Bouquet Toss



Where in a tipsy Wonwoo dares Mingyu to join the bouquet toss with an incentive Mingyu simply cannot refuse.



Maybe it was because he was on his sixth flute of champagne or maybe it was he was lowkey jealous of Doogi finally getting married, but Wonwoo couldn’t stop himself from daring Mingyu to join the bouquet toss.

“Wonwoo, you’re drunk.” The younger takes the empty glass away from him and places it on the tray of the passing waiter.

“I am not.” He crosses his arms, “You’re just jealous that you can’t drink because you’re the designated driver.”

Mingyu sighs, “Whatever, I’m still not joining the bouquet toss.”

The host announces once more for the hopeful bachelorettes to gather on the dance floor for the ceremonial bouquet toss and make them believe that whoever catches it is next to be wed. Mingyu finds it hilarious.

“Go join.” Wonwoo coaxes, nudging the taller boy closer.

“No. Stop. How about we raid the food table?”

“Oh! Good idea!” Wonwoo chirps, clumsily turning on his feet. He hears the voices of the ladies gathered, the host, and the bride all counting down for the toss, making him chuckle. “They’re so cute. I would have married you if you caught the bouquet.”


Wonwoo snaps his head at the source of the declaration. He spots Mingyu running towards the dance floor, pushing people out of his way. “Oh my god.” The alcohol buzz in his system were instantly drained and replaced with embarrassment and dread.

The bride, with her back turned, throws the bouquet behind her. The ladies squeal as they stretch their arms upwards in hopes to catch the bundle of flowers, but before it was even a foot close to their eager hands, Mingyu’s greedy ones clutch around them.



“What the hell?!”

“That’s not fair!”


“Sorry, but I caught it, rules are rules, thIS BOUQUET IS MINE, HA!” Mingyu extends his arm up so they couldn’t steal it away from them.

Wonwoo groans, hiding his face in his hands as he slowly turns his back away from the scene. What has he done? He can hear the commotion still going on and the host trying to mediate the situation. Minutes later, he feels a presence beside him.

“Look, hyung, look! I got the bouquet.”

He peeks out of his hands. “I was joking, Mingyu—yOU HAVE SCRATCHES ON YOUR FACE?!”

“Those smol es think they can steal it away from me.” Mingyu grumbles under his breath before grinning back up at him. “This means you’ll marry me, right?”

Wonwoo laughs out loud, shaking his head in disbelief. “I would have married you if you had just asked me to.”

“Oh… well, I went through the trouble of getting this and probably hated by the women in this room for doing so.” Mingyu hands him the bouquet and kisses his cheek, catching Wonwoo off guard.

“S-so,” He clears his throat, “What did you guys do with the garter thing?”


“…the garter on the bride’s thigh? The groom is supposed to take it off and put it on the person who got the bouquet.”

They blink at each other for awhile until Doogi comes up behind them and places a rueful hand on Mingyu’s shoulder.

“Aish, Mingyu, why did you have to do that? How are we supposed to do this now?”

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SeungHodaebak #1
Chapter 5: at least the fluff healed me a bit LOL
drop your oneshot anytime you feel it
SeungHodaebak #2
Chapter 4: LOL the 1st chapter was the bait.
I didn't register for any heartbreaks TT________TT
Chapter 5: This is a bit mature but not disturbing, also the other chaps are really well written. The angsts are well mounted, in my opinion. although im hoping for more fluffs. Hahahaha. Nice one shots! ❤
kookietho_ #4
Chapter 2: i don't know why ........ but i thought of them somewhat like ellie and carl ......... and my heart just ing broke even more ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Bubbaboo #6
Chapter 3: anshakeeet besh
Bubbaboo #7
Chapter 2: QAQ
Bubbaboo #8
Chapter 1: lol. omg this is love
Chapter 4: heart also needs a heartsmith. more please, i love dying .