
Shattered Crystals

It was the night before Jungkook had to leave for America, both Jungkook and Taehyung had been let off from work early to spend a little more time together and were now sleeping. At least Jungkook was, Taehyung was crying. He was overjoyed for Jungkook but he was so sad that the only good thing in his life was going away. Taehyung was more tired nowadays: he ate less, he smiled less, he talked less and Jungkook noticed it all. He even brought it up but Taehyung always just dismissed it as worry for his mother. Jungkook didn’t give up though - he tried over and over to get Taehyung to open up and come to him for help but Taehyung would not give in.

Taehyung had snuck away to the street corner where he had first met Jungkook and sat down there. He pulled his legs up towards him and buried his head in his knees. He didn’t want to cry because he didn’t want to look selfish and weak but there was nothing he could do to stop the tears that were now free flowing past his eyes. He cried, remembering the moments they spent together, the nights Jungkook would hold him because he was too weak to hold himself together, Jungkook picking him up when he was down, the kind and soothing words Jungkook would tell him, the laughter and the nights they would stay up talking to each other holding their stomachs and silently suffering because if they laughed out loud they would wake Yunjin. He cried when he realized that there wouldn’t be a Kookie to pick up from the club and talk to on the way home. Taehyung cried more and more until his eyes burned and there was nothing left.

Taehyung couldn’t stop crying no matter what he tried; he tried so hard to remember being happy instead but the happy times were always somehow tied to Jungkook and that just made him cry more. He cried because he had finally found the one person who he loved so much that he let him enter his mind and heart. He let Jungkook build a home in his heart and now he was going to leave it empty - a cold and cobweb-filled room. Taehyung knew that without Jungkook his heart would start to die. If he had Jungkook, Taehyung didn’t mind being poor. Taehyung didn’t mind being poor and having to works because he had Jungkook. If Taehyung had his Jungkookie he was content, he was happy, he was home.

Taehyung wanted so desperately to talk to someone about it, but who would understand his tears, who would explain to him that he’s okay, hold him and not judge him other than Jungkook? Taehyung sat there for so long that his legs fell asleep and his body became numb from the cold. Taehyung couldn’t stop his memories so he let them come to him and he finally remembered the one person other than Jungkook who would understand him, the one person who would help him. He remembered his best friend: Park Jimin. Taehyung staggered to his feet and tried his best to dry his face. He placed his hand on the wall he was leaning on and took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down enough to remember the way to Jimin’s apartment.

Jimin woke up to an incessant banging on his door; he got off his bed, rubbed his eyes and made his way to the door. He didn’t know what to expect but it sure wasn’t his teary eyed best friend. Jimin opened the door and Taehyung fell into his arms, tired and dirty. Jimin said nothing despite the numerous questions rising in his head and simply led a very light Taehyung into the living room and sat him down on the couch. Jimin sat down on the floor near the couch and listened to his friend mumble. Jimin noticed the tears rolling down Taehyung’s face and was scared for his well-being. He was sure this had something to do with Jungkook leaving.

Taehyung had progressively gotten weird ever since Yoongi had made the announcement about Jungkook’s scholarship and time hadn’t helped. Jimin had wanted to bring it up but he was terrified of the reaction that he had just left it as it was. Now, Taehyung was crying silently on his couch at three in the morning. Jimin didn’t know what to do so once again he just stayed by Taehyung’s side. He held on to Taehyung’s hand and rubbed his thumb over the top of his knuckles in an attempt to calm him down. It seemed to be working so Jimin continued doing it until Taehyung fell asleep about twenty minutes later. Jimin was afraid of what might happen if he left Taehyung’s side so he stayed by him. He rested his head on the sofa and fell asleep on the floor holding Taehyung’s hand.

Taehyung, about an hour, later woke up expecting to see Jungkook snuggled up next to him but was instead greeted by Jimin on the floor holding onto his hand and a splitting headache. He tried to move without waking Jimin, but failed miserably.

“Oh, hey Tae, you’re awake.” Jimin said, yawning.

“Ya I am, Chim, what am I doing here?” Taehyung asked, still confused.

“Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

“What happened? All I remember is a really bad dream.”

“I don’t think that was a dream, TaeTae. You showed up at my door at three in the morning crying and dirty and you kept mumbling about Jungkook leaving.”

“Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no,” Taehyung kept repeating those words and held his head in his hands “Chim Chim I don’t want him to leave, Jiminie I can’t be without him” Taehyung said as he broke down into tears again.

“Tae, Tae please stop crying.” Jimin said and scooped Taehyung into a hug. Taehyung didn’t stop though, he continued crying and shaking. “Tae please, you’re not helping yourself by crying. You need to calm down and talk to me. Tae please just talk to me. Stop scaring me like this.” Jimin eventually after using soft words and an even softer tone managed to coax Taehyung into to talk to him.

“Jiminie I’m so scared, I don’t want Jungkookie to leave. He’s all I have Jimin; he’s the only person who makes me feel safe and complete. I know you love me Jiminie but Jungkookie saved me from myself, he helped me become who I am now. I used to cry every night Jiminie I used to cry all the time because I sold my body for money. I sold myself Jimin, do you know how disgusting that is? Do you know how disgusting I feel all the time? Jimin, no one has ever known and continued to love me, I’ve never told my sister or my mother. I didn’t want to tell you Jiminie because I thought I would lose you.” Taehyung thought back to his mother getting angry at him when she found out, his one friend who stayed with him even after he had to drop out of school who had yelled at him to go away and left him and he cried even harder.


Taehyung was convinced that he had no one, when Jungkook leaves he would truly be alone and now that he had told Jimin he figured that he had destroyed his last relationship:

“I didn’t even want to tell Jungkookie because I was scared but he found out and you know what he did Jimin? He held me and told me he needed me and that he loved me. Jimin he told me he didn’t care that I did that, he told me he understood. Jimin he holds me when I’m scared and tells me I’m okay, he takes care of Yunjin and my mother. Jimin I can’t be without him. If he leaves, I’ll break and I won’t be able to fix myself after that. He’s the only person I’ve ever loved like this Jimin, I don’t want him to forget me.”


“I know he will, after finding all the nicer and better friends in America he’ll forget about me. He’ll get a nice girlfriend or boyfriend and live with them and Jimin I’ll be alone again and I can’t take that Jimin. Jimin please I don’t want him to leave but I also want him to. If he doesn’t go and achieve his dreams because of me, Jiminie I’ll never be able to sleep at night. I want him to go and become everything he dreams of being because he deserves it Jimin. He deserves that and so much more. He’s so young but all he’s done is live for others and hurt and suffer.” Taehyung said crying into Jimin’s shoulder.

Jimin was shocked; he didn’t know Taehyung was a e. He didn’t know about this part of his friend’s life. Jimin didn’t know what to say but he knew he didn’t care, he was surprised but he couldn’t seem to care at all about this information. Jimin decided that Taehyung was Taehyung regardless of where and what he worked as so he wrapped his arms around his friend and rubbed his back.

“Tae, Tae listen to me. It doesn’t matter where you work to me. You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Do you understand? I love you so much and it hurts me to see you like this. Taehyung you need to listen to me all right, Jungkook loves you just as much as you love him. I’ve known Jungkookie for a long time now and after finding you he’s been so happy - he laughs more, he smiles and he genuinely wants to live now. He needs you to help him live just as much as you need him to help you live.” He stopped to watch Taehyungs reaction and then continued:


“Jungkook would never forget you because you gave him something to remember Taehyung. You gave him a life; you gave him a reason to wake up in the morning. He had us Tae but he needed you and now that he has you he won’t ever give you up. I talked to him and he’s scared of leaving you and forgeting him. He’s only doing this so he can come back and save you like you saved him. Taehyung, he loves you so much and all he wants is for you to be happy. Tae, you have me here, you have Hobi hyung and you have Yoongi hyung. We’re not Jungkookie but we are your family and we will love and take care of you until he gets back. You need to let him go so he can come back to you,” Jimin told him, wiping away Taehyung’s tears as well as his own. Taehyung was looking up at Jimin while he was talking and had calmed down a bit. Taehyung couldn’t say anything so he simply nodded and hugged Jimin.

“Are you better now, Tae? You should sleep for a while and tomorrow we can get him a gift together and send him off with a smile okay?” Jimin asked, getting up. Taehyung nodded again and laid back down on the couch and tried to go back to sleep. Once Taehyung had dozed off Jimin went into his own room and tried to get some sleep. He left Jungkook a message saying that Taehyung was with him and not to worry.

When Jungkook awoke a few hours later he turned over, expecting to see Taehyung only to find that he was alone. He couldn’t hear anything either, which meant that Taehyung wasn’t there. He picked up the phone his friends had bought for him in celebration of his scholarship and checked to see that there was a message from Jimin. He sighed in relief when he read that Taehyung was with Jimin. Jungkook looked at the date on the phone and remembered that it was the day he was leaving. It was the day he would be leaving Seoul for three years to study dance and make something of his life - he could finally escape. Jungkook was excited up until he looked at his wallpaper, a picture Jimin had taken of Jungkook sitting in between Taehyung’s legs.


Taehyung. Jungkook was going to miss him so much. He knew how important this was for his life but Taehyung was so much more important. Taehyung was Jungkook’s life; without him there was no way Jungkook would have been this confident, there was no way he would even be alive right now. Without Taehyung, Jungkook would’ve died from the cold on the streets long ago or he would have killed himself after not being able to handle his life anymore. Jungkook had found hope and light in Taehyung, Taehyung was his fire that kept him going. Taehyung was the reason he lived. Jungkook laid in bed, thinking about all this as the tears fell silently.

He realized he would miss all his brothers. He realized he would miss Yunjin, and this home but it wasn’t in the same way he would miss Taehyung. Jungkook was realizing that nothing was ever the same with Taehyung, he was always a little more special, a little more loved, he was always a little something extra to Jungkook. Taehyung was the only one who could make Jungkook smile simply by entering his field of vision, he was the only one who made his heart lurch and his stomach swarm with butterflies. Taehyung was the only one, Jungkook realized, that he truly loved. The only one he loved more than a friend, more than a brother, more than a savior - Taehyung was Jungkook’s one and only. In his mind, Taehyung was already the one he would always want but he never realized it was romantic. He never realized that he wanted Taehyung to be his boyfriend.

This sudden realization made him regret his decision to leave even more. Jungkook knew he would never forget Taehyung and that there would be no one who could compete with him, but Taehyung was beautiful and Taehyung was kind and friendly and he could find someone to love easily. Jungkook was terrified of being forgotten by the one person who made him feel as though he was worth life, made him feel as though life was worth living. Jungkook was absolutely terrified of not having Taehyung to protect him and hold his hand when he got scared. Jungkook was terrified of not having Taehyung to fix him when he broke apart. Jungkook could never imagine life without Taehyung, and now he had to survive without him for three years. He didn’t want to do it but he had a responsibility - not only to himself but also to Taehyung.


Jungkook had to save all of them, Taehyung, himself, Yunjin and Taehyung’s mother from this wretched life. Jungkook had resolved to make something of his life and make enough money to send Yunjin to school and treat Taehyung’s mother. He would somehow save Taehyung from the brothel, he would make sure Taehyung never had to see that place ever again, he would make sure Taehyung would never suffer again and that he would be safe.

He got off the bed and went to eat something. Yunjin was still asleep but she wasn’t talking to Jungkook anyway, Jungkook had excitedly told Yunjin about the scholarship the day he got it and she was all for it until she hear that he had to leave. Once Jungkook told her about having to leave for America, she left the room and haven’t talked to him since. Taehyung tried to explain to her that he was going to study and would come back with a job and toys and books and lots of food for her but she simply told him that she would rather have Jungkook with her than all the toys and food in the world. He tried to explain things to her and make up with her before he left but she was stubborn and would not listen to anything he had to say.

“Yunjin listen to me please, I don’t want to leave here fighting with you.” Jungkook pleaded to the girl sitting cross-legged, facing away from him. She didn’t reply, and gave no indication that she even heard him. “Yunjin please, I don’t like fighting with you.” She just huffed in reply. “Yunjin if I don’t go, we’re all going to be stuck here forever. Don’t you want to go to a school and meet kids your age? Don’t you want to be able live in a nice house with all the toys and have food other than bread and jam?” he asked desperately. Yunjin turned around with a sour expression on her face.

“No,” she said “ I don’t want all that fancy stuff, I want you and Taehyung oppa and ma with me. I don’t want you to go to America, I don’t know where that is but I know it’s not in Korea. Taehyungie oppa taught me all the places in Korea and he never mentioned this America. I don’t want you going far away.”

“Yunjin baby please listen to me, if I go I’ll be able to get my dream and with my dream I can help you get yours. You want to draw right baby? If I go and study there then I’ll have enough money to get you everything you need to draw with.”

“I don’t care. I want you here. I don’t want to talk about this. Just don’t go away please.” Yunjin begged.

“Yunjin I can’t do that, I might never get another chance like this.”

“Then don’t talk to me.” She said, she was starting to cry. Yunjin was still young and very emotional. “I only had Taehyung oppa before, and my mother doesn’t talk to me” she paused to sniffle “Taehyung oppa took care of me alone and he’s all I have but then you came and you make me really happy. You’re like my big brother. You always play with me and you are always joking around and you don’t make me eat the icky stuff Taehyung oppa sometimes gets. I love Taehyung oppa but I need you, I don’t want you to go, please I need you with me.” Yunjin was in tears and she was standing in front of Jungkook who was still sitting cross-legged on the floor.

“Yunjin I’m sorry, I love you that’s why I have to do this.” He said moving to wipe her tears. She violently jerked backwards before he could touch her.

“Fine, then leave and don’t come back” she yelled at him ran off into the room she shared with the boys. Jungkook broke down into tears on the floor, he held his head in his hands and cried softly. He knew Yunjin would say this, he knew she wouldn’t understand but he had hoped she would try and that she would be happy for him. Jungkook cried harder and harder until Taehyung walked in through the door. He had left the house to visit Jimin when Jungkook told him he was going to talk to Yunjin. Taehyung saw Jungkook crying and immediately rushed over to him and hugged him and whispered re-assuring words into his ears until he calmed down.

“Don’t worry, it’s just hard for her to imagine you not being here. She’ll understand,” Taehyung said, wiping away Jungkook’s tears. “I know, I’m trying to.” he thought to himself, but didn’t dare say out loud.

Jungkook ate in silence then headed out the door. The flight he was taking was at five in the evening so he was going to meet Yoongi at the club at two, he had two hours to spend with Taehyung before he left. Since Jimin never mentioned where he and Taehyung were, Jungkook decided to try his flat. When he got there, he was dismayed to find the flat empty.


He called Jimin but when he didn’t pick up, Jungkook left the house and went to the music shop. Once outside on the wooden dance floor, he realized he knew the song resonating from within the store, and began to move . Jungkook unknowingly poured all the emotion he felt into his steps; all his frustration at his life, his disappointment, anger and sadness at Yunjin. He poured in all the love he felt towards Taehyung and the regret that he didn’t realize it sooner. All the fear he felt for going to a place he knew nothing about, Jungkook emptied any and all emotion he had been holding back for years into his movements. He finished with his eyes closed and the sounds of applause all around him. People had stopped to watch him dance because of the raw talent and pure emotion surrounding him. Jungkook smiled widely and bowed a million times. Once the people had left he walked back to the apartment.

He contemplated going to Hoseok’s apartment but he remembered that he had classes and then work at the local library. Hoseok was studying psychology at a college nearby, and though his parents paid for his classes, they refused to help him any further. Hoseoks parents were both lawyers and wanted him to follow in their footsteps but Hoseok had no interest in whatsoever in law so gladly accepted the offer his parents gave him; they would pay for college but he had to find some way to live on his own in Seoul. That was how he ended up working two jobs, with the occasional baby-sitting gig.

Taehyung and Jimin still weren’t back so Jungkook sat outside and scoured his brain for possibilities for where they could be. Each one made Jungkook laugh more and more because each was more ridiculous than the last but in each one Taehyung was happy and laughing. He was suddenly struck with the thought that maybe Taehyung wasn’t in love with him. Jungkook knew Taehyung loved him but Taehyung also loved Jimin and Yunjin. The more he thought about it, the more real it seemed. He was suddenly terrified again, he had been so sure that he would always have his Taehyungie but now, after realizing that people moved on all the time and that Taehyung might not even love him, he was on the verge of tears.


There were so many reasons for him not to leave, there were so many people he would be leaving for years together but there was so much he could do to help them if he went. He would finally be free of this cursed life and he could bring Taehyung out with him. Jungkook was tired of thinking so much; he was tired of his life being so complicated while he was so young. Jungkook just wanted to be young and careless. He wanted to be with Taehyung so much, he wanted to be with him so bad. There was no one Jungkook loved more than Taehyung, there was no one he adored and idolized more. Jungkook didn’t want to imagine the pain he would face if Taehyung forgot him, he didn’t want to think about coming back and being just a memory to Taehyung, just a face he once knew. He was terrified of being forgotten.

Jungkook’s mind went fuzzy and he couldn’t see straight. His breathing got short and hard to control. The tears forming in his eyes blocked his vision and the world around him seemed to dissolve as he fell deeper into his own fear. He clawed at his hair to get himself out. He dug his nails further into his palm to try and stop himself from slipping out of control. The fact that he didn’t have Taehyung to talk him through it, was hitting him over and over like a wave. The pure terror he faced at the thought of being alone and being forgotten by the person he associated with home and safety scared him so much. Jungkook’s mind had taken control of him and it was throwing every possible worst-case scenario at him in rapid speed.


Jungkook saw Taehyung forget him, he saw Taehyung happy with someone else, he saw Taehyung not want him around anymore, he saw Taehyung not need him anymore. Jungkook’s mind conjured up things that he was never afraid of in the first place and he began to think that Taehyung would hate him once he came back  He thought that Taehyung was just being nice and taking care of Jungkook because he felt bad for him.

Every second Jungkook spent inside the toxic areas of his mind his fear worsened, until finally he was pulled back into thoughts of his parents. He remembered the emotional and physical abuse he had to endure since childhood. He was pulled into thoughts of abandonment and how his parents were never around, how he went to school with kids who had loving parents, how he heard stories from his classmates about how kind and wonderful their parents were. He was surrounded by images and memories of being beat and burnt, memories of being yelled at and ignored. He remembered how, as a child, he never understood why his parents didn’t talk to him or each other or why they wouldn’t buy him toys and sweets like the other parents. He saw himself start to understand that his parents hated him and didn’t care for him at all. He watched in his mind as he was told that he was pathetic and useless and that no one would love him.


Jungkook saw the day he finally left his house. His parents had told him that if he left he would never be allowed back inside and that he would die all alone on the street because no one would love or even take in a pathetic little boy like himself. Jungkook saw his mother in front of him laughing at him, reminding him of how she had told him that he would never find someone to love him, reminding him that everyone he loved would leave because that was what people did. They would leave you. Jungkook cried harder and harder, he couldn’t breath properly and he was now gasping for air.

He continued gasping and tugging at his hair and scratching himself completely unaware of Taehyung and Jimin who had just walked into the hall. Both of them were laughing about someone but the moment they saw Jungkook on his knees holding himself and shaking they dropped the bags they were carrying and ran over to him. They dropped to their knees and started speaking to him. They repeated happy stories and memories to him, continuously talking to him about the strangest and seemingly useless of things so that they could distract him. They didn’t dare to touch him for fear that he might react violently. Jungkook hardly heard what they were saying because he was so focused on trying to breathe and escape the torturous mind games he was playing with himself.


Still, once he heard Taehyung’s voice, he reached out his hand, he reached out for him because even if Taehyung didn’t love him, Jungkook loved him. Jungkook loved Taehyung and he needed him even if Taehyung didn’t feel the same way and right now he was scared beyond his understanding and all he could do was reach for the one person that made him feel protected hoping that he would grab hold of him…. and he did.

Taehyung took Jungkook shivering sweaty hand with both of his and held it to his lips. He squeezed Jungkook’s hand and kept talking against it. The close proximity with Taehyung and the loving gesture helped Jungkook breathe a little better and see a little a clearer. Once Taehyung saw that Jungkook had become a little calmer, he moved closer to him and held his face with his hands so that Jungkook would focus on him. He continued talking to him about small fun things they had done, and he teased Jimin and Jimin reacted in the way he normally would. Taehyung talked to Jungkook about anything he could recall until he stopped crying and shaking. Once he was relatively calm he focused more on Taehyung’s eyes and lips more than the words he was saying. Jungkook was now realizing that Taehyung was so familiar to him, even the small movements and actions he made was familiar to Jungkook. Every inch of his face was etched into his memory and Jungkook never wanted to forget him. Jungkook was still scared but he was calmer because he was with Taehyung. Taehyung and Jimin managed to get Jungkook on his feet and lead him inside the room. Jimin went to get him a glass of water while Taehyung sat with him on the couch still clutching his hand. Jungkook didn’t say anything and neither did Taehyung; there was nothing to be said. Once Jimin came back with the water and Jungkook was no longer in his state of shock they asked Jungkook what happened.

“I- I got scared. Hyungs I’m scared about leaving, I can’t be alone for three years. I’ll miss you all too much no I- I’ll break without you there.” Jungkook had started off addressing Jimin as well but was now solely talking to Taehyung. “I can’t be without you, I need you to help me stay sane.” Jungkook said. Taehyung looked at Jimin and took a deep breath, instead of telling Jungkook that Taehyung too did not want Jungkook to leave he told him the sensible decision.

“Jungkookie, you don’t need me. I’m here for you but what you need is to be free, you need to escape this world and we’ll all still be here when you come back. You’re strong, you’re so strong Kookie and no one else I know can do this. You won’t be alone, we’ll all be with you throughout those three years and it’s not like you can’t visit, right?”

“Hyung, where am I going to get the money to visit you guys from? I’m not going to get Yoongi hyung to pay for me any more. I’ll only see you after three years, so much could happen in three years.” Jimin could sense where the conversation might be headed, so he had gotten up and left the two boys alone. “Something could happen to either of us, you could relocate, you could forget me,” Jungkook whispered.

“Jungkook-ah I’m never forgetting you, you bring so much joy and happiness to my life. Do you think I could ever forget you? Jungkookie, listen to me okay. I will wait however many years I need to wait for you to come back to me, whether you come back with someone or not. A lot can happen in three years but I will never forget you I just hope you won’t forget me,” Taehyung said, trying not to let his voice waver.

“Hyung, to forget you would be like forgetting a part of myself, there’s no one I would bring back because,” Jungkook paused, swallowing hard.He knew that once he said this there would be no going back. He knew that saying this could mean never seeing Taehyung again. “Because everything I need, the only person I want and the only person I need is here, right here in front of me.” Jungkook finally spat out and closed his eyes afraid of Taehyung’s reaction. There was no sound for a tense few seconds, Jungkook felt as though his heart about burst out of his ribcage, his mouth dried up and he could feel tears start to form again until he felt a pair of lips pressed against his own.

He didn’t know how but he knew they were Taehyung’s lips and he melted into the kiss. Taehyung brought his hands up to Jungkook’s face and held him and Jungkook wrapped his hands around Taehyung’s neck. The tears that were forming in Jungkook’s eyes fell and rolled onto their joined lips. Jungkook smiled. He smiled because he was finally loved, he had finally found love and he knew this love wouldn’t go away. Their lips moved as one as the world around them dissolved and all their worries were forgotten for the brief moment in time where they were held in each other's embrace. Though the kiss only lasted for a few minutes, it felt like a lifetime for the two. It was laced with innocent love and pure affection for the other; it was dipped in desperation and need for the other; it was infused with the fierce passion they felt for each other. Finally through the taste of the others lips they traveled into a world of their own, one they only ever visited when they were with each other, one that made them happy and content beyond recognition. Jungkook smiled into the kiss and Taehyung smiled back.

“Finally oh my god,” they heard Jimin yell from the door. Both of them pulled apart with huge smiles on their faces, and Jungkook threw a pillow at Jimin while Taehyung laughed. “Who’s not his boyfriend now huh Kookie?”

“Hyung, honestly, just go to hell,” Jungkook said hiding his face in his hands. Taehyung was still laughing because he finally found the person he loved and he got to keep him. Jimin walked over to the two of them and reminded them that Jungkook did in fact need to pack for his trip. Though Jungkook was still leaving, both of them were more at ease as now they were sure of the love they shared, sure that the bond they had formed would survive through storms and fire and anything the world threw at them.

Once they had packed up his stuff they were about to leave when Jungkook once again tried talking to Yunjin. He squatted down behind her and talked to the back of her head.

“Yunjin, I’m leaving now. I love you and I’m sorry you don’t like this but I’ll come back a better me and I’ll be able to help you become a better you as well.” He said.


She didn’t reply though and continued to play with an old doll. He sighed and got up. He didn’t want to leave like this but he didn’t know what else he could do. He turned around to face Taehyung and Jimin who had in the process seen where they lived. Jungkook and Taehyung had warned Jimin about the state of their house and filled him in on both their situations, which led to Jimin whacking Jungkook and yelling at him for thinking that it mattered in any way to Jimin where Jungkook lived and worked. He shook his head and Taehyung walked towards him and took Jungkook’s hand in his own, he kissed Jungkook’s temple and told him it would be okay. They were about to walk out when Jungkook felt someone hug his leg.

“I’m still mad at you but I love you too, come back quickly.” Yunjin said refusing to look at him, she had her entire body pressed against Jungkook’s right leg. He bent down once again.

“Yunjin, I’m sorry. I know I made you angry and you can beat me up for it when I come back but thank you for understanding. I love you baby girl.” He said and engulfed her in a hug and kissed her forehead. Once she let go of him he got up again and walked over to where Taehyung’s mother lay.

“I don’t know what to say except thank you for bringing Taehyung into this world, if it wasn’t for him I would never be where I am now. I don’t even think I’d be alive. I know you probably never even heard me but it was a pleasure to talk to you. Good bye, I’ll be back and we’ll get the medication you need,” he said and walked out the door with a final hug for Yunjin.


Taehyung grabbed his hand with one hand and one of his bags with the other. Jungkook was dragging his trolley bag and Jimin was walking behind him with the gifts they had bought for him. Jungkook felt weird now that he had more than a few shirt and few sweatpants and jeans in his possession. Everyone had pitched in to buy the clothes, shoes and essential things Jungkook along with the accessories and such that Yoongi had said were necessary.

“Yah I feel like a third wheel now, guys what the hell?!” Jimin yelled from Jungkook’s other side.

“Hyung you’ll have Taehyungie hyung to yourself for three years, let me have him for now.” Jungkook said laughing.

“Jiminie I’m going to have to do this for the next three years with you and Yoongi hyung shut up.” Taehyung told him.

“Wow rude.” Jimin said but he was laughing as well.

It was a strange sight, three happy teenage boys walking through the dirty, desperation and tragedy filled roads in which Taehyung and Jungkook spent almost all their lives in. Once they arrived at the bar, they met Yoongi and Jungkook said goodbye to all his friends who all wished him luck. He got in Yoongi’s car along with Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin. Upon reaching the airport they filed out of the car and Jungkook and Yoongi said their final goodbyes. Taehyung now freely kissed Jungkook to which Hoseok freaked out and screamed and Jimin tried to shut him up (“Hyung please there are people here be quiet. Yes they’re together now, shush.”).

“I love you hyung thank you. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you too Jungkookie, more than the stars and the moon and well, life itself. Good luck baby, have fun and come back to me soon.”

With Taehyung’s final words of goodbye Jungkook and Yoongi left them and went into the check in as Taehyung watched his brightest star, his deepest ocean, his hottest fire leave for three years. Taehyung watched him go, not with sad eyes but hopeful ones that were filled with desire for his Jungkookie to succeed and become the person he was truly meant to be.

“If one’s love keeps one from the pursuit of their dreams then it is not true love”

~The Alchemist

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
LadyMidnight #2
Chapter 7: Great job, I had my doubts about the ion AU thing at first but I ended up really liking this story haha Thanks for writing such a good story XD
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story, but at one timein this chapter, you wrote Jungcock and omg I couldnt stop laughing xDD
hnl_jn #4
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG OMG NO WAY I read the story this whole time with quotes and moments from The Alchemist in mind! Akajsnfjfnejd all the cuteness. Omg this story was awesome! :D