(SG) Come Around Sunshine

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-Come Around Sunshine-





Come Around Sunshine –

Pairing: Sunggyu/OC

Themes: bittersweet, ex-boyfriend, fateful reunion

: no

03/2015 | 1695


            It was just her luck that she happened to miss the weather report on her way out of her house today, there had been some errands Jihye had to run and she was supposed to visit her best friend’s home in the afternoon but her plans were put to a halt when a sudden rainstorm engulfed their city. Unfortunately for her she was on the street when the heavy rain came and she had to run through the streets filled with colourful umbrellas used by the ones that had been prepared, eventually Jihye came to a stop outside a small café and hurriedly stepped inside to take refuge from the rain for the time being.

            Jihye was immediately met with warmth and the sweet aroma of desserts, and she immediately knew she made the right choice coming here, she hurriedly patted down her wet clothing and frowned at her soaked reflection in a large mirror that was placed right by the door. She brushed her wet locks through with her fingers and quickly pulled it up in a neat bun as she entered the interior, but as soon as she got inside she wanted to turn back around and venture out into the cold rainy streets again.

            Standing no less than a few metres away from her was someone she thought she’d never see again. Jihye stared at him beadily and it didn't take him long to realise that there were eyes on him, Sunggyu turned his eyes away from the menu-board he was looking at and his expression went flat when their eyes met. He was just as she remembered him, beautiful thin eyes that once showed her the cutest eye-smiles, lips that used to whisper love to her and lovely hair that would love to run her fingers through; less he was in no better state than she was, both of them were mostly soaked through and seemingly trapped in this café until the rain ends.

            He looked as he was about to say something as he opened his mouth, but Jihye curtly looked away and made her way across the small room and plopped herself down on one of the seats by the window. Her heart was racing and her thoughts were soaring; Kim Sunggyu was the last person she wanted to be stuck in the same place with without a way out. If she had really wanted to, she could just get up and leave right now but she knew it would be immature; was that really how she wanted to act in front of her ex? The last time they spoke was during their breakup, they left on relatively good terms, they both agreed they were better off without each other and they made the choice to not keep contact; they both accepted that it will only be painful for them if they kept in touch, since then they haven’t seen each other and eve their mutual friends have been mindful about their situation and they’ve been fine for a year without each other…

            Jihye looked up when she saw that Sunggyu has finally stepped away, and he briefly looked to her as he headed for a table on the opposite side of hers. If she were honest, she’d say it was a longing look… she wondered if that was the case; what was he thinking? If she had let him speak earlier what would he have said to her? A simple ‘hey, long time no see’ and make a poor joke about their luck being caught out in the rain? Actually that sounded like something along the lines of what he would say…

            Just then one of the employees stepped out from behind the counter with a tray in his hand and approached Jihye, she thought he would ask her to order something or leave but to her surprise he began setting down a coaster for her and was about to place down the teapot before she stopped him. “Um excuse me… I think you’ve made a mistake?”

            “The gentleman by the counter earlier ordered a pot of vanilla tea for you. He paid for it and everything, he just asked us to bring it to you… Should I take it back?”

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Syi2121 #1
Chapter 4: Awww I need sequel for this yuri myungsoo pairing
Chapter 3: These are really good ^^ Thank you for sharing these~ I can't wait to read more :)
Chapter 2: why the cliffhanger ㅠㅠ

authornim r u going to make a sequel for these oneshots??
Chapter 1: i want more! ㅠㅠ

this needs to be a chaptered fic!