HY 01

Hey You


“Ugh. Why is Mr. Park so boring? If I didn’t care about my grades, I could’ve just slept the entire lecture… Like you.”

“What do you mean by like you? I care about my grades too you know. It’s just that sleep is much more important than that boring subject.”

“Okay, okay, I’m just teasing, don’t get mad at me.” Tiffany’s phone vibrated, she stops from her tracks and reads the message.

“And that guy at the back, he’s so annoying…” Jessica looks to her right and stops talking. She realizes Tiffany is a few meters away from her. She then walks back, arms crossed and glared at her best friend.

“Seriously Tiff, stop doing that.”

Tiffany quickly taps her phone, sends her reply and smiles at Jessica.

“Do what? I didn’t do anything.” Her smile immediately disappeared when she sees her best friend’s deathly glare.

“You always leave me like that. I look like a fool talking to myself. And stop smiling like that! Ugh. Just. Stop it.” Jessica starts walking away and Tiffany immediately follows.

“I’m sorry Jess. I didn’t notice. Let’s go to the cafeteria, I’m starving. I’ll buy you ice cream, how about that?”

“Fine, let’s go.”


The two walk into the cafeteria and fortunately, there are few people lining up. After ordering, they opt to find a nice spot to eat and chat while waiting for their next class.

“Oh, there’s a nice spot over there!” Tiffany points at a vacant table near the Window, overlooking at the open area where other students walk, chat, and hang out.

Jessica follows Tiffany, places her cup on the table and sit down happily.

“Ah, the weather is so nice. I can’t wait to go home and sleep.” Jessica says dreamily while looking at random people passing by.

Tiffany puts her food down and makes herself comfortable.

“Jess… Seriously? Sleep? You sleep like all the time! Aren’t you tired of sleeping?” She asks her best friend.

Jessica only shrugged nonchalantly and starts eating her ice cream.


“Hi.” A soft voice startle the two.

Tiffany looks up and smiles. Jessica looks at the stranger and raised an eyebrow. She opens and closes it back, giving Tiffany a weird look and continues eating anyway.


“So… This person you’re seeing… When am I going to meet her? You can’t hide her forever you know.” Jessica says while happily eating her ice cream.

“Oh… She’s kinda busy now, with all the projects pilling up and stuff. But I’ll ask her to meet you if she’s free.” Tiffany says while smiling, thinking about her special someone makes her heart swell.

“Okay, I’ll meet her when she’s free then. And Tiff…” Jessica trails off and snaps her fingers in front of Tiffany.

“What??” Tiffany looks away from the person sitting across them and focuses on her best friend.

“Stop flirting with other people. You’re seeing someone right? What if she sees you like this… It doesn’t look good you know.”

Tiffany sheepishly smiles at Jessica.

“I’m not flirting! Stop looking at me like that!”

“Fine, whatever you say.”

They continue to talk about the weather, ice cream, Mr Park's boring class, and some random gossips. Jessica can’t help but feel a little uncomfortable observing her best friend glancing at the stranger behind her. She finally had enough and stands up to approach the petite girl silently writing down her notes.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes?” The girl looks up, eyes wide open.

“Stop flirting with my friend. She’s off limits, okay?” She says, her tone more like a demand, she glared at Tiffany and continues. “And you.” She points at Tiffany. “Stop grinning like an idiot. It makes me wanna throw up.” She walks back to their table and sits down. Meanwhile, Tiffany’s phone vibrates, she reads the message. A small giggle escapes and shoves her phone inside her bag.

“Who’s that? Is it Taeyeon? You’re really weird today.”

Tiffany nods too enthusiastically for Jessica’s liking. She looks at her watch and decides it’s about time to leave for their next class. Both of them collected their things and proceed to walk out of the cafeteria.

Before they reach the door, the petite girl taps Tiffany’s shoulder and handed her a small note. Tiffany smiles, eyes disappearing and waves her hand goodbye.

“Bye. Take care.” The stranger says.

“Seriously Tiff. Do you know her?”

Tiffany shrugged and proceeds to walk.


Classes ends a few minutes earlier than expected much to their delight. Tiffany decides to go to a nearby café to kill some time.

“Hey Jess, let’s go to the café. Tomorrow’s Saturday anyway. We can chill or something tonight.”

Jessica hesitates but eventually agrees. I can sleep all day tomorrow anyway.


They enter the café and Tiffany volunteers to take their order. Jessica gladly agrees and looks for a vacant table. She finds a free table and walks towards it. Halfway through, she stops and glared at the person sitting next to it. It’s that girl again. Ugh.

The girl seems to feel Jessica’s presence and looks up. She furrows her brows, wondering why she’s looking at her like she offended the brunette. She quickly avoids Jessica’s stare and continues reading her book. Jessica takers her seat nonetheless and waits for Tiffany.

It didn’t take long before Tiffany arrives with two cups of latte. She sits across her best friend and takes out her notes.

“I thought you said chill. This is it?” Jessica looks at the notes on the table.

“Well, I thought we can do our homework first then we can chill. Sounds good?”

“Fine. Let’s do that boring homework then.”

Half an hour later and they are done with their homework. They sit in comfortable silence until Jessica talks.

“Why is she everywhere? Is she stalking you or something? It’s creepy.” Jessica talks in English.


Jessica points at her back.

“Oh. I didn’t know she will be here. And stop it Jess, she’s not creepy. She’s kinda cute though.” Tiffany giggles a little too loud, catching the petite girl’s attention.

Ugh. I wonder what they’re talking about.

“Cute?? Tiff, are you serious??”

“Hmm… She looks cute when she smiles… Look at that cute chin dimple.”

Jessica grimaces and looks behind her, catching the other girl smile. The girl immediately looks down, avoiding her stare.

Nope, don’t wanna see that scary look again.

“Whatever you say. Just don’t do something that will get you into trouble.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know what I’m doing Jess.” Tiffany says nonchalantly.

“Anyway, what’s written in the note she gave you?”

Tiffany hesitates for a while then shows the note to Jessica, feeling her cheeks burning.

Hi! You look so lovely today. I hope you’ll have a great day ahead! Take care. :)

“Oh my god. What a flirt!” Jessica says and slaps Tiffany’s arm.

“Ow! That hurts! Is she really flirting?” Tiffany asks somewhat innocently.

“Duh… She’s obviously flirting with you. Unbelievably flirty even though I said you’re off limits.”

Hours pass by and they decide to go home since it’s getting late.


Tiffany suggests to walk since it’s pretty walkable in which Jessica didn’t agree to. Nonetheless, they seem to enjoy the peace and quiet on their way home until Jessica glances at her back and sees the stranger again. She walks briskly and whispers into her best friend’s ear.

“Tiff, this is so scary… Is she following us?”

Tiffany looks behind to know what’s wrong and sees the girl walking behind them. She smiles at the short girl and leans to Jessica.

“I don’t know. Maybe she lives nearby. Don’t be so paranoid Jess. I think she’s harmless.”

“But… She might stab us or something! Let’s walk faster!”

Much to Jessica’s relief, the girl walk past them and enters into a moderately new apartment complex. The girl turns around and smiles at them before entering the building. Tiffany can’t help but smile in return.

“So cute.” She giggles once more before looking at her friend’s dumbfounded face.

“Now you’re creepier than that girl.”

Two blocks down the street later, they finally arrive at their apartment. Jessica lazily enters her room while Tiffany sits on the couch. She gets her phone from her bag and finds an unread message.

Cutie Pie <3: Did you got home safely? :)
Pretty Unnie: Yeah. Just got home. Jess is so funny tho.
Cutie Pie <3: Oh. Good. What happened to her?
Pretty Unnie: She was so scared while walking. My arm hurts like crazy right now. :(
Cutie Pie <3: Poor baby. :(
Pretty Unnie: I miss you already. :( When will you be free?
Cutie Pie <3: I miss you too. :( I’ll be free by Tuesday, I guess? Will I be meeting Jessica by then? Like officially? Haha :p
Pretty Unnie: I think she will be pissed. Good luck with that. :p
Cutie Pie <3: Uh oh… >.<
Pretty Unnie: Thanks for the note. So cheesy. >.< I think Jessi almost threw up. Hahaha!
Cutie Pie <3: Haha! :p But I love cheesy! You look really lovely today. >///< I can’t help it. XD
Cutie Pie <3: Hmm… It’s getting late. You should sleep now. I still have a lot to do tho. I’ll pull an all-nighter again. :( Good night! Sweet dreams beautiful. :)
Pretty Unnie: Okay, I’ll sleep now. Don’t stay up too late. >.< You need sleep too. Good night cutie pie. Sweet dreams! :* Dinner, tomorrow? :)
Cutie Pie <3: Yes pretty unnie~~ See you! ;)


A/N: This is my very very first fic. So excuse me if this is kinda cringe worthy. lol

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 5: Cuteee
Chapter 1: Taeyeon calling tiffany "unnie" is like winter calling karina "unnie" so cuteeeeeee 😍
Chapter 4: cute! 😍
Chapter 4: Just rereading this but again HOW TO FIND SOMEONE LIKE HER!
Chapter 2: Just too cute to handle that's TaeNy for us and I miss them so much
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 5: Wat a fluff ♥️
On to my favorite list!!!
Thank you ?
girlofeternity_ss #8
I have had just a bad moment and this have cheered me up.
The pretty unnie, is it from 예쁘니 (yeppeuni)?
Chapter 4: its cute! thanks author!
khryztalized #10
Chapter 4: How come I only saw this now? Omg! I can't stop squealing. Kyaaaaa ~!