be a rough ride for you for certain. And I do appreciate that you show Jinyi is just as wrong in her fight with Jisoo too. Sure, she tries to care a bit and Jisoo may have taken it the wrong way, but Jinyi definitely is not as patient as the other ladies to respond accordingly. So many boiling over emotions culminating in Myunghwa just crying. Sigh. These girls are a mess. It almost feels like you need to get these groups together as a co-ed group soon. They seem very unbalanced in some ways. Its like...too much of one personality type on one side and it overpowers the others so they're not as complete. But it does present an intetesting dynamic, and I am still enjoying the ride immensely.

Poor mentors. XD Again though, they may not fully realize these are people off the street. Of COURSE they'll be difficult and tiring to work with. Plus you're accelarating this training. They literally have no time to adjust. Aigooo...I know the next chapter hurts my soul too. But that comment comes later! I WILL CATCH UP WITH THESE!!
Chapter 9: Oh lordy we have dance lessons now XD. And I love how you've been writing Jinyi. That "coffee" over and over again...I feel this so much. X3 Poor Giri: no one should have to suffer sleeping in the same bed as Jinyi. You poor, poor soul...
Is Jinyoo about to use sign language? Is that why her hands fluttered before she could speak? Hmm...and Jisoo...you're feels are showing. Silly child lol. But yes Hadon. 30 minutes. Some girls take hours (some guys too!). Tsk, tsk, Hanhae. I see you there flirting with Jinyi. But I love it. And Hiro don't be such a sourpuss. They're young and having fun. No sense in making your entire exprience here on the show miserable if you can get a little bit of levity in.
Ahhh, the broship continues. One of my favorite things to read here. X3 I get the feeling if Hiro is team dad, Myungwa sorta fits team mom.
The beginning of the Ji-Ji headbutting begins!! Don't be too insulted Jisoo! Jinyi is older than you and has adulting to worry about! Onwards to glory Jinyi!! lol. She would be the one who just throws open a door. Oooh. Minji. Certainly the girl is known for her dancing. This will be interesting. And I can feel Minzy on this. There were certainly some good dancers in the tryouts. It is nice to see Jisoo so excited for dancing. She has that youthful energy the others, while not lacking, don't always showcase. But I get it. With that energy comes that cockiness, and Jinyi ain't having yo child. /keeps watching the Ji-Ji battle warm up/

And then we also have bouncy energy pill Eunchan. These two bring such good energy to this. IT'S RAIN!!!...Ing. It's raining~ /bricked/ Ahem. Rain was one of the originals known for his dancing. Another good choice. Also if he could somehow impart his charisma to these boys, dayuuuum.

WOOJIN COMING IN. This child. Can he not do something? I mean...really. Woojin is my hero. Truly. And he's so cool about it too~ /kattiisawoojinfansorrynotsorry/ But this lead thing is really turning up the competition. Interesting insight on how much infighting there could be. I mean...its obvious when there's a main dancer, but the lead is just sometimes the one who least. XD

Yass Hadon. Call out the fangirl Jisoo. XD That smirk though...girl, Jisoo watch yourself. I like your smugness, but be careful. This could burn you later. That realization of Myunghwa...oh no. That must hurt her soul so much to realize this. It sorta makes sense that Jinyoo and Myunghwa would get along, or at least gravitate more to each other. They're both vocalists and even if not friends, are older and "wiser" in some ways.
...awww...Hiro...;; so sweet...doing this for his wife /coughiknowsomeoneontheshowwhocouldprobablyempathizewiththatsentimentsenor/

"Apparently the kid hasn't burned anything down yet, which I admit is impressive." She laughs lightly as the scene switches yet again."...this is so very Jinyi. I still love how you are writing her here. X3 I love this interaction of the ladies though. Shows some of the group dynamics very well. You go Jinyi. Get them rappers in line!! lol.

This contrast of skill versus stage presense is so true though. You can forgive a less skilled performance if its enteratining and earnest.

I like how you're showing the improvement and development, as well as understanding with these characters. The moments where they realize the hard work that is needed, and that its not what it seems. And then discovering things about each other. Ie: The broship are great fun, Jinyi actually knows things, Myunghwa;s willingsness to help, etc. It's all a delight to read in the midst of the training and interactions. You're subtley teaching us about these characters. Me gusta. (and the dabbing...XDD)

The positions...Jisoo was obvious. Jinyi...that's hilarious. XDD Good luck my child!! XDD
WOOJIN SWOOPING IN! XDD I find it funny the maknaes are the dancers. How did that just happen to work out? (or was this purposeful...hmm...)
Chapter 8: EP 2 LEGGO – I lost the first one I did...I had like...fpur chapter commentaries done. T^T THIS TIME I SAVED ON SEPARATE WORD DOC! TAKE THAT INTERNET OUTTAGE!!! Anyhoo, I'l lbe aiming to finish one chapter a day and by the next update I SHOULD be caught up!!...note the word "SHOULD". Siiiigh....

Ooooh. Room arrangments. Always a good time.Ahhh, the first "friendship" beings: The Double H broship. And the Jinyi/Jisoo antagonism also begins. It's a different feeling rereading these chapters to comment after knowing what happens in the future. This should prove to be an interesting. And yes, there;s team dad Akihiro emerging already. Wow, seriously though, these little things you don;t realize until rereading. Oh Eunchan...Eunchan are you doing the whole "pull the girl's pigtails" thing? Enjoying the debate? This child I sweat. X3


Yess Suzy. Behold the glory that is the pink hair of Jinyi!! XD But aww, L is being a least a little considerate. I mean, you did just throw a bunch of strangers ina room and expected them to work these things out. I feel for these girls...I do. Workouts are the worst. Especially ones you are obligated to do as opposed to doing it for your own benefits/fun. Jinyi is me...except after only 30 minutes. XD
The Double H Broship conitnues@ Poor Eunchan. It's tough being the maknae child. Hanhae...it's caleld "sharing a bed", not a cuddling thing. XD All of these chars play well off each other so far which is enjoyable to read.

...THESE MACHINES ARE A LIE!!! /katti may or may not have had to use one of these at a gym and is now having traumatic flashbacks of the horror of her readings/ DX

I agree so much with Jinyoo. Losing that much wait, "safe" or not, can;t be easy or good for you in the short time they have. Also, these folks are in different age and physical fitness levels. You would need to truly tailor the regime to each one (frankly, it's doubtful they will DX). Nd I see you there Dani. The girls are UNDER 40 percent....but the giys can get away with being more muscles and bigger. Sigh...double standards you s.

Hahaha, yes, be jealous of Woojin boys. Because he's not only gonna outdo you all for fitness...hegonnacomeforallyourpositionsspoilers!!! I like Ahreum. That's a perfect way to get someone into the routine: distract them with something they are passionate about. And it;s nice to hear Jinyoo talk about her work. It really is a commendable thing.

"How do people do this without stabbing their eyes out?" Hadon groans as he attempts to shakily apply eyeliner. Pahahaha. Practice child. Practice. Just don't get mascara in your eye if ypu're wearing contacts. /katti has more flashbacks of that one time and how she refused mascara for months after that...shudder/ Hadon speaking truths already. Why indeed would anyone want to become an idol? A lesson I'm sure you and the others will learn by the end.
WOOJIN SWOOPING IN TO TAKE YOUR MAKEUP SKILLS. XD And Hanhae's reason is legit. Shameless, but legit.

Sigh. Working on "delicacy"...that just.../katti vomits at the concept/. But it's a real thing. The standards the females are held at are vastly different from the men based on the gender specific roles and stereotypes. It's sad really. But that's how society is still. Anyhoo...alas.

But legit. Ballroom dancing is an art. It is so hard to do it well. Counting, movement, precise movements, aghhhhh. But when done well, it's so beautiful to watch~ And I appreciate you showing that even the dancer is having issues with this. Shows that just because you can dance one way, doesn't mean you can dance every way.

I see your foreshadowing. I see you in the form of Bae Suji. /cackles and rubs her hands together
Chapter 12: //whispers: Shay Y P.

Ah yes. Female idol fashion. Not for the prudes amongst us. Oh man I will never get sick of smooth Hanhae and teasing Jinyi xD Best broship of the show so far. Oh man yeah those dresses are short wow. It was a messy performance but it was cute, which is perfect for their level. Certainly not good in any way, but also not a total disaster xD Aaaw Myunghwa!

Aaah B1A4! Woojin coming for all your positions makes sense now since CNU is annoyingly decent at everything xD And Sandeul (main vocal) looks so awkward too hanini. You sing great sweet thing but dance great is another matter entirely. Though I think my favourite part of the performance is the stage hands running on the main stage while they're in the little circle xD Aaw my other child did good too <3 And Hanhae SON. Stay in your lane omg.

YOOK SUNGJAE. HANI. I mean. I'm okay. I'm not okay. HOW DARE YOU TARGET MY WEAKNESSES. Of course Hanhae knows BtoB. I knew I liked you for a reason Hanhae. You have good taste. Hah Woojin you had better appreciate them you sing like one fo them xD

Oooh original songs huh? Very interesting. Jinyi: same tho. Hani is amazing. Also "yes, and" is never going to sound the same again. Oooh I've played Freeze before it's fun! Ah Woojin, my child, your theatre hipster is showing xD

Hanhae, son, you're walking a tightrope here. Oh I've played Hitchiker before too! Why is that so exciting? xD You're making me miss my high school acting class. Aaaaw seeing Giri let loose is so heartwarming omg honey. Improv has a way of loosening people up as long as they're open to it. Jinyi, Jinyi babe. Same. Same tho. S A M E. Oh no Jinyoo. Jinyoo sweet thing ;A; ...... I SEE THAT MENTION OF MYUNGHWAN. He IS gold. Little of my heart okay. BUT JINYOO CHILD. And Woojin child. Muted child. You still hurt me and give me a heart attack every time you're mentioned. SO MANY FEELINGS.

I can see why this chapter was hard for you to write. It had a lot of things that are irregular, acting exercized require you to improv for everyone else and it's not something that's come up in your other fics before. It'd be hard for me to write too. But you made it through and it was an excellent chapter, one subtly exploring many an character while the humour takes center stage and covers it up. Obvious things like Jinyoo's struggles, but also less obvious things like Woojin's conspicuous struggles with improv despite being an actor, Giri's slow loosening up and coming into her own, and Hanhae's stubborn sticking to his own guns with little regard for the consequences. Interesting things happening in the background and I ever look forward to more <3