Get Him Shy

Gotcha Heart


Eyes twinkling, jaw dropping, Sarah had her arms wrapped around Baekhyun's neck as they watched the fireworks display of the theme park. Baekhyun was currently carrying her in a piggy back way. They were in the middle of the crowd whose eyes were also fixated at the display although some were actually watching and admiring them - and by some means almost everyone - people who knew Baekhyun. But the couple didn't care at all, they chose not to care even if they take more pictures of them rather than the fireworks display. "Wah~ Oppa this is the best!" Sarah exclaimed while giggling happily. Baekhyun also had a wide smile as he watched the display with his head all up. "This is the first time we watched fireworks display right?" He asked loudly and tilted his head to look at her. The tip of his nose touched Sarah's cheek and he got in a sudden daze seeing her sparkling eyes, mirroring the fireworks. She looked so beautiful right now in Baekhyun's eyes. He felt like they were the only people in the world at the moment. He gave her a light peck on the cheek making her turn, their noses bumping. "They're very beautiful Oppa." She said and hugged his neck more comfortably, making their cheeks simply touch again. Baekhyun nuzzled his head on hers more while having his most contented smile on and uttered, "I love you, Sarah." He heaved a deep sigh as if he just let out the best words in the world. "Love you too Oppa..." Sarah whispered back without hesitation.

The whole special show and fireworks display - unfortunately - only lasted for merely ten minutes all in all. As soon as the theme park's speaker was heard, people began roaming around again. Sarah jumped off of Baekhyun's back and hugged his arm instead. "Did you have fun?" He asked. They started walking side by side and Sarah's hand that was gripping on Baekhyun's arm slowly moved down to interlock their hands this time. "So much fun~" She said and giggled. Unluckily, a few people were still following them from behind but didn't call their attention anymore - as if they simply want to watch and follow them. "Happy birthday." Baekhyun formally greeted her this time for the last time since in an hour more, it's already the 13th of the month. "Thank you, Oppa. Not ust for this for this... for every single thing you do for me every single day." Sarah answered. "That's a lot of every single huh." Baekhyun said and chuckled. "Oppa, now that I'm a year older~~" Sarah began speaking again. "Oh no this makes me nervous. What's your plan?" Baekhyun asked with a derpy nervous face. Sarah giggled back and was hopping like a kid this time but Baekhyun remained walking normally while catching her pace. It made some people chuckle at how cute she acts. "Aniya, not scary. I just plan to improve in cooking and cleaning house. I promise!" She said and put her hand up. "You cook fine, you clean nicely." Baekhyun said. "And also Oppa... not that I want to depend on you for everything but... C-can I be housewife when we get married?" Sarah hushed softly just enough for him to hear only. "Are you kidding me? I totally prefer that." Baekhyun said with a smile. "Chincha?" Sarah asked with a smile. "But of course, so you won't be bored, you can choose a light job or part-time if you want." Baekhyun said.

"Ooh~ I was thinking of few things."

"What are they?" Baekhyun asked. They were already out of the gates and were on their way to the parking lot. The people following them earlier were already gone. "First. I get driver's license here. I know how to drive but I never get chance to get license here. Second, I want to try yoga class. Also one friend said, even when I get pregnant, there is also yoga for pregnancy. So it's best work out and breathing too and prepare you for labor." Sarah explained. It made Baekhyun have a goofy smile as she's already planning at such things so well. "And Oppa, if you run out of money, tell me I will find job too." Sarah said earning a chuckle from Baekhyun. "I swear; you won't have to. I have more than enough and it's on going as long as I'm active." He reassured. The two of them entered the car and Sarah heaved a sigh of relief while stretching her arms out. "Are you sleepy already?" Baekhyun asked while starting the engine. "Not really." Sarah answered. The car started moving and Baekhyun spoke again. "You wanna drink?" He asked with a slight chuckle on. "Oppa, you drank with members yesterday. Don't always drink." Sarah said. "Okay, fine." The man gave up right away without even insisting anymore. "What what now? Are we gonna go home straight and sleep?" He then asked this time. Sarah made a blowfish and tried to think. But then, she just reached to the radio and turned it on. Once the music blasted onto the speakers, Sarah put her hands up and began singing along. "I don't like it! I love it love it love it uh oh!~" Baekhyun sang along while Sarah did random dances. "So good it hurts~" She added next like she was the second voice. "I don't want it, I gotta gotta have it uh oh~" Baekhyun continued. There was a stop light and the couple made a sudden eye-contact while pointing at each other before singing in chorus,

"When I can't find the words~~ I just go. Doo doo doo doo roo~ doo doo~"

The two started whistling and dancing randomly and Baekhyun even acted like the steering wheel was drums. It was so out of nowhere, not even planned, but they suddenly did a night drive party. So weird, this couple. Nah, they're just simply THAT comfortable with each other. The ride home was for about fifteen minutes which caused them a few songs to sing all in all. Arriving at the parking lot, the couple sighed in unison. "I'm sleepy." Sarah said. "Yup. Me too." Baekhyun answered. When they got out of the car they walked lazily, Baekhyun ahead of Sarah. "Uh, shoelace..." She muffled when she almost tripped and so she stopped. Kneeling down with one leg, Sarah began tying her shoelace while Baekhyun continued walking. "Oppa, don't leave me out from the elevator. Wait." She said. "The elevator won't disappear there. I need to pee." Baekhyun answered while stretching his arms and was yawning. He entered the hall which leads straight to the elevator - this way is especially for the celebrities who live at the place. He got into the elevator but just stood there while staring down at Sarah's direction. She always takes time tying her shoes. "Yah, we're already home. Just ditch tying it." Baekhyun called. "I'm done!~" Sarah stood up and skipped fast towards the elevator. Once the elevator door closed, Sarah simply hugged Baekhyun's waist from behind and placed her chin on his shoulder. "Oppa." She called. Baekhyun leaned his head against hers while looking up at the elevator's small monitor on top. "Hm.." He murmured. "Thank you again. This was a fun birthday." Sarah said. Baekhyun just let out a smug chuckle before lifting his arm over Sarah's head and hugged her on the neck instead. He then kissed her hair gently before answering.

"Everything for my wifey."

"Not yet."

"It's gonna be the same."

"No it isn't."

"I'm practicing."

"You don't practice it."

"Well I do."

_ _ _


Sarah's all alone today at home because Baekhyun has a magazine photoshoot. She initially had nothing to do until some special visitors came...

Do Kyungsoo and Lee Nabi.

It was such a surprise to finally see the two. Sarah hasn't seen Do Kyungsoo for a few months now because he left as soon as their promotion was done and of course for Nabi, she hasn't seen her in a long time. "What's going on?~ Why are you two back home here?" Sarah asked as she lead the couple to the living room. "She's pregnant." Kyungsoo answered with a smile. The two sat down beside each other and Sarah sat on the other. "Omo... R-really??" Sarah asked with a very delighted face. "Yup. Our plan of six-month honeymoon was cut off early. This baby boy's fast." Nabi said with a smirk. "Wah~ Congratulations! How long is it now?" Sarah asked. "It's... about four weeks?" Nabi looked at her husband who nodded. "Yeah, we just found out a few days ago actually and since we agreed to go home here right away once she gets pregnant, we booked a flight home asap." Kyungsoo explained. "Wah... I'm so happy for you~" Sarah covered while smiling towards the couple. "We're gonna go to SM later to discuss the announcement." Nabi stated. "Yup, and we haven't told the members yet. Nabi just insisted to visit you first. He said she missed you." Kyungsoo added. "Aww~ I missed you too Nabi~" Sarah chanted and the two did their 'bestie' holding hands. "How are you and Baekhyun? Everything's going well?" Nabi then asked. "All's well. I don't have a job until now but we kind of discussed it. I don't feel confident on working as teacher again and for the modeling thing, it's just for part-time, it doesn't always come. So technically, I can just stay at home until we get married." Sarah explained. "That's good, Nabi's not doing anything here for sure. You two can hang out." Kyungsoo said. "Yeah~ We have a lot to catch up with each other." Nabi answered while hugging her husband's arm.

"Where's Baekhyun by the way?"

"Schedule. He has solo photo shoot." Sarah answered. "In three months, we'll have the Asian tour again. I really feel bad about that." Kyungsoo said and heaved a sigh. "Don't worry, Soo. I told you, Aya Eomma's there and even Sarah here." Nabi reassured. "You mean you'll start on December?" Sarah asked. "Oh, Baekhyun hasn't told you yet maybe. Well it was emailed to us just yesterday; I mean the schedules. We'll start by the 23rd of that month." Kyungsoo explained. "You're gonna be home by Christmas right?" Sarah asked. "Of course. We start in Seoul, we're not flying." Kyungsoo explained. "And I'm going!" Nabi said excitedly. "Yah, it's gonna be too hot and tiring there." Her husband disagreed. "Then get me a ticket where I won't feel too hot and tired." Nabi muttered as a matter of fact. "Alright, I'll get whatever Baekhyun is getting for you, Sarah. I'm sure it's a comfortable place." Kyungsoo said. "Yeah, we need to sit beside each other alright? Make it sure." Nabi said. "I can't make it sure if the seats beside her are already taken by that time. A lot usually buy very early." Kyungsoo argued back. "No, you make it sure." Nabi insisted. Kyungsoo blinked and tried to think of how the hell he would do that. "So how long's the Asia tour?" Sarah asked. "Hmm... our last stop's on June." Kyungsoo answered. "Yeah and you know what's so annoying? They have a concert schedule on our freaking anniversary again. I don't understand it at all. I hate SM. I think they're doing it on purpose. I mean why schedule a concert on our wedding anniversary. Wae?? They attended the wedding, I'm freaking sure they know that's our anniversary, you know?? I really hate them to guts. I wanna kill all of them. " Nabi said and Kyungsoo just rubbed her arm. "Relax... Breathe. Jagiya, breathe... Slowly." He murmured and Nabi made a blowfish while gently breathing. Sarah just chuckled at the cute couple - she thought it would have been totally different to their case. Because when she freaks out, Baekhyun freaks out more. Hilarious. But at the same time, it makes her jealous because she wants a baby already. It's been barely four months since she stopped with the pill and she's still waiting for her fertility to regulate back to its normal pace. The only thing she could do was to wait until she does conceive. But she knows it's gonna be soon. "Anyway, Sarah let's go out on a girl friend date? I miss Korea~" Nabi said, back to her normal relaxed state - thanks to her very calm husband. "If you want, I go to SM alone and you go with Sarah. Just text me where you two are so I could pick you up." Kyungsoo suggested.

"Okay~ Cool. Thanks patootie. We're gonna go around and shop. Can we can we?~"

"Okay, I'll leave my card to you."

_ _ _


"Oh my god~ I miss this kind of breeze."

Both sniggering, Sarah and Nabi locked arms while they walked around Hongdae. Kyungsoo just dropped them off before he goes to SM. "Do you always go out like this? Is it hard?" Nabi asked. Looking around, a few people were of course looking at them - both being known as EXO's girls. "When I got out, I only go to the groceries so there's not much people." Sarah answered. "What? You don't buy clothes, makeup and some other stuffs??" Nabi asked in shock. "Not really... I don't go out so much so I don't really need those a lot." Sarah answered. “And also, Baekhyun Oppa doesn't really force me to dress up and prep up too much when we go out." She added. "Eyy~ You know... I'm gonna give you one little fact." Nabi hugged her arm even more. "Those guys, especially Kyungsoo and Baekhyun Oppa... they're really the type not to look at girls' outer appearance for them to be attracted BUT~ They do look at how they handle themselves too. Even if Baekhyun Oppa doesn't tell you and is sincerely fine with whatever you look, there are times that you should also dress and prep up, you know~ You need to make Baekhyun feel shy for once you know~ Flatter him." Nabi said. "But I'm not good with clothes and makeup. I always wear simple shirts, blouses, shorts, skinny jeans, skirt... but he's used to it. If I try to dress up, I might just ruin it." Sarah said. "Well what am I doing here? I almost became SM's stylist, don't forget that. I'm gonna dress up Barbie..." Nabi said with a smirk before dragging her into a certain direction which leads to the shopping areas.

"Omo... I never saw him shy to me before... Would he be? Cause we're so comfortable at each other already."

"Trust me. And you know, comfort and acceptance in relationships are one of the best keys but maintaining the purity of it is also included."

"Do you also make Kyungsoo shy?"

"Yes, When I cook pancakes for him, he gets shy."


"I know right. Don't ask, he's weird. Let's just go~ Go go sing!"


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Chapter 40: Eeeeehhhh... Thank you so much otornim-from-2016! 😍 I really love this story, I had a lot of fun reading this. And having read this after your recent ones made me realize how much you have grown as an author over the years. I didn't mean that this story is any lesser than the latest ones, but really, though I'm only a fan of yours here on AFF, your growth makes me proud of you, very very! 😁 Thank you again for sharing your works to us. Hope you're having a great day today 💚
Chapter 36: I can really imagine cute daddy Baekhyun saying "MWO-yah!" 😂😂😂😍
Chapter 34: I want to make pancakes for Kyungsoo too!!! 😭🤭😍😂
Chapter 30: Awwwww.... I'm so envious of how Baekhyun and Sarah love each other 😍😍😍 It feels so good to read this. This is like a stress reliever for me these days. So fun, light, heart fluttering and very easy to read.. 💚
Chapter 23: Hahahaha... Epic fail! 🤣🙌 I have a feeling that I'll be totally amused with a very jealous Sarah and a nervous Baekhyun on the next chapter... 😁😁😁
Chapter 21: I'm totally enjoying this, of course they have to fight along the way but no matter what, they still look cute in my eyes 😍. AND No matter what story I am reading, I find Baeksoo interactions so fun and amusing 😁💚💚 Thanks for this otornim!
Chapter 15: Aww... it's a very Merry Christmas to Sarah and Baekhyun 😍😍😍💚 very very merry. 😁
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Hahaha, these two are too cute! I caaaaaant! All the frustrations I've felt for Baekhyun and Sarah at the beginning of the chapt (and the prev one) was long gone now. I suddenly got to very strong urge to learn how to talk broken english like them! 😂😂 They are just so cute and lovable, very very 😍💚
Chapter 5: Me loving all your works, Otornim, I'm surprised that I haven't read this one yet, and it's from 2016... This is so cute and fun to read 😍 I actually searched for the book "Making out in Korean" and was amazed that it really exist! 😂😂🤭 Looking forward to the next chapters... 💚
Chapter 41: I miss your update so I am revising ur completed story.