Knock knock knock

Open Up Will Ya?


“Give applause for Kim Chungha!!!”

All people cheering and screaming her name as the music start, the audience gone wild. Chungha moved sharply and mesmerize every eyes that watched her performance. Not just the audiences, the judges eyes also stuck to her wonderful performance.

“okay don’t ruin this.” Said Chungha in her mind

But, it happened opposite of what Chungha wanted. She fell and the music stopped. She can’t felt her ankle as it hurt so bad. She looked at the audiences and the judges. All of them stared her and whispering something.

“oh no.. I messed up.. I dissipointed them.. oh no.. w-what should I do.. they wil hate me.. “

She met Nayoung eyes who looked shocked and her dance club teammates also looked shocked.

“Oh no.. I’m the only hope they have.. but I ruin it.. they will hate me..”


Suddenly the crew rushed and creating a ruckus sound and it made Chungha startled and shaking badly. “Are you okay?”

“can you walk?”

“can you continue?”


All of them raining Chungha with tons of questions and it made Chungha’s condition worser..

But then.. she saw from afar, a girls with a beautiful eye smile looked at her. “you’ll be okay Chungha. Just lean on me.”

Kim Chungha’s Room, 10.20 AM

Author POV



That sound wake Chungha up from her dream. Well.. that not really a dream. Kind of a memory that been kept under her brain. That is the reason why Chungha have the agoraphobia. Her paranoid thought about how she disappointed her friends and her fans, and the ruckus sound the unprofessional crew created.


With her eyes still closed, Chungha tried to grab her phone that she put on the desk beside her. she groan as the phone kept ringing and finally she can reach it and made the ring stop.

“Yobuseyo?” greeted Chungha with a husky voice. the other person who called her laughing hardly the moment she heard Chungha’s ‘just-wake-up’ voice. “Hey this is video call you sleepyhead.” that was Im Nayoung who talked. Chungha peaked to her phone screen and saw all her friends packed in one small frame. “Oh sorry my bad.. just woke up.” Said Chungha. “Studying until late again?” asked Chaeyeon. “Well, kinda.” She’s not 100% lying because she indeed studied until pretty late but then she struggling with a massive brainstorming about every single problem that bothering her.

“So why do you call me this early morning? Are you girls already done the performance? Or you guys just want to start?” asked Chungha. “We called you because in 10 minutes its our time to perform maybe you could give us an advise or something? And fyi. Its not morning anymore.” Chungha looked at the upper right corner of her phone screen. “its not passed 12, so its still morning.” All the member just shaking their head disbelief with their sleepyhead yet talented choreographer plus vice leader of the group. Chungha smile a bit of course still with her sleepy face and said, “I’m going to say the same thing as I always say before you guys perform. Just enjoy it, losing and winning is not important. Do the best for the performance and make it the best thing for you so you wont regret it. and no matter what the result, you guys always number one in my heart.” And she ended with a weak wink and it made all the cheerleader member squealed crazily. “Kya! Chungha eonni such a girl crush!!” screamed Somi and Mina. “Thank you as always for the choreo Chungha.” Said Nayoung. “oh by the way we must standby right now. So I’m going to give my phone to others. Wish us luck! Here take it.” Chungha can heard nayoung voice commending all members to standby and leave the waiting room while black is the only thing she can see now.

“hello? Can I turn it off now?” asked Chungha. “Nope. You can’t young lady.” Chungha froze as she heard a familiar voice and she was right, the owner of that voice is the main reason why Chungha stay up late last night. “We have a talk to do.” As her face shown in the screen, the memory about yesterday flew in Chungha’s brain. She looked so nervous right now and still don’t know what to do. “I told you not to study until late, right?” asked her. “C-Can’t help it hehe..” The other person smiling while letting out a sigh. “You know what Chungha-ssi? Since you’re cute I forgive you.” Sejeong smile, showing her infamous wonderful eyes smile. “Oh my… how lucky I am.” Said Chungha sarcastically while Sejeong just laughed at her.

“Coming for Mina?” Sejeong nod. “so you’re the person they usually call huh? I’ve always saw them calling someone through the phone whenever they wanted to start performing.” Said Sejeong Chungha’s sleepy eyes little bit opened up as she heard Sejeong said that. “You always come to watch them? Even when they went to other city?” again, Sejeong nod. “well.. I’m starting to watch and support cheerleader team since Mina join in and because she’s my one and only sister, even she’s just my step sister, supporting her, loving her, and caring her is a must.” Said Sejeong proudly. “Whoa.. mina is so lucky… I wish I can be like her too.” Because of what Chungha just said, a wide smile and a pink blush appeared in Sejeong’s Face. At first, Chungha didn’t understand why Sejeong looked like that but then, she remembered what she just said and start to panic and her face turned bright red.

“W-wait! N-no no! that’s not what I meant ! I-I just envy her because she has someone who paid so much attention to her. I-its not like what you think..” said Chungha. “Well. You don’t have to be her to get my attention tho.” Said Sejeong with a teasing smirk, “Y-YAH! I said its not like th-“ Sejeong cut Chungha’s words, “You just need to be Kim Chungha. Because she is my top priority and she is the love of my life.” Now Chungha can’t hide her expression anymore. Her heartbeat gone wild, her face hot like she’s tanning on the beach, and her lips craving a small smile of happiness. “S-shut up!  I’m going to end this call. Bye.”


After I turned the call off, I buried my face on my pillow and scream loudly. Of course i tried to make myself normal again and let out the stress that Sejeong created oh in fact, she made it even worse than before. Since yesterday, after she confessed to me, a storm messing my head.. well more like blizzard because it froze my brain ability to think straight. Like… I don’t know how to reply her feelings.. I can see that she telling me the truth, shes’s not lying… Others keep telling me that Sejeong likes me and the other day she change the lyric with my name so yes I believe she really loves me. But, hearing the word ‘I love you’ from her own mouth, its different. What’s bothered me more is the reason. I still can understand why a perfect girl like her, with huge popularity, huge of talents, huge circle of friends, choose me. a girl who has a social phobia, zero popularity, and a nerd. Also she just know me.. and and.. she said that she already loves me before she know anything about me?! It’s nonsense! How come people can fall in love with someone who they don’t even know?! She also said that she can love me more if she know everything about me? how come? What if my phobia burden her? what if my personality is in her hate list? What if my habit is something she hate the most?

“Chungha-ya~” I jumped and fell off my bed, as my mother suddenly whispered in my ear. “Aw.. Mom! Don’t scared me like that!” I said while rubbing my right arm. It really hurts. Instead of helping me get up, my mother just laughing and watched me while laying on my bed. “I called you hundreds time but you didn’t answer any of it. so I decided to go to your room and saw you burying your face on the pillow. Is something bothering my little hamster?” asked my mother while she tickling the bottom of my chin(?). you know like what people used to do it to cats, dogs, or even hamster..

“Is this the same problem as yesterday?” I just nod my head. my mother smile at me and know rubbing my head. “Like I said yesterday. Love is not something you can understand easily. If you keep questioning about everything that related to love, you can’t find the exact answer. It will just creating more questions that your brain can’t even handle.” Said her. “But mom.. how can people fell in love so easily? So fast? Like.. we just know each other in short time. She didn’t even know much about me, but she already loves me. its not make any sense mom.” Again, my mom showed me her calm smile, a smile that always full of love and kindness. Although she usually really playful and love to tease me. “That’s the magical power that love has. Love can do so many things like make people who hate each other turn to love each other. Or a total stranger, turn to have a close relationship or even a couple. Love is nonsense indeed. So you just have to stop thinking about it and feel it.” but.. if I don’t think about it, what if I done something bad? What if I hurt other because I’m not thinking before I do that?

“You afraid that love can hurt you huh?” a sudden question from her shocked me. does she reading my mind or what? “Yes.. What if my feeling brought me to a traumatic experience and create more phobia in me? no. I don’t want that to happen.” I said. “Do you think Sejeong is that kind of person?” asked her again. “Well.. she’s known as school flirt. But I think that just a misunderstanding.. she just really kind to other so they tend to interpret it differently. So yeah.. I don’t think she can hurt me..” I said.

“But.. I’m afraid that I’m the one who’d hurt her. with every weakness I have..” I added. “You can talk about it with her. tell her everything about yourself. If she really loves you, she will understand it and try to adapt or even can try to erase those bad habit that you have. The point is Chungha,you just need to open your heart for others. You sealed yourself too long so you can’t understand the meaning and the feeling of being loved and being in love. Well you still have my love, but you never know the feeling of being in romantic love because you keep everyone out of your world. Stop it okay.if they hurt you, you still have me. Dare to take risk my dear.” She patted my head and then walked to the door. “Oh right. I almost forgot. If you still confused about your feeling towards Sejeong, you might want to see the video I just sent to you. After you saw it come down okay. I’ve prepare brunch for you.” She left with a smirk. W-what? what video?

I saw a notification popped up in my screen that displaying a message from my mother. I click the notification and waited a little bit and the video start playing. There’s me, sleeping peacefully without any weird positions or anything… but..

“Annyeong, Sejeong-ah.”

My face burning as I heard my own self speak like that.. did I dream about Sejeong? I don’t really remember.. then a message from my mom appear Your brain can deny it. but your heart can’t never deny love Chungha.

So.. I love… Sejeong? Really?


M Senior High 5 Days after that


After I confessed to Chungha, we often spent so many times together. Well not alone.. but I usually have a lunch with Chungha and her friends. Of course the 101 members join in. I can see her smiling more, I can hear her laugh more, and I don’t know but.. she seems a little bit open up to me. and of course I like it. we also often go home together and she also told me about her phobia which is surprised me a lot since she said I’m the first to know about it after her mom. Maybe this is a hint that she tried to let me in to her world huh?

But since two days ago, I never saw her again and whenever I asked her friend, they always avoiding it or just simply lying. I can’t contact her since my parents took my phone. Even Mina, Yoojung, or even Somi told me nothing. I bet there’s something happened.

“S-Sejeong sunbae.” I turned around and saw a first year student shyly calling me. “Can you help me? a gang of bullies hurt my friend.. but I can’t help her.. they keep bothering her and they wont stop. And I don’t have courage to tell it to the teacher..” I think this school don’t have that kind of filthy people. “Okay I’ll help you. Do you have any evidence that can prove they bullied your friend?” she shook her head. “b-but I have this video about them bullying someone..” she gave me her phone. The victim is hard to be identify since all those bullies surrounding her but I can clearly see all the bullies’ faces through the mirror.  Wait.. they using my fan club badge.. and those people kicking and punching that girl.. geez I don’t know I have this pathetic fans.. I don’t know why they did that because the sound is pretty low. After that they left that girl alone.. she was laying weakly. ”I heard that girl being hospitalized because of this.”  

But just before I want to give that junior’s phone back, I heard a familiar voice from that video. And the most shocking thing is.. its calling Chungha’s name. I rewind the video and turned the volume into maximum. I saw Nayoung—Kim Nayoung running from outside with others “Chungha wake up! Kim Chungha!! Gosh she’s not breathing! Come on bring her to the health room.” After the video finished, I felt myself weaken and I fell down. “Oh! Sejeong sunbae are you alright?!” asked her. “she’s my friend.. she’s my precious friend..” I said to her. “i-I’m sorry I can’t helped her.. I don’t have courage to go out.” She said. “you know about those girls?” she nod. “they are from class 3-A and the one in the middle is their leader.” Class 3-A… “just bring this to the principle okay. I have something to do.” I left that girl and went straight to Chungha and Nayoung class.

The scene where Chungha being beaten and when Nayoung arrived and said that Chungha was not breathing, really boiled me up. The only thing I wanna do is kill those bully.


Class 3-A


The teacher went out for a bit to pick up some of paper work. All the students busy with their own thing. Nayoung sat on the backrow, staring at the empty chair at the right side of the class. That empty chair is in the front row and used to be her second place to study. Well for a few days ago it was like that. It is Chungha’s chair. Nayoung was really shocked the moment she heard someone yelling and they mentioning about Sejeong. Until she hear a huge tud and she decide to search her.


The loud sound that came from the door made all of the students looked there. Its Sejeong just opened the door. But her face is really different and Nayoung know that Sejeong is mad. But she don’t know why. Sejeong scanning the class like she was searching for people.

“y-yah bos.. will we get caught?” nayoung heard a small whisper on her right side. She looked at that side and saw a group of girls looking so nervous as Sejeong scanning the class. “ssh she won’t know.” Just then, Sejeong walked pass Nayoung and turn to those group of girls and she did something everyone never expect. Sejeong punch all of them, kicked them and doing other things. Nayoung quickly ran to her and held Sejeong and try to make her calm. “What the hell are you doing?! Calm down!” said Nayoung. “She’s in the hospital because of you dammit!! What kind of fans are you huh! Just die!!” Sejeong succesed to break free from nayoung since nayoung shocked that Sejeong know about what happened to Chungha. She promised to Chungha not to tell Sejeong about this. she didn’t want Sejeong to blame herself and other things.

“We’re sorry! We’re sorry!” said them. Sejeong didn’t care and punched those bully. Just until the teacher came and Sejeong end up being suspended for three days and those bully were suspended a week.

Its all my fault.. its all my fault..


M Senior High Corridor, a week after that

D-7 From exam and I’m already prepared for that thing.. and.. today is my first day again back to school. Well.. it because I’ve been hospitalized and doing some therapy. Therapy to cure my phobia of course.. because a week ago, my phobia become worsen.

-flash back-

After Sejeong confessed to me, she often had lunch in my class together with cheerleader Trio, plus 101 band members. We talked more often and she really did took care of me and put so many attention to me. and of course I feel more comfortable as time goes by. Well although she always made me uncomfortable because she always compliment me freely in front of my friends and it made me embarrassed.

Right now there’s no teacher in my class because he is absent and there’s no substitute teacher so the class is free. “I’m going to the rest room for a bit okay.” I said to Nayoung who sat in front of me, she asked me to help her with some math problem. “okay. I’ll definitely solved this problem before you back.” I smiled at her and left the class. Since its studying time, corridor is empty and I can walked at ease without thinking about avoiding the crowd.

After I done my ‘business’, I walked to the sink and washed my hand. From the mirror, I can see five girls looked me from head to toe. Their expression is kind of.. Hateful? Why they did that? Aren’t they my classmate? W-wait.. that batched.. Crap. They’re one of Sejeong fans. I can sense something bad would happened. I quickly took my phone and pressed kim nayoung’s number since I was on the phone with her this morning. But those girls walked near me and blocking my way out. I hid my phone on my blazer pocket.

They forced me to turn around and looked at them. “How come you so close with our Sejeong?” said one of the girl. I can lift my head since I can sense so many eyes staring at me. the memory about my trauma appeared. I started shaking and my vision become blurry, “No one can be that close to Sejeong beside the 101 member and us.” Come on Chungha fight it! “You don’t deserve to be with one of Sejeong friends. Just leave her.” said one of them. “Sejeong doesn’t need someone as pathetic as you.” Said one of them. “Hey answer us you damn nerd!” that’s it! be brave Chungha!

“oh? You talking to me? I thought you talking with the mirror.” I said that coolly. But yup I choose the wrong sentences and it just made them angrier than before. “Shut up you nerd!” said one of them. I think she’s the leader since she the one who mostly talked. “Look, exam is coming and I want to study. You guys better study and make yourself smarter. Your brain seems empty and need to be stuffed with something useful.” And because what I said, the leader pushed me hard and I bumped the sink. It hit my arm hard as  they pushed me to my side. “How dare you speak like that!” said one of them. “Listen. I don’t care if I don’t deserve to be with her. I’m comfortable with her and that’s enough. She’s the one who chose me. so back off.” Again the leader the one who act violently, she pulling my collar right now. Its okay Chungha. You must fight this. Sejeong always done so many thing to you, now its time for you to fight it. If I can conquer them, that means I completed the first step to cure my agoraphobia. “Shut up. You nerd.” I smirked. I don’t know where I get this confident from but maybe it because of the thought of Sejeong that make me strong. yeah I can admit it know.

I love her.

“I know nobody knows who I am. You know me because you’re my classmates. But listen. Sejeong knows me before I even know who she’s. she’s the one who introduced herself to me. she recognized this nerd. But I bet she won’t even know a pathetic bullies like you guys.” That girl turned furious and punched me on the face. She threw me down and made me laying on the floor.

“Smash her.” I can feel all of them kicked me. I just covering my head with my arms but it useless.. the worse thing.. the memories about the dance competition suddenly appeared. Five pairs of legs in front of me and it made me remembering about the ruckus sound the crew made and its made me panic. I started to shaking again, I can’t breathe normally and my vision start blurry again.. I still can’t conquer this huh? Just then they hit my head and everything went black.

After that, I stayed at the hospital for 3 days and my phobia become worse. When all the cheerleader squad came to visit me, I hid myself in the blanket and avoid them. I know that reaction made them sad. But I can’t do anything.. it just come naturally. Because of that one of them came one by one as the last were my best trio. Nayoung, Chaeyeon, and Jieqiong. All of us just sat silently without anyone speaking. But then chaeyeon sniffed. Oh god she is crying..

“H-hey don’t cry.. come on..” I said. “You don’t deserve this..” said her. “if Kim Nayoung didn’t show up, we problaby can’t talked to you again.” Said Nayoung. Yes.. that day Nayoung came with other student from my class. They helped me and bring me to the health room. They said I’m unconscious and I’m not breathing. But sadly they saw me laying alone without those bullies. So yes they probably still happily continuing their regular activity. “Well.. look I’m here. And I’m okay.” I smiled hope they will brighten up a bit.

“No one tell this to Sejeong right?” they nod. “but sooner or later she would know it.” said Jieqiong. “Please prevent that thing to happen. If she knows that those bullies are her fans, she will blame herself.” All of them just nod.

But until the day I left the hospital, or even completed my therapy, Sejeong never visit me or even sending me a message. At that time, half of myself regret not to tell Sejeong about this thing. I want her to stay beside me and help me through this obstacle but.. it’s impossible.

-end of flash back-

Now I’m okay. I can lessen my panic attack and I can control my fear more. it’s a quite good progress. Oh yes. About those bullies, my mom was called to the principle office a few days ago. Of course discussing about this problem. Those bullies were suspended one week because of the strong evidence and the severe impact on me. Luckily my mom is kind, if not, those girls probably going to jail. 

As usual I went early to school with my mom dropped me with her car. I walked down through the corridor with a slight hope that Sejeong will be in the music room, practicing like she usually do. A few days ago, I read a news in school article that Sejeong being suspended three days because of fighting with other students. It shocked me and I don’t know why she did that. So beside I kind of miss her, I want to ask her about what happened.

As I already near the music room a.k.a 101 band basecamp, I heard a vivid sound of piano, and I fasten up my steps so I’ll reach there quickly. The closer I get, the clearer the sound. But that sound kind of weird.. its not creating any beautiful melody, its just a loud noise without any particular order.

Finally I arrived in front of the music room, i’m not seeing Sejeong smilling, nor seeing her singing happily. She just sat there, with her hair kinda messed up and she looked stressed. I never saw this side of her.. she always smiling and cheerful… what’s bothering her? The upcoming exam? or maybe still about the song that she’s working on since a long time ago?  what should I do? Should I come in and help her? but.. will I able to help? What if I can’t help her? ah well.. maybe she just need her time alone.


I stopped the moment I heard that. I peeked again at the small window and I can saw Sejeong hunched while she rumpled her hair. Okay Chungha.. I think she need someone.. just do it!


I opened the door as quick as possible and ran to her. she didn’t realize that someone is already standing in front of her which is me. I saw a lot of papers scattered on the floor. Many of it shaped like a torn ball. She must be failed creating any progress huh? okay.. now what? what should I do?  Should I talked to her? or…

“damn! Why you always rui—“ I stopped her hand from hitting her head. as I did that, she stared at me with a puffy eyes. I can see that she cry a lot. “c-Chungha-ssi.. you’re back..” she’s skinnier then before, dark circle, puffy eyes.. god what happened to her.. “yes I’m back.” I thought she would smile at me or hug me. but instead, she stood up and try to run away from me. w-wait…what?!

“Stop right there Kim Sejeong!” she stopped the moment I yelled at her. I run to her and demanding an answer. “where are you going? Why you run away from me? why you wanna leave me? did I do something bad to you?” she shook her head. “Then why?” she remain silence. i don’t know what’s wrong with me, at first I wanted to greet her happily but then all of the anger I kept, because she never answered my messages or even answering my calls, rose up.

“At first I’m so excited to go here, hope that I can see you smiling and greet me happily. I set aside the fact that you ignored all my calls and messages, because I believe you were busy. But if you also ignoring me right now, I can’t do that right? so tell me.”

“Because I shouldn’t be near you. I just bring trouble to you.” Oh no.. she knows about the incident. “no you’re not” I said, hoping she wont blame herself. “You nearly died because of me! I said I want to protect you but what I did? NOTHING!!! Your phobia got worse, you’re hospitalized... you’re not safe beside me. I’m just a burden to you.” She started to cry. Seeing this cheerful girl, crying so hard is really break my heart. This is why I don’t want her to know about the incident. “It’s not your fault.” I said. “HOW COME IS NOT MY FAULT HA?!”  She yelled at me. guess she won’t listen anything I said. I decided to hug her. let her cry loudly on my arms.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry..” she said while she tighten up her hug. “I forgive you so please stop blaming yourself.” But she kept apologizing and it annoyed me. “Okay stop it Sejeong!” I said while pushing her out of my hug. “you said you love me. you said you want to protect me. So leaving me and ignoring me, is the way you show your love and the way you protect me?!” she nod. “Nonsense! Can’t you see what Nayoung, jieqiong, and chaeyeon did? They stay by my side. They love me and they said that they want to protect me. and they did. Don’t forget they also have tons of fans like you. But did they leave me? No!” I yelled, showing how frustrated I am with Sejeong way of thinking.

“Their fans didn’t harm you!” said her. “see. You know the answer. The one who hurt me, is not you. But your fans. Eventhough they adore you, it doesn’t mean you’re the one who hurt me. it doesn’t mean you’re the one who worsen my phobia. Is their fault. You just another factor. So if you want to repay me, then stay by my side and don’t you ever leave me.Help me cure my phobia so this thing will never happen again.” She cried so hard as she hugged me again. “I promise.. I promise!”


Indoor gym, After Exam


The examination was done! And right now me and the 101 band is preparing for our last concert. Well.. at the end I can’t completed my songs and it . But its okay since Huihyeon said that I don’t have to write a new song for this last concert. If you guys wondering how me and Chungha now.. well we closer then ever. She lean on me so much and sometimes I can saw her doing aegyeo without she even realize it. and it was cute side of her. although I still don’t know how she feel towards me.. but I kinda satisfied with this condition between us.

Huihyeon and Soyeon luckily already taken as chaeyeon and Somi accepted their confession. And yea.. those devils mocking me because I’m the only one who’s single in the band. But I didn’t mind at all. I have Chungha beside me. hehehe..

“So this is our last time performing in this school.” Said huihyeon. “But it wont be our last stage right. promise?” all of us nod. “on three! 1,2,3! 1-0-1! HOOO!” we entered the stage and all the audiences started screaming wildly. I saw all of my friends like stone leader, jieqieong, yoojung, chaeyeon, somi, and my dearest little sist with her friends standing in the front row. Of course Chungha isn’t there but its okay. “Okay let’s start with the first soong!!!”

We sang like 6 songs and its pretty tiring. But I enjoy it. right now we already in the last session which supposed to be the session where we play the new song.. but I can’t make it. “Okay everybody.. this time, we supposed to perform our brand new song. But because of many things that happened, I can’t finished it so.. we end up didn’t have any new song.” I said. I can see the audiences little bit disappointed. “But we’re not going to end this session in fact, we have a something to show to you, Sejeong.” Saidh Huihyeon. “what? to me?” all of them nod. “You see. Because of you we have a band name, and because of you, we have so many great songs and we compete in many competition. So.. we wanna give you this song, for you. Hit it.”

The familiar piano sound appear. This is one of the part I’ve been working on but end up failing. “you completed my song?” i mouthed that to huihyeon who’s not singing right now and she nod.

mwol geurido bappa dap jom haejwo bwa

niga bogo sipdan marya

I also following the lyric that made by me even just a little bit.

nae maeumcheoreom ttak an doeneun gabwa

jojeori an doendan marya

just then.. a beautiful voice came. A voice that I never heard before, the voice that so lovely and addict to my ear

jamgyeore ni ireum bulleo

Could I be in love?

nan dandanhi ppajin geot gata

Its her.. its Chungha’s voice. she walked towards me, forgetting about the crowds that she hate the most, forgetting the stage that she scared the most. She just slowly walked towards me and sang those beautiful lyrics

neoneun ttok ttok ttok nal dudeurigo

tto tto tto mam heundeullyeo

maeil bam gidarida jichyeo nan jami deureo

ttok ttok ttok nal dudeurigo

Talk talk talk nae gwitgae saranghandago

saljjak malhaejumyeon andoegenni

(I.O.I - Knock Knock Knock)

when the song done, all of the audiences clapped their hand and screaming wildly. Chungha just smile at me although I can see her hand trembeling.

“Give a huge applause for kim Chungha!!!” the audiences gone wild, also the front row audiences—Chungha’s friends, screaming Chungha’s name and it made her blush. How cute she is. “Sejeong, how was the song?” huihyeon asked. “its beautiful. I don’t know my song can be that great.. thank you guys.” I said. “well, don’t thank us. Thank to that girl of there cause she’s the one who made that song.” I looked at her with my eyes wide open. While she just smiling. GOD! I LOVE HER!

“Chungha you’re so cute!!” “Chungha you’re pretty!!” wait what with those yelling..

“YAH! Chungha is mine.” Because of that, again the crowd gone wild. Well I just don’t want people to snatched her from me. but then I saw the cheerleader trio, giving me sign to drag Chungha out from the stage. Which it made me looked at her and whoa.. she looked really pale.. “Everybody its time for Chungha to left us… so.. give her last big massive applause!!” Chungha bowing several time at the audiences while I helped her walked to the backstage.

As we arrived at the backstage, she suddenly fell down but luckily i grabbed her body and it prevent her from falling. “You really are great back there.” I said. “w-well.. that’s the least I can do to help you.. since you are so stress about studies and that songs.” I hugged her. “so.. you said my name even in your dream?” her face turned red hahahaa! She’s so cute. “S-Shut up! Just get back there and show’em what you got.” She said. “then you should come with me. since you’re something that I got.” Again her face turned red as I said that. “s-since when huh?!” I leaned my body and kissed her pink lips. Well she kinda surprise but actually she replied it. “Now you’re mine. Chungha-ya” I said to her and back to the stage.

“Sejeong-ah!” I stopped the moment I heard she call my name. “what?” she smile at me and said. “I love you.” A huge grind appeared in my face as I walked back to the stage. DAMN I LOVE HER VERY MUCH! “EVERYBODY THIS IS OUR LAST SONG LET’S HEAT IT UP!!!!!!!” “WHOAAAAAAA”




I’ve always like a person who keep knocking at someone else’s door. At first that person rejected me and even saw me as a wierdo. But then I showed her that I don’t mean anything bad and slowly she showed up at the window and we talked that way. As time goes by, the knocking that I did, finally made her to open her door and letting me inside her house and I hope she won’t ask me to leave since I’m not planning to leaving this house—Chungha’s heart to be exact.

Author notes: 

Hi my beloved reader!!!! thank you so much for subscribing my story!! thank you sooooo much for reading this story until the last chapter.. although it supposed to be my other fanfic side story, but the timeline kind of messed up so.. yea.. i'm sorry for that. but finally the story finished! yeheyy please wait for my other story

i'm planning to make a twice fanfic since i'm a once hehe but feel free if you guys want to req any pairing from other gg. like red velvet, IOI, BP, TWICE, F(X) 

OH! If you guys wanna know the translation from the song, you can check this link. credit to the owner 

don't forget to comment or upvote! let me know your thought about this story hehehe love you guys!!!

neomu neomu neomu KAMSAHAMNIDAA~


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582 streak #1
This is one of those rare SeChung fics that really touches my heart
582 streak #2
Please more SeChung
Chapter 4: So many beautiful good and inspiring words here. Peeps you gotra read. And am i the only one who cheering in the end of the story?
rahamn023 #4
Chapter 1: good fanfic author-ssi. i like this fanfic
Vermillion #5
Chapter 4: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
yuki_momoko #6
Chapter 4: This fic is so nice & wonderful authornim :D
Sechung are so cute. I love the progress of their relationship :)
Sechung is love <3 more of these couple authornim *-*
Thank you so much for this XD
Chapter 4: Omg I loved it!! The reference from Knock Knock is jjang! You did a great work author-nim thank you for this. Maybe you can write a jensoo (BP) fanfic or one shot? Tht would be great. Nevertheless, this story was awesome!
Vermillion #8
Chapter 3: Man i read all three at once it's rly a good story author >< loveeeee ittt
Omg this story is so cute thank you for the updates author. Sechung mansae! Ioi mansae!