[H/D] Goodbye Summer

collection of song drabbles
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Goodbye Summer - f(x) ft. D.O. | Hoshi/Dokyeom


Seokmin looks at the setting sun spilling brilliant lights into the sky as it descends.


He turns to see his friends waving. The train is leaving soon. Seokmin offers them a smile, but he knows it’s not as bright as his usual sunshine radiating smile. He can’t help it. His heart is sad.

He can’t see the beach, but he remembers it. He also remembers the smile that he thought was sunshine.

Seokmin’s Sunshine Smile was one that belonged to a boy with pale blond hair who worked at the local juice bar by the beach. “Serving you today is…. Hoshi!” his name badge had proclaimed happily.

It took Seokmin two days to learn his name was actually Soonyoung, and Hoshi was an old nickname used by some high school friends, who were the ones who got him the job, and his name badge was written by them, and so he ended up with Hoshi on his name badge.

Seokmin buys a lot of juice that summer. He also sees Soonyoung a lot that summer. He meets Seungcheol and Jihoon, his best friends who work at the juice bar with him.

After his wallet gets despairingly thin over how much he’s been spending at the slightly overpriced juice bar, Seokmin sees Soonyoung on the beach. It’s a little too much to see the bright smile directed at him when Soonyoung is walking up the beach with his hair drenched and considerably less clothes than when he’s working at the juice bar. Seokmin becomes redder than Soonyoung’s swim trunks and agrees to going to some beach party later before he even realises what he’s doing.

He turns up and there’s a whole lot of alcohol and not much incentive to stay sober. There’s Soonyoung’s bright smile and Seokmin doesn’t think it’s the alcohol making him dizzy. He tries to down another beer in hopes it’ll counter the way his heart is racing in his chest.

The next thing he’s aware of, Soonyoung’s hand is up his shirt and they’re making out in the sand a little away from

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kkabfrost #1
Chapter 2: SOLBOO!!+!!!!!!!!!!
Jihoon_98 #2
Chapter 5: The amount of cheesiness... In all chapters...is... Overdosed.... Except that one chapter or Wonwoo and Jun.
But still the stories are fluffy.....