The Next Day

Gotcha Heart



It has been a bit of a fun month for Baekhyun - having Sarah to chat with, being cheered up by her all the time and sometimes when they would talk on the phone, sing for him with her undeniably tone-deaf voice which always made him smile. But another thing has happened between the two of them once or twice and by once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times-okay, let's stop this before it turns into a Bieber concert.

Back to the matter, this once or twice that they've been doing is~ brace yourselves... TING - by its obvious term, we can enlighten that it is an act of sending someone ually explicit messages via phone. It was something that began out of the blue and no one could remember anymore who actually started it. No, actually... it started as a joke, it started as a casual talk about who's still a or not, when, where, and how's their first time experience - those kinds of question, until it ended up that way. So for that whole month of October, Baekhyun lived a very fun and y texting world in a whole new level with Sarah - but not even once did they try to meet personally because of Baekhyun's schedule although he would always tell her they would meet soon.

Sarah's skills in 'ting' even in Korean language just blew his mind off, it was... unexplainable for a young needy man like him. Aside from the fact that she is indeed very good in Korean language when it's only chatting, her skills on that other matter is just the best.

But their status? Well AT LEAST according to Baekhyun, they're in between friends to special friends. Sarah always thought he doesn't make sense at all but she didn't care anymore because aside from those things they've done, something more happened - Sarah finally concluded and accepted to herself that she was indeed... in love with him now. Back then when they were just beginning, she knew she might just be holding onto her journal's checklist but up until now, although four remaining checks are on the waiting list, she began growing more feelings for him and adding fuel to the fire was their TING which left her totally head over heels for him. For her, he's the T God. That's why she tries very hard to actually research and sometimes place a dictionary and the book she just bought entitled - 'Making Out In Korean' right beside her whenever they are doing that thing. So hearing Baekhyun's description of Sarah's ting Skills - concludes that this book is pretty effective, buy your copies now - they're available in different volumes.


[Okay, why am I promoting... Its company should pay me, really. LOL]


Another thing that has changed in Baekhyun since he's been in touch with Sarah, he began caring less of what and how he looked. Before he was desperate to work out and stuffs but when Sarah told him he was attractive just the way he is and that he should eat more because there is a lot of nice food in the whole world that he should eat, he unconsciously followed it and stopped working out. It's not that she was a bad influence but the work out he used to do was only stressing him out because he's the lazy type. So out of nowhere, he just began loving the way his face goes, and the way his body looks - because Sarah told him she likes him that way. So does he like her? Well. According to him, Sarah's just a stress-reliever. He doesn't have a single plan to enter a relationship right now, he's daring himself not to. Why? Simple. He wanted to save himself, he wanted to heal his heart alone, not by someone because he once tried letting Lee Nabi heal his past relationship's pain, but it just got worse. He was afraid the same thing will happen if he dates Sarah officially.

So... unofficially, is it?


Sunday, 8th of November 2015

Just arriving back to their dorm after their three-day concert in Tokyo, Baekhyun stepped into his room with Chanyeol and watched the guy place his own bags to one corner. "Are you sleeping already?" He asked while taking his phone out. "Well, yeah. I'm so s-sleepy." Chanyeol collapsed down the bed right away making Baekhyun clack his tongue. He planned to call Sarah although it's already late. Up until now as well, he hasn't told anyone about him and Sarah, not even his friend Haneul who was the main reason why they met. Actually, the members already knew a long time ago. It was by accident that they've seen Sarah's message on Baekhyun's phone one time but these kind-hearted members kept silent since he isn't saying anything - they chose to give him his privacy and wait for him until he's ready to tell them.

Baekhyun groaned as he glanced at his roommate. He felt frustrated not to own the room right now, "Aish, living room..." He muttered and got out again. Good thing, it was empty. The members all rushed to their own rooms as soon as they arrived - who wouldn't after having to perform the same exact performances, in the same place, in the same city for three consecutive days right? Flopping down the couch, he finally opened Sarah's contact and pressed the call button.


"Did I wake you up..." Baekhyun's voice was deep and hesitant. To be honest, they seldom talk through the phone - like the real phone call. They always preferred, even Sarah, to chat since she doesn't have a hard time on making up words. He made two buttons of his shirt undone since he felt hot and removed his shoes. "No, just finish shower." Sarah answered making Baekhyun bite on his lower lip. "Sarah, do you want to try pho-" He was about to say something when the front door of the door opened again. It was Kyungsoo, Junmyeon and their two managers, Sunghwan and Hyunkyun. "What is?" Sarah asked. "No, never mind... Wrong timing..." He muttered softly. "Oppa, you tired? You sleep now if you're tired." She said in concern. "Tsk... Okay." Baekhyun flicked his tongue in frustration before ending the call. He watched as the guys still stayed at the corridor by the front door and they were talking. Just then, he received a short message from Sarah which made him gulp again.

[From: Sarah]

Dream of me, Oppa. Make sure your bed's dry when you wake up in the morning. keke, I was kidding. Love lots, lots and lots of it. <3

He literally held on his breath and tried to calm himself down especially when the guys began walking his way. "Baekhyun, Kyungsoo told us about his plans on marrying Nabi." Junmyeon spoke seriously. "Oh right... He told me already. He actually told me first." Baekhyun explained and kept his phone inside his pockets. "We're very hesitant about this to be honest... this is big thing. This might make trouble not only to Nabi but to the whole EXO." Sunghwan spoke. "But then, Kyungsoo explained it and we couldn't seem to say no." He added. "Yeah, he said his initial plan was different and wants Nabi to wait for ten years which makes them engaged for ten years and he doesn't want to renew his contract after that but it isn't healthy too. He told us you're the one who suggested for them to get married earlier?" Hyunkyun asked. Baekhyun gulped and forced a nervous grin. "Y-yes, actually... Isn't it fine? I mean, they'll keep it a secret anyway. No one will know, Kyungsoo's good in hiding. We just need to be careful not to let SM know." He explained. "I understand... this guy loves Nabi so much." Hyunkyun said pointing at the suddenly shy Kyungsoo who just smiled.

"Of course I do."

Baekhyun's lips curved up seeing his friend happy. Has he gotten over Nabi? Yes, he did. He knows it himself. His heart doesn't ache anymore whenever he would see Nabi and Kyungsoo together - instead he gets envious that they can be happy with each other. As for himself, he still thinks relationships and commitments aren't really his best friend, more like enemy. He commits, he gets hurt. So he'd rather not to. "Well then, shall we call the other members to have a meeting about this?" Junmyeon asked. "Yes, definitely." Baekhyun answered back. So that late night, EXO had a meeting regarding Kyungsoo's plans of marrying his girlfriend. It was such a crucial decision that can affect the whole group but in the end, they all went to Kyungsoo's side knowing how much the couple has went though. Baekhyun was more than happy for the two - first, he has also treated Lee Nabi as his best friend and second, the same goes to Kyungsoo although they started off at first. He felt happy and proud that he's been an instrument to the couple. Sometimes he even thinks, 'Maybe cupids don't have love lives because even their own hearts, they give out to others.' But on the second thought, he isn't a cupid and he doesn't have anymore piece of his heart to still give.

The next day, Baekhyun doesn't have a single schedule.

Chanyeol has a schedule. So it means he owns the room.

Flopping down his bed, he leaned on the headboard of it and took his phone out. Sarah told him last time that it's examination week today and so she doesn't have classes and since she's not a homeroom teacher, she technically has no work for the day. As he opened their chat room, an unconscious excitement grew in Baekhyun's expression. Because of their concert and schedules, he hasn't been able to talk or chat with her in a long period of time. He was already planning to send her a message when his mind changed. He pressed on the call button instead. "I feel lazy to type." He defended himself although he was alone before putting the phone onto his ear. When she finally answered, he only heard a faint groan. "Sarah?" He called. "O-oppa..." Hearing her weak and barely audible voice, Baekhyun immediately sat up straight removing his back on the headboard of the bed. His eyes moved from left to right growing silent for a while.

"Uh... You okay?"

"Yes, just the... Uh, I have something in head." She said. "Head-what?" Baekhyun asked. "I don't know what you call in Korean. Headache that is always comes." Sarah explained. "Always-you always have headache?" He asked. "Ani ani... headache got it from Eomma." Sarah explained. "Got it fro-Why would you get headache from your mother? Is she there?" Baekhyun was already confused. "Ani... Ah, ottoke... Can't explain." Sarah answered and groaned again. Then Baekhyun grew silent as he tried to think of it really well. "You said head ache and you got it from your mother?" He asked after some time. "Ne. Eomma said she has it. I start feel this when I turn sixteen." Sarah explained. Okay, he is almost there. "When you turned sixteen? It occasionally comes? Pain in the head is... one side?" He asked slowly - unknowingly, he began speaking in very basic Korean and his tone was a bit higher than usual like he was talking to a kid. "Yes." Sarah answered which made Baekhyun snap a finger. "Ah, now I get it. You mean migraine?" He asked and chuckled. "Yes, maybe. Okay, now I know how call it." Sarah answered.

"Ah... So is it okay to talk or you want some other time? Oppa's fine with it.” He asks while nibbling with his bottom lip.

"No, it's okay... You talk, Oppa. I listen well." Sarah reassured weakly. "Ah, okay..." Baekhyun leaned comfortably on his bed again and his lips curved up unknowingly. "You know, when EXO had a three-day concert in Tokyo, I had a chance to go out on Day 2 with them. Although we've been there, we haven't really walked around, but we got a chance to do that although it's late. We ate somewhere, I just don't know what's the name of the place but they cook really good sushi. You told me you like Sushi right? You must be jealous now." He spoke non-stop and was laughing. "And also, Junmyeon Hyung, our group's leader? Know his face, right? He bought an Iron Man figure, do you want to see it? I will take a pict-are you listening?" He asked. "Yes, Oppa. Go on." She said and giggled although it still sounded weak. "Aniya... I'm just making your head ache even more. I should shut up." He said and laughed. "Ani... Oppa, your voice is like massage." Sarah answered. Baekhyun grew speechless, his mouth was puckered a bit when he tried holding a smile from coming out. "Okay then, do you want me to tell you a story when I was younger?' He asked.

"Sure sure."

Baekhyun cleared his throat and began grinning in excitement. "When I was seven, I accidentally ate lotion." He said. "Eh? Chincha?" Sarah asked in shock. "Yes, I was young and curious and I happen to intrude my mother's room back then. I was trying to search for my toy actually, but then I ended up on Eomma's vanity closet. The lotion's packaging was very pretty, it looked like a bottle of Flavored Milk drink and you know, the lotion is Cucumber scented. Since then, I stopped eating Cucumber." He said and laughed to himself. When he didn't hear any respond, he pouted. "Is it that weird? You could at least laugh, moya." He whined but then he only heard soft whimpers which made him frown for real. "Yah, are you really okay? Do you have at least someone with you there?" He asked. "F-fine... I'm fine." Sarah answered. "Medicine? Have you drunk medicine?" Baekhyun asked and unconsciously opened his bedside drawer to find a medicine as if he was there with her.

"Ran out of it... not buying new yet... can't go out... It's too painful..."

Upon hearing what she said, Baekhyun got off completely from the bed but only stood there in silence while still having his phone on his ear. "Are you kidding me? Well no wonder why it's all painful right now, you haven't drunk a single reliever." he asked in disbelief. "I can use sleep... When sleeping enough, it can lessen pain." Sarah explained. "Well then try to explain how do you fall asleep feeling so much pain?" He asked and scoffed. "I'm fine, Oppa." Sarah reassured. "D-do you... Do you want me to go there?' He asked after a brief pause. "Eh?" Sarah's voice got a bit louder when she said that. "I'll just buy your medicine and give it to you and then... go home." He said. "Y-you want to meet me?" Sarah asked softly. "I said I will just give the medicine. My member, Kyungsoo also has migraine and so he keeps a medicine. I'll ask for some since I don't have time to buy in pharmacy. Send me your address." Baekhyun explained carefully. "W-we will meet..." Sarah muttered like she was in a daze. "Yes, and so?" Baekhyun asked. "Oppa... stay after you give medicine..." Sarah muffled which made Baekhyun gulp. "I d-don't think that's... needed. I can just go home after." He answered. "Do you want to go home after?" Sarah asked which caught Baekhyun off guard. "W-wae... When else do you think I should go home..." He asked, his mouth barely moving like he was hesitant to ask.

"Maybe... the n-next day..."



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Chapter 40: Eeeeehhhh... Thank you so much otornim-from-2016! 😍 I really love this story, I had a lot of fun reading this. And having read this after your recent ones made me realize how much you have grown as an author over the years. I didn't mean that this story is any lesser than the latest ones, but really, though I'm only a fan of yours here on AFF, your growth makes me proud of you, very very! 😁 Thank you again for sharing your works to us. Hope you're having a great day today 💚
Chapter 36: I can really imagine cute daddy Baekhyun saying "MWO-yah!" 😂😂😂😍
Chapter 34: I want to make pancakes for Kyungsoo too!!! 😭🤭😍😂
Chapter 30: Awwwww.... I'm so envious of how Baekhyun and Sarah love each other 😍😍😍 It feels so good to read this. This is like a stress reliever for me these days. So fun, light, heart fluttering and very easy to read.. 💚
Chapter 23: Hahahaha... Epic fail! 🤣🙌 I have a feeling that I'll be totally amused with a very jealous Sarah and a nervous Baekhyun on the next chapter... 😁😁😁
Chapter 21: I'm totally enjoying this, of course they have to fight along the way but no matter what, they still look cute in my eyes 😍. AND No matter what story I am reading, I find Baeksoo interactions so fun and amusing 😁💚💚 Thanks for this otornim!
Chapter 15: Aww... it's a very Merry Christmas to Sarah and Baekhyun 😍😍😍💚 very very merry. 😁
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Hahaha, these two are too cute! I caaaaaant! All the frustrations I've felt for Baekhyun and Sarah at the beginning of the chapt (and the prev one) was long gone now. I suddenly got to very strong urge to learn how to talk broken english like them! 😂😂 They are just so cute and lovable, very very 😍💚
Chapter 5: Me loving all your works, Otornim, I'm surprised that I haven't read this one yet, and it's from 2016... This is so cute and fun to read 😍 I actually searched for the book "Making out in Korean" and was amazed that it really exist! 😂😂🤭 Looking forward to the next chapters... 💚
Chapter 41: I miss your update so I am revising ur completed story.