
Shattered Crystals

5:15pm- Christmas Eve

It was Christmas Eve and the boys were just walking back from Jimin’s together. They were idly chatting about how bad Jimin was at hiding how head over heals he is for Yoongi and hickeys.

“Hyung I’m back.” Jungkook sang as he waltzed into the shop.

“Kookie, I missed you. Where’s TaeTae?”

“Jiminie, I’ve missed you so much. Kookie’s so mean to me.” Taehyung proclaimed loudly as he walked in and draped himself over his best friend, something Taehyung thought he would never have but Taehyung and Jimin clicked almost instantly.

“Kookie-ah how could you be mean to this marshmallow.” Jimin scolded Jungkook playfully while he patted Taehyung’s head.

“I didn’t do anything. Hyung’s just being dramatic.” Jungkook said pouting in the corner.

“Aww Jungkookie don’t be sad.” Taehyung and Jimin said at the same time and picked up Jungkook in their hug. Jungkook shed his fake pout and smiled, he melted into the warmth of his two hyung’s. It didn’t last for long though.

“Jimin, what’s on your neck?” Taehyung yelled as he bounced back.

“What neck?” Jimin spluttered out and instinctively brought his hand up to his neck.

“Oh my god there’s another one, on his collarbone.” Jungkook yelled this time.

Both boys jumped on Jimin and pinned him to the ground to inspect his neck.

“Oh my god, hyung look at all these hickeys. I knew they were ing.”

“Shut up Kookie.”

“Jiminie, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. What the hell man?”

“Guys shut up and get off me.”

“No way, you will first tell us how and when you got those.” Jungkook said from on top of Jimin who he was now straddling. Taehyung was next to him holding Jimin’s hands down to look at his neck when he looked up and saw the position they were in. Taehyung, even though he had been trying to not let his feelings show, there was no way that he wasn’t jealous.

“Yeah Kookie get off him, let’s hear him out.” He said as calmly as possible, he very much wanted to rip Jungkook off of Jimin and put him on his own lap but he maintained his composure.

“Okay hyung.” Jungkook replied still cheery as he got off and sat on the floor in front on Jimin. Taehyung sat down next to Jimin and waited for the boy to talk.

“So Yoongi hyung and I are dating.” Jimin offered unhelpfully.

“We know that idiot.” Taehyung said pointedly.

“No you don’t, I didn’t tell you and I know Yoongi hyung didn’t either.”

“Jimin hyung you talk about him all day, everyday and you’ve been more touchy feely with each other since that day I locked you guys in. You guys are like, really bad at hiding your relationship.”

“Shut up. You’re a kid, you don’t know anything.”

“Jiminie it’s kind of obvious. I get why you didn’t tell Jungkookie, I mean he is a kid but c’mon man we’re bros. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Taehyung

“Yeah hyung, don’t be mean.”

“Sorry Kookie but seriously Chim, when did you do it?”

“We didn’t do it, Jesus Christ.”

“Then how did you get so many hickeys? Are you ing someone else?”

“What no! No no no no no.” Jimin spit out.

“Okay so you’re not being an , so how did you get those?”

“Um, heavy make-out sessions?” Jimin said, which sounded more like a question to the other two, while hiding his face in his hands.

“I knew it, you two will soon be ing, don’t worry.”

“I’m not worried Tae. Shut up.”

“Why haven’t you guys done it yet though? Like it’s pretty obvious you both are totally in love.”

“We almost did once, but Yoongi hyung stopped. He told me he wouldn’t do it until I was sure I loved him. He said it was special, he said that I was special and he didn’t want me to do anything I would regret.” Jimin informed them with a faraway look in his eyes.

“Jiminie that’s so adorable but you are in love with him right?” Taehyung asked as he walked over to him and wrapped his hand around Jimin.

“I think so Tae but him, he’s so powerful and rich and handsome. Tae he’s so handsome, he’s practically perfection. He’s so nice and caring even though he has such a hard and cold exterior, he’s such a wonderful person and he cares, he cares for people so much. Last time we went out, there was a kid and her father, the dad had his leg wrapped up in a makeshift cast and the girl was unbearably thin, she was snuggled up to her father. No one would notice them, they were inside a shadow in a corner, but Yoongi hyung did and he went over to them. He gave them his jacket and he told me to wait on the street and he ran over to a grocery store nearby and bought tons of food and he gave it to the child and father. After he left the food and jacket he turned to leave. He had told me to wait outside in the light but I had to give them something so I gave the little girl the lollipop I had in my pocket. When I had come out Yoongi hyung was mad at first and when I asked him what happened, he told me that the reason he told me to stay in the light was because he was worried someone might attack me in there but he hugged me right after and apologized for being mad. I don’t deserve him.” Jimin was sniffing softly.

“Oh Jiminie, Yoongi hyung is a wonderful person but you are too. You don’t have as much as Yoongi hyung and you still gave to that little girl. You didn’t judge Jungkookie when he told you he was an orphan. You accepted me even though I told you I was homeless. Jiminie you’re a great person and you deserve him just as much as he deserves you.”  Taehyung said softly.

Teahyung remembered clearly breaking down in front of Jimin when they were talking about something and Jimin said something about the old buildings in the area he lived in being torn down. He cried and only stopped after a good amount of time during which Jimin held him and didn’t ask a single question. Later he told Jimin about his situation at home but not about the brothel. Taehyung knew Jimin and he knew he was a good person with a huge heart who wanted nothing but the best for other people.

“Jimin hyung, he’s right.There’s no one Yoongi hyung wants to be with besides you. You can trust me on this, I know the man inside and out and he’s never opened up to anyone except Hobi hyung and me. Now that he found you he’s smiling more often and he hardly talks about anything else.”

Jimin was sniffling softly but he was smiling, the truth was that Jimin saw the world in Min Yoongi. Jimin thought he was gorgeous, powerful, talented and over all he knew Yoongi was a good person. While Jimin thought he didn’t deserve Yoongi, Yoongi thought the same of Jimin. Yoongi thought that Jimin was the sun, the stars and everything below and above. Yoongi felt that a grouch like himself wasn’t deserving of the embodiment of happiness and sunshine that was Park Jimin. He thought-no, he knew that Jimin was kind, loving and had the biggest heart he had seen. To Yoongi, Jimin’s smile overthrew even Hoseok’s, who had the biggest, most happiest smile he had ever seen. They both loved the other but didn’t feel like they deserved the other.

“Thanks guys, that means a lot to me.” Jimin said.

“Aww come here, group hug.” Taehyung said pulling both Jungkook and Jimin into a hug.

“Yeah Tae, I can’t breath.” Jimin said laughing with his best friends.

They left Jimin after a while to go to work and the conversation shifted and flowed with the ease of a river until it came to one topic.

“Hyung it’s Christmas eve.” Jungkook said looking at the floor.

“Yeah, our first one together.”


“Hey, don’t worry, we’ll be together in the morning.”

“But we won’t, we’ll be sleeping in the morning and Yoongi hyung said I would have to come in early because the club is gonna be super busy.”

“We’ll still be together Kookie, even if we are sleeping we can just grab Yunjin and squash her in bed with us.” Taehyung said all this simply to make Jungkook feel better. In truth, his heart was hurting since all he wanted to do was roam the brightly lit streets at night with the boy he loved. That hurt him even more, the fact that he couldn’t tell Jungkook how he felt. The fact that if he did he would lose the bright light Jungkook had brought to his life. Taehyung tried his best to keep his smile on and be cheerful for Jungkook’s sake.

“That sounds comfy hyung.” Jungkook said a small smile slowly slipping onto his face. “ It’s freezing.” Jungkook said rubbing his hands together.

“Here I’ll lend you some warmth if you promise to keep the smile on your face.” And before Taehyung even knew what he was doing he had slipped his hand into Jungkook’s. There was a slight crimson creeping up his neck but he intertwined his fingers with Taehyung’s and smiled.

“I promise hyung.”

Taehyung once again dropped Jungkook off at the door to the club and said goodbye. Jungkook walked in with flushed cheeks from the cold and a huge smile on his face.

“Did Tae ask you out?” Hoseok yelled over the counter. Some customers looked at him with annoyance but most were already, at six PM, too drunk to care.

“What? No! What’s wrong with you hyung, he’s my friend.”

“No, you both love each other but you’re both too stupid and stubborn to realize it. Actually I take that back, I’m pretty sure Taehyung knows he loves you but he’s just afraid to tell you. I mean it’s pretty clear from the way he looks at you.”

“Hyung please just shut up. Where’s Amber…?” he trailed off not knowing what to use.

“Noona and I have no idea, I haven’t seen her all day.”

“Well I’m going to go change, I’ll see you in a minute hyung.”

Jungkook had fallen into his rhythm at work again completely unaware of his plotting hyungs. Yoongi had been to Taehyung’s brothel and had demanded that he be let off from work by twelve o’clock. Yoongi being the powerful man he was got what he wanted when he wanted it and he gave Taehyung instructions to show up at his club at ten past twelve, dressed and ready to surprise Jungkook. Taehyung had been ecstatic at the news and smothered Yoongi before realizing whom he was hugging and backed away muttering apologies.

Once he was back at the club, Yoongi informed Hoseok and Amber who had arrived a bit later that five to twelve that the club should be cleared of people. He then took off to Jimin’s shop to invite him to the club as well.

11:15pm- Christmas Eve

“Jungkookie, order up.” Hoseok yelled out “The table with the hipsters.” He said in his ear once he was close enough. Jungkook snorted out a laugh and left with the drinks.

“Hyung where’s Yoongi hyung?”

“I do not know. He said he would be back by twelve, oh speaking of twelve he told me to tell you to shower and change into the clothes laid out in his private room. He said after twelve it’s formal and not for stinky drunks. , I need to close the back door, you know the one through which our usual’s come through, clear the place and light up the front. You’re gonna be serving people in suits while wearing a suit tonight Jeon.”

“Fun.” Jungkook muttered while rolling his eyes and putting the tray down to get dressed.

Not too long after Jungkook had gone, Hoseok and the rest of the employees had cleared out the place and switched on the Christmas lights.

11:45pm- Christmas Eve

Yoongi walked in at quarter to twelve his hand intertwined with Jimin’s, “Nice work Hobi, didn’t think you could pull it off.”

“Oh haha hyung, you’re so funny.” Hoseok retorted faking laughter, he then turned to Jimin with a bright smile plastered on to his face. “Hi you must be Jimin, my name’s Hoseok but you can call me hyung or Hobi hyung.”

“Hi, I know who you are, Yoongi hyung keeps complaining that you’re too happy and you smile too bright but to be honest he’s just grouchy.” Jimin said laughing and kissing Yoongi’s cheek. Though Yoongi pretended to smirk and act not affected he was trying hard not to blush and squeal. Hoseok on the other hand had no problem in doing just that.

“You guys are so cute, Yoongi hung doesn’t stop talking about you either.”

“Okay can we stop this now? Hobi go get in your suit. Tell the others as well.” Yoongi said interrupting before he could be embarrassed any further.

“Yes boss, see you later Jiminie.”

12:00am- Christmas day

Jungkook had walked into a black bar, the only lights coming from the Christmas lights, though it didn’t remain that way for long for when he stepped over the employee line into the main bar area, the place lit up and he saw his friends and hyungs and noonas standing before him. Jungkook’s eyes welled up with tears as he looked at them all.

“Merry Christmas Jungkookie. Why are you crying?” Jimin said. Yoongi had rushed forward to see what was wrong.

“No-nothing hyung, I’ve never celebrated Christmas with people who I love before.” He sniffled.

“Jungkook you’re spending Christmas with your family this time, your real one.” Yoongi said pulling him in for a hug. Jungkook’s face was overcome with a smile and his eyes were overflowing with tears.

“Christmas is a fun time, stop crying and let’s partay.” Hoseok yelled out from behind the pair.

“You finally got something right hyung.” Jungkook said laughing and wiping his tears off running to the room.

12:15am-Christmas day

“Where is that punk? He was supposed to be here five minutes ago, Jungkook keeps looking at the door and I know his heart is breaking since he isn’t here.” Yoongi ranted to Hoseok since Jimin was stuck to Jungkook.

“He’ll be here don’t worry, and then you can get your boyfriend back.”

“Shut up.” Yoongi sneered.

“There he is.” Hoseok pointed out.

“About time.”

Yoongi walked to Jungkook and turned his away from Taehyung’s direction so he wouldn’t spot him and started talking to him. Taehyung came up right behind and back hugged him startling Jungkook until he heard Taehyung’s voice. When he heard his voice Jungkook’s heart leaped and his stomach erupted. His cheeks flushed and his body heat rose and his smile became wider and brighter. Taehyung’s touch sent chills through his body, wherever his hand lay the skin tingled and when the contact was lost he felt incomplete.

Maybe Hobi hyung was right.” Jungkook thought.

“Merry Christmas Jungkook.”

3:30am- Christmas day

“Hey hyung.” Jungkook said as he walked over to Taehyung.

“Hey Jungkookie.” He slurred out, completely drunk.

“Woah there hyung, how much did you drink?”

“Just a”, he hiccups, “Just a little bit.” Another hiccup. He was draped over Jungkook now.

“Okay hyung, we should probably go home now.” Jungkook said laughing at his drunken hyung.

“No Kookie, Tae wants to party.” He threw his hands up and fell down almost instantly.

“Hyung, we need to go home. Don’t you want to sleep in the nice comfy bed with Yunjin?”

“No Tae wants to party. Whoo!” Taehyung stated from the ground.

“You can’t walk through the streets with him like this. Stay here tonight.” Yoongi said looking equally worried about the shorter orange head on his back.

“Thank you hyung, what are you going to do about Jimin hyung?”

“Um I guess I’ll take him home.”

“Which home?”

“Mine.” He said looking anywhere but Jungkook’s face.

“Good choice. He’ll like that.” Jungkook said smiling fondly at his hyungs.

“Bye Kookie, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas beginning.” Yoongi said as he dialed a number into his phone.

“Thank you so much hyung, it was more than I could ever ask for or expect. I love you hyung, take care.” Jungkook said happy, grateful tears b his eyes.

“Yeah Jeon Jungkook don’t go around saying things like that, I’m the tough businessman that everyone’s scared of remember?” Yoongi said smiling and walked past the boy after ruffling his hair.

“C’mon hyung let’s go up.” Jungkook said looking down at Taehyung.

“Go up where? Are we going to heaven? Jungkookie I don’t want to die I have so much left to do.” Taehyung said in shock. He jumped up and grabbed Jungkook’s hand. “Jungkook I have too much to do, I still have to figure out whether aliens exist, I have to find out what makes your hair so soft and how Jimin downed more shots than me. I need to find Hobi hyung a girlfriend and I have to witness yoonmin’s wedding. I have to tell you something very important. I can’t die now.” Taehyung wailed.

“You’re not dying Tae, we’re going to the room upstairs and who’s yoonmin?”

“Yoongi and Jimin obviously. I’m not dying oh thank god for that.” Taehyung said looking much more relieved.

“What was that important thing you had to tell me hyung?” Jungkook asked trying not to sound too paranoid.

“What important thing? Oh yeah that, I don’t remember.” Taehyung said stumbling away from Jungkook. Jungkook groaned and jogged to catch up to him.

“Okay hyung let’s go to bed.” He said trying to get him up the stairs but failing miserably.

“Stairs are incredibly mean Kookie, who even thought it was a good idea to make these things?” Taehyung said from the ground where he had planted himself once again.

“C’mon hyung, I’ll carry you up.” Jungkook bent down to pick up the older boy onto his back. Jungkook was thin and admittedly, he wasn’t the most fit of people, but he did get food at the club and he was nowhere as fragile as Taehyung. Jungkook always wondered how he managed to carry Jungkook back to their house the day he was crying on the street. Taehyung had gleefully jumped onto Jungkook’s back yelling piggyback. Jungkook grunted at the sudden weight but proceeded to carry him up. Unknown to him, Hoseok had just filled his gallery with pictures of them -in his words- being undeniably cute and cuddly.

Jungkook managed to get them both up the stairs and through the door to the room they would be using and practically threw Taehyung off his back unable to carry his weight any more though very light. Jungkook turned to look at his hyung who was sleeping soundly thus the lack of noise. Jungkook shook his head and took off his shoes and the blazer that Yoongi no doubt made him adorn. He contemplated weather he should take off the belt and he decided to do it. He blushed throughout the process of removing his belt and tie. Jungkook then positioned him in a way that he would be comfortable while he himself went to change into what he had worn when he came to the club. After changing himself and switching off the lights he went over to couch to lay down when he heard Taehyung whimper from the bed. “Please don’t go. Please? We need you. I can’t do this alone, please don’t go.” Jungkook got up and went over to his side to figure out what was wrong.

“Hyung. Hyung are you okay?” no reply, he shook Taehyung once more “Hyung, what’s wrong?” Taehyung stirred slightly and barely opened his eye.


“I’m here hyung. What happened?”

“Ba-bad dream, it’s okay. I’m alright.”

“Are you sure hyung?” Jungkook asked unconvinced. Taehyung simply nodded. “Okay then, goodnight hyung.” Jungkook said getting off the bed.

“Can you- can you sleep with me please? I don’t dream as bad when you’re here.” Taehyung said in barely a whisper.

“Of-of course.” Jungkook replied and got under the covers with him. Taehyung threw a hand over the other’s waist and snuggled close next to him.

Jungkook was a red tomato like mess and he was so grateful for the lights being off and his hyung being drunk.

Taehyung smiled into Jungkook’s shoulder onto which he was pressed and just maybe he wasn’t that drunk.

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
LadyMidnight #2
Chapter 7: Great job, I had my doubts about the ion AU thing at first but I ended up really liking this story haha Thanks for writing such a good story XD
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story, but at one timein this chapter, you wrote Jungcock and omg I couldnt stop laughing xDD
hnl_jn #4
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG OMG NO WAY I read the story this whole time with quotes and moments from The Alchemist in mind! Akajsnfjfnejd all the cuteness. Omg this story was awesome! :D