Chapter 4

Brighter Day

Jungkook told Jimin that he would visit him often and whenever he could, but he had come to realize that it was a lot easier said than done. It’s been around a month since Jungkook’s last visited Jimin, which means Jungkook’s been in a world where Jimin wasn’t in Bangtan for just as long. It’s the longest he’s been without Jimin since they had met as trainees. With Jungkook preparing for their comeback and Jimin’s work load increasing as the semester went on, they just couldn’t find time that worked for the both of them.


Jungkook honestly thought that after a month he would’ve gotten used to it by now, but the feeling still weighed heavily on his heart. He just couldn’t accept the fact that he and Jimin were now walking in two different paths in life, both chasing different dreams. Jungkook was in Bangtan, performing music for people to hear, and Jimin was in university, studying to become a professor and preparing himself to teach the new generation of children. He couldn’t accept it, but he had no choice. Life would keep moving forward no matter how hard he would try to go back.


To: Jiminie Hyung <3

hey hyung

sooo as u may have heard

our comeback is next week

we’re having a showcase

can u come? Pls


From: Jiminie hyung <3

Oh no, I can’t make it next week!

Me & some members of the math group I’m in are preparing for a competition that’s coming up soon.

I’m so so sorry Kookie, I would’ve loved to go.

Just know your hyung loves you and is always cheering you on.

Even if I’m not there with you

Jungkook could feel his heart breaking, but there was nothing he could do. Jimin was living his own life and pursuing his own career, and Jungkook felt like he had no part in it.


By the time their comeback had rolled around, Jungkook had even less time to talk to Jimin. If there was anything hadn’t changed it was the quick paced life that came with being an idol. Jungkook could feel himself just going through the motions of every single schedule.

During interviews, he was forced to lay low, stay close to Taehyung, and allow the hyungs to do most of the talking. While he hadn’t brought it up since, the others were still wary of Jungkook unconsciously blabbering something about Jimin. He didn’t mind though, it was hard for him to keep up an energetic facade when his shorter hyung wasn’t there to cheer him up and help him get it together. Usually back when he’d act up in interviews, he did it for the sole purpose of seeing Jimin find pleasure and entertainment in his silly acts.


When it came to performing, he still tried to perform to his best. It had taken him a while, but eventually he had gotten the hang of performing their music with altered line distributions and choreography tailored for six people. It wasn’t something he could say he was particularly happy about. It just served as another reminder of everything that was wrong with this world.


Jimin himself hadn’t been replying as often as he used to to his messages either, so Jungkook began to slow down on it as well. It wasn’t like before where he did it out of spite. Rather this time he did it because he didn’t want to place any more burden on Jimin. He didn’t personally know how it felt to be a college student, especially in a major such as math, but he knew it wasn’t easy by any means. On top of regular class work, Jimin was also in extracurriculars and preparing for a math competition. He figured Jimin was under a lot of stress at the moment, and he didn’t want to feel like he was pressuring Jimin into talking to him just because Jungkook was having a hard time himself. Jimin kept drifting further and further from him, and Jungkook wanted nothing more than to pull him back into his arms.




With another successful round of promotions ending and schedules gradually slowing down, Jungkook had managed to figure out the date and location of Jimin’s competition after some snooping around behind the other’s back. He thought positive and just hoped that Jimin didn’t tell him the date out of courtesy for his own schedule. Luckily for him, it fell on one of his rare days off. After such a long time of minimal contact, the younger wanted to surprise his hyung and show him support. Despite everything, Jungkook wasn’t just going to let Jimin leave his life like that.


The night before the competition Jungkook was just hanging around Taehyung, playing around with whatever to pass the time. The two were talking when Jungkook brought up his plans on visiting Jimin the next day.


“I’m planning on going to see Jiminie hyung tomorrow. He’s having a math competition and I wanted to cheer him on. Did you want to come?” Jungkook asked. Truthfully, he was only asking out of courtesy. He didn’t really think Taehyung would want to go, but it was still polite to ask.


“No thanks Kook, it’d be too weird. I haven’t seen Jimin in a long time, and it’s not really like we’re friends or anything anymore. Plus I don’t want to get in trouble with our manager, we didn’t get permission to leave.”

Jungkook frowned, at first he didn’t think much of it, as he had bigger issues to worry about, but after spending about a month in this world, seeing Taehyung so quiet and orderly didn’t sit well with Jungkook. Maybe seeing Jimin would’ve been good for him after all.


“Oh Tae, go out and live a little, what’s the point of obeying every single rule. You’re not even doing anything bad. It’s not like you’re going to a brothel. Our manager would probably laugh at you for being worried about sneaking out to a math competition.” Hoseok spoke up. Speaking in an over dramatic tone, hand clutched against his heart, he pretended to sound offended. “Now what’s this about Jiminie’s math competition? You’re inviting Taehyung but not me? I take offense to that. I was the closest one to him after all, at least before you suddenly became obsessed with him.”


“No hyung, of course you can go.”


Hoseok was so quiet earlier that Jungkook had assumed that he was already in deep sleep. He was already regretting bringing up Jimin’s competition in the first place. This wasn’t what he had planned.


Oblivious to the maknae’s displeasure, Hoseok clapped his hands in glee. “Great! Now if I go then that means Yoongi will want to go, and then if he goes we minus well bring Namjoon & Seokjin hyung.”




The following day, thanks to Hoseok, the six of them had all gone together to watch Jimin compete(with permission, due to Taehyung’s insistence). They had all shown up a little late as Jungkook had wanted to get Jimin a gift, so he thought roses would be an appropriate gift for such an event.

The competition had seemed to already have gone underway, so they had quietly found seats in the back. Throughout the whole event, Jungkook was in complete awe. Jungkook had no idea what was going on and what Jimin were doing, but seeing him up there so focused and determined left him speechless. His hyungs were next to him and Jimin’s teammates were around Jimin, but all Jungkook could see was Jimin.

It eventually ended with Jimin’s group in victory. Seeing Jimin up there, smiling in victory, it looked exactly like his Jimin. From the smile to the posture, it was identical. Jimin looked so sure of himself, completely satisfied in himself. He’d only seen his Jimin look that way after a big performance or after winning an award. Despite the circumstances, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel so proud of Jimin.

After everything was over, families and friends started getting up, ready to congratulate(or console) whoever they knew. Jungkook pushed through the crowd, leaving his group mates behind, quickly headed to the area where he spotted Jimin heading toward, bouquet of roses in his hands.

“Jiminie hyung!”

At the sound of his name being called out & recognizing the owner of its voice, Jimin turned around in shock. “Jungkookie?”

Jungkook caught up to him and engulfed him in a tight embrace, snuggling his face into Jimin’s neck. “Congratulations hyung, I’m so proud of you.”

The older, body stiff in shock, eventually relaxed and returned the hug. “Jungkookie you came? I can’t believe you came all the way here just to see me. You came for me right?”

Letting go, Jungkook handed Jimin the bouquet, avoiding eye contact with his face flushed red. “Of course I did hyung, I missed you. So much. You were amazing, even though I hadn’t a single clue what was going on I know you did so well.”

Jimin beamed at him in return. “These are beautiful Kookie, thank you so much. For the roses and for coming. It means a lot. When do you have to go back?”

Jungkook shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter.”

Jimin playfully slapped him in the shoulder, evident by the smile that hasn’t yet left his face. “You brat, you snuck out didn’t you? You must give your hyungs the hardest time.”

“Of course not hyung! I even brought the others with me!” Jungkook scoffed, pretending to be offended by Jimin’s accusations.

“You did? The others are here?” Jimin’s eyes widened in shock.

“Of course, I’m so proud of you, hyung. I wasn’t joking. I wanted the other members to see how great you are.” Jungkook answered, smiling bashfully. He lied about wanting all of them here, but Jimin didn’t have to know that.


Jungkook frowned a little hearing the familiar shout. It was bound to happen eventually but he had hoped he could spend a little more time alone with Jimin before they all showed up.

Jimin looked toward the source of the noise and saw his familiar hyung headed towards him, arms wide open. “Hoseok hyung? Oh my god!”

Hoseok, who was practically sprinting in their direction, ran straight into Jimin’s arms, giving him a tight hug. “You were so cool Jiminie! I never knew you were so smart!”

“Wow hyung, I’m actually offended.” Jimin replied, pretending to be offended. It was ruined by the grin on his face. He loosened his hold on Hoseok, but he never actually let go.

The two acted as if they were always friends, as if they were never separated.

“Oh you know what I meant.” Hoseok replied with a big smile, arms still loosely wrapped around Jimin’s waist. “I’m just glad you’re doing well.”

Their little moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat, which Jungkook was thankful for.

Hoseok and Jimin both let go of each other and turned to see Yoongi and the other four members, who had finally caught up. “Oh Yoongi! You guys finally caught up! You guys are so slow.”

“Or maybe you were just a bit too excited.”

“I have every reason to be excited. Come and congratulate Jiminie~”

Yoongi reluctantly conceded, but nonetheless gave Jimin his genuine congratulations. The other members had also given their regards. Namjoon had given him a pat on the shoulder and a congratulations, while Seokjin had given Jimin a hug as well, though much more awkward in comparison to Hoseok’s and Jungkook’s. The three of them were clearly not as comfortable around Jimin as Jungkook and Hoseok seemed to be. Finally there was Taehyung who hadn’t said a word since the little reunion. He tried to hide in the background but Jungkook noticed and gave him a little push in Jimin’s direction. “Go on, hyung.”

“Congratulations Jimin.” Taehyung finally spoke. He tried his best to sound sincere, but everyone could feel how forced it was. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Jimin, he just didn’t really know how to behave around him. The guy, who Taehyung admits he was once friends with a long time ago, that Hoseok and Jungkook seemed to adore was basically a stranger to him at this point.


“Thank you Taehyung.” Jimin replied, giving him a weak smile. He could obviously feel the tense atmosphere.


The two didn’t know where to go from there, so Seokjin, who had enough, took reign of the quickly diminishing mood. “Jimin, why don’t we treat you out for a meal? As celebration? Just the seven of us.” He paused. “Unless you have other plans?”


Jimin smiled at Seokjin, giving him a thankful look. “I don’t have any plans until later. That would actually be nice.” He paused, giving the others around him a glance before he continued. “If that’s okay with all of you?”


“Of course that’s okay with us hyung.” Jungkook spoke to Jimin warmly, but gave the others a warning look, daring them to oppose this.



The seven of them had decided to eat at the same BBQ place that Jimin had taken Jungkook to before. Luckily for them, the owner had recognized who they were and had given them a private table in the back corner, away from curious eyes. Initially the dinner had started off very awkward, as none of them(besides Jungkook & Hoseok) really knew how to behave around Jimin, but after a few shots of soju, everyone, including Taehyung, had loosened up and had a really great time.

“You know what, kid? You’re pretty cool after all. Just make sure you keep your tiny hands to yourself. Actually do whatever you want with them. As long as they're away from Hoseok. Or else I’ll make you regret it.” Yoongi slurred, another shot of soju in his hand. He obviously had one too many drinks.

“Oh my god Yoongi calm down, stop being a jealous and leave Jiminie alone. I’m not gonna leave you.” Hoseok, who was in a much more sober state, scolded, taking the shot glass away from him. Jungkook couldn’t tell if his face was flushed red out of embarrassment or if it was just the alcohol.

Jimin just giggled at the couple’s antics. He leaned over to Taehyung, who was in just as great of a mood, and whispered in his ear. “Are they always like this?”

Taehyung just snickered, a mischievous smile on his face. “Yeah, it’s always funny when Yoongi gets jealous like that. You should hang around with us more often, you’ll get to see more. Hey, you should mess with Yoongi, go play around with Hoseok and see what else happens.”

“Okay guys, I know we’re all having fun and all, but keep it under control.” Seokjin, even tipsy, was trying to be the voice of reason. “Hoseok! Keep your boyfriend under control! Taehyung, stop baiting Yoongi! Ugh, Namjoonie help me out here please!”

“Awe, come on babe, loosen up a bit~ How often do we get to do these kind of things? Let the kids have some fun.” Namjoon slurred, wrapping an arm around Seokjin.

Watching the scene warmed Jungkook’s heart. Seeing the seven of them out like this just having a good time together made him really happy. It reminded him of how things used to be. How things were supposed to be. Since coming here, Jungkook couldn’t even remember once where they were all this comfortable around each other. For the first time, Jungkook’s been able to see Taehyung actually let loose and let himself actually enjoy what was around him, and with Jimin of all people. Yoongi & Hoseok were still the same bickering but in love couple as always. Namjoon was still the strict yet easy going leader. Seokjin had especially warmed up, no longer stiff and awkward like when Jungkook had first spoken to him. Sure, there were some big things that were still very different, but in this moment, Jungkook had really felt like this was home.


“Did you have fun today hyung?”

“I did, thank you. Your group members are a lot of fun.”

Jimin & Jungkook were both walking side by side back to Jimin’s dorm. The two had split off from the other five soon after they were done eating. The other five decided to head back to the dorm to rest, as some members had a little too much to drink, while Jungkook insisted on spending more time with Jimin by escorting him back to his dorm room. By now, the sun had been long gone but the night was still young.

“You know, you’re always welcome to come hang out with us. With me. All you need to do is ask.”

Jimin looked up and gave Jungkook another genuine smile. Jungkook was never going to get used to how beautiful it was. “I know that now. I’m.. sorry I was distant this past month. I know I said I was busy but I could always make time for you. It was just that I wasn’t sure if you really wanted me around or if you just suddenly remembered what had happened to me and felt bad about it. It was stupid, I know. It was just you always brought up how I should’ve been in the group so I couldn’t help it.”

“Hyung, please don’t ever feel that way again, I always want you around. It was just that I was thinking that it would’ve been better had you been in the group with us.” Jungkook couldn’t help it. Despite how great the day had been, it wouldn’t have changed anything. Jimin, as much as he fit right in, was still not a part of the group.

Not giving a negative reaction like Jungkook thought he would, Jimin just gave him another smile. “It’s ok Kookie. For the first time in a while, I’m actually completely happy with where my life is headed right now. I like what I’m doing now. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad you thought that I was a member of your group. It brought you back to me. You’ve helped me in so many ways Kookie, and I’ll always be thankful. I’ve finally been able to move on from my dream of being an idol. Thank you for never giving up on me. ”


The two stopped, eventually reaching Jimin’s dorm. The two stopped in front of it and continued to talk.


“But hyung--” Jungkook started to reply; he could feel his heart breaking and his eyes were starting to sting, but Jimin didn’t give him any time to continue.


“But nothing Kookie, just keep working hard. You’ll definitely be the best. I believe in you. With Seokjin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung, you guys will reach your dreams. I know it.” Jimin reached in and reached in to give Jungkook another hug.


Jungkook returned the hug, and made himself smaller to hide in his hyung’s embrace.


“I don’t want to go hyung.”

“You have to eventually Kookie.”




Another month continued in this world, and Jungkook continued to lose hope in leaving as more time went on. Ever since that night, Jimin, despite giving up on being an idol forever, had still kept in close contact with Jungkook and the rest of Bangtan.


Somewhere along the line, Jungkook’s feelings for Jimin had evolved into much more. Jungkook had always know that he had loved Jimin most out of all his hyungs and that he always had some sort of attraction to him. Before, he was fine with Jimin doting on him as a hyung would a dongsaeng. Their special relationship was always enough for him. Now, it wasn’t enough. Jungkook wanted more. He wanted Jimin to only have eyes for him, and want to only be with him. He wanted what Yoongi & Hoseok had. He wanted what his Seokjin & his Taehyung had. He wanted what this Seokjin & this Namjoon had. The attraction was always there, but now it had come to the point where Jungkook wanted, no needed, to act upon it.


Jungkook couldn’t tell if Jimin felt the same way, but god, he sure hoped he did.


True to his word, Jimin & Jungkook had always found time to talk to each other. They talked on Kakao whenever they had time to be on their phone, and if they were both lucky enough to have a free evening on the same day, they would video call. Jungkook & Jimin were as close as ever, yet Jungkook couldn’t help but feel further than ever from him. The closer he got to this Jimin, the more he began to miss his Jimin. Here had a Jimin who cared for him and treated him as tenderly as ever, a Jimin who he could talk to about anything. It was the kind of relationship that he wanted with his Jimin. While he still loved this Jimin, this Jimin didn’t really understand the struggles he faced as an idol, and this Jimin was never physically around to comfort Jungkook in reassuring hugs, hold his hand when he was nervous, or share his bed to help relieve his loneliness. Jungkook was happy that Jimin was happy, but he didn’t realize how hard it would be to support him. After their talk and Jimin’s final decision, Jungkook thought that he would be able to wholeheartedly support Jimin, but it was easier said than done.




It wasn’t until another month had passed that they were able to meet again in person. It was the first snow of the winter season and Jungkook had shown up unannounced at Jimin’s door(after making sure that he wouldn’t be interrupting anything important of course) demanding that the two of them spend the first snow together.


The two of them didn’t really do anything special, more than content in just being in each other’s presence and spending time together. They played in the snow and enjoyed seeing the city they both grew up in being covered in snow.


“It’s pretty, isn’t it? You can’t find beaches like this anywhere else in Korea.” Jimin spoke up.

Currently, the two of them were huddled together sharing a blanket on the beach, just enjoying the scenery that came with the snow and the sea.

“You’re even prettier hyung.” Jungkook responded casually, looking straight ahead.


Jimin giggled in delight, gave Jungkook a light push and leaned his head back onto the younger’s broad shoulder, wrapping both his arms around one of Jungkook’s.


“Ah Kookie, you’re such a tease~ No wonder all the girls love you. It’s dangerous you know? Spending so much time with me, being this close to me, especially since I’m a boy. Don’t forget you’re still a celebrity.” Jimin said it playfully, but Jungkook could still sense the warning behind it.


“Hyung, as long as you’re by my side, I’ll be okay.”


I hope you guys all enjoyed! The story is coming to a close in maybe 1 or 2 more chapters. As always, thank you for reading and let me know what you think <3


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Chapter 5: BEAUTIFUL. I loved this story so much
Chapter 5: What a beautiful story you have here! This story is soooooo amazing. I love this story <3
ayaerika #3
i've read this story for the 5th time and its still gold. But there is one thing i didnt get. In the beginning of the story (chapter 1), did jungkook already like jimin?
Chapter 5: So cute~
Good! Great! Jikook! :D

I loved everything ;)
Chapter 5: thank you for bringing Jimin back.
Chapter 5: I cried....okay, this was just too cute and perfect!
But I felt so bad for the other jimin :( I don't know... great, I'm starting to cry again :'D
Just know, that I really liked your story and the ending and jst everything! :)
eyesmilegyu #9
Chapter 5: i cried a river that was so sad! but thank god it was a dream and yeay this is so nicely written ♡
novalizaa #10
Chapter 5: This is precious.
Thankyou for this adorable story!