
Still Waters Run Deep


Two weeks had passed since Xiumin purchasing book in the store. Ra On eyes lingered to the coffee shop. Still, she stifled a laugh. It was 8.30 a.m and what made her laugh was she thought the coffee shop will be open at this hour. It’s been a long time since she last saw Xiumin.

Apparently, Xiumin would come to the shop to buy iced Americano every day in the evening. Yet, Xiumin didn’t appear.

“Coffee won’t do today.”

She reminisced what Xiumin told before. However, he didn’t even appear the next day.

“Heh,” Ra On smirked. “Coffee won’t do at all for these weeks?”

She shifted her gaze to the floor. “I need to mop it again…gosh, what a dusty looking floor. So ugly!”

Ra On went to the store room behind. They kept broom, mop, pail and cleaning equipment in the store.

Jina and Minhyuk still didn’t come. They usually came late because their house a bit far from the area. Suho, the owner of the bookstore didn’t mind their lateness. But, he gave them a condition – to not slack off work. So, those two were very hardworking whenever they came.

There were still more workers in the bookstore, yet in this small town, Suho decided just three or four workers each day were enough. Jina, Minhyuk and Ra On had same shifts. That’s why Jina knew just them. She never met any other workers.

If she got the day off, she will be dozing off or baking cake. She didn’t like to go out. That’s the kind person the chatterbox was. In addition, two things mentioned were her favorite hobbies since high school. It helped her with boredom because she didn’t prefer books to content herself with.

After she did the work, she stepped to the counter. Apparently, she was waiting for stacks of newspapers to be delivered. On 9.00 a.m, Jina and Minhyuk will be present. On 9.15, mostly people will come to buy newspapers.

“Sorry to be late!” A voice said.

Ra On averted her gaze to the young lad. He had jet black hair and dark orbs. His skin was fair. She could say he was good looking.

She glanced to her watch.

“Just five minutes. Put them on the table, Jungkook. I will arrange them later.”

“Oh, the usual eh?” Jungkook smiled.

Ra On replied his smile with a cheerful “Yup”, it was her task to arrange the newspapers according to their name and the languanges. Usually, the newspapers on the left will be in Koreans, there were arranged aligned because there were from three different publishing company. Then, on the right, English newspapers from two publishing company were arranged.

“It never take you long to arrange that. I’m amazed!” Jungkook clapped his hands.

The named girl laughed. “You’re funny. You come here every day yet you still don’t know? It’s not a problem to arrange them because you have tie them differently regarding of the newspapers name. I just have to observe and stack them up.”

Jungkook shook his head, his hand on his hip. “No no no! Nam Joo can’t arrange these fast even Eunkwang are helping her. She is too careful.”

“Nam Joo and Eunkwang?” Ra On looked at Jungkook.

“Oh, they work on Tuesday and Thursday. It’s a pity I can meet you on Monday and Wednesday. Addition of Saturday.” Jungkook grinned.

“That counts everyday to me. Every time I work is where I see a day as every day. I can watch people in that coffee shop.” Ra On pointed her index finger to the coffee shop.

When Ra On glanced back at her watch, it was 9.00 a.m. Jungkook didn’t leave yet. Minhyuk and Jina entered the bookstore.

“Good morning!” Jina beamed.

“Early as usual.” Minhyuk commented as he glanced at Ra On and Jungkook. Ra On and Jungkook gave both of them their smile.

They went to the counter to punch cards, indicating they came to work. Both of them kept their things below.

“I need to go, still have some to send.” Jungkook uttered as he bid farewell to Ra On.

“Come by if you’re free. Let’s have a talk then,” Ra On replied.

“Yeah. But, you have to treat me to coffee, okay?” He opened the door and left.


Jina and Minhyuk started their task by checking the book stocks, arranging books on the shelves and helping customers search for book.  Ra On was given to take care of the counter.


Time passed by, it was 5.00 p.m. Xiumin didn’t come to the coffee shop. “It’s winter. Who else buys iced Americano this season?” asked Ra On.


On 8.00 p.m, Ra On shift ended. She stepped out faster than Jina and Minhyuk. She craved for hot coffee and mont blanc. Once, she heard Jina and Minhyuk talk that the mont blanc and black forrest sold in the coffee shop were the best.

She wanted to try it.

Thus, she entered the coffee shop.

The interior design was black and white. The wallwere made of wood. The chairs and tables were black and white. The music played was classic. It sounds soothing.

Ra On went to the counter and saw a man bending down to arrange the cakes in front of her. “Erm, a hot coffee and two mont blancs. One piece of black forrest.”

Luckily,there were no one to buy at the counter that moment because the guy took a long time to reply.

There were few customers sitting outdoor. Ra On could see Suho’s bookstore outside.

“I’m sorry, miss. Mont blancs and black forrest are sold for today. You come too late.” The guy slowly straightened his back.

Ra On’s jaw dropped when he saw the lad.


“You…err, from the book…? What is it again, Ra un…?” Xiumin grinned as he let out a forced laugh, embarrassed.

“Kang Ra On.” The named girl frowned. She remembered his name yet he didn’t remember her. Well, that’s understandable because they only met once. However, because Ra On always observed Xiumin she remembered him really well.

“What are you doing here?” Ra On asked.

“It’s obvious. I work here. This coffee shop is mine.” Xiumin smiled. His eyes sparkled as he talked about his shop.

“I don’t see the obvious thing…”the girl murmured.

Xiumin raised his eyebrows as his lips curled into a teasing smirk. “That’s hurts, miss. This coffee shop name is X’s Coffee Café. X is me. Xiumin.” Xiumin showed her a thumb up.

“I’m sorry,” Ra On apologized. “It makes sense why you are always outside on 5.00 p.m.”

“You observe me?” Xiumin blinked his eyes.

“No!” Ra on said. Her cheeks were flushing red. “It’s because I love to watch outside. So, it can’t be help, I always see you sipping iced Americano. I just love to watch your bun cheeks. It’s cu…cute.”

Xiumin laughed.

“It’s okay.” He said, calming the girl that looked bashful in front of him. Ra On kept mum.

“Thank you for the book. Kai said it really helps him. Freya is really hot tempered sometimes.” Xiumin told.


“Oh, it is Jongin. He like people called him Kai. But, whatever, it’s the same.” Xiumin remarked. “As a thanks for you helping me, I will treat you for a hot coffee and two slice of blueberry cheese cake. Alright?”

“It’s fine…”

“I insist. Next time you come, please pay, dear miss.” Xiumin winked. “It’s my treat today.”

Ra On felt her heart fluttered.

“Okay. Thank you.”

The girl smiled as she saw Xiumin began grinding coffee beans.

Today is not a bad day, at least.





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