
Still Waters Run Deep


The week passed by and when Ra On realized it was the first day of winter.

 The girl was looking at the people in the shop, not that she didn’t want to go to them and ask what she could help for them. But, most of the people that came to bookstore today knew what they’re looking for.

“It is nice if I can drink a cup of hot chocolate,” she muttered as she glanced outside. The snow was falling slowly and the sky was grey looking.

Ra On averted her gaze to her watch, about three hours more for her shift to end.

5.00 p.m.

The girl sighed.

The familiar face at the coffee shop was not presence yet. Why?

He should arrive at the same time and then took a seat at the same spot and drink his iced Americano like he always does.

She chuckled. He has his own life too, huh?

“I think he is the most carefree soul in the world I ever met.”

The sound of the bell jingling when the door was opened made Ra On came back to her senses. She shook her head.

“Miss,” Ra On heard someone called her.

“Yes?” The girl showed her smile to the one in front of her.

She was surprised when she saw the lad that always goes to the coffee shop.

“Well…I am not good at this kind of thing but do you know a book that a wedding couple may like?” He asked.

The girl widened her eyes.

“Are you sure it is here?” She blurted out.

“What do you mean?”

“A wedding couple present. I mean…yeah, sure book is fine. But, couple mug or towel or a new set of glassware is the best. Maybe an album too is okay. But, why book?” Ra On folded her arms.

If she received a book for her wedding as a present, she would be glad but still she didn’t read book that much because she loves to talk.

The guy scratched his head, searching for the right words to say. “I love books.”

“You love books but that don’t mean that the couple will love it.” Ra On said. She didn’t mean it like that, but in her point of view sure it was odd.

“For me, book can make them everlasting.” He said shortly.


“They marry when they are still young. I think their mind is so hectic and maybe because they are young that I don’t want them to go separate ways because I will feel pity for their child later on. They will make rash decision and immaturely view their life when they are married making them to feel like divorce is better. I don’t want that because it such a pity that a young couple blossoming from love went separate ways like that. So, maybe, if they read the book they will think twice before breaking their marriage.” He explained.

Ra On nodded. He was right, these days they’re many youngsters that married early but took a divorce because of their immature minds.

She broke into a smile. “Well then, follow me.”


“Between this book and,” Ra On trailed off before taking another book to her right hand. “…this book. You can choose what to buy because these are the top books voted by readers and counselors also top motivators for young couple.”

“They are written by the same person?”

He eyed the book in Ra On’s hands. The girl nodded.

“They said he is one of the best writers for slice of life issue about teenagers. I believe that Zhang Yixing depict the content thoroughly.”

“Have you read this Yixing’s books?”

“I don’t cause I don’t like to read. I just love to read comments about top books since it have become part of my job now.” She answered.

“Hmm…” the guy took the book and read the content. “I think I will buy both, Ra On.”

Ra On nodded. He read her name tag placed at her right chest. It was obvious.

Then, they proceed to the counter before the girl was halted when the guy held her hand.



He let go of her hand.

“Can you wrap these books and write my wish for them?”

“Yes!” She beamed. “You can choose what kind of wrappers you want and the wishing cards at that section.”

Ra On pointed her index finger at the left section of the bookstore. Honestly, the girl loves wrapping gifts and wrote a wish on the card. It was like a magic to her and it was the easiest thing for her.

“Can you help me choose it?”

“Of course!”


“So, whom do you like to give it to?” The girl asked as she bent down and opened the pen lid after she had finished wrapping the present.

“To Kim Jongin and his will be wife.”

“Okay. You can tell me what you want to say for them.”


Dear Kim Jongin and Hong Freya,

I hope both of you will be happy after your marriage. Happily ever after till you have child and grandchild. I love to see both of you smiling and laughing together. So, don’t break up due to your immature minds. Be happy, always.

PS: Hope you love my present. Don’t ignore it, just read it.




“You have nice handwriting,” Xiumin complimented. Ra On giggled.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome.”

Xiumin took the gift and ready to leave the bookstore before Ra On said, “Hey, you don’t buy iced Americano today?”

His eyes turned crescent when he smiled as the girl asked him.

“You notice?”

“Of course!” She answered.

“Coffee won’t do today.” He answered and left. Ra On glanced at her watch, 5. 35 p.m. Being with him don’t feel boring at all.



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