
Shattered Crystals

The boys spent increasing amounts of time with each other after Jungkook moved in with Taehyung. After the initial breakdown Jungkook faced when he realized that he finally had a home, which left them both in tears.

“Welcome home Jungkookie. I’ll go find Yunjin.” Taehyung said with the most animated grin and wandered off to find the child.

Jungkook hadn’t moved an inch from the moment the word ‘Home’ left Taehyung’s lips. Home was something he never had, a completely foreign concept to him. His last home had been destructive and a place he wished more than anything to stay away from. But now he had people who cared about him and were willing to share even the little food they had. He had someone who needed him as much as he needed the other. He had a place to sleep and he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone trying to take advantage of him or getting hypothermia from the bare wind in the night.

Jungkook hadn’t noticed the tears that had formed in his eyes and were threatening to spill. He didn’t notice his knees buckling and the fact that he was now on the floor. He was so enthralled and in love with the idea of having home, a place to which he can come back to, he couldn’t have noticed Taehyung enter the room and upon seeing Jungkook on the floor,

“Jungkookie, what happened? Are you okay? What happened? Jungkookie please tell me what happened, please stop crying. Please.” Taehyung said to him and as he once again wrapped his hands around Jungkook trying to calm him down, trying to get him to talk.

“Hyung, hyung I’m okay. These are happy tears. Don’t worry hyung.” Jungkook replied once he got over his shock. “I’ve never had a home before hyung. This is new to me and you-you said you needed me. No one’s ever wanted me, forget needing me before. Thank you hyung.”

The boys stayed on the ground wrapped up in each other, forgetting the existence of all else. Ever since they came into each other’s lives, they felt a fierce need to protect each other and felt protected, needed and more than anything, wanted.

“Oppas, group hug. Why didn’t you call me?” Yunjin yelled walking into the room and jumping on the two boys and all three of them tumbled to the floor.

After the events of the first day, the boys fell into an easy system where they would wake each other up or Yunjin would wake them up and they would have breakfast with her and Taehyung’s mother who Jungkook had only seen during breakfast as they sit around her mattress when they eat so they can all be together, then they would escape into the city and visit Jimin, usually Jungkook would dance and Taehyung would watch. Taehyung believed he got better as the days went on and more beautiful as well. They would sometimes get lunch with Jimin and listen to him gossip. One such day brought life to Jungcock.

“ like he was on the skateboard right and he was trying to show this girl that he was better than her when she had just slayed the entire ramp, she was definitely better than him, anyway back to the point, he was trying to show her up but then he got arrogant so he wasn’t watching where he was going, so he fell” using wild hand motions Jimin narrated the story “like splat right on his face and everyone laughed cause he had just been teasing her and telling everyone he was the best but the girl, she was so nice. She went to ask him if he was okay and I guess it was because he was angry or embarrassed but he lifted his hand at her but he didn’t get a chance to bring it down because right then there was a golden light and out stepped the most..” Jimin couldn’t continue his fairytale like narration of the saviour due to Jungkook’s interruption and a very convenient hand on Jimin’s mouth.

“He’s talking about Yoongi hyung.” Jungkook told Taehyung who was amusingly watching the two of them. “Did you me?! You’re disgusting hyung.” Jungkook yelled as he snatched his hand away from Jimin’s mouth.

“How did you know it was Yoongi hyung?” He asked ignoring Jungkook’s confession.

“Whenever you tell a story and you start over exaggerating someone’s entry it’s Yoongi hyung. Oh, and you’ve told me this story before.” Jungkook stated and Jimin pouted. Taehyung was laughing while watching the exchange.

“Anyway, so this gorgeous man appears in a neatly pressed, buttoned suit (A/N the epilogue onstage suit, sweet jesus) looking powerful and authoritative and grabs the idiot’s hand and tells him in the calmest yet scariest voice that if he ever again even dared to lay a hand on a girl simply for being better than him, he would have to deal with Min Suga and this dude who’s taller and wider than Yoongi hyung just runs for it.” He seemed to be getting increasingly excited as he went on.

“This is the best part. Watch his face carefully.” Jungkook whispered to Taehyung.

“So I’m sitting on a ramp watching this glorious moment in time unfold when he looks around and sees me. Locks eyes with me and told me to come with him. So me being the cool person I am, I  jumped off the ramp an-” he was cut off once again.

“Yeah hyung don’t lie, Yoongi hyung told me everything. You fell off the ramp backwards and after you got up, there were leaves in your hair and you fell on him while you were running to catch up with him. He thought you pushed him down on purpose, don’t worry I told him you tripped over your own feet.” Jungkook looked so smug and Jimin was hiding his face in his hands.

“You’re evil you know that? But yeah I embarrassed myself in front of the man I have a crush on. He probably thinks I’m an idiot and wants nothing to do with me. Did you have anything to do with him picking me up?”

“Yup, I heard hyung was going that way and I knew you were at the ramp and well I asked him to pick you up.”

“Yeah Jungkookie why would you do that and not even warn me? You know how I look when I go to the skate park, horrible.”

“So like usual then.” Taehyung said.

“Yeah not you too, we’re supposed to be brothers man. Same age and everything.”

Taehyung had grown close to Jimin fast and being of the same age helped a lot. Jimin was fun and kind and they became close fast.

“Just to let you know, he doesn’t think you’re an idiot. He thought you were pretty cute actually.” Jimin sprung out of his seat like a jack in a box and spit his water out at Jungkook. “Ew, hyung, what the hell?” Jungkook exclaimed jumping out of his own seat as well. The only one left sitting was Taehyung who was in tears from laughing so much.

“That’s what you get for lying to me.”

“Hyung, I was telling the truth, he told me you were cute and stuff and then he was like ‘aish, I probably don’t even have a chance, what would a sweet, kind, hot kid like that do with a powerful like me’” Jungkook imitated Yoongi as well as he could and it was very accurate.

“No. ing. Way. He said that?”

“He did and then I said ‘seriously hyung, he’s been crushing on you for like a year now.’and he laughed and told me to shut up and stop lying.”

“You did what?” Jimin looked like he was going to kill Jungkook.

“What nothing, I didn’t do anything.” Jungkook realized his mistake and tried covering it up and slowly sneaking away.

“Jeon mothering Jungkook, I can’t believe you. You have now earned the right to be called Jungcock.”

“I helped you’re slow and pathetic love life, don’t call me Jungcock.”

“Shut up you , I’ll never see him again. Why must my life be damned with this ?” Jimin got on his knees and raised his hands to the heavens “Oh lord up on heaven why did you have to bestow this human embodiment of Satan upon me, is it because of my good looks? I guess everyone must have a curse and you,” he was pointing at a pouting Jungkook who was standing near a laughing Taehyung who was on the floor “you are my curse Jungcock. I will find a way to return you to hell don’t worry.”

Only when he was done with his speech did he notice the man in the sleek black and white suit at the door. Jimin’s mouth opened and he swore up and down that he could have cried at that moment. Following Jimin’s gaze, Jungkook and Taehyung both turned their heads only for Tae to laugh louder and Jungkook to smirk. He turned to Jimin again and his smirk widened before turning back to Yoongi and walking towards him.

“Hey hyung, how long you been here?” he asked once he got next to Yoongi.

“Um- long enough to know that other people think that you’re the spawn of hell as well.”

“Hyung that’s not nice,” he turned to look at Taehyung “even after I basically fixed these two up they’re still rude to me. Can you believe them?” he asked Tae looking exasperated.

Both concerned members of the pairing spluttered at the same time and tried to kill Jungkook, who ran and hid behind Taehyung who was finally standing.

“Besides hyung, you only came to pick me up cause I told you I was going to Jimin hyung’s shop. But Tae and I can walk, why don’t you guys get to know each other? Bye.” He grabbed the keys for the store from the counter, Tae’s hand and ran out. Before either party could react he closed and locked the door. “You can leave once you love each other.” He took Taehyung’s hand and pulled him away from the shop and walked back home.

That night while Jungkook was working there was a call for him at the bar phone.

“Hello, who’s this?” Jungkook asked as he got the phone.

“Hey Jungcock, come open this door.”

“Hyung? You guys are still there?”

“What do you think? You never showed up to let us out.”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m coming right now.”

“Okay Jungcock, hurry the up.”

“Wait hyung what did you… he hung up on me.”

Thus the birth of Jungcock and yoonmin. The name stuck between his friends and Yoongi and Jimin had, according to Jungkook, ed in the music store when in reality they had just gotten really hot so they shed a few layers and talked about everything and nothing and well, them.

The boys would now visit Jimin every other day and sometimes Yoongi would accompany them. They would head to work after their visit, Taehyung would drop Jungkook off and he would in turn wait for Taehyung to come so they could leave for home together. Neither felt lonely anymore, neither felt sad nor scared. They would eat together in the mornings, take turns playing with Yunjin or do it together, they would talk about their problems, discuss their friends and often they would just lay down or sit next to each other in complete silence, taking comfort and happiness simply from the fact that the other was beside them.

What neither noticed was how fast they were becoming attached, how fast the warmth they felt between them was growing, how fast the fondness for the other person was becoming a priority, how quickly the familiarity, respect and admiration was becoming love. Not only did they not see the other falling but they also didn’t notice that the carpet had been pulled out from under them and they were as well, that is until one night.

The boys had just entered home after work, Taehyung was quieter that usual which worried Jungkook. Usually on their walks back they would complain about some disgusting or rude customer or joke about the random of topics and kill the lonesomeness of the night but tonight Taehyung said nothing, he didn’t even take Jungkook’ s hand.

Sometimes when something was troubling either of them they would take the other’s hand and hold on tight as if that was the only anchor they had left but now, Taehyung had both his hands closed into a tight fist and wouldn’t look up at Jungkook or anywhere but the floor for that matter. Taehyung’s face was twisted in an emotion that Jungkook wasn’t used to from him, it was anger and sadness and hatred. It scared him and Jungkook didn’t know what to do so he didn’t try to talk to him instead he just walked close to him.

Once they reached home Taehyung went straight to the other mattress they had found and put up next to Jungkook’s. Jungkook, unsure of what to do with his friend, went to check on Yunjin and Taehyung’s mother, who were both sleeping peacefully. After changing into comfortable clothes he went to bed. It looked like Taehyung was already sleeping but to Jungkook who lay awake listening to Taehyung’s breath when he couldn’t sleep, he knew he wasn’t. He didn’t press it and retired to his own bed.

Jungkook woke up some way into the night wanting water only to find Taehyung sitting up in bed crying into his hands. The light coming in from the window illuminated Taehyung, his clothes were wrinkled, his hair was messed up and his biceps had red marks in the form of nails. Jungkook couldn’t bear the sight so he scrambled over to Taehyung’s bed and hugged him from behind. He hugged him and placed his head on the back of Taehyung’s neck. Taehyung cried even harder after Jungkook held him. When Jungkook thought about letting go, Taehyung grabbed his hand and shook his head. Though Jungkook couldn’t see Taehyung’s face or hear what he said, Jungkook understood and held him until the wailing became crying and the crying became small sobs.

“Wanna talk Tae?” Jungkook asked him after sitting down in front of him still holding his hand.

“I-I’m so-sorry, I woke you up.”

“It’s okay Tae, I woke up to get water and I saw you. What’s wrong Tae, you scared me?”

“I- I was late to work yesterday and they told me that if I was late again they would kick me out. I can’t get kicked out Jungkookie, I have my mother and sister to protect and now I have you too. I know you work too but Jungkookie I need to keep you safe or I would never forgive myself. I had a nightmare, we were all on the streets again and we were trying to eat something but this time you were there as well but you were crying and I didn’t know what to do. Then some rich man came and gave you a job and you left immediately, I was so happy for you finding happiness but I was also so scared and sad because you had gone. Jungkookie please don’t leave me.”

“I won’t Tae, don’t worry. We’re tied together now. It was fate for us to meet and even if we separate we will find our way back to each other. I won’t go anywhere until you want me to.” Jungkook said hugging Taehyung again,

The boys lay in the same bed that night, Jungkook holding onto Taehyung just in case he decided to do something stupid. Taehyung couldn’t sleep but with Jungkook by his side, he could breathe and think.

Taehyung thought about how much Jungkook meant to him. He was once just the boy he saved from an alleyway; actually he was never just that. He was the boy who chased away his lonely, the boy who could play with his insides unknowingly like it was ‘Play Dough’. He was the boy who would hold his hand when he got scared, he was not only the boy Taehyung protected with his life but also the boy who protected Taehyung with his life. He was the boy who found the key under the doormat and unlocked the door to his heart. He was the one who gently opened the door making sure he didn’t hit Taehyung with it and once he was inside refused to leave.

Taehyung had been staring at the ceiling, taking in the warmth from Jungkook’s hand over his stomach. He turned his head to look at the sleeping boy who was helping him, saving him by simply being there. Taehyung observed his face, the way his eyelashes lay gracefully over his closed eyes, his hair sticking up everywhere and his puffed up cheeks, plump pink lips that were open slightly and puffing out quiet breaths. Taehyung loved watching Jungkook sleep, he looked calm and at peace when he slept. Jungkook looked like a proper child whose innocence and naivety hadn’t been stolen yet and he wanted to keep him like that.

Taehyung wanted more than anything to press his lips against Jungkook’s but would never sacrifice his friendship with the boy and more importantly, he would never make Jungkook feel uncomfortable. So instead, he placed a quick kiss on his forehead like he had done many times before and closed his own eyes.

Jungkook and Taehyung after that night were often found in the same bed, squashed together. Taehyung, though now aware of his feelings, did not act upon them; he wouldn’t in any way put their friendship at risk. Jungkook didn’t bring up the topic again but never questioned it when Taehyung asked him to sleep with him. The boys were comfortable now that they had someone to love, someone to protect and someone they could call their own. Though not everything was clear to the two boys, everyone who saw them knew the undeniable chemistry between them and was waiting on the edge of their seat for them to realize it as well.

Weeks passed by them, weeks that soon became months and before they knew it they were nearing the close of the year. It would be the first Christmas they would spend together but not together. Jungkook would have to work at the bar and Taehyung at the brothel, though not the whole day they would spend majority of their time Christmas day apart from each other or asleep. They regretted it with everything they had but didn’t voice their complaints. Both kept up their happy faces and went with their usual schedules.

“Hyung, what do I?” Jungkook whined as he threw himself on the barstool.

“Do about what?” Hoseok asked him while cleaning a glass.

“Christmas. I want to get Taehyung something but I have no money and I can’t even spend Christmas with him.”

“Get him a kiss, I bet he’ll love that.” He answered smirking.

“If you weren’t my hyung I would have thrown something at you.”

“Yeah Kookie I’m being serious.”

“Stop it hyung.”

“Stop what? What’s Hobi doing now?” Amber asked as he walked towards them.

“Nothing, I didn’t do anything to him.” Hoseok replied to him. Amber was wearing her blue necklace today, which meant that she preferred male pronouns today.

“Hyung, he’s teasing me.” Jungkook complained to Amber.

“I wasn’t, I just told him to give Taehyung a kiss as a gift.”

“Oh, well he’s right. Tae would love that.”

“Yeah shut up.” Jungkook yelled at them flipping them off and walking way.

Jungkook didn’t think like that, Taehyung was a friend. No he was much more than a friend, so much more. Taehyung was his saving grace, the one who saw him drowning in his own mind and dived in after him. Taehyung was the one who held his hand and refused to let go. He was the one who gripped on tight and pulled him to the surface. He is the one who is holding onto him and keeping him afloat, allowing him to see the surface and shared it with him.

If Taehyung wasn’t there to pull him up then Jungkook was sure to have sunken to the bottom and be covered by the sands of his own mind.

Jungkook’s mind was overcome with thoughts of gratitude and adoration for the man who helped him and asked for nothing but his company in return and he did not notice the man in the suit walk up to him.

“Jungkook, isn’t it Christmas day after?” Yoongi asked startling the younger.

“Yeah hyung, you scared me.”

“Sorry Kookie, anyway what are you doing for Christmas?”

“Um work, I don’t really have anything else to do.”

“What about Taehyung? Aren’t you spending Christmas with him?”

“No, he has work as well.” Jungkooks face fell at the though and he was immensely sad once again.

“Hmm okay well I’ll see you later, get back to work.” Yoongi walked away, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Hyung what are you going to do?” Hoseok asked him as he sat down at the counter and watched Jungkook work.

“Relax Hobi, I’m just helping the kid out.”

“So you’re playing cupid?”


“Yeah hyung, I knew you had a heart.”

“I have a heart shut up.”

Whatever Hoseok was going to say was cut off by the ringing of Yoongi’s phone. They both looked down at the now lit up screen of the phone and the caller ID ‘Sunshine’. Yoongi snatched the phone away but not before Hoseok saw the ID and broke out in laughter.

“Wow, hyung! You’re so cute, hey Amber look at this Yoongi hyung does have a heart.”

“Since when?” he joked back.

“Probably since he met that Jimin kid, guess what his name is saved as.”

“Oh no. Don’t tell me it’s some cheesy crap.”

“It’s sunshine.” Hoseok was doubled over laughing while Yoongi was shooting him death glares as he answered his phone.

“No way in hell.” Someone yelled for Amber from the other end of the club. “Coming.”

“Okay babe, I’ll see you later today.” Yoongi hung up on the call and stalked over to Hoseok. “You know I’m you’re boss dickweed.”

“Yeah, hyung calm down. It’s cute.”

“Get back to work and on Christmas, make sure everything is shut down by twelve.”


“We’re gonna make our maknae happy.” Yoongi walked off with that.

“You got it boss,” Hoseok yelled unable to keep the widest grin off his face and went back to mixing the drinks.

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Thelollipoptaesucks #1
LadyMidnight #2
Chapter 7: Great job, I had my doubts about the ion AU thing at first but I ended up really liking this story haha Thanks for writing such a good story XD
Chapter 4: This is such a cute story, but at one timein this chapter, you wrote Jungcock and omg I couldnt stop laughing xDD
hnl_jn #4
Chapter 7: OMG OMG OMG OMG NO WAY I read the story this whole time with quotes and moments from The Alchemist in mind! Akajsnfjfnejd all the cuteness. Omg this story was awesome! :D