Chapter 3

Brighter Day

“Jimin hyung!”

As soon as Jungkook heard the familiar voice he shot up from the bed. In front of him was no other than the source of his internal mess for the past couple of days. He saw Jimin giving him a curious glance before immediately enveloping him in a tight hug.

“Jiminie hyung! Oh my god it’s actually you. You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” Jungkook exclaimed, the biggest grin on his face. He was so happy his eyes were getting a little watery. “It’s only been a day but I missed you soooo much.”

Pulling back to take a better look at the man he missed so dearly, he noticed a few changes. His hyung seemed to dye his hair back to black, and he looked softer. He didn’t think it was possible, but to Jungkook Jimin looked even smaller than before, less built but fuller around his face. He looked confused and a little hesitant. Probably because he was still upset over what had happened the other day, not that he could blame him.

“Jimin hyung! Where did you go the other day? You and the other hyungs honestly had me convinced. How did you guys set up such an elaborate scheme over night? I have to hand it to you all, you guys got me. Especially the part where you guys played our music and you weren’t in it. I guess I deserved it though, didn’t I?”

Jimin just frowned, the confused expression still on his face. “Jungkook, uh, I don’t really know what you’re talking about. I’m not even sure why I’m here? Jin hyung contacted me last night and told me that it was super important that I should see you?”

Not being able to resist it, Jungkook went in for another hug, firmer this time, afraid of letting him go again. “Hyung, I promise I’ll make it up to you, but for now please just let me cherish you & this moment a little longer.”

After a good few seconds, Jimin pushed against Jungkook’s embrace, which made the younger frown.

“Listen, Jungkook, please listen to this hyung one last time. Jin hyung talked to me, he.. he said that you thought that I was Bangtan’s 7th member or something. He was hoping that when you saw me you’d snap out of whatever you’ve been going through. You shouldn’t worry your hyungs like that. ..I thought I taught you better.” Jimin said quietly, voice cracking toward the end.

After listening to Jimin’s little speech, Jungkook took a closer look at this Jimin. So shortly after having his spirits lifted so high, everything came crashing back down so quickly. Just when his heart was starting to rebuild itself, it broke all over again. This wasn’t his Jimin. While he was distant to his Jimin, there was still this special connection between them, buried very deep, deep down. With this one, there was nothing, as if their connection was completely cut.

“Jiminie hyung.. Is there something wrong with me? Why are you like this?”

Jimin flinched in shock, almost looking offended at the thought. “W-what? Why would you think that? You know you were always my favorite when we were trainees. We’re just.. not close anymore. Things changed Jungkook.”

“Its ok hyung, I don’t mind. Really.” Jungkook replied, giving a bitter smile in return. “If things are the way they are, what are you doing all the way here? I’d thought you would go back to Busan after you didn’t make the cut.”

Jimin flinched again, and Jungkook immediately regretted his poor choice in wording. Even in another world he couldn’t get it right. “I did move back. Like I said, Jin hyung called me last night concerning you. He sounded really worried, so I took the next train I could to get here, so please don’t let this trip for nothing. What’s wrong and why did your hyungs end up having to contact me?”

Jungkook wanted to cry hearing his hyung’s words, but did his best to hold it back(he’s shed more tears than he would’ve like to admit in these past few days). Similar to Jin, this Jimin was different from his Jimin, but inside they were still the same person. Despite not having talked to the Bangtan members since their debut(at least from what Jungkook deduced), Jimin still traveled across the country early in the morning just to check on Jungkook’s wellbeing. He didn’t deserve him. Jungkook knew that, but he was still too selfish to care. He needed to tell Jimin what was wrong, even if it hurt him. Any shot he had at returning to his own world, he had to risk it.

“Jiminie hyung.. I don’t know why, but something’s wrong. You are the seventh member of Bangtan, please believe me.” Jungkook answered, looking straight into Jimin’s eyes. Jimin once told him he could understand everything about Jungkook through his eyes, so he prayed this Jimin was the same and that his feelings could come through. All the memories they spent together, he hoped Jimin could see it all.

For a good minute, Jimin just stared back at Jungkook without saying a word. His face changed and he gave Jungkook a defeated smile. “I believe you Kookie.”


“So do any of you know what Jiminie hyung’s been up to since he quit being a trainee?” Jungkook asked. The six of them were gathered in the living room to bond after a relatively short day of schedules. Since Jungkook’s breakdown the previous week, Namjoon, with the suggestion from Jin, had made it a custom to have group meetings on evenings they were free and weren’t allowed to leave the dorm as a means to bond.

During Jimin’s visit, Jungkook and Jimin had exchanged numbers and the two have been in contact since. Jungkook however had enough tact to avoid any discussion on career options. He was just grateful that Jimin was even willing to talk to him after everything. He had hurt Jimin greatly after his confession the previous evening. While Jimin believed him, Jungkook had given him endless thoughts of “what could have been.”

For now, Jungkook had not figured out any ways of returning to his world. While he was trying to look into it, it wasn’t as if he had plenty of time for it. He wondered to what extent the changes this world had. He was still an idol in this world and he had obligations to fulfill. The members, while still suspicious, decided to let Jungkook’s breakdown slide, blaming it on stress of the comeback. That however didn’t mean that he was left off completely clean. The other five had made sure to keep a closer eye on the maknae.

“I don’t think so, I mean he just got up and left one night. No warning what so ever, we were just told the next morning that he quit.” Namjoon replied, a distant look in his eye. “He really deserved to debut too.”

“Actually, Jiminie came to see me when he decided to leave! I guess he didn’t really tell anybody else.” Hoseok spoke up. Jungkook had an unsettling feeling in his stomach, he wasn’t sure if it was because of Hoseok referring to Jimin as “Jiminie” or if it was because Jimin confided in him, rather than Jungkook once again. It was probably both.

Yoongi, who was seated right next to Hoseok, turned his head immediately towards his boyfriend. “Ok what? What else is there about you two that I didn’t know?”

Over the past week, Jungkook had also noticed some differences in the other members. Yoongi for example was the same for the most part. He overworked himself to the point of exhaustion, was as passionate as ever about his music, and for the most part tried to stay in the background. Yet when it came to Hoseok he was pretty vocal about his affection toward him. Jungkook wasn’t really sure how he felt about that. He guessed it was cute, but it was a sight he had to get used to.

“Hyung! Nothing like that! We were just really good friends as trainees!” Hoseok defended, a little offended at Yoongi’s lack of faith in him. “Besides, Jiminie had someone else he lik-actually, nevermind. A-anyway, Jungkookie you asked what little Jiminie’s doing now right?”

“Yes hyung.” Jungkook replied, choosing to ignore Hoseok’s choice in nicknames.

“Well I don’t know the details, but he told me he was going back to Busan to get his GED. Sorry but I don’t really know what he’s doing now.”

“It’s ok, thank you for telling me anyway. What about you Taehyung hyung? Do you know anything?”

Taehyung looked at Jungkook sadly. “No Kook, I don’t. We were friends but me & Jimin never got to be that close. I didn’t even know he left until everyone else did.”

This Taehyung was different more so than the other members. This one was actually pretty quiet, often staying out of group shenanigans. He also discovered that this Taehyung never got into acting, which explained the confusion earlier with Hwarang. Jungkook would often catch him watching Jin from afar, a sad look in his eye. Without Jimin around, he guessed that Taehyung never really had someone he could share everything with. While he seemed to talk to Hoseok & Yoongi, Taehyung would often feel like a third wheel and he didn’t seem to interact much with Namjoon & Seokjin, for obvious reasons. Jungkook thought that he & Taehyung were pretty close, as they often stuck with each other, but he knew it wasn’t the same as what Taehyung had with Jimin.

“If you’re so curious, why don’t you ask him yourself?” Yoongi asked, back to the Yoongi that Jungkook was more used to.

“I don’t know, I thought that was off limits. I accidentally brought up him not making it into the group, and I hurt his feelings. I don’t want to do that again.”

“No, you’re just kind of at talking. As long as you don’t sound like the insensitive prick you are I’m sure he wouldn’t mind telling you.” Yoongi fired back.

Jin eventually changed the topic to another topic that didn’t involve Jimin, and Jungkook just tuned the rest of it out. Eventually, they decided to call it a night and they all headed back to their respective bedrooms, with the exception of Jungkook. He thought about what Yoongi said, and decided he was right. The problem was how was he going to word it? If he didn’t put extra thought into it, he would probably up again. Laying on the couch, he started typing on his phone.

To: Jiminie hyung <3
R u awake hyung?

From: Jiminie hyung <3
What’s up Jungkookie?

To: Jiminie hyung <3
Oh it’s nothing i guess
I was just wondering
What have u been up to since u went back?
Sry i was just curious
I hope i’m not asking too much

He prayed that sounded as nice as he thought it did. It took a little longer for a response, but Jungkook was relieved that Jimin didn’t seem to be offended.

From: Jiminie hyung <3
Oh don’t worry about it! I was just surprised, that’s all
Hmm, well I don’t know if Hoseok hyung told any of you,
but i went back to get my GED.
I’m in uni now, studying math. I think i’m gonna be a professor
I’ve always liked helping others and i’m good at math
So it made sense
Plus I get to see my family a lot more now
It’s nice

Jungkook frowned, a little disappointed in Jimin’s response. His personal dislike for math aside, he had hoped Jimin wouldn’t have completely given up on his dream of performing, but from what he had just read, Jimin took up something that wasn’t remotely close to that. It just wasn’t something he could picture his hyung doing. He also had a little hope that he had told the Jungkook of this world that he was leaving, but apparently not. However it did bring him some comfort to see that Jimin didn’t seem too upset. He knew his hyung often felt homesick and missed his family, so he was glad this Jimin didn’t have to deal with that.

To: Jiminie Hyung <3
Are u busy this Friday?

From: Jiminie hyung <3
I have a discussion class in the morning
After that i’m free, why?

To: Jiminie hyung <3
I’m coming to visit u
So pls make time for ur precious dongsaeng? :-)


On his next day off, which happened to be the next Friday, Jungkook took a train to Busan to meet up with Jimin. It was at a time where most people who would probably recognize him were probably still in school, so he wasn’t too worried about being recognized. After much hesitation and a lot of convincing from Jungkook, Jimin finally relented, offering to treat Jungkook for lunch at a new Korean BBQ joint near the university Jimin was attending. Jungkook wanted to offer to treat his hyung, but he didn’t want to push any unspoken boundaries. The other members didn’t know the details, as he only told them that he was going out for the rest of the day. He did have a suspicion that the members had an idea of where he was going, but they said nothing. The most he got was Taehyung giving him a comforting smile and Hoseok giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder telling him to “have fun.”

After getting off the train, he took a good moment to take in the scenery of his hometown. On the ride there, Jungkook had the thought that he should visit his family after he was done spending time with Jimin, but another part of him just wanted to spend the whole day with his hyung. After all, at least to rid himself of the small guilt he was feeling, he would always have his family, but he sadly couldn’t say the same about having Jimin.

From: Jiminie hyung <3
Have you arrived safely? Class is running a little late today
So i might be a little late
I can leave early so you don’t have to wait

Jungkook smiled reading the response. Even now his hyung was still as thoughtful as ever.

To: Jiminie hyung <3
No no its cool hyung
I just got off the train
We’ll probz make it at the same time
Thx anyway

Without waiting for a reply, Jungkook followed the directions to the address that Jimin had texted him earlier. Thankfully, the university wasn’t too far from the train station, which meant Jungkook wouldn’t have too much of a hard time seeing his hyung if he ever had a day off. As he approached his destination, he saw Jimin before he saw the restaurant. His shorter hyung was waiting outside bundled in a light jacket and scarf fitting the dropping temperature, and a backpack that looked like it could burst at any second. Apparently Jimin noticed him too, because he started waving in his direction with a small smile on his face.

“Come on Jungkookie, let’s go inside.” Jimin said, grabbing him by the hand. He wasn’t calling him Kookie, but having the feeling of Jimin’s small hand wrapped around his would suffice for now.

The restaurant itself was very nice, Jungkook could tell it had just recently opened up, if the cleanliness was anything to go by. It was still pretty empty since it was before the lunch rush and most students were probably still in class. He sighed in relief as that most likely meant he could go through this undisrupted. He heard the familiar tune of the Wonder Girls’ newest song in the background, which Jungkook noted as a sign that it was most likely only his group that was actually affected.

The date(at least Jungkook considered it one, but Jimin didn’t have to know that yet) started off really well. The two of them were able to get past the small talk and actually talk about each other’s own lives. Jungkook had to admit it was still a little weird talk about experiences that Jimin should’ve had with him, but the feeling of being able to talk to him like this without restraint was too satisfying to give it too much thought. There were obvious differences between this Jimin and his Jimin, but regardless Jungkook was still having a good time.

It was when the lunch rush started to flow in that the mood started to dampen. A bunch of girls, and even a few boys, recognized Jungkook and started to take pictures of him from afar. One fan even had the audacity to ask him for an autograph, of course to which Jungkook complied. He tried to ignore Jimin’s increasingly sad mood, which was getting worse with each snap of the camera.

“Hyung, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s the price of fame. I understand.” Jimin tried giving him a reassuring smile, but it just came off as looking like a grimace. Jungkook figured he wasn’t as ok with the whole ‘missing the cut’ thing as he tried to come off. “Are you done eating? Let’s try to go somewhere else, sound good? We’ll just have to make a quick stop at my dorm so I can drop my stuff off.”

“Sounds good.”

After paying for the bill, Jimin led Jungkook back to his dorm room. “Sorry it’s kind of a mess right now. Junghyunie doesn’t know how to clean up after himself. I keep telling him to do it, but does he actually do it? No, of course not. Ah but you can’t help but love him anyway.”

“Who’s Junghyun?” Jungkook asked, noticing the affection Jimin had when talking about this guy. He also chose to ignore the fact that the he had the same name as his brother.

“Oh, he’s my best friend since I was a kid. We stopped talking for a bit after I went to Seoul,” Jimin paused for a little, “but after I came back he welcomed me back with open arms. Now we’re sharing dorms.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Yeah, he’s a really nice guy. He was one of the only people who wholeheartedly supported my dream. Even when I came back, he took me back like nothing happened. Helped me get the hang of things around here. I owe him a lot.”

Jungkook knew that feeling in his stomach was of jealousy, but he held it back and said nothing. Is this the life Jimin would have lived had he never joined the group?

“Anyway, I’m ready now. Let’s go?” Jimin asked.


The two spent the whole day sightseeing in Busan. Jimin had shown Jungkook how much had changed since he had left.

“I was surprised too, sometimes I feel like I’m in another town. I guess I got a bit used to living in Seoul.”

Jimin tried to hide it, but there were those moments where he would slip and talk about his life back as a trainee. While he did seem content with his current life, Jungkook noticed that Jimin was never quite as cheerful and never quite as confident in himself.

Evening eventually came, and Jungkook knew that they had to part ways. Jimin offered to walk Jungkook back to the train station, but Jungkook insisted on walking his hyung back to his dorm on campus. When they arrived, Jimin didn’t even have to open the door because a guy, who Jungkook assumed was Junghyun, had opened it. Apparently he heard Jimin’s voice approaching and didn’t want to trouble Jimin in searching for his keys.

“Oh Jiminie you’re back, I saw your backpack but I didn’t see you so I assumed you went out with some friends..” Junghyun spoke, only trailing off when he noticed Jungkook standing behind him. “Oh, who’s this?”

“Oh, this is Jungkook, we were both trainees at Big Hit.” Jimin introduced. “Jungkook, this is Junghyun.”

“Ah, so this is Jungkook. I’ve heard about you.” Junghyun chuckled, stopping when he noticed the said boy giving him a cold hard stare. “Well, I’ll give you two some time alone.”

Junghyun walked back inside the dorm, leaving Jimin & Jungkook alone in the halls. It was late, so everyone else was either asleep or getting trashed. Jimin looked up at Jungkook, giving him a shy smile. “Well, I had a lot of fun today. It means a lot that you came all the way out here just to see me despite your busy schedule.”

“Anything for you hyung. I’ll try to visit you often.” Jungkook smiled back. “The life I have now.. It should’ve been yours too.”

“Kookie.. Please give up on that. I really want to believe you, but what’s done is done. Leave it at that, ok?”


“Stop, please. What’s done is done, but thank you for believing in me when no one else would. You really don’t know how much it means to me.”

Jimin leaned up and wrapped Jungkook in the tightest hug he could give. For a moment, Jungkook was didn’t respond, too shocked to do anything. He later snapped out of it and returned the hug with just as much fervor. It was such a familiar feeling, yet different at the same time. He didn’t want to let go, but all good things had to come to an end.

“Good night Kookie.”

“Good night hyung.”

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Chapter 5: BEAUTIFUL. I loved this story so much
Chapter 5: What a beautiful story you have here! This story is soooooo amazing. I love this story <3
ayaerika #3
i've read this story for the 5th time and its still gold. But there is one thing i didnt get. In the beginning of the story (chapter 1), did jungkook already like jimin?
Chapter 5: So cute~
Good! Great! Jikook! :D

I loved everything ;)
Chapter 5: thank you for bringing Jimin back.
Chapter 5: I cried....okay, this was just too cute and perfect!
But I felt so bad for the other jimin :( I don't know... great, I'm starting to cry again :'D
Just know, that I really liked your story and the ending and jst everything! :)
eyesmilegyu #9
Chapter 5: i cried a river that was so sad! but thank god it was a dream and yeay this is so nicely written ♡
novalizaa #10
Chapter 5: This is precious.
Thankyou for this adorable story!