to focus on not focusing; apply open!


to focus on not focusing;
to focus on not focusing
"man, what mom said about college was a total lie."

College. Some people choose to get through it, and some people don't. To a lot of people, college is like an upgraded version of high school. You're pretty much in the same habitat just with more freedom and more assignments. If statistics were to be brought in, it'd be safe to say that at least 50% of people would think that college is a telltale to how your life would plan out. It's part of an unwritten guide:-

1. You get brought into this world courtesy to two people who decide to have one night.
2. When you reach a certain age, you go to school.
3. Then you graduate that school and hit puberty where teenage angst and rebellion comes in place.
4. You go to another school, and all those movies you saw as a kid about high schools start to make sense. 5. Then you realise that that is all fiction and far from reality.
6. You graduate and hope to get into yet another school and hope to finish that as quickly and as painlessly as possible.
7. Finish school ultimately and (hope to) get a job.
8. Get married (an optional step).
9. Work until you're uncapable to work.
10. Retire and wait for your inevitable death.

Sad when you sit down and think about it, no? But then, throughout these ten steps you face in life, the people you meet along the way are what makes life so special, right?







This part may or may not be skimmed over by the average reader but hi, it's me again with another apply fic and renowned spirit! I have another pending apply fic where it's a royalty!au and all the applicants have been chosen. I've decided to write a college!au this time after reading a Yoongi fic on Tumblr where he was a fratboy and needless to say I was shook and inspired! Everything else will be up soon!


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this is beautifully written im shedding tears