
Open Up Will Ya?

Friday, 101 Band's Base (M Senior High Music Room A), After School


Its been four days since I try to lessen the frequent of meeting Chungha. Well it’s the best thing I can do since she has a severe social phobia. Actually that’s not the only reason, Chungha herself is busy with the cheerleader team preparation for upcoming competition while I’m busy trying to make a new song that always failed since a week ago.I made a couple of songs but the others don’t like it they said that the lyric is really cheesy and it don’t fit with our band concept. Well.. can’t help it tho.. I’m madly in love so its normal that my songs full of cheesy words. Kekekeke

Right now I’m just pressing some tuts on the piano randomly. mainly too relief stress and hope it would make a great melody and lyrics can show up. “na nanananana nannananana nananaanaanannaanaanaa.” Wait.. Its sound good. “YAH! EUREKA!!” Huihyeon, Soyeon, and Nayoung looked at me while staring from their own spot. “Listen okay.”

mwol geurido bappa dap jom haejwo bwa niga bogo sipdan marya .

(I.O.I - Knock Knock Knock)

Right now I’m staring at them with a huge grind.. “That’s it?” I nod. Well its short but it’s better than nothing. But my enthusiasm quickly being dropped as they starting to focus on their instrument again. “YAH! Tell me what you guys think about it!” I yelled. While tuning her bass, Huihyeon spoke “well.. okay.. maybe. Its too short I can’t judge it.” Nayoung and soyeon apparently agree with Huihyeon. Huh.. more ideas more ideas! I need mooore!!!!

 “You can go if you want, Sejeong.” Suddenly soyeon spoke like that and it made Huihyeon and Nayoung holding their laugh. “what do you mean?” I asked. “You can meet Chungha if you want. Since you miss her so bad.” And now everybody laugh at me. damn these devils.. Why they always mocking at everything about me and Chungha.. tho they were right..Of course when that lyric popped out, I was thinking about how much I miss Chungha. “S-shut up! YAH Park Soyeon! Why don’t we go to the indoor gym together?? If I’m not mistaken Somi is part of cheerleader squad right?” suddenly I saw a stick flying towards me. Luckily I can dodge it. “YAH! You gangster!” I yelled at her. She just sticking her tongue at me. after that chaos, all of us busy again with our own  instrument.

The 101 band created by me and Huihyeon. Well although me and Nayoung were friends since little, she’s the last member added in the group. Me and Huihyeon decided to make a band when we doing the music class assignment. She can play every instrument well and I can sing well so we decided to form a band. Then we saw Soyeon’s amazing drum skill and lastly I even plead hard to Nayoung so she would join us. Even Huihyeon let go her guitarist position for Nayoung. When our band officially formed, we decided to join a band competition and the result is wonderful. We were the gold medalist and audience favorite. After that, our band become so popular among the M high students and we sorta being idol in this school with me as the most adored member. kekekke. Beside our songs and our appearances, we kind of famous with all of us still single. Well… many of rumor spreading around the students like me dating Nayoung, or Huihyeon and soyeon. Its kind of ridiculous and all of us laughed the moment we heard that rumor. Its impossible for all of us to love each other like that kind of love. We loved each other as friends, even family. Romance? Pshh.. please.

But… what they don’t know is, from four of us who apparently still single, one of us already taken and its Nayoung. She is dating a senior who was just graduated, her name is hana sunbae. She’s the former student council president and now studying at inha seoul university. Nobody knows that they are dating since they hide it well. For me, Huihyeon and soyeon, we still single and still struggling. Me with the so many obstacle with Chungha, Huihyeon who still afraid to confess to one of the cheerleader senior line, Chaeyeon, and soyeon who still waiting the right time to confess to the princess of the freshman and also the next rising star of the cheerleader squad, jeon Somi. Nayoung always mocking at us how miserable our love story.. Well.. actually minus Soyeon because Somi is already fell for her and Soyeon just have to confess. Meanwhile, me and Huihyeon is kind of similar. Huihyeon fell in love with Chaeyeon since first year. Chaeyeon and Huihyeon are pretty close  and they used to spent time together a lot back when they were classmate. But there’s no sign Chaeyeon is having the same thing with Huihyeon.. and although Huihyeon look like a fierce girl outside, deep inside she’s just a shy little kitten.

“Say Sejeong, don’t you think there’s something between Nayoung and Chungha?” asked Soyeon. i glared at Nayoung disbelief what she had done. But she just rolled her eyes and made me furious. “YAH! You stabbed me, and you rolled your eyes to me?! you even cheated from Hana sunbae! Cheater! Back stabber!” I heard everbody sighed. Wh-what?! they all siding on Nayoung? The hell! “I don’t believe our face of the group is this stupid.” What?! know they’re insulting me?? “I mean Im Nayoung you silly.” Said soyeon. I grind at Nayoung who’s shaking her head disbelief at my stupidity.

“Well is not suprising tho... they were so close since middle school. I always saw Nayoung in every competition Chungha attended.” Said Huihyeon. “yeah. when we still a freshman, I often saw them together before they met Jieqiong and Chaeyeon. Suspicious huh?” asked Soyeon. I never think about this tho.. I only saw im Nayoung as her best friend..

now I remember something.. whenever Yoojung, Chungha’s best friends beside the cheerleader trio, visited my home to do her group assignment with mina, we always spoke. mostly about Chungha. She said that the first person who know every secret about Chungha is her and Nayoung. And other then Yoojung, Nayoung is another person who would know whether Chungha tells lie or not. So Chungha really trust Nayoung huh? What about me? After all this time I tried to be close to her, there’s nothing? Like she didn’t told me she has a phobia. Maybe I’m nothing to her huh?


I jumped the moment I heard the sound of drum being hit so hard. I automatically glare at soyeon. “Don’t ignored me!” she yelled. I just threw my grind to her. “You better be quick Sejeong, or else.. your efforts would be in vain.” Said Nayoung. “but.. I can’t win if my rival is im Nayoung.. she’s so close with Chungha and.. huh I wont have a chance..” Plus, for me confessing to her right now is too fast. We just knew each other for a quite short time. For me this short time is easy since I already fell for her and I would accept everything about her. Her good or her bad personality, which I doubt she had one. But for her to accept me this fast? I think its impossible.. with that thoughts, I let out a stressful sigh and it made Huihyeon come near me and patted my shoulder, “Hey. Don’t lose hope. Even if you failed, we still here for you.” I smiled at her. She rarely said those thing tho.. She ought to mock me or dissing me.. I’m touched. “and we will mocking and laughing at you every day! BUAHAHAHA!” soyeon and Nayoung also laughing hysterically with clapping their hands and other annoying things. see.. I told you they’ll make fun of me. “Just shut up and continue practice!”

The Same Day, Near the M Senior High Indoor Gym 17.00 PM

Now I’m on my way to the indoor gym, where the cheerleader team used to train. I made up my mind to bravely try to ask Chungha every thing I wanna know. Her scars, her good memories, everything. I wanna know everything and I want her to trust me. that’s all. It sound selfish, but its worth to try.

Just then, I saw Chungha, Somi and Nayoung--Im Nayoung, sat infront of the indoor gym door. Chungha looked frustrated and kind of mess.. while both of them just patting Chungha’s head and tried to calm her. Is something happened with her?? While I fasten up my steps, Nayoung saw me and asked me to stay where I am. She walked towards me, leaving Somi who still trying to make Chungha calm.

“Its everything okay?” I asked the moment Nayoung stood in front of me. “She had plenty of problems stuck in her head. we still can’t figured it out and she won’t let us know. But maybe its because of her ‘weakness’.” Said Nayoung. “So its true she has Agoraphobia?” Nayoung looked a little bit shocked but she nod. “did something happened?” I asked again. “well.. for these past days, she always try to do what her therapist said.. jumped in to her fear. But she always failed and yea.. maybe that’s the reason why she look like that now.” Said Nayoung. “but still.. it maybe only one from tons of problem troubling her mind. She wont tell anybody about it. if you think she would tell me everything, you wrong. She hid so many things from everybody. Including me. So its normal if Chungha hid so many things from you.. since its her habit.” I looked at Chungha sitting by herself, staring emptily at the scenery in front of her. “Oh look. She’s alone. That means Somi failed to gain any information.. Well I need to practice more. See ya.” And Nayoung ran back to indoor gym but before she passed Chungha she talked something to Chungha while tiding her messy black hair and left her.

I saw her from distance. she looked really troubled. But what can I do? Even Nayoung can’t do a thing. Should I come? Or should I leave? Ah forget it! the way she stare and sigh is making me worried! I fasten up my steps and come near her.

“Hi!” With her drowsy eyes, she look up and shocked the moment she saw me smiling at her. “W-what are you doing here?” she asked. “I saw a cute little hamster kinda frustrated from afar. So I decided to come. Heheehe” She avoiding my stare and looked at somewhere else. “So whats bot—“ I stopped the moment I saw her secretly try to crawl away from me. aish this sneaky hamster. I squatted in front of her, blocking her way while she fell down from shocking. What a cute little thing..

While smiling I asked her “Are you okay, Chungha-ssi?” she just nod her head. “I’m not talking about you falling tho.” I said. “E-eum.. I’m okay.” She stuttered while saying that. Definitely lying. “lift your head up if you are okay then.” She slowly lifted her head and shown me a smile. “liar.” Her eyes suddenly widen, probably shocked at my statement. Well its obvious she’s shown me a fake smile. Since that smile looked so gloom and full of stress. “But its okay if you don’t want to tell me. hehe.” I showed her my smile, hope it will cheer her up since many people said that I have a healing smile or something. “I’m sorry… it just.. i—“  I don’t know what I did or why the hell I did this.. I hugged her and patted her head. “There..there…” I felt her grip in my shirt got tighter as I caressed her black soft hair. She must be holding up her tears or trying so hard to forget her problem. “If Stone leader see this, she definitely kill me.” I said and because of that she chuckled a bit. It kind of ticklish when she did that hahaha. “why would she do that?” she asked. “Well.. she likes you right?” she break her hug and laughing hard. W-what? did I said something funny? “You’re great at telling jokes. Sejeong-ssi.” W-when? I never told any jokes.. “She doesn’t has any feeling for me more then best friend, and so do i. Besides, she already has a gf. What a hilarious gossip..” she wiped her eyes. Probably wet form laughing to hard. “so.. you guys just a friend?” she nod. “Good then! You’re single and me too!”  I said while i hugged her again. Thank god the rumors are wrong!

“i-I think I’m the one who’s going to die…If your fans saw this.. they would kill me.” I chuckled when she said that. “It wont happened. I’ll protect you from them. promise.” I said that while I tighten up my hug. “I’ll protect you from anything. So you can trust me and lean on me. I won’t let you down. Promise.”

Chungha now seems calmer than before. We’ve been silence like two or three minutes, of course we’re not hugging anymore. We just sat together and enjoyed the scenery. I know she’s not the type who speaks a lot. I know it when I watched her with her friends. She would only laughed and maybe speaks a little while the others mainly speak and throw all the jokes. Especially Jieqieong and sometimes Nayoung is always talkative. But being in this silence with her, just the two of us, I like it. I enjoyed it. I found my peace which I rarely got it since I always packed up with people. And all these days I passed without seeing her, really paid off with this peaceful moment. “W-were you.. mad at me about what happened last Monday?” I quickly turned my head on her. “Why should I? ” she looked shocked when I asked that. “Well.. its kind of rude right. and after that you’re not coming to my class again and… you rarely reply my messages so.. I thought that you’re mad at me..” She looked me with a guilty expression. I can see under her brown eyes there are kind of dark circle and she looked like lack of sleep. But wait. She always look like that haha.

I shook my head and said. “I don’t and I’ll never mad at you.” Now her face turned brighter than before. She smile widely and prettily. “Really?” I nod. “When you ran, I thought you still mad at me because I woke you up so damn early. But then I realize, there’s so many people followed me and because you hate crowd, you ran. I understand that so its okay.” I said. “And about I rarely come to your class and reply your messages.. I’ve been busy with 101 last concert and exam prep. I mainly spent my time in music room and You know I’m not good at studying so my parents kept my phone and gave it to me in the midnight after I study. I’m sorry..” I said continuing my explanation and thank god she accept it well.

Just after everything has cleared, she stood up and tiding up her uniform. God. I haven’t noticed it. she’s not just cute nor pretty.. she also kind of.. y.. she didn’t use her blazer so plain white shirt and skirt is what she wore. And damn.. that outfit showed her beautiful s line body… YAH! Focus Sejeong! Control your mind!!! “I wanna go back to the girls. If you waited mina maybe she will done li—“ “I’m not here for her or waiting for her.” I cutted her. “I’m here to see you.” I said. “W-why? Do you need anything?” I nod. “I wanna drive you home. Hehe can i?” I grind at her as now she gave me her confused look. “Why you always this weird? See ya.” She let go my hand and walked in to the gym. She left me hanging!! “Chungha-ssi!!” I called her and made all her fellow cheerleader member looked at me. I don’t care tho. I just need her answer. “What?”  She asked with irritated voice. “You haven’t answer it!” she rolled her eyes and start walking again. “Chungha-ssi!!” with her back facing me, she said “I’ll be back.” Aish that hamster! Why she always this hard to—wait.. she said she’ll be back? ASSA!!! I will drive her home again! Yeay!

Its already passed 10 minutes since Chungha back to train her teammates. Now I’m just sitting alone infront of the indoor gym and playing my piano apps that installed in my phone. I’m still trying to continue the lyric and melody that I got earlier. Just then i saw ten finger messing my phone screen and creating an irritating noice. “YAH! Cut it out!” the culprits just laughing. These devils.. yes they are Park Soyeon and Ki Huihyeon. “You said you want to go home. So you live here huh?” Asked Huihyeon sarcasticly. Yes I lied to them. if I said I wanted to meet Chungha, they will tease me. but maybe today is not my lucky day huh?

But wait a minute… why they here? “BTW. What are you guys doing here?” their suddenly stopped laughing and I can see they turned stiffed and nervous. BUAHAHA!! I can tamed these devils! “I was just passing by and saw you! S-so I come here! Yeah.. like that.” Said Soyeon. “M-Me too. YAH! Don’t you dare to change the topic!” yelled Huihyeon. “I will drive chungha back to her house. What about you guys?” They started to looked somewhere else randomly. Yes I win!! “Don’t tell me you guys waiting for Somi and Chaeyeon?!” their face turn red as I said that thing. Buahahaha! This is so funny. These gangster looked like a soft tomato! Okay time to avenge’em. I walked to the front door of the gym and start yelling. “YAH Jeon Somi! Jung Chaeyeon! There’s someone waiting fo—“ Soyeon and Huihyeon quickly pulled me away from the door and made me fail doing my revenge plan.

“I’ll kill you if you do that again!” said Huihyeon. “UUUU Scary!! You know Chaeyeon might dislike scary persons like you.BUAHAHAHA!” she just wanna hit me but because of Chaeyeon appeareance ruin Huihyeon attempt to kill me. “Oh? Annyeong Huihyeon-ah!” Huihyeon starts smiling stupidly and awkwardly. This is so funny! “Wait a sec okay! I’ll change my clothes first. I promise I’ll be quick. Hehehe” and she left. Soyeon and I start laughing when Chaeyeon left us. Of course we got a smack in our head from her. “Sejeong Ajusshi! Whos waiting for—oh?! Soyeon eonni? You here?” and now Soyeon who act weird. She try to act cool and its not suit her. Me and Huihyeon held our laugh so hard. “W-well. You’re the one who asked me to go to the ice cream store with you after school right?” Said Soyeon. “But you said you can’t.” said Somi. “I change my mind. Since t-tomorrow is your big day.” Somi smiled widely and hugged Soyeon. Hahaha! That blonde gangster turned red when Somi did that. “I’ll be back!” And of course me and Huihyeon let out our laugh. But soyeon didn’t smack us she just said something that made us shut our mouth. “I’m going to confess. You guys stop wasting your time and tell ‘em about your feeling.” Huihyeon scratched her head nervously. “The rumors are wrong. I don’t have to confess to her. I just met her and its too early to ask her as my gf.” I said. “Confessing your feeling and asking other to be your gf is a different thing. Just tell her about your feeling so she would acknowledge your feeling. I said this for you too, Huihyeon.”

All the Cheerleader squad came out. I met Mina of course. She’ll go to Im Nayoung House and sleep there. Since Mina is hard to wake, its better for her to sleep at Nayoung’s house. She always did that every time they had a competition. Soyeon and Huihyeon already left with their lover. Now I’m waiting for chungha that still hasn’t showed up. While waiting, what Soyeon said earlier spinning in my head. If I tell her about my feeling towads her, will she accept it? or.. will she hate me? Oh no! what if that really going to happen? No no no! I don’t want her to hate me. that’s never exist in my list!

“Sejeong-ssi?” A soft cute voice called me and the owner looked at me with a worried face. “Are you okay? You seems troubled.” I quickly shook my head. of course.. how can I said to her that I’m thinking about whether I confess to her or not. Yup she’s Chungha my angel. “N-nothing! Hehe kajja! Let’s go home.”

On the way to Chungha’s House, we just talking about what happened these past days since we didn’t met. She also gave me a few tips to improve my score and also a great effective study tips for a lazyhead like me. and now I understand why she can become the smartest in our school.. Her life is really well organized.. I choose different road form that day I drove her home. Of course avoiding the traffic. But then again.. this is seoul and its already the time for all the workers to go home. Its packed and we stuck again. I looked at chungha who tried to control her breath. People start honking and it made chungha more scared. I quickly put chungha’s headphone into her ear, plugged my phone to her headphone and pushed the play button. She looked at me with a panicked face. Oh god she’s so pale.. again I held her hand and trying so hard to get out from this traffic. Which is luckily I can manage it pretty quick. I parked my car for a moment. As I knew about her phobia, its concern me more then before so I decided to do that. I’m stopping the music in my phone and putting away her headphone from her head.

“Everything is okay now chungha.” She nod. “t-thanks..” she still looked scared and pale. What should I do to calm her down? “You really can’t handle crowd huh?” She nod. “I tried. But I think its still a long way to go.” She said. “You see chungha, my window is pretty thick. So nobody can see us from the outside.” She looked at me for a sec and then looked at somewhere else. If she did that, it probably she felt nervous, embarrassed, or she hiding something. “Why are you uncomfortable with crowd? Did something happened?” she just stay still. Not answering my question. “the first time I drove you home, you said you would tell me about it right?” I asked. “B-but n-not this time.” I let a sigh but with a smile. I don’t want her to feel guilty because she didn’t tell me the reason.“Its okay. Like I said before. You can lean on me, you can trust me, and I’ll protect you from everything. I promise.” I said with a smile. “W-why?” she suddenly asked that with her weak voice. But now I can’t help to not sigh heavily. “Why you always questioning about everything I did to you? Can you just accept it without knowing the reason?” she shook her head. “Because nobody treat me the way you do. So I want to know it.” I started my engine and stepped the pedal. I didn’t answer her question tho… and we remain silent until we arrived at her house.

I opened her door and helped her out from the car. We just stay still and didn’t do anything. But she suddenly spoke. “T-thanks again.. for everything.” I smiled. “Y-you haven’t answering my question.” She said. “You too.” I said and she bit her lips and looked somehow… pissed? “I’m sorry if I’m asking to much. Its okay if you don’t want to tell it to me. but.. Chungha-ssi. Can you open up a little? Not just to me. to your friends either. Earlier in the school, when I saw you surrounded with nayoung and Somi, Nayoung came to me. I asked her about your condition but she just assuming something. You know.. you don’t have to solve everything alone. Nayoung, Jieqiong, Yoojung, Chaeyeon, Somi, they are your friends right? friends helped each other. They want to help you, so let them be. Don’t pushed them away. And me too.”

Now she look at me. “Open up chungha. Let people into your world.” I said. “I understand if my friends demanding me to tell them every problem I have, or when they tried so hard to help me. But. I don’t understand why you always wanted to help me? why you always sacrificing you self for me? why do you even bother to know something about me? why?” she gave me a sharp glare and I know she really curious about it. so its true that she’s slow minded about something about this kind of things. Guess the only thing is tell her the truth huh? “well.. because you want to know it badly, I will tell you eventhough this is not a the moment I wanted.”

Okay take a deep breath sejeong. You can do it.

“I love you, Chungha.” Her stern expression turn to be softer as I said that. “That’s why I did all of that. That’s why I wanted to know everything about you. I want you to lean on me, to trust me, to depend on me.. I know about your phobia, chungha. Even without you told me. but did I stop loving you? No. I fell deeper and I can’t find the way out of this feelings. I really love you.” She looked at me with an empty stare. She probably shocked and didn’t expect that answer. But then she tried to speak but it came out as nothing.. “Eum..I….I..eum.. i—“ suddnely I remember what Soyeon told me befor. “You don’t have to answer anything. confessing didn’t always mean as asking someone to be yours. I’m not asking you to be my girlfriend. I just telling you that I love you. That’s it. so don’t worry to much.” She didn’t react and stay silent. “Well. Its time for me to go home.” I get in to my car and starting the engine. But before I left, I opened the window and said one lasting. “You see chungha-ssi. I already in love with you before I know anything about you. So if you tell me more about you, I bet I will love you more and more. I promise I wont stop loving you even you told me too. Hehehe. Now go in, take a rest and don’t sleep to late. I can see your dark circle under your pretty eyes. Bye, See you on Monday.” And I left. GOSH!! MY HEART WANT TO EXPLODEE!!!! Please god.. i hope this worked…. All I wanted is she open up her heart for me, and others. So we can help her easily. Will this knock her heart?


Author notes: 

Hi my beloved reader!!!! thank you so much for subscribing my story!! i love you guys! very very very much! hahaha!!

You guys should check the Sechung moment in IOI Very very very 1st win! IOI MANSAE! SECHUNG MANSEE!!!!

BTW, In Last Chapter i made a mistake.. the phobia name is Agoraphobia for more information you can see this http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/agoraphobia/basics/definition/con-20029996.. i'm really sorry for the typo hehehe. and sorry for the super late update.. *bow*


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582 streak #1
This is one of those rare SeChung fics that really touches my heart
582 streak #2
Please more SeChung
Chapter 4: So many beautiful good and inspiring words here. Peeps you gotra read. And am i the only one who cheering in the end of the story?
rahamn023 #4
Chapter 1: good fanfic author-ssi. i like this fanfic
Vermillion #5
Chapter 4: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
yuki_momoko #6
Chapter 4: This fic is so nice & wonderful authornim :D
Sechung are so cute. I love the progress of their relationship :)
Sechung is love <3 more of these couple authornim *-*
Thank you so much for this XD
Chapter 4: Omg I loved it!! The reference from Knock Knock is jjang! You did a great work author-nim thank you for this. Maybe you can write a jensoo (BP) fanfic or one shot? Tht would be great. Nevertheless, this story was awesome!
Vermillion #8
Chapter 3: Man i read all three at once it's rly a good story author >< loveeeee ittt
Omg this story is so cute thank you for the updates author. Sechung mansae! Ioi mansae!