Chapter 5

Brighter Day


“Jiminie hyung.”

The two of them were both lying on the bed in Jimin’s dorm tired after a long day of schedules and school work. At this point, Jungkook had started to come to Jimin’s dorm so frequently and unexpectedly he was pretty much a third member of the dorm. The elder never opposed it, letting the younger one get his way. At the most, Jimin would only kick him out when he knew that Jungkook had schedules that he didn’t want to go to. Jungkook was a little upset about that, but he always obeyed. Jimin was right of course, he still had a career and he couldn't put it on hold because of one person.

Another month passed since Jungkook’s world changed. In a way, Jungkook’s gotten used to it. Used to it as in Jungkook was beginning to give up. Regret was a constant feeling that was always on the back of his mind, but for a while now Jungkook had stopped hoping that he could just wake up and everything would return to normal.

“Jungkook.” Jimin turned his body so that he was facing Jungkook and got up in a sitting position, motioning for Jungkook to do the same.

“Hyung?” Jungkook replied nervously. Jimin never called him Jungkook unless it was something important. In fact, the last time Jimin called him that was back when they were first reunited.

Jimin grabbed Jungkook’s hands with his own and intertwined them together. Looking softly into the younger’s eyes, he began to speak. “Kookie, I have some important news. And I wanted you to be the very first person to know. I didn’t tell my family yet, or even Junghyun.”

“What is it? You can tell me anything hyung.” As special as Jimin made it sound, Jungkook couldn’t help but to feel nervous.

“Jungkook, I got an internship, and it starts next semester.”

That was it? Jungkook inwardly sighed in relief, glad that he was just overthinking things.

“That’s great news! I’m so happy for you!”

Before Jungkook could continue, Jimin began to speak again.

“Jungkook, the internship’s in Japan.”

‘What?’ Did he hear that correctly? ‘No, no. This can’t be happening. Please make it stop.’

“Jungkook, you’re the only one who knows right now. We only reunited a few months ago, but your opinion means so much to me. Please tell me you support this.”

No, Jungkook did not support it. Not one bit.

“Of course I support you hyung. Always.”

Jimin’s face lit up, looking so happy Jungkook almost forgot about his inner turmoil.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me Kookie. If I’m being honest, I thought there was a good chance that you were gonna say no.”

Jimin collapsed back down on the bed, looking much more at ease than he had been a few minutes ago.

Jungkook followed suite. There was nothing he could say back. He didn’t trust himself to speak any further and everything else felt stuck in his throat. He turned toward Jimin and wrapped him in a warm embrace, never wanting to let go. Jimin happily returned the hug and nuzzled into Jungkook.

The two of them stayed that way the entire night. Jimin eventually fell asleep, but Jungkook was wide awake. He could only pray that Jimin never noticed the tears that were falling out and the sobs that he tried so hard to keep silent.

He already lost Jimin once. Now he’s losing him again?


“Jiminie’s got an internship in Japan? That’s amazing I have to call him right now! Oh my god I’m so happy for him!” Hoseok shouted, running toward his bedroom to give said man a call.

Jungkook was back in the dorm, as Jimin had kicked him out earlier so that Jungkook wouldn’t be able to miss any of his schedules. With his hyung’s permission, Jungkook had spread the news about the internship to the rest of s, pretending to be as happy as he could.

The rest of the members had responded positively to the news, glad to hear that one of the members who had gotten cut was doing well. Namjoon in particular had given him a reassuring pat on his shoulder, telling Jungkook that he had a positive role in Jimin’s life and that it was fate that brought him & Jimin back together. Jungkook smiled bitterly at his eldest hyung’s words. ‘The irony.’

After a while, everyone had dispersed back to their previous business, leaving Taehyung & Jungkook alone in the silence of the living room.

The two remained lingering in silence until Taehyung broke it.

“Jungkookie, how do you really feel?”

“What do you mean hyung? Of course I’m happy.”

“Cut the bull Jungkookie. I know that look better than anyone. It’s ok, I won’t judge you.”

Jungkook turned, looking at Taehyung for the first time since the conversation started. The older boy gave him an understanding smile and had his arms wide open, waiting for Jungkook to return the hug.

Jungkook accepted the hug. It wasn’t the same as Jimin’s, but he still found comfort in it. He never gave Taehyung enough credit. He knew the older boy was a lot smarter than he came off, but Jungkook didn’t think he was that obvious.

“Does.. does anyone else know?”

“No, you can fool the others but you can’t fool me. They know you're gonna upset about him leaving, just not for the same reasons I know. I just understand how you’re feeling right now.”

Jungkook couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. Taehyung’s been going through something similar, but unlike him, Taehyung didn’t have anyone to run to. Jungkook was so preoccupied with everything Jimin that he didn’t give much attention to Taehyung & the others. Yet here Taehyung was, comforting Jungkook and asking for nothing in return.

Once again, Jungkook felt as selfish as ever. Has he learned nothing after all this time?


Time went by a lot faster than Jungkook would have liked. The current semester was nearing its end when Jimin had told him, and life had continuously gotten in the way of the two of them meeting. The holidays and the new year had already passed by, and Jungkook was too busy with year end performances to find time to visit his hyung. At most the two of them were only able to talk on the phone, but to Jungkook it wasn’t enough.

Now, a few hours before Jimin’s flight, Jungkook was finally able to see his hyung for probably the last time in a very long time. The two of them were at the airport alone, waiting for Jimin’s flight. Jimin’s family and friends had come as well, but excused themselves to give the two some time alone. At this point Jungkook was desperate. Fans had gathered after spotting Jungkook, but he honestly did not care at the moment.

“Don’t leave hyung. Please don’t leave me.” Jungkook begged.

“Kookie.. It’s too late for that. My flight is literally today, and we’re already at the airport. You know I can’t. I’m literally going to be in the next country over.” Jimin said, looking conflicted. “You know, I was really happy when you said you supported me. Why can’t you do that now? Of all times?”

“Because you can’t! You and me, we’re supposed to be together. We can’t be this far apart. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do without you.” Jungkook whispered, voice cracking toward the end. “The group--”

Jimin sighed, before Jungkook could continued he interrupted. “Is this what this is about? Follow me for a second.”

Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the arm and dragged him toward a more secluded area, where they could talk away from curious ears. “Jungkook.. I have a confession to make. All this time, I wasn’t completely honest with you. Do you remember how close we were when we were trainees? How I would always take care of you? I always told you that it was because you reminded me so much of my brother. The truth was that it was because I liked you. Always working hard and doing your best. It’s what I always liked about you, both then and now. It didn’t help that you were so adorable back then.”

Jimin paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. “Then you debuted. And I didn’t. I always knew it was a hopeless crush, but that’s when I knew things had to come to an end. You were gonna be an idol, while I was just gonna become another person who came in and out of your life. I did my best to forget about you, and I almost succeeded. Then Seokjin hyung called me that one night and now we’re here. Somehow in these few months I’ve fallen deeper.”

Jimin stopped and looked straight into Jungkook’s eyes.

“Jungkook, I fell in love with you.”

Jungkook’s mind shut off. ‘He fell in love with me? He feels the same?’

He couldn’t think straight. Jimin’s confession had come out of the left field and Jungkook was trying to process the thought. He didn’t even notice himself leaning in toward Jimin until Jimin pushed him back.

“Jungkook stop, we’re still in public. I know no one can hear us but people can still see us. Don’t ruin your career because of me. I only told you about this for closure. There is no you and me. There was never a you and me Jungkook. I have to move on. You have to move on. We were never meant to be. I’m sorry, but I have to go now. Despite everything, you’ll always be my friend. I hope you can say the same about me.”

Jimin came in for one last hug, which Jungkook was still too shocked to respond to, and walked away, leaving Jungkook alone.

Jungkook’s never been more miserable.


Like that, Jimin had pretty much left his life and life continued on.

Though he did his best to try to get over it, Jungkook was never quite the same. He was no longer the loud, bratty maknae that loved to tease his hyungs. Now, he more reserved and well-behaved, following his hyungs without much question, always being considerate of them before himself. He even invested himself self more than ever toward Bangtan and their music career, to a point where even Yoongi had to slow him down.

He knew he was being stupid, but he thought that if he had become the kind of man Jimin would’ve been proud of, would’ve loved, it would’ve made Jimin come back to him. He knew there was always the phone and the internet. These days, it was never hard to talk to someone who lived in another place. Jungkook refused to though, it’s not like it would bring Jimin back. It would only make him miss him even more. Jimin seemed to think so too, because it wasn’t like he ever tried to call Jungkook either.

The others were very worried about Jungkook’s change in behavior, as they knew Jimin’s departure had a big effect on him. While they weren’t too obvious about it, they tried to take care of Jungkook in their own little ways. Namjoon & Yoongi would be much lighter on him in the recording studio, Hoseok went easy on him during dance practice & took him out afterwards, Seokjin would more often than not cook food catered to Jungkook’s taste, and Taehyung would always crawl into bed with him at the end of the day, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and then falling asleep together.

He appreciated what they did for him, as he knew they were doing their best, but none of it could fill the missing piece in his heart.


If Jungkook could turn back time, he would. If this was fate trying to teach him a lesson, then they succeeded. He made a mistake and said some things he never meant. He paid the consequences. Was he meant to live this way forever?

He’s tried things that he would’ve never considered before everything changed. He was never one to go to church, but Jungkook started going to church every Sunday without fail, always praying for everything to go back to the way it was. He’s even tried psychics, but they weren’t of much help either. He didn’t know what to do.

Jungkook was tired. The last flicker of hope he had left, it was beginning to fade. It was late, and as far as he knew, he had no schedules the following day. Jungkook took a trip to Mapo Bridge, just to see the water and the city lights just beyond it. Being near the water always reminded him of home, of Jimin, and it always helped him clear his mind.

Without thinking, he grabbed his phone and called the one who was always on his mind. It was the middle of the night, so he hoped that Jimin would pick up.


Jimin’s voice sounded a little rough through the line. Jungkook must’ve woken him up. He felt a little bad, but Jungkook knew he had to do this.

“Good evening hyung.”

“Kookie, do you realize how late it is? Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you finally called, but it's really late. I have a long day tomorrow and I do need to sleep.”

“I’m at Mapo Bridge.”

For a moment, the line on the other side went silent before Jimin raised his in voice in panic.

“Jungkook. Are you crazy? What are you planning to do? Please don’t--”

“I’m not gonna do anything hyung, don’t worry. I just needed time to think.”

“What? Time to think? At Mapo Bridge? Jungkook you have me so worried right now. Is this because of me leaving?”



“I’m sorry hyung. I just miss you so much. I wanted to hear you voice again. You just left so suddenly.”

“You know I didn’t have a choice.”

“You could’ve stayed.”

Jungkook could hear Jimin release a frustrated sigh over the phone. He could tell Jimin was getting irritated. “Jungkook please, we’re not getting into this. You know why--”

“I know. I’m sorry. I won’t bring it up again. Promise.” Jungkook paused. “Jiminie hyung, the last time we met, at the airport. Did you really mean what you said?”

“Of course I did, Jungkook no matter where I go and who I meet, you’ll always have a special place in my heart. But does that really matter now?”

Jungkook could feel his throat tightening. “Yes, because you never gave me a chance to reply. You just walked out on me. You told me how you felt, but you never gave me a chance to tell you how I felt.”


“Jimin, I love you.”

It was silent on the other line, but Jungkook could hear Jimin breathing, so he knew that Jimin had heard him.

“I love you too Jungkook. I hope you find your happiness. That’s all I ever wanted for you.”


Jungkook, still half asleep, woke to the sound of someone softly knocking on the door, as if scared of hearing a response.

“Kookie… Please open the door. The rest of the hyungs aren’t here, don’t worry. I told them I would deal with you so the others won’t do anything to you. It’s just me.”

“Jimin hyung?” Jungkook whispered to himself.

Like the first time, Jungkook shot out of bed in excitement, scrambling to get off the bed and to the door. Jimin stared back, mainly in shock because of how fast Jungkook had slammed the door open. This Jimin’s hair was silver and he looked like he had a bit more weight on him.

This was his Jimin. He was back.

“Jungkook, about earlier, I...oof!”

Jimin never got to continue what he was saying because Jungkook had engulfed the smaller boy in a hug so tight the two were basically glued together. The two remained that way until Jimin started tapping him on the back, signalling Jungkook to let go.


“Jiminie hyung, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean any of it. I’m a brat. What I did was unforgivable. You can punish me however you want. I deserve it, I know. I’ll spend the rest of my days making it up to you. I’ll be good to you hyung, I promise.”

Jimin had told him to let go not even a minute ago, but Jungkook couldn’t help it and grabbed his hyung again. This time, he carried him to the living room couch and sat down, Jimin on his lap. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Jimin again and nuzzled against him. It’s been far too long since he had been this close to him, and he wasn’t planning on letting go anytime soon.

“Um, Jungkook. I appreciate it.. but where did all this come from? What’s gotten into you?”

Jungkook had taken a good look at this Jimin, appreciating the familiar features that he had missed so much. Jimin had a confused look on his face, looking pretty uncomfortable.

That was when Jungkook remembered. He was back in his world, the world where Jimin was in his group. Everything was back to normal again, which meant all those months he spent bonding with Jimin, getting closer to him, was all gone. Here, he & Jimin were not on the greatest of terms which meant he had to start all over again.

Jungkook didn’t mind though. Jimin was back, and that’s all that mattered. He was going to take every lesson he learned back in the old world and fix everything.

“Jimin hyung, so much happened.” Jungkook spoke, looking Jimin in the eye. “But none of that matters. All that matters now is that I learned my lesson, and I realized some things. You mean the world to me hyung. I love you so much.”

“Alright, let’s not get carried away.” Jimin gave him an awkward chuckle and patted him on the shoulder.

Jimin obviously had a soft spot for him, but Jungkook could tell this Jimin didn’t love him the same way as the other Jimin. Jungkook was okay with that, because at least he was back. It was the start of a brighter day.


“What??? What do you mean you’re not gonna punish him? This deserves it. Jiminie you’re too nice!”

Jimin & Jungkook had spent a lot longer than they thought talking in the living room, because the other five members had come back to the dorms. None of them, especially Taehyung, looking too pleased with the maknae.

“Tae, it’s ok. The two of us talked everything out. Jungkookie’s learned his lesson, I think we’re ok.” Jimin replied, sending a small smile in Jungkook’s direction.

Taehyung huffed, and glaring in Jungkook’s direction. “And how do you know he learned his lesson? Next thing you know the next time our poor wittle maknae gets a little grouchy he’ll take it out on you again.”

“I don’t know Tae, but something seems different. I trust him.”

“You’re way too nice to him. He doesn’t even deserve it. What do you see in this kid anyway?”

Jungkook wanted to be offended, but he was just happy to see Taehyung back to normal. He was as overprotective of Jimin as ever. Jungkook just smiled in Taehyung’s direction, which seemed to piss off the older boy even more.

“See! Look at that grin! The little knows it too! Why I oughtta--” Taehyung’s little rant was interrupted by hand covering his mouth from behind.

“Come on Taehyung, if Jimin is okay with it, then let them be. It’s between the two of them, don’t get involved.” Seokjin spoke softly. He looked darkly in Jungkook’s direction before saying anything else. “No matter how idiotic some of our members can be.”

Taehyung’s mood had instantly gone soft, turning and pouting at Seokjin. “But Jinnie hyung! Jungkook deserves it!”

“Ah ah ah, come on what did I just say. Let Jiminie deal with him.” Seokjin replied, wrapping his arms around Taehyung’s waist and giving him a small peck on the lips. “Now come on, let’s get you to bed. It’s been a long day.”

Jungkook smiled at the familiar scene he never thought he would ever miss. He had gone up to join the hug that the two men were already sharing. “You guys are the cutest! I’m jealous.”

“Jungkook, what the hell’s gotten into you?” Hoseok spoke up for the first time since returning, giving Jungkook a confused look.

Jungkook looked at him, then at the two he was hugging, and their faces were just as puzzled, almost scandalized.

“Nothing Hoseok hyung! I’m just so happy! Just look at the two of them, what’s there not to love?” Jungkook smiled even wider.

Taehyung & Seokjin gave Jungkook a bewildered look and broke themselves off of the hug.

“Jinnie hyung let’s go, Jungkook’s weird.”

“I think we’ve all had a long day. We should all get to sleep.” Namjoon announced. “And Jungkook? I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but know this. If this ever happens again, you’re not getting off so lightly next time. No matter what Jimin says.”

“Of course hyung!”

Jungkook had a lot of fixing to do, but he was happy.


Later that night, when Jungkook was sure everyone was asleep, Jungkook had snuck out of his room and into Jimin’s. He crawled into Jimin’s bed and wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy, trying his best not to wake him.

“Jungkookie, what are you doing?” Jimin asked groggily.

“Sorry I woke you hyung, but I just wanted to stay with you tonight. That’s ok right?”

“You already said sorry, I believe you. You don’t have to do this.”

“I’m doing it because I want to! I meant it the first time Jiminie hyung, I love you.”

“...go to sleep Kookie.”


“Wow, I never took you to be the type. When you said you wanted to take me somewhere so early in the morning, I didn’t think you were gonna take me to Busan, much less the beach at sunrise.” Jimin’s eyes sparkled in happiness.

“Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it!”

Months have passed, and Jungkook’s made sure to never make the same mistake again. True to his word, he showered Jimin in endless compliments and was completely honest about his true feelings, never wanting another falling out. He even spread his new found appreciation for the world with the other members. It had take a while, but the members had accepted that this newly changed Jungkook was a permanent fixture in their lives and had returned him to their good graces.

“I’m happy to hear that.”

“Really, what’s gotten into you? Ever since that night it’s like you’re a whole new person. You never told me.”

“Jiminie.. maybe I’ll tell you one day. Just not today, ok?”

The two of them remained seated together by the bench, sharing a blanket & snuggling like they did back in the other world.

Jungkook eventually broke the silence, turning toward Jimin.

“Hey hyung, remember that interview? Those years ago, when you said that if you had just one day, you’d spend it alone with me strolling through the beach? Did you really mean it?”

“You still remember that?” It had grabbed Jimin’s attention because he tore his gaze from the ocean and gave Jungkook a serious look. “Is that why you really brought me here? Kookie, is there something you want to tell me?”

“No hyung, nothing that I haven’t told you before. I’ll tell you as many times as I have to. I love you Jiminie.”

Jungkook looked away, scared to see Jimin’s reaction. He’s told Jimin how he’s felt plenty of times, and each time Jimin had just brushed it off, embarrassed. It reminded Jungkook of how Jimin used to act with him. Except this time, Jungkook was the one showering him with affection.

He was forced to look back when he felt Jimin’s hand on his cheek and was met with a soft pair of lips on his own.

As soon as it started, it ended. Jimin pulled back and Jungkook looked at him with wide eyes. All Jimin did in return was give him the most loving smile.

“Kookie, I love you too. Always have.”


Well, this is where our story comes to an end. ^^

Thank you for sticking through it all the way to the end, despite all the problems I made with it. It was my first fic in a very long time and I enjoyed writing it a lot. I hope you guys enjoyed it too! Thank you again <3

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Chapter 5: BEAUTIFUL. I loved this story so much
Chapter 5: What a beautiful story you have here! This story is soooooo amazing. I love this story <3
ayaerika #3
i've read this story for the 5th time and its still gold. But there is one thing i didnt get. In the beginning of the story (chapter 1), did jungkook already like jimin?
Chapter 5: So cute~
Good! Great! Jikook! :D

I loved everything ;)
Chapter 5: thank you for bringing Jimin back.
Chapter 5: I cried....okay, this was just too cute and perfect!
But I felt so bad for the other jimin :( I don't know... great, I'm starting to cry again :'D
Just know, that I really liked your story and the ending and jst everything! :)
eyesmilegyu #9
Chapter 5: i cried a river that was so sad! but thank god it was a dream and yeay this is so nicely written ♡
novalizaa #10
Chapter 5: This is precious.
Thankyou for this adorable story!