
Hanbae Agency
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Choi Haesoo was just another normal university student. An extra in a movie, if you will. She majored in interior design with hopes of designing and building her own house in the future. Perhaps even start her own company one day. Photography had been her field of interest starting at a young age, but the reality was that it would be difficult to find employment as a photographer. So she opted for interior design and kept it as a hobby.


She never imagined that her simple hobby would drag her into the predicament she was currently stuck in. Who would have known that one picture would lead to confrontation, blackmail, the discovery of a previously unknown industry, and an action packed double life?


It all started on the first day of Chuseok. As usual, Haesoo planned to travel back to her hometown for the celebration. She expected another boring two hour ride on the train, but was surprised with a handsome yet intimidating male in the seat next to hers. He seemed to be around her age, but was dressed like a business man.


Neither of them initiated conversation. They remained silent and minded their own business. Having claimed the window seat, she watched as the view outside sped past in a blur. Her playlist had come to an end a while ago, but the chatter around them served as background noise. The man next to her was oblivious to the fact, and assumed she could not hear him with the earbuds in her ears.


“Yes, sir. I have carried out orders in Seoul, and am now on the way back to the company. I estimate my arrival to be around 3:17.” he spoke quietly to the phone held close to the side of his face. “Yes, I have heard that Team Leader Choi is on a personal break for the holiday. Please send my regards to him.”


She figured that he was either extremely young-looking for his age, or had landed a job without graduating through connections. Whatever the case, she had no right to question him no matter how curious she was. However, she could not help but wonder about his choice of words. He sounded so uptight and precise. I mean, who “carries out orders” and approximates the exact time of their arrival?


As soon as the loudspeaker announced that the train had reached its destination, the strange male swiftly stood up and hurried off. While gathering her own belongings, she caught sight of a small piece of paper left behind in his seat. Picking it up, she examined it with interest.


It was a business card for Hanbae Agency. Under the giant letters that spelled out the company name, the contact information was printed in a smaller font. Only three thing were listed. Jeon Wonwoo, his cellphone number, and the words “Daegu Headquarters”.


Instead of crumpling it up and throwing it somewhere like she usually would, she placed it inside her wallet. She then quickly grabbed her stuff and walked towards the exit.


Her face lit up when she saw her older brother waiting for her. When they made eye contact, he broke out into a grin and ran up to her to help carry her bags. They got into his car and talked as he drove them to their parents’ house. She complained about not seeing him a lot, despite both of them living in Seoul. He chuckled before promising to meet up more often.


Their parents were elated to see their children after months of separation. They had video chatted with the technology that the world now easily offered, but looking at a screen was different from being able to actually hug them.


“I really missed Daegu and everyone from here.” Haesoo sighed in content as she flung herself onto the couch.


“Yoongi and Taehyung are also back for Chuseok. You should go visit them before dinner.” their mother said.


The youngest child jumped up at her words and looked at her brother with excitement.


“Can we go? Please? I haven’t seen them since Seolnal!” she pouted.


“Seungcheol, go take her and come back before it gets dark. Your mother is still cooking anyway. Go have some fun.” their father smiled.


With that, they called up their childhood friends and arranged to meet at the playground they frequented when they were kids. Eager to take pictures, she brought her DSLR along. The boys had always been her models since she first picked up a camera. Taehyung loved to pose ridiculously while Yoongi tried to act chic. She learned that Seungcheol’s best pictures were candid shots taken at his happiest moments. He was too awkward and stiff when he knew he was the focus.


After a loud reunion, the boys went back to their childish, rowdy selves. She looked fondly at them, occasionally taking a few pictures. Sitting on one of the swings, she turned to the surrounding buildings for a street shot.


In less than thirty minutes, Taehyung started whining about his empty stomach. Seungcheol lectured him, telling him that he should save his appetite for the big dinner his mom had been preparing.


Being the only responsible adult that brought their wallet, Haesoo offered to buy bingsoo. Taehyung jumped at the suggestion and Yoongi was not one to refuse free food. Seungcheol looked a bit sheepish for making his younger sibling pay.


While they waited for their strawberry and injeolmi bingsoos, she looked through the photos she took. In one particular shot, two suspicious figures stood at the corner. Slightly frowning, she zoomed in.


She recognized one of the men as the guy who sat next to her on the train ride. The other man was holding a briefcase in one hand, and a gun in the other. Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp. Before anyone could ask what was wrong, she immediately turned the camera off and put a smile on her face. She put on a relaxed facade as she attempted to enjoy the time spent with her friends.


It was nearly six o'clock when the group of friends dispersed to go back to their own homes. Trying to act nonchalant, Haesoo asked Seungcheol to stop by the store. She made up an excuse, saying she had to buy “girl stuff”.


She had him stay in the car while she went in with her SD card. She carefully walked up to the machine that printed out photos within minutes. It would not come out in the best quality, but she did not want to risk getting caught in possession of the photo.


Although she repeatedly looked around to make sure no one was watching her screen, she did not notice the male standing behind her to the right. He had been eyeing her since she came in flustered and rushed. At first, it was because he found her really pretty. Then he tensed when he saw her zoom in and crop the picture. He instantly recognized the man in the center and his expression darkened.


He continued to watch her as she anxiously waited for a worker to approach her for the fee. She opened several times, but each time no words escaped. Sensing her struggle, he went up to a staff member and cleared his throat.


“Excuse me, but she’s been waiting for someone to collect her payment and it seems like she’s in a hurry.” he gestured to the nervous girl who was now frozen in shock.


Without even sparing a glance at the printed picture, the employee put it inside a big envelope and received the total. She muttered a small thank you before shoving it into her bag and dashing off.


When she entered the car empty handed, Seungcheol looked at her in confusion


“They uh didn’t have what I was looking for.” she lied.


The next day, Haesoo woke up with the envelope weighing in her mind. After breakfast, she took it out of her purse, staring at the crumpled paper casing. Slowly, she slid its contents out. It was clearly a gun they were exchanging. This was illegal; it had to be illegal. Gun possession in South Korea was forbidden by law. She considered turning it into the police, but eventually shut down that option. There was no way she would get tangled into whatever mess these people were in. For all she knew, she could end up as the perpetrator instead of the witness.


Suddenly, she remembered the business card the man accidentally left behind. She dug around for her wallet and opened it up to find what she was looking for.


“Hanbae Agency.. Jeon Wonwoo.” she read out loud.


She had never heard about the company before. She picked up her phone, unlocking it before searching the name. When Naver failed to show results, she gaped in incredulity. Was he a swindler? No, it couldn't be. He was definitely doing business.


No matter how much she racked her brain for possible explanations, none came to mind.


“Han..bae? Han.. Han.. Hangook? Then what does bae mean? Pear? Double? Ship? Ship! Korea ship?” she ruffled her hair in frustration. “What do guns have anything to do with boats?”


She put the picture back into the envelope, along with the business card. A knock came at her door, and she quickly hid it back into her bag. The door opened, revealing a very excited Taehyung.


“Hurry up and get dressed. We're making songpyeon today so your mom told me to go buy the ingredients with you.” he grinned.


Sometimes, she felt like he was adopted into her family. His friendly nature was loved by all the elders, and his parents were particularly close with hers. He had been Seungcheol’s playmate since they were in diapers and befriended Haesoo when she began talking. As they grew older, he got along with Haesoo better than he did with her brother. Despite being two years older than her, he acted her age and sometimes even younger. Then Seungcheol met Yoongi and they became inseparable with the help of their shared passion for rap.


She dressed casually for the occasion, knowing she would end up covered in flour if Taehyung was helping out. The two walked to the local supermarket together, using the time to catch up on things.


Inside the mart, she had to make sure he did not wander off and get himself lost. He had done that many times when they were kids, and even as young adults. He had a tendency to follow the tempting smells of free samples, and ended up collecting snacks along the way.


As they made their way back home, the business card lingered in her mind. She told him to go first, and that she had to make a quick stop somewhere. Being the carefree and trusting person he was, he did not probe and giddily skipped back to the house.


When she was sure he was out of sight, she pulled out the card and typed the address into her phone G

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