Special Mission


Chapter 6:


This chapter does contain blood, aggressive actions, and vulgar words. Just letting you guys know.

Almost 6 months has passed since Mina was assigned as Momo’s partner. Which surprised everyone because Momo really did not last with a partner for usually more than a week. The longest was a month with Jihyo but was forced to return as pairs with Doyoung by Momo. With the exception of “her” but the ones who knew the truth not dared to talk about her in front of Momo or Mina. Momo as usual was really cold to Mina, only talking to her when necessary and glaring or giving the cold shoulder when she asked anything. Momo still gave hard tasks to her hoping she would quit, but Mina actually was enjoying the challenges given to her. Which upset Momo even more because she was also happy that Mina was learning and picking up so many new things at a really high pace. At the same time, Momo’s cold behavior towards her was slowly killing Mina’s heart as the days passed by. She was literally only nice to her the first day like everyone told her. In addition to that, Momo was avoiding and ignoring Mina whenever she can, for the past month, which everyone noticed. Surprising everyone because she had never done that before. Surely Momo tries to not associate with people as much as possible but avoiding a single person, never. Everyone around Mina, even Jihyo started telling her to maybe quit as Momo’s partner because even Jihyo had never seen Momo this cold to someone. But Mina actually liked the challenges Momo gave her, although became heartbroken when she left her alone to face them. Between the hard challenges and cold shoulders she faced, they were still successful as partners, being able to solve every case they had so far, and solving the most number of cases together in the department. Even the top of the headquarters had acknowledged them so now, even if everyone else in the department wanted them to separate, they weren’t able to.

One day, Jihyo saw Mina crying in one of the conference rooms they had. She was going to rest and thought no one would be here when she heard sniffling suddenly. She thought it was odd because the lights were off but when she went towards the noise, she saw a curled up Mina in the corner crying. She quickly the lights, the blinds so no one can see them, and locked the door.

“Mina?! What happened?” Jihyo asked her softly so she wouldn’t startle the poor girl.

Mina slowly raised her head up, “Jihyo? I-I-I don’t know what to do anymore. “Mina said with tears rolling down her cheeks. “I think she hates me even more now…”

“Hmm you’re not talking about Momo are you?” Jihyo said with a raised eyebrow.

“Who else hates me in our department?” Mina sobbed.

“No one does. Although I know some people who are jealous in other departments but I assure you know one does in our department. We’re all like family. Plus if Momo really hated you, you guys would have not lasted this long as partners. She might not show it because she doesn’t want to be hurt again. That’s why she’s been so cold. Even I haven’t seen her this cold, trying so hard to keep you away. It’s just my opinion but I think Momo really thinks of you as someone she doesn’t want to hurt. I’ve been her best friend for almost close to 10 years now. Trust me on this ok?” Jihyo explained.

Mina nodded. “Jihyo… did something happen in the past with… Hirai-san?”

“I’m not in the position to tell you that I’m afraid. You should maybe ask Momo. Definitely not now though. When you guys get closer. I’m sorry Mina.” Jihyo said as she averted her eyes.

“It’s ok Jihyo. I understand. Everyone has a past they don’t want to talk about. “Mina told her.

“Seems like you have one too.” Jihyo smiled.

“Sadly… I do.” Mina smiled back shyly.

“Do you want to talk to me what happened Mina? You don’t have to just because I’m your boss. But I do want to help you. Also since I probably know about Momo the most here so you can always come to me, if you have problems with her.” Jihyo told her.

“Thank you Jihyo. I guess I should tell you what happened. You’ve helped me a lot. You deserve the explanation. I-I got into a fight with her.” Mina said softly with tears forming in her eyes.

“In a fight?! What?! Wait it’s not Moguri right?” Jihyo asked. She was completely taken aback because Mina was not the person who seemed to express herself, let alone get into a fight with someone. Momo, too would usually keep her feelings inside and would rarely fight with anyone. Yes, she does snap, but people become scared by her glare and stop arguing. Also Momo would just snap the first time and usually just keeps quiet after that and just glares or walks away.

“It is Hirai-san Jihyo. I don’t know what has gotten into me. I’ve never fought with anyone before. It never really bothered me too much when Hira-san got mad at me. Well, actually that’s a lie, I was sad, a lot, but I never got mad about it. Until today. I don’t even remember what I said. Next thing I know, she looked really hurt. I don’t know what to do anymore. Before I could apologize she went off somewhere.” Mina said with tears still streaming.

“Mina, it’s ok. Don’t cry. I’m sure Momo doesn’t hate you. You may not know because she hides it well, Moguri actually has quite a sensitive heart. She’s experienced so many painful things in the past that she learned how to hide it. But deep inside, she’s actually very weak. So she might be hurt at your words, but since I’m pretty sure she said some harsh words to you too so she is probably reflecting on her actions right now. She may seem cold and cruel on the outside, but Momo is the warmest hearted and nicest person I know. Although her words may seem like a knife stabbing at you, she really never means it. The sad part is, no one understands it so she tends to create a lot of enemies. I’m telling this to you Mina because I believe you are the only one that can change our Momo. She’s been with you for 6 months. Even 1 month is amazing but 6 months is unbelievable. It may take a while, but I think you are the only one that can truly accept all that she went through and understand her. Nayeon, Jeongyeon and I were there when she went through the hard times but we can never feel or know what she experienced. We were only able to comfort her. But I sense a similar aura with you. You went through something terrible and that’s why you declined your offer the first time am I right?” Jihyo explained and asked.

Mina nodded, “You’re right Jihyo. I-I can’t really say what I went through in this state I am in right now but I would like to tell you in the future. I’ll go apologize to her as soon as possible. I don’t want things to get anymore awkward and cold than it is already. Also, can you keep a secret and promise not to tell Hirai-san?”

“Talk to me when you’re ready Mina. And yes, I will definitely keep a promise. What is it?” Jihyo asked.

“I felt like I should tell you this, and I needed to tell someone before my feelings burst out. Jihyo, the thing is I think I am in love with Hirai-san. The moment I saw her in the elevator, on my first day here, I fell in love with her. I fell in love with her even more, when she told me why she became a police detective and smiled at me for the first time. Although it was a sad smile, it still took my heart and at the same time crushed it. Hirai-san just looked so hurt and sorrow. I felt like I needed to protect her.  I tried to stop my feelings but I guess I wasn’t able to. I think this is the reason why I lashed out on her.” Mina confessed

Jihyo was kind of in shock. She knew the younger girl liked and respected Momo, but didn’t expect her to be in love with her. No wonder the poor girl would not quit being Momo’s partner and endured all her hard tasks and assignments. Not to mention, withstand Momo’s coldness also. She wanted to be by Momo’s side to make.

I didn’t expect you to confess like that, but I support it. I’ll even help you and give advice when you need it. Next time, don’t keep all your feelings to yourself. Come talk to me about it. I’ll listen anytime. As long as it’s not when I’m working.” Jihyo winked at her.

“Thank you Jihyo. I feel a whole lot better now after talking to you. I was able to regain my conscious also because of you. I would probably would have spent the night crying here if you didn’t come help me. I’ll go find her now and apologize.”

“She’s probably on the rooftop. That’s where she usually goes when she feels down.” Jihyo told her.

Mina rounded her eyes and blinked in surprise. She then gave Jihyo a wide gummy smile, “Thank you!” and ran off to the rooftop.

She opened the door to the rooftop, smiling a bit when she saw who she was looking for.

“I’m sorry Myoui. I also went too far. It’s not that I don’t trust you… I don’t trust myself.” Momo barely whispered before walking out back into the building. Mina saw the sadness in her eyes again and her heart shattered into a million pieces.


Momo walked back into the building, surprised to see Jihyo standing in front of her when she opened the door.

“Did you guys make up?” Jihyo asked.

“Kind of. Not really.” Momo sighed.

“What?! Moguri… she was torn into pieces crying in the conference room. What did you do?” Jihyo whispered.

Momo was shocked. She was really cold to Mina and she knew that she went too far with her words but didn’t know her words affected her to that extent. She scrunched her face in guilt.

“Looks like, you’re reflecting on your actions so I won’t blame you anymore. Also I’m guessing Mina also said things that triggered you to argue back right? Which you never do… Just giving you a heads up Mina doesn’t even remember what she said to you. That’s how much she’s been enduring your attitude towards her, keeping it all in to herself. Which ended up bursting all her emotions at you. I’m not saying be all sweet to her or anything, but at least don’t avoid her or ignore her. We all know you’ve been trying to avoid any contact with her unless necessary.” Jihyo scolded.

“Sorry Jihyo… and thanks. Can you tell Myoui that I’m sorry again and that it’s my fault? Since I kind of left her out there.” Momo told her and swiftly went down the stairs going back to their department floor.

Jihyo sighed and opened the door to the rooftop. Mina had her back towards her, leaning on the railing looking up in the sky. With the wind blowing Mina’s hair softly, and the sunset shining, she looked absolutely stunning.

“Mina…” Jihyo softly called. Mina turned around and gave a small smile.

“Hi Jihyo.” She replied.

“How did it go?” Jihyo asked.

“I was able to apologize…” “That’s good.” “But, I made her sad. I think I made her remember things. She didn’t say anything but her eyes told it all Jihyo.” “That sounds like her… Mina, she told me to say sorry and that it’s not your fault.” “But she’s not the one at fault here I am.” “You two really need to stop blaming yourselves. You guys were both busy and are still shy with each other with lead to miscommunications. That’s all, nothing else, case closed. Now let’s go back inside before you catch cold.” Jihyo chuckled and Mina just smiled. She was grateful that Jihyo would always help her and give her the right words. Mina then followed her back into the building.

Within the week, things were still awkward between the two, but Momo’s attitude towards her got a little better. She was still cold towards Mina and barely talked with her but she had stopped avoiding and ignoring her. Momo still gave her the hard challenges but instead of leaving Mina alone, she either watched her clear it or did work nearby.


A week later:

“I have no intention of letting go of the hostage. Unless you don’t want the hostage killed, you guys better get loose.” The guy laughed sickly. Aiming his gun towards the two upstairs again.

“Let the boy go and let me be your hostage then. You will still have a hostage that way.”


12 hours ago

It was 3am in the morning. Mina and Momo were both fast asleep, when they suddenly got a call from Jihyo to come to the headquarters immediately. Both of them sensing the urgency in her voice that something was wrong hurried over. They both arrived around the same time and quickly hurried to their department conference room. The two of them noticed it must have been a very serious matter because the Police chief, who was the head of all three police detective departments was here.

“Good. I guess all of us from department 1 is here. Hirai-san, Myoui-san, please sit down. We have a very important mission to discuss about. Yesterday afternoon, a little boy named Genki Hoshino was kidnapped on the way home from school. Yes, it’s the same Hoshino family you two helped with the burglary case, Hirai-san and Myoui-san. His dad, the head of the household is actually a very famous politician around here. We are suspecting this is the reason why the boy was kidnapped. You all must be wondering why department 1 is also getting involved with a kidnapping case, which is department 3’s job. The reason because is we found out who kidnapped Genki-kun. The culprit is Kirisaki Jin. As you guys probably know, he is a very dangerous, wanted criminal that Japan has failed to catch twice. With just department 3, they are lacking in skills. So department 1, 3 and the Special Forces were assigned on this case. The people of department 3 are at the Hoshino residence and are on stand-by at which we think is Kirisaki’s hideout. Which someone had called us to say they had seen him go in and out of. We need to come up with a plan and join department 3 to rescue the hostage. Of course catching the criminal is important, but our goal is to rescue the boy first. So don’t do any reckless things. I’m warning you guys again, this is just a simple rescue mission. Nothing else. Ok, so here is the map of the warehouse. It’s a simple warehouse that has only one entrance. It has a partial second floor that only covers the sides of the warehouse. Snipers and special weapon combaters of the Special Forces, will go up there, while the rest of the Special Forces and us will intrude the first floor. Director Hakuba and I will stay here in the headquarters to give further instructions and to keep the others who are not involved in the mission under control. We will be watching your actions by the surveillance monitors department 3 has already set up. With the exception of Hirai-san and Myoui-san. You two, as we intrude and distract the culprit, go around behind him and hide. Stay put until we give further instructions. You guys are our silver bullet in case something unexpected happens. Since both of your skills are probably one of the best here in Japan. This is our plan for now. Plan B, kill the culprit and rescue the boy if necessary. But for now, rescuing is our primary mission, and then if we can catch him, we go catch. Now go get your weapons and bulletproof wear ready. After that, eat something and then meet up in the lobby at 10:00 am. It will take us about an hour to get to our destination. Then we will see when we can barge in and we execute our plan from there. See you all in 5 hours. Meeting adjourned.”

The police chief and the director had left. The rest of them, decided to go to the gear room to get things ready. Mina was a little nervous to be involved in this mission. It was the first time she was on a really complicated mission like this one. Also because she was working with the best of the best in Japan. The Police Headquarters is already a place where only the elite can work, but to be able to work side by side on this mission with the elite of the elite, Mina was awed. She gets to even work with the Special Forces, who are only brought together on special missions like this. Also even though, department 1 of the police detective department is known to have the best detectives, only 8 were called to this mission out of the 40 people they had. Detective Sato and Takagi, Chiba and Shiratori, Jihyo and Doyoung, and finally Momo and herself.

After they got ready, they went to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast since it was going to be a long day ahead of them. Mina decided to sit by herself in the corner to concentrate and think about the mission happening in a few hours when someone suddenly sat next to her. She was astonished to find Momo next to her when she looked up.

“Hi…” Momo said.

“Hello, Hirai-san.”

“Myoui… Can you promise me one thing, when we’re on this mission?” she suddenly asked.

“Promise? If it’s not anything hard.” Mina answered.

“Whatever the circumstance, don’t leave my side. Stay next to me the whole time. Got that?” Momo told her.

“Got it. I promise.” Mina replied.

“I’ll leave you to concentrate and rest now. We’d both probably need it.” Momo said and left. Mina felt weird and puzzled that Momo suddenly came over asking her to promise something. That promise was even strange too. Of course Mina would stay beside her. They’re partners right?

At 10:00 am sharp, the crew left the headquarters to the warehouse the culprit was supposedly hiding out at. When they got there, the department 3 officers filed them in with the information they found out so far. They told them that the culprit seemed to be working alone and that right now he was alone in the warehouse with the little boy. The little boy seemed well fed and taken care of, according to the reports of their spy. They also told them that department 3 and the Special Forces are on standby ready whenever. Department 1 was also ready because they had prepared everything at the headquarters so they decided to call a group meeting to formulate and go over the plan again. Right when they finished going over the plans, everyone received instructions to start the mission.

Everyone rushed inside the warehouse at the count of zero from the transceiver that was connected with the headquarters.

“Put your hands up in the air! You’re surrounded by the police! Your best course of action is to surrender!” Inspector Megure shouted with a megaphone in his hands.

“I believe not.” The culprit said. He was sitting down in a chair in the middle of the warehouse. The little boy that was kidnapped, was standing in front of the man, a gun being pressed against his temples. He was sobbing and had tears and mucus all over his face.

All of them were panicking on the inside. It was a trap. This wasn’t his hideout. He was waiting for them. The guy grinned knowing his plan had worked. They all knew they were in for some trouble, and that it was going to be a long fight.

“Welcome. Welcome everyone from the police headquarters. I was thinking you were never coming at all. Or that the boy’s parents perhaps abandoned him?” He said the boy’s eyes becoming round in surprise and fear.

“We had to prepare a lot of things.” Doyoung replied.

“I’m sure you did. Now get to the point. I don’t like waiting or non-forward answers.” The culprit snapped.

“Let the hostage go and surrender. It’s for your own good.” Doyoung said.

“Never. I will not surrender. I might let go of him depending on your guys’ actions though. Or kill him.” The culprit laughed.

His words and actions were making everyone there sick already. He really was a madman like the police chief had explained. It also motivated everyone at the same time. They couldn’t let him escape and be out there in the world again.

“What do you want?” Jihyo asked him.

“I’m not sure yet. Give me some time to think. Maybe come back in a couple of hours? I know you guys are tired. Go get some rest and food.” He mocked.

“We’re not leaving anytime soon.” Doyoung said slightly annoyed.

“Also there’s hundreds of us while there’s only you. You cannot withstand us against a fight. Your best course of action is to surrender.” Doyoung tried to negotiate

“Oh really?” He smirked.


A gun shot echoed through the warehouse. Everyone was shocked and surprised not knowing where it came from since the culprit in front of them did not shoot. When suddenly they heard someone wincing in pain behind them. A different guy was on the second floor and had shot Nayeon. She lay on the floor, holding her leg in pain, which was bleeding a lot. The sniper who was next to her got a handkerchief out quickly and pressed on Nayeon’s wound to stop the blood from clotting.

Jeongyeon furious went over to the guy and punched him, knocking the gun out his hands.

The culprit started aiming his gun towards Jeongyeon, which panicked everyone, seeing this, the culprit grinned, and “You all though I was working alone didn’t you? Well…Surprise~. I usually do work alone. It’s just that this time, I figured you’d have more special armed forces than usual because the hostage is the son of a wealthy high class man. It never hurts to be prepared you know. Although that guy seemed to be useless. You could clearly tell it was the first time he shot a gun.”

“Your opponent is us not her. While she’s taking care of your useless comrade. We’ll take care of you. It’s not worth your time trying to save him anyways am I right? Jihyo growled.

“That’s true. Let’s see how much fun you guys can give me then.” He said lowering the gun.

While Jeongyeon was going crazy. Shouting “YOU CRAZY PIECE OF SH***! HOW DARE YOU shoot Nayeon! I’m not going to forgive you, EVER!” She kept punching him everywhere, in the ribs, stomach, face, breaking his nose in the process, knocking him unconscious. She continued to the point until he was having trouble breathing. Jeongyeon really wanted to kill him but regained herself when she felt a tug on her pants. It was Nayeon, who came over dragging herself to stop Jeongyeon from killing the guy. “Don’t Jeongyeon. You’re not like them. He’ll also suffer more if he lives. It’s not worth killing him and getting yourself in trouble. I need you by myside.” She said crying. Jeongyeon had realized what she had done. She let the man go and dropped on her knees. Three officers then, handcuffed and took the unconscious man.

“I guess the drama up there ended. Don’t worry I don’t have any more people working for me. Or do I? Since you guys did ask, I’ll tell you what I want. I want a car to get away from here or a plane ticket to a foreign country. I also want 100 million yen. “He said evilly laughing.

“How about 40 million? They boy’s father is willing to pay up to 40 million to release him. He can probably get you a car also if you ask.” Jihyo replied.

“Nah. How about 80 million then?”

“Fine it’s a deal. Release the boy first.” Jihyo told him.

“I have no intention of letting go of the hostage. Unless you don’t want the hostage killed, you guys better get loose.” The guy laughed sickly. Aiming his gun towards the two upstairs again.

When suddenly, someone appeared in front of Jihyo and the rest of the crew, grabbing the attention of the culprit and everyone else that was in the warehouse.

“Let the boy go and let me be your hostage then. You will still have a hostage that way.”

“MINA NO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Jihyo yelled. The culprit pointed his knife and gun closer to the boy to let Jihyo and everyone else to keep their mouths shut.

“Ha…but there’s also the option of keeping you both as hostages. Also what kind of merit would I get for holding hostage a police detective huh? Plus there’s no assuring that you’re not carrying a weapon nor that you’re not hiding something up your sleeve and trying to trick me.” He scoffed.

Mina took out her gun from her holster and threw it behind her landing right next to Jihyo. Jihyo kicked it further behind her so that the culprit wouldn’t be able to lay his hands on it.

“There I don’t have any more weapons. You may not have any merit holding other police detectives as hostages, but I guess I do have one. My parents, they might not be as prestigious and high class as this little boy’s parents but they got some money compared to normal citizens. Normally, I would, but I know when and who not to mess around with. I’ve had enough experience with that for the past 6 months.” Mina said earning an amused look from both the culprit and Momo, who was also worried to death.

“Hmph. Fair enough.” He let the little boy go, who immediately ran away to where Jihyo and the other officers were. Detective Sato and Takagi took the boy to safety. “Plus I can probably have fun with you as soon as I get your workmates to leave” He smirked scanning Mina’s body from head to toe. As Mina came over to where he was, he quickly scanned to see if she was hiding anything. When he found out she didn’t he tied her arms and legs to a chair. He then put the knife on the table near the back, making Momo stop breathing so he wouldn’t hear her. He went back to where Mina was, pointed the gun at her with his left and hold on to the back of her collar with the other.

“We’re not going anywhere. Until you give Mina back to us.” Jihyo told him.

“Will, this make you leave then?” He said as he cut open Mina’s white button up shirt with the knife he had in his right hand. “Of course, bullet proof vests. They come in so handy don’t they? But at the same time it limits your mobility and reflexes. “He said, and slashed Mina’s arm with the knife. Since she had a blazer on, it wasn’t as bad as expected but it was still a pretty deep cut, as blood gushed out and stained her blazer and hands. He laughed and next punched her again and again in the side of the ribs, which made a cracking noise making Mina whimper in pain. No one could do anything but watch Mina get beaten since, one, the gun was still pointed at her, two, the bullet proof vests do cover your upper half of the body but the sides are weaker than the front and back, making it a perfect spot for the culprit to punch.

“STOP! DON”T…” Jihyo suddenly yelled, surprising everyone.

“So you guys are leaving then?” the guy smiled.

“No, Jihyo. No matter what don’t give in to him. I’ll be ok. He may be strong but I know stronger.” Mina told her.

“You little B***ch! You’re just a mere hostage. Don’t speak!” He said punching Mina in the face this time. As his fist hit her, it made her fly towards the right because of the impact. Which made her free of the culprit’s grip. She was still tied to the chair though and couldn’t move.

“I’ve had enough of you detectives playing. Let’s end this shall we?” the culprit said aiming the gun towards Jihyo, Doyoung and the armed forces that were in front of him. Since they were so focused, on the culprit and couldn’t see him from behind, they didn’t notice him pulling another gun from his back coat pocket with his right hand. He was planning to shoot Mina as he distracts the other officers. Momo, being the only one who was positioned to hide behind him and wait for orders, noticed his actions and immediately knew if she didn’t act now, Mina and everyone here might get killed as well.

“MINA DUCK YOUR HEAD NOW!” Momo shouted as she ran towards Mina and tackled her, shielding her from the impact and dangers.

Bang! Bang! Two more gunshots were heard across the room. One of them grazed past Momo’s arm, slighting hitting her in the process, and she winced in pain. With the gun shots as a signal, the police detectives decided to make their move, Nayeon perfectly shot the guns out of the guy’s hands, and the others surrounded him, pinned him down and successfully were able to handcuff him. It’s finally over. The dangerous guy, Japan was not be able to catch for 2 years, was now under custody for good.

Momo realized, she was still on top of Mina when she shielded her from the gun shots. She quickly got up and walked towards the exit of the warehouse. “Hirai-san! Thank you for saving me!” Mina shouted. Momo stopped for a second as her back flinched but she didn’t look back and started walking again. Momo didn’t want Mina to see how red she was from the close contact they had when she protected her. Jihyo then, came over to Mina’s side.

“Are you ok? Can you walk? Here, grab onto my shoulder,” Jihyo ordered as she pulled Mina up. “I think I fractured or broke one of my ribs. Other than that, it’s just bruises and cuts so I should be fine. I twisted my ankle when he punched me and the chair crashed but that shouldn’t take long to heal. I need your help walking for now though. Thank you Jihyo.” Mina told her.

“I’m glad you’re not killed. Or anyone else. Thank goodness. Let’s get you to the hospital.” Jihyo said and Mina just nodded.

Author’s note **

Sorry it’s been long since the update! Hope you liked it. It’s an extra-long chapter. I’m sorry that I injured them and if you don’t like blood… I don’t either but it’s a police fiction so.  I’m going to upload another chapter tonight or tomorrow. Also I’m thinking of making this story around 10 chapters so there’s about only 4 more chapters to go. Thank you so much for the support!! I really appreciate it.


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Chapter 12: This is so beautiful!!!
I really love this story, now is one of my favorites MiMo fics; keep the good work!!!
Chapter 8: This is so cute!!! n.n
Chapter 7: MiMo!!!!
Chapter 4: I wonder what happened with Kei
Chapter 1: Badass Momo!! <3
Chapter 12: Aww I've never shipped anyone before but my Mimo ship has only been getting stronger omg
11 streak #7
Chapter 12: Such a wonderful fanfic !! Police, detectives..ect are my faves
318 streak #8
Chapter 12: I'm so happy for them. Both of their parents accepted them. And I can imagine their bondings ♥
Chapter 9: DUBCHAENG <3
1241 streak #10
Chapter 11: omo..happy ending for all of them :') this is really a great fanfic,good job author-nim ^^ MiMo,SaTzu,DubChaeng,2Yeon *heart* btw,Jihyo is the best!!kekeke