
Shattered Crystals

“Kookie wake up, its Christmas.” Jungkook shifted slightly in his sleep due to the disturbance that he later identified as Taehyungs voice. “Kookie-ah wake up.”


“Hyung” he whined, “what time is it?”


“It’s nine.”


“I’m hoping at night.” Jungkook said hopefully as he slowly pocked his head out from under the cover.


“No Kookie-ah it’s nine in the morning on Christmas day. You’re the one who wanted to spend the day together.” Taehyung said chuckling softly at the sleepy boy.


“Yah okay I’m up, wait hyung why aren’t you suffering?”




“Ya, you were drunk out of your mind yesterday. Shouldn’t you be suffering from a hangover?”


“Um I was, I woke up a lot earlier because my head was killing me. Apparently Hobi hyung is staying across the hall and I saw him when I left the room to see where we were. He gave me some Advil and told me to lay down. I took the medicine and went to bed and woke up feeling great.”


“That’s great hyung, do you remember what happened yesterday?” Jungkook asked rubbing at his wrists in anticipation.


“Not really, I remember I was competing with Jimin to see who could do the most shots and then it’s just a haze of giggling, falling and my feet not touching the floor. Next thing I know I wake up in bed cuddling you.” Taehyung said laughing.


“Um ya you guys were competing, Jimin hyung won by the way” a string of curses left Taehyungs mouth when he heard the results “and then you kind of went into kindergartener mode and talked in horrible broken Korean. I had to carry you up the stairs cause I was sure you would break your head if you tried to come up yourself and I put you to bed and I went to the couch.” Jungkook finished trying not to blush. Taehyung hugged Jungkook saying thank you.


“But wait, if you were on the couch how did you end up here?” Taehyung asked pulling back and smirking.


“Um you had a bad dream so when I came to see what happened you asked me to stay.” Jungkook was the one who was smirking now at Taehyungs embarrassed face.


“Oh well thank you Jungkookie.” Taehyung yelled smothering Jungkook in another bear hug. He was just about to pull away when the door opened and Hoseok walked in.


“Well good morning love birds. Am I interrupting something?” he asked whistling, a mischievous smile gracing his face and a glint in his eyes.


“Yah hyung stop.” Both Taehyung and Jungkook said simultaneously looked at each other and giggled.


“Geez you guys are gross but not as gross as Yoongi hyung and Jimin, speaking of them Yoongi said he was taking all of us for breakfast.”


“I don’t exactly have any clothes other than t-shirts and jeans and even those are worn out.” Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded his head.


“What happened to your suits from last night?”


“Hyung it’s probably disgusting and sweaty.”


“You’re right. Okay well just get out of your morning haze and come down we’ll decide what to do later.” Hoseok said walking out.


“Kookie we need to go home and tell Yunjin we’re okay. She’ll worry her little head.”


“I’ll ask hyung. You should go get ready.”


“I already have, I woke up about an hour before I woke you and I was just sitting in the silence.”


“Oh hyung you should have woken me, I could have kept you company.”


“It’s okay Kookie, I like silence. Go get ready now.”


“Okay hyung.” With that Jungkook walked to the washroom.


He came back approximately fifteen minutes later and they walked downstairs together.


“Hey there lightweight.” Jimins voice hollered. “And lightweights boyfriend.”


“I am not a lightweight you munchkin.” Taehyung said pointing his finger right in Jimins face.


“And I’m not his boyfriend.” Jungkook called out from behind him.


“Sure you aren’t.” Jimin said to both of them.


“Actually babe you both passed out at the same time, you just had half a shot more.” Yoongi said from his seat while chuckling at the scene unfolding.


“Hyung you’re supposed to stand up for me not rat me out.” Jimin said turning to his boyfriend hands folded and pout forming.


“Sorry baby, next time.” Yoongi said leaning forward to kiss his forehead.


“Oh my god guys get a room.” Jungkook yelled startling the couple. Jimin and Jungkook started squabbling while Hoseok walked over to Yoongi and they were quietly observing Taehyung, who was watching every movement Jungkook made, he was listening to every word he said even though it was mostly nonsense.


Taehyung was more captivated by Jungkook with each passing second and he would be content to sit and watch him do the most mundane of things for all eternity. Taehyung had incurably fallen in love with the raven haired, slightly tanned beauty sitting in front of him named Jeon Jungkook.


Both Yoongi and Hoseok were watching him with careful eyes. They turned to each other and smiled knowing that Jungkook had finally found the person who would love and take care of him more than they could. They were both his brothers but there were some things only a lover could provide, there was a kind of love so special and limited to the capability of a lover. They knew Taehyung would take care of him even with the little that he had and they knew Taehyung would love him with every inch and fiber of his being.


Taehyung kept watching him, in his eyes Jungkook was ethereal, he was a gorgeous specimen crafted carefully by god himself with the utmost care and specification. Taehyung adored Jungkooks hazel eyes that seemed to melt like chocolate in the sunlight, he loved the way Jungkooks hair would sometimes fall into his eyes and he would shake his head to get it out of the way. He loved that Jungkook would scrunch up his nose when it itched. He found it adorable how shy Jungkook would get when Yunjin would be affectionate to him and cuddle him or hug him or god forbid kiss him, the one time Yunjin kissed him Jungkook had frozen up and couldn’t stop smiling and giggling. Taehyung constantly watched him when he wasn’t looking, he noticed the small gestures Jungkook would make, the things he was afraid of, the things he loved, the things he found comfort in, Taehyung noticed everything and he stored it all in the back of his mind ready to use.


Aside from the sheer physical allure of Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung noticed how caring he was and how he was, even though it wasn’t obvious, constantly thinking of others. Taehyung saw that he would slide pieces of his food to Yunjin when he thought there wasn’t enough on her plate. Taehyung knew how much he cared for Yunjin just from the fact that he never refused her anything, even when he was exhausted he would play with her. He would try and change her hair every day. He did everything and anything he could to make her laugh. He did everything Taehyung usually had to do and took some of his burden. Taehyung saw the way he would talk to Taehyungs mother every morning even though he knew she couldn’t respond to him. Jungkook would just sit near her bed and chat to her aimlessly about something that made him happy or some funny story Jimin had told him.


Taehyung saw how Jungkooks eyes would soften every time they were around Jimin, he saw the strong bond the two boys shared. Even though they were constantly teasing each other they were close, they were like brothers and Jungkook, even with the little he had took care of Jimin and made sure he was happy. As far as Taehyung could tell Jungkook was always there for Jimin when he needed him. Jungkook had been an ear for Jimin and a shoulder. He was always there to listen to him and give him advice, he was always there to make sure Jimin didn’t go through anything alone. Taehyung could see how insecure Jimin was and Jungkook never gave up a chance to compliment Jimin on something or the other, he would always tell Jimin off if Jimin put himself down. Jungkook was like a younger and older brother squashed into one just for Jimin.


Jungkook was kind towards his hyungs at the club, he would check up on Yoongi to see whether he slept properly or if he worked the night away again. He loved Yoongi like he would love a father, Yoongi was the one who saved him from the streets, he was the one who gave Jungkook a place to work and therefore food to eat, he was the one who led to Jungkook finding his friends. Jungkook would gladly place his life down to keep Yoongi safe. He could see before anyone when Yoongi needed a break, when he was tired or when he was hurting from carrying such a huge burden on himself while he was young. Jungkook saw right through Yoongis tough guy act and made him comfortable. If it wasn’t for Jungkook Yoongi and Jimin would never have found each other and that would have been disastrous for both.


Hoseok seemed like the happiest person you would ever meet but everyone has their bad days and he had terrible days when nothing helped, nothing other than Jungkook. He would always be a shoulder for Hoseok cry on and a ear to listen. He would always be there when Hoseok needed to or yell or let out his frustration. Jungkook would sit with his hyung and listen to him yell and and agree with him. Jungkook would re-assure his hyung over and over of how talented and good looking he was, how nice and caring he was. Jungkook would hold him while he cried. Jungkook would always be there for his Hobi hyung.


Jungkook was sweeter than sugar to his fellow workers, he knew how much life and he tried to be a light in their lives. He would let them complain to him and help them the best he could and never ask for anything in return.


Jungkook was every ones golden boy and they all loved him but they all knew how shy and insecure he was. They knew how stubborn he was and how much of an he could be when he wanted to be. They all knew Jungkook had his bad days along with his good but they were all prepared to wait them out with him.


The entire club knew about Jungkooks talent in dancing and they wanted him to learn more and become better and hopefully get somewhere with it so they started their own fund, they put in whatever they could spare into a box they kept aside so that they could send the boy to learn. They never told him about it though, they knew that if Jungkook found out he would tell them to take the money back and stop doing it and if they couldn’t pull it off they would have just raised Jungkooks expectations unnecessarily so they kept it a secret from him until they were sure they had enough to send him for classes.


“Guys if you’re done, we’ll be late for breakfast.” Yoongi said breaking up Jimin and Jungkook and dragging Taehyung out of his thoughts.


“Where are we going?” Jimin asked walking back over to Yoongi.


“My house.”


“Why are we going to your house hyung?” Hoseok asked.


“To eat dimwit, I have a chef and he makes great food.”


“Well okay then, I didn’t know that .” Hoseok said sticking his tongue out at Yoongi, grabbing Jungkook and Taehyung by the hands and leading them out to where Yoongis car was. The ride to Yoongis house was anything but quiet with all three Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung in the same place. The three of them could not keep their mouths closed and talked and talked while Yoongi was talking quietly to Jungkook about something. Taehyung noticed that with each word that left Yoongis lips the happier Jungkook got. Once they got there Yoongi led them into the dining room and they were served breakfast, much fancier than any of them had ever had. The boys savored the taste and to Taehyung and Jungkook who mainly only had bread and occasionally some spread it tasted like pure heaven. At the end of breakfast once the conversation had died down, Yoongi decided to make his announcement.


“So I have something to say.”


“Are you going to propose to Jiminie?” Taehyung asked loudly


“Shut up Taehyung.” Both Jimin and Yoongi said simultaneously “Anyway what I was going to say is regarding Jungkook.” A silence settled over the room and everyone was now in attention. “ Jungkook will not be working at the club anymore and neither will he be living with Taehyung.” As soon as he made the proclamation shouts broke out over the table from all members present, Yoongi let them make some noise before speaking again. “Will you all just let me finish, Jimin sent me a video of Jungkookie dancing in front of his store and I sent it to a dance academy, one in America and they have accepted him, his first year will be free because they feel his talent is extreme but the next two will be payed and Jungkook stop worrying I will be paying for it.”


“A-America?” Jungkook choked out.


“Yes America, don’t worry I’ll be there with you for as long as you need me there.” There was nothing said for a while until Jungkook erupted and launched himself at Yoongi. He didn’t say anything but you could hear him crying and laughing and soon they were all laughing happy that at last the precious boy they all cared for so much was going to get a life.



“Thank you hyung. I love you and I will pay the money back.” Jungkook said still holding onto Yoongi.


“Yoongi hyung we at the club have been saving up to send him somewhere too can we give you that money and can you add that to his fund.” Hoseok said piping up.


“Actually we’ve been saving up too.” Jimin said. “It’s not much but tae came up with the idea after the first few times you danced in front of him.”


“No, I’m paying for his tuition but you guys should get him the supplies he’ll need to travel there and shoes and things with that money.” Yoongi said.


While they discussed the best ways to split the money and get Jungkook what he needed, the boy concerned was now crying worse than before, his heart filled up with love and gratitude towards his hyungs, towards his friends, brothers and family. His eyes were gushing with water and his heart was gushing with affection until he could no longer stand. He sat down, held his head and cried for how lucky he was to have people who cared so much about him. His friends noticed how hard it had hit him and surrounded him, they enveloped him in a hug and held him until he stopped crying.



“Do you like your Christmas gift Kookie?” Yoongi asked him when he and tae where leaving.


“Yes hyung, I loved it. Thank you.”


“You’re welcome kid, be safe and merry Christmas.”


“Merry Christmas hyung bye.”


Taehyung and Jungkook walked back to their home together and Jungkook couldn’t stop talking about how excited he was about the school and how thankful he was. Taehyung while he was excited for Jungkook he couldn’t wrap his mind around not being with Jungkook for three years. He would not be able to hold him, he won’t be able to look at his face or hug him, sleep with him, complain to him and laugh and cry with him. Taehyungs heart was torn in two. He was overjoyed that the love of his life will finally get what he deserves and that he would be happy but he was also hurting because he didn’t want to let go of the best thing that had ever happened to him. Taehyung felt like crying but he knew he couldn’t. He knew that if there was one thing that would hurt Taehyung more than Jungkook leaving was Jungkook not being happy and this school, this opportunity he is receiving would help Jungkook become who he was meant to be, would help him reach his full potential and it would save him.


Taehyung wanted to be the one to do that; he wanted to be the one to be able to save Jungkook from himself and this horrible world but he realized that there is only so much he can do, he realized that by letting Jungkook go he would be setting him free but that did not mean Taehyung would forget him or that he would let him out of his heart. Jungkook was and is and forever will be his love and he doesn’t want to let that feeling go. Taehyung holds his tongue and laughs with Jungkook and tells him how happy he is for him. Taehyung holds back his tears and his feeling so that the one he loves will get what he deserves, happiness.

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
LadyMidnight #2
Chapter 7: Great job, I had my doubts about the ion AU thing at first but I ended up really liking this story haha Thanks for writing such a good story XD
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story, but at one timein this chapter, you wrote Jungcock and omg I couldnt stop laughing xDD
hnl_jn #4
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG OMG NO WAY I read the story this whole time with quotes and moments from The Alchemist in mind! Akajsnfjfnejd all the cuteness. Omg this story was awesome! :D