2MIN story part One

Because Everything May Change ()


2MIN story part One


(Key’s P.O.V)



I almost jumped up from bed when my hospital room door burst open and Taemin practically screamed my name as he hugged me tightly. I chuckled at him and hugged him back. A smile crept up my face when Jonghyun and another guy came inside the room.

“Are you okay now Key-umma? Is there something still hurting? Are you still sick? Did your doctor say that you’re alright?” Taemin asked continuously with worry hinting on his voice. I could also see the worry in his eyes as he hugged me.

I patted his head and smiled. “I’m fine Taeminnie, so don’t worry your little beautiful head about me, ‘kay?”

He nodded and broke the hug off. “Oh… by the way umma…” Taemin walked and stopped beside the tall guy that came inside the room with Jonghyun. “Umma meet Minho, my boyfriend.” He grinned brightly at me.

I gasped. “W-what?! How could my baby have a boyfriend?!” I pouted then looked at the guy whose name is Minho. “Well… at least my baby has his taste…”

Jonghyun laughed at my comment. “true! He likes guys that look like aliens!”

“Hyung! That’s mean!” Taemin pouted at Jonghyun while Minho smirked at the guy who .

“And I see that your umma likes guys that look like dinosaurs, Minnie.” Taemin and I chorused a laugh while Jonghyun just chuckled.

“I think I like your boyfriend baby, nice choice. Nice choice.” Taemin grinned at me as he hugged the waist of his boyfriend.

“And I’m also happy that our problem has been resolved, thanks to Jonghyun hyung.” The couple took a glance at Jonghyun who was gazing at me.

I looked at him, his gaze meeting mine and making me feel fuzzy inside. “Is that the reason why you were gone the whole day yesterday, jjongie?”

“Ummm… yyeaahhh….” Jonghyun smiled at me nervously. “we fixed their problem yesterday…”

I pouted at him. “And why didn’t you tell me that my baby had problems of his own?!”

He quickly approached me and sat at the bunk of my bed then he held both of my hands tightly. “I’m sorry, okay?” He did his puppy-dog eyes. “I just don’t want you to worry… you’ve been in so much stress with the kidnapping thing… and I don’t want you to stress over Taemin and Minho’s problem… and our hyungs helped with that, so don’t worry… forgive me baby?”

I sighed. “Like I can be mad at you for so long…” He grinned brightly and pulled me into a hug. “But next time don’t you lie to me again, araso?”

Jonghyun broke the hug and kissed me on the lips softly. ”araso.”

“now, tell me what happened.” I glanced at the smiling couple.

(end of Key’s P.O.V)




flashback  2 days ago when Taemin & Minho was supposed to meet after school ( The time when Kibum was kidnapped ))= )


 Taemin quietly traveled his way to the coffee shop. He took the bus and walked a few blocks to his destination. He pulled up his sleeve and checked his watch for the time – 5:30pm.

He arrived at the coffee shop. The scent of coffee beans and whipped cream filled his senses. He ordered two lattes and sat down beside the window.

He sipped the card cup and stared outside the window, watching the passersby go on with their day. The rays from the sun shone from the glass, spreading like wildfire in the shop. From the bright light, a tall figure walked down the street opposite the light. It was a beautiful sight, Taemin admitted fully.

The tall man opened the shop door and looked around. He found the person, “Ah…Taeminnie…there you are.”

“Is this for me?” asked Minho as he pointed at the latte cup on the round coffee table. Taemin smiled weakly and nodded, “Yeah…”

“Thanks…” Minho took the cup and drank a big gulp. He sighed in satisfaction and put the cup down, “That was good. I walked a long way from the university.”

“It’s good exercise though…”


“A-about y-your dad…” Taemin stopped in the middle of his sentence. He had so much painful memories about Minho’s dad that always makes his heart break into two every time he thinks about it.

Minho’s eyes turned serious. “He wants me to marry the daughter of one of his business partners…” Taemin’s smile disappeared. His fluttering heart that longed and hoped died right then. His eyes that were filled with warm sentiment blanked out. “he wants me to marry someone who can be useful for the family’s chain of businesses... he wants me to meet his partner and the girl that I will marry tonight… he wants to dictate whom I should marry and love…”

Taemin wanted to take back what he thought. He thought that talking about the problem with Minho’s dad of Minho being away from him would break his heart but he never thought that Minho’s wedding with someone else could break him even more. No, he knew. He knew from the beginning he’d get heartbroken but so soon. For it to be so soon, he cried. Taemin cried in the coffee shop.

Minho stopped his babbling and wide-eyed at the sight of his love tearing.


“…” Taemin sniffed. Minho got some tissue from the tissue dispenser and handed it to the crying guy. Taemin slapped his hand away and stared at him. Minho’s heart was breaking at the sight of the person he loves crying.


Taemin stood up from his chair and ran out of the coffee shop. The other customers and clerks stared at Minho. They whispered about the strange scene as Minho ran after the younger crying guy.

Taemin ran to a secluded park. The park he remembered going to with Minho. Wonderful memories during those times but it just tore his heart. He sat under one of the trees he remembered as his sanctuary tree. He’d go there to think about things by himself. The only people who knew about it would be Minho and Key; however, Key has never seen the tree so Minho was the only one that knew about it.

Minho looked far and wide. Taemin ran so fast that Minho lost track of him. He passed by the park he knew as a child. He was suddenly reminded of the one place Taemin goes to when he’s sad or what’s to think. He ran to the tree and there he was, crying away his heart out.

Minho took a step closer, and another, and another until Taemin saw him.

Taemin turned himself away from Minho and wiped away the tears from his cheeks. Minho sat beside him and leaned back on the trunk of the tree. He asked, “Do you think that I’ll marry someone whom I don’t even know?”

Taemin was rather sad and broken but answered, “I don’t know… maybe you will if thats what your dad said. It’s very unpredictable, Minho.”

Minho giggled, “It’s so like you to answer like that.”

Taemin turned around, “What? What do you mean by that?”

Minho still didn’t look at him, “You stick with what you know and believe in. It applies to everything you do. You are somewhat innocent and naïve about things that may involve other people… you are always being selfless… and always thinking about other people… think for yourself just once…”

“sadly I can’t, Minho…” Taemin answered in his mind. He can’t really be selfish…

“Taemin…I have something to say…”

Taemin wiped his tears and but he stayed silent.

Minho did his best to avoid eye-contact and continued, “I’ve been wondering…”

 “Minho, will you marry me?”

“I was thinking that may—what did you say?” Minho turned his head and was face-to-face with Taemin. Only a ruler away, but they felt so far from each other.

Taemin murmured under his breath, “I love you… will you marry me and nobody else?” Minho crawled a bit closer to hear better, “What did you—“

The younger guy cupped the back of Minho’s head and kissed him. They have been waiting for a kiss like this for almost a year now. They’ve been wanting this sweet scene for almost a year. Finally, it came to them once again. Taemin broke the kiss and looked elsewhere to avoid Minho staring back at him.

Taemin felt a hand brush his cheek. Minho faintly turned the younger guy’s head so he could take a good look at his eyes to see if there was a hint of a lie in what he said.

“What did you just say, Taemin?”

“Marry me… and not someone else.”

Minho couldn’t believe it. He covered his mouth in complete disbelief. It was as if he was about to burst into tears as well but the tears would be of celebratory joy. He pulled Taemin into a tight hug and whispered in his ear, “You don’t know how much I wanted to ask you to marry me… you’re the only person that I’ve dreamt of marrying Taemin.”

Minho had pulled away form the hug. He leaned forward and pressed his lips on Taemin’s. They melted in each other’s sweet lips. Everything in the world had gone. The only things that existed were Minho and Taemin alone.

They caught breath and embraced each other. Minho whispered again, “I love you, Taemin…I always will…”

Taemin gripped the back of Minho’s shirt as if it was the last time he could hold Minho so close like that. 

At the same time, there was a man from a not too far distance. He told the person over the phone, “Young Master Choi is here at the park with another man. They seem to be hugging each other.”

“Is it Lee Taemin?”

“Judging from the photo you gave me, it is.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kang. If you investigate on one more thing.”

“Anything, Mr. Choi.”

“Follow the two of them where ever may they go, don’t lose sight, okay?”

“Will do, Sir.”

He hung up. Mr. Choi looked out of the window and into the city. He smirked and said, “Your future is in my hands, Minho. You’re not slipping away from what I want best for you. If it means destroying the man you love most…by all means…I’m taking it away.”



Although Minho would have said otherwise, he arrived at his friend Kibum’s (from Super Junior) place hours earlier than he said. Taemin persuaded him to go to his friend’s place and that they would live with Kibum for a while.  Minho and Taemin would want nothing but each other but they both knew better, definitely.

“Look, it’s not like we won’t see each other for an eternity. We’ll be living with Kibum-hyung but we’ll always see each other… everyday, so don’t be paranoid.” Taemin said to Minho as they walked up the apartment building of Minho’s friend.

Minho stopped on his tracks. He took Taemin’s hand, at the same time he put down his bag, and walked down two steps to be somewhat lower than his boyfriend. Minho placed his hands on either side of Taemin’s slim waist. He looked up at his love.

“Taeminnie…I spent most of my life with you. When you broke up with me a year ago, I was lost! If I stay apart from you even longer, I’ll die.”

Taemin pouted and hugged Minho around his neck, “You big alien. You won’t die.”

“I will! I’m going to!”

“Stop that.”

Taemin cupped Minho’s cheeks.

“You’re not going to die. You’re not allowed to. I need you, Idiot…”

Taemin pulled his head for a deep kiss. It was going to be their last kiss for a short while and they wanted it to last a lifetime. Minho hugged Taemin tight almost lifting him up. However, they were interrupted by a cough from a person.

“Ahem…are you two really going to make-out at the staircase?” asked the third voice.

When the couple looked, it was Kibum leaning against the doorframe of his apartment room.

“How long have you been standing there, hyung?” questioned Minho; putting down his love safely.

“Since you guys stopped walking up the stairs and started blabbing about sappy stuff. I think the only way you two can take a break is if you actually separate.”

Minho sighed and let go of Taemin. He grabbed his back and walked up the stairs, Taemin walked opposite. Minho watched Taemin go to the room they’ll be staying to  but Kibum grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in the living room. When Kibum shut the door, he crossed his arms at Minho.


“You are one love sick dog, Minho. Do you know that?”

“That’s what happens when you’re in love, Kibum-hyung!”

“Then I never want to be in love if I have to look like you when I'm staring at someone!”

Minho rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

Kibum walked past him and got ready drinks for his dongsaeng. Minho removed his shoes but before he could get a hold of his bag his phone vibrated. He fished out his phone and flipped it open.



“Dad?... What do you want from me?”

“Come at the dinner with Mr. Go and his daughter tonight.”

“I don’t want to… and you can’t do anything about that.”

“Do anything drastic and I can ruin the lives of the people Taemin care the most.”

After that, he hung up. Minho was out of words. He didn’t know how to react. How could he react? He was just threatened by his father. No he’s not a father! He’s just someone who wants to control Minho’s life!




A/N:sorry for not updating for so long… I have a good and a bad news to all of you… good news is that I finished writing until chapter 22… and the bad news is that… this fic only still have three chapters… and its ending at chapter 22. I hope you’ll like it… I’ll post the next 2 chapters tomorrow.

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Chapter 4: Please please do not use random korean words like omo, jinja, etc. I really like the plot but they make me wanna stop reading brings back flashback when I used to do such stupid ugh
Chapter 1: boyfriend?!!!
Chapter 4: I'm a new reader to this story, but I think it's good!'
Omg all the pairs that I ship are included in this story! Omg. Yes
_1Amy4 #5
Chapter 23: Haa~ I read the whole story at once~ And I LOVED this!!! It was so fluffy, romantic, and holy shoe, that freaking epic parts... I just LOVED it!!! ^^
This is one of my favorite fanfics~
Chapter 23: Finished reading it ... ... ... ... Two words : LOVED IT !!! COMPLETELY PERFECT !! Jongkey's relationship was so ... so ... PERFECT !!! And I'm glad that 2min got together after all the troubles !! *squealing and fangirling right now*
Thank you SOOOOOO much for writing such an AMAZING ff !! *huuuuuuug and <3333*
Chapter 19: Author nim i really love your story but I think u wrote something wrong

He placed Kibum's hand on his cheek, “See? I'm right here. You can feel me, can't you? Please...wake up...” he kissed JaeJoong's lips.

I dont think jjong would kiss jaejoongs lips if he just cupped keys face right? Hehe i love your story and i just wanted to tell you ^-^
bigtedy1 #8
Chapter 23: Really loved the story. I know its fluff, but sometimes you need something like this to warm you up ^o^
MarieLovesShinee #9
havent started reading yet, cant wait :D it sounds good, but hate the way u wrote SM Owns them :/ anyways ill start reading now (: