
Still Waters Run Deep


Kang Ra On would agree if people said she was annoying.

Thinking back, she didn't need to be angry with those people because they defined her like that. Of course, it must be true. When Ra On reminded of her action, she will feel embarrassed herself because she was talkative and loud at that.

She couldn't help it, her voice was loud naturally. Not that she wanted it, but the blood ran in her family.

The girl bit her lips.

Applying to work at a bookstore really tough for someone like her. Being in the bookstore made you felt like you’re in a library. It was quite and the sound you could hear only pages of book flapping. If you wanted to call for someone, you needed to go to them and low your voice down. If you wanted to talk on the phone, you needed to find a suitable place because there will be people glaring at you because of those noise.

Ra On sighed. She still didn't finish sweeping the floor as told by the manager.

The girl shifted her gaze to the coffee shop across the street since the bookstore glass was see through. She loved to look outside when she did her work. Ra On raised her eyebrows when she saw a familiar face sitting in front of the coffee shop outside terrace.

Not that she knew that person, but it always the same face that sipped the same flavor of coffee every day. The girl shook her head.

Caffeine is dangerous if you drink it every day. Does he know that?

She continued sweeping the floor. Repeating in her head that the guy was weird but Ra On loves one fact about the unknown guy. He reminded her of meat bun because of his cheeks. Also, the guy looked timid and he was quiet. That's what Ra On can guess.

Well, not like he was an eyesore but he looked refreshing in Ra On eyes. Maybe because of his bun cheeks or because of his personality or because his presence had became one with Ra on's work every day.

It's kinda nice, the girl smiled.



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