|| principle John


Jimin :am I the only one here who missed old days?

-Sarah :even if we were meeting each other in the breaks but really ..nothing like high-school .

-Rap Monster :I agree with you .

-Lina :*giggles* yeah ,nothing like painting on the walls !

-V :*laughing* and being caught by cups ..

-Jin :no seriously !.. who counted the times we've been at the police station ?

-Diana :*giggles* more than thirty !!

They all laughed then stopped ,remembering the old times ...

-Jungkook :after 4 years ,I still can't believe that you didn't join medicine treatment and became a doctor !

-Sarah :I like what I am now ,I don't think I could be happier !

-J-Hope :Me too Kook ,our genius girl is a director not a doctor ..what a news!!

-Rap Monster :mmm ...guys !I'm still here !

-Suga :although you are genius Namjoon you were that bad in class !

-Rap Monster :hey!! ...she was the most of us who went to the police !

-Suga :but she was focusing in her classes ..

-Sarah :ohh ..hey gays !! I'm still here !!

-Jin :let him protect you ,we all know that he likes you !!

-Sarah :Dude ,chill !! it was a rumor since six years!!

-Suga :and you still can't get over me right? *he said ,teasing her*

-V :yuk ..

-Rap Monster :HELLO!!! ..

-Diana :forget it Namjoon ,he is in his own world ..

-Lina :right ,the (Sarah)'s world *giggles*

-Jimin :why you said (he is )?? ,maybe Sarah likes him too *he said looking in a teasing way towered Sarah*

-Rap Monster :hey!! the main subject is ME!!

-Suga :stop trying .. you wont have attention !

-Rap Monster ;YOU ..are ..ANNOYING !!

-Suga :whatever ..

-V :come on ,stop it ,we want flashbacks !! not fights! *he said it in an emotional way*

-J-Hope *acting like he is playing violin* ohh ,I'm gonna cry !!

While everybody was arguing, V leaned towered Diana and said :
-remember the principle's fart*giggles*
-who can forget it?*laughing*


-*principle John hitting the table with his hand* A POLICE CALL ??? COME ON !! THIS IS THE END .. I WONT REFUSE CALLING YOUR PARENTS !!*he ended his sentence with a fart from angest*

-*Jimin as he is whispering in Lina's ear * I can smell it ..*and they both fell in laughter*

-P. John :may I know what do you get from painting on the walls of this legend country ?

-Rap Monster *whispering in Diana's ear* we hear your fart *and they felt in laughter too*

-P. John :WHAT ... DID ...I ...HEAR ???

-everybody : .......

-P. John :God ,I don't have the power to struggle with you *he said as he was sitting back in his office's chair ,solving his tie*

-everybody :.....

-P. John :but I wont give up as the last two principles did ,I WILL GIVE A REVENGE PUNISHMENT !!!!

-Sarah :*whispering in Jungkook's ear* I have ert thoughts !! *and they broke into laughter ,TOO*

-P. John :go and paint what you've messed and come back to have your the punishment ..

they all turned back and walked towered the door "another ert thoughts" Sarah said again to Jungkook who was dying from laughing.

-Rap Monster :hey ,what are you talking about?
-Lina :right ..remember? ,eating together ,fighting together ,arguing together ..
-*V in between his laughs*we are remembering John's fart at the end of the first term..
They all broke in laughter since they didn't even forget it ..
-Sarah :lmao guys ..who can forget it?*laughing*
-Jungkook :right!! *dying from laughing*
-Suga :yes ,but we can't ignore arm problems after painting 12 walls in white ..
-Jimin : What a lazy cheap !*he said teasing him*
-Jin :still don't know why we didn't escape from the punishment and went to The House !
-V :right ..the house ,what happened to it?
-Diana :ohhh ,the house ..now we are starting the important memories ..but first lets order the food ..
-Sarah :agree!!
-Rap Monster :me too ..

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