Different Minds

Gotcha Heart

"One, two, three four~ two, two three four. No, again."

Panting hard, the EXO members lazily walked back to their previous position in the dance routine. They're going to release a new mini album in a few more weeks, they've already shot the music video and jacket photo shoot for it - all they have to do was to further prepare and practice. "Okay, water break." The choreographer finally said those magical words after tons of repetitions and all of the EXO members collapsed down the floor. All panting and exhausted - everything wasn't as easy as to when they just debuted where they're still all jumpy and awake after a tiring day. Time really passes by so quickly. A lot of things have changed in the span of over a year. The one who first got up was Kyungsoo who walked straight to the couch and grabbed his phone. Others literally fell asleep as soon as they landed down the floor. Baekhyun on the other hand, took his time to get up and with his worn out feet, walked his way to one corner where his phone was charging. He opened Instagram and checked on Sarah's IG - his daily routine because his cutie partner is such an ulzzang that she has some good number of followers that she needs to satisfy with her beautiful face. Since she didn't have any new posts, he just browsed her older posts - as if he hasn't seen them. After satisfying himself enough with her adorableness, he went straight to call her. He leaned his head on the wall and ran his fingers through his wet hair as he waits for her to answer.


"Ouch..." Baekhyun grunted when Sarah screamed on the other line. He had to put the phone away from his ear for a second before coming back. "Yah, is there a need to shout? Wae?" He asked afterwards. "I got offer from a magazine company. Oppa, it's not Vogue but it's legit. I promise~ I am very flattered; they say I am perfect candidate for their new issue~" She said. "Oh chincha? Then give it a try." Baekhyun answered back. "I'm still thinking about it, Oppa..." Sarah muttered. "Aish... What again? What's stopping you?" He asked with an impatient tone. "Oppa, I'm just thinking about you. I just don't want to do something that can make it even harder for us to be together. I ju—“Oh ho?~ Is it hard? WOW! My biggest apologies huh??" He suddenly exclaimed making the EXO members look at him. "Oppa, it isn't like that. I already tell you, I don’t like the industry here... I-it's not for me. It's too much. I was just thinking of possible result if I make decisions unlike w—“Unlike me? Are you pointing it out to me? Is it my fault if you can't accept my country's limelight? Alright, then go home to wherever you came from, I'm not stopping you. I'm so sick of you complaining about this and that!" He said in anger and hung up. He harshly put his phone down and covered his face with his hands. The other EXO members just looked at each other. "Two minutes..." Chanyeol said. "No, one minute." Sehun muttered. "Five." Kyungsoo said. "Minutes?" They all asked. Kyungsoo then pointed at Baekhyun. "Five seconds." He said and they all turned to Baekhyun again who was already calling Sarah back. He stood up while having his phone on his ear. "Pick up pick up pick up..." He was muttering nonstop making all the other members chuckle at him. "Pic—Sarah... Hey, I'm sorry..." He murmured with his gentle voice now. "As always, this man is unbelievable." They hushed while teasingly looking at Baekhyun who was already talking at one corner. "The kind of relationship they have can already be married off to be honest." Kyungsoo said making them all turn to him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. Even how harsh or serious are the words that sometimes come out of each other's mouths; they know how much they mean it or how much they don't." Kyungsoo explained with a light smile. "You'll learn it when you settle down, guys." He added and laughed a little. "Those two should just publicize their relationship if they want to. They're so private until now. It's already fine to be free, you know." Minseok who's been dating a non-showbiz girl for over three years now and only recently they went public, said. "Let them be. Frankly, there are perks of having it private too." Kyungsoo told them. "Well anyway. Changing the topic. So after the mini-album, you fly home to Nabi?" They asked. "Yeah, Since EXO won't have any tours, I asked for hiatus. We'll try to get pregnant." The married man explained. "If we make it, she'll leave her job and go back with me. She wants to give birth here." He added. Just then, Baekhyun finished talking to the phone with a light smile on his face. "And you." They all pointed at him as he sat beside Kyungsoo. "What?" The guy looked at them in confusion. "We have a long rest after this one. You go publicize your relationship and go in a vacation with Sarah. I swear, it's a good thing." Junmyeon said while others nodded. "How many times do I have to tell you, Sarah doesn't like to—“Then let yourself get caught." Kyungsoo said while chuckling. "Irony." The other members said while laughing. "Are you crazy?" Baekhyun asked. "Wae? If she doesn't want you to let the company officially announce your relationship. Then be caught instead, she doesn't have a say on that." Kyungsoo explained. "No, she will kill me for 'not being careful' and some other stuffs." Baekhyun said. "She will not kill you, of course. She might just get mad." Sehun said.

"What's the difference?? When she's mad, I wanna kill myself because I feel like I massacred a whole family and that I should be salvaged."

They all laughed at the very troubled boyfriend. "I know the feeling." Kyungsoo said and chuckled while patting his back. "I bet she will be just mad for a while and get over it." Jongin spoke. "SHE WILL GET MAD for a while until forever." Baekhyun said making them again, burst out of laughter. "You really like exaggerating." Kyungsoo said while scoffing. "Yah~ The man in the relationship should take over. You shouldn't be scared of your girl." They teased. "YOU SHOULD BE." Kyungsoo and Baekhyun answered at the same time. "Geez, I get scared at my girlfriend too but not as much as these two. Are they that scary?" Sehun asked and laughed. "When mad they are." Kyungsoo answered. "Yeah, looks can be deceiving. They might look cute and pretty but nah. They're devils in disguise, those two girls." Baekhyun added and did a high-five with Kyungsoo. "They're the best in the guilt game. They just whine so cutely with a very gentle voice but it makes you feel like you should be castrated and you will feel all guilty within seconds." Kyungsoo said and they began sharing their own opinions having such cutie partners. Their water-break eventually lasted for over an hour because of it - damn weird. Afterwards, EXO went on to their rehearsals throughout the day.


_ _ _


"Sarah, there's no toiletries anymore."

Stepping out of the bathroom, Baekhyun walked to the living room where Sarah was at. He flopped down beside her and held on her lap. "No toiletries. You want me to buy? I have time." He said. "Huh? I just bought the other day. Wait." She said and stood up. Baekhyun groaned and collapsed down the couch. "Do you have anything you want to buy?" He asked. "Oppa, I just went groceries the other day." She shouted from inside the storage room. "Do you want me to buy food?" He then asked. "Oppa, I'm cooking!" She answered again. "Ugh... Let me go out and get caught..." He murmured while groaning. "What?" Sarah peeked her head out from the door. "Huh? Nothing..." Baekhyun looked away with an innocent face. Sarah then went back after replacing the toilet napkin inside the bathroom. "I'm waiting for favorite drama." She said and grinned while flopping down beside Baekhyun. "Do you want ice cream?" He then asked while lying down her lap. Sarah just flipped through channels while Baekhyun's hair. He looked up to her with a sweet smile. "Ah Oppa, I bought a pint of Haagen-Dazs. Our favorite flavor, Cinnamon Dulce de Leche? You want me to get it?" Sarah asked back with a smile. "Ugh... Why do you buy everything beforehand..." Baekhyun grunted and buried his face on her core area. "Wae?" Sarah asked while looking down to him.

"I actually forgot to buy one thing."

"What?" Baekhyun's head shot up. "I'm about to have period next week, I forgot to buy new pack of sanitary pads." She said but it only earned a big frown from Baekhyun. "Buy it yourself. You have seven days to still buy." He frowned like a kid having tantrums and got up. "Yah, what's wrong?" Sarah watched as he walked much noisier than his usual, letting her know that he's angry. "I bought a lot the other day. Oppa, I can go out again to buy pads, but ran out of cash. Give me?" She called. "I didn't hear anything!" Baekhyun shouted from inside the bedroom. Sarah just held her laugh as she got amused of his 'hot flashes' like ah ahjumma again. Just then, he opened the door again and peeked out. "My wallet's at the divider closet." He gave in right away before banging the door closed again. Sarah rolled her eyes while chuckling before standing up. She instead followed him into the room. Just when she entered, she saw him opening the window widely. "Why you open it?" She asked. "I'M BYUN BAEKHYUN, EVERYONE, I LIVE HE—“Yah!" Sarah ran to him and grabbed his body away from the window. "Don't stop me-yah-Let go! Sarah! Let go of me-aw that's my hair!" They began wrestling on the floor when Sarah rode him while covering his mouth. "Why you do that??" She shouted. Baekhyun lifted her up away from his body and try to get up again. It's funny how they are actually arguing about it when they're on the thirteenth floor and it's doubtful if anyone would hear him or even care. "Oppa!" She jumped right on his back and tried to pull his head away from the window. "NO! I will shout TO THE WHOLE WORLD THAT I HAVE YOU AS-Aw! Stop harassing my hair! Do you want me to go bald-OUCH! That is not funny! Yah you think I won’t fight you back? Let go!" They continued fighting until the doorbell rang. "Let go!” Baekhyun twirled his body harshly making Sarah fall off straight on her . It made a loud thud which made Baekhyun scoot down to her quickly. "Kwaenchana??" He asked in worry and pulled her up. "Ouch..." She groaned while rubbing her . Ding dong. Like nothing ever happened, the couple walked out of the room with their messed up hairs and crumpled clothes.

Opening the door, Baekhyun stood there in bewilderment. Sarah's parents whom he had only seen on Skype.

"OMG!~" Sarah squealed hard and jumped on her father right away. Mrs. Jacobs on the other hand looked up to him with a sweet smile. "Finally, we met in person~" She spoke and Baekhyun quickly bowed 90 degrees at the mother. "Hi~ Baekhyun. Did I say it correctly now?" Sarah's father then greeted while holding on Sarah's shoulder. Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Technically, Mr. Jacobs pronounced it as 'BEK-YOON' but he didn't actually mind it. "Did you guys just wake up?" Mr. Jacobs asked while looking down to Sarah who had her eyes at her boyfriend too. "Uh... Ha ha ha~ Let's go in first~" She said and let her parents come in before closing the door. She nudged Baekhyun who was just looking up to her tall father the whole time. "Dad, don't pressure him. He doesn't speak your language." Sarah said and chuckled. "I'm not~ but it's good to finally meet you. We made this visit a surprise." Mr. Jacobs said and tapped Baekhyun's back but it made the guy cough since it was a bit hard for him. Maintaining a smile, Baekhyun just nodded while glancing at Sarah making eye-contact. "He said this is a surprise visit." Sarah translated. "Ah, thank you..." Baekhyun bowed with a flustered smile while scratching his neck. "You talk... I make juice..." Baekhyun murmured to her. "Ah, yeah~ Dad, he's just going to get some drinks. Let's go to the living room?" Sarah said and as soon as she did, Baekhyun ran into the kitchen. "He's scared at me huh." Mr. Jacob said while chuckling. "Eyy~ Dad, I know that tone. Don't make him dance again like what you did on Skype. Please?" Sarah asked and her parents just laughed as they sat down the couch.

"But in all fairness. This condominium he bought for you is bigger than what I expected and very comfy in the eyes."

"Yeah, I didn't actually expect it too." Sarah answered with a smile. "Ah, eomma~" She then moved to Mrs. Jacobs and hugged her tightly. "So when will you get married?" Mr. Jacobs then asked making Sarah turn with a flustered look. "H-he... he actually wants to like... register our marriage... but you see, his job is still... being a barrier." Sarah explained. "How come? Didn't his other team mate got married? The... the singer guy? The one with big eyes and sm—“Kyungsoo. DO Kyungsoo, Dad. Oh and Dad, they're all singers, my boyfriend's the main vocal..." Sarah explained briefly. "Yes, that one. Whatever. Isn't he married?" Mr. Jacobs asked. "He is but... I'm just scared... Dad, the member of his didn't also make it easy at first. It was very chaotic for almost half a year before it quieted down. Even up until now, his wife would sometimes get hate comments." Sarah explained. "And so? It doesn't matter if you two are in love, you marry when you're ready. If you want to get married, then do so." Mrs. Jacobs combined English and Korean and so that if ever Baekhyun was listening, he would understand her point. As if on cue, Baekhyun came out holding a tray with two glasses of juice. He gently planed it on the low table before sitting down to the other side of the couch. Awkward silence. Sarah scratched her neck as she eyed her boyfriend who wasn't speaking and was only glancing around the house - as if he was the guest.

"Ah dear, it's only your father's third time here in Korea and it's been a long time since he last came. Why don’t we go tour him around with Baekhyun? Since we'll be staying for quite a long time. For about a month or so. Since it's been a while since I went home."

Upon Mrs. Jacob's suggestion, Baekhyun's eyes lit up as if he saw the doors of heaven open up for him already. "That's a good idea eomonim..." He spoke right away making Sarah's eyes bulge out. "What's it about?" Mr. Jacobs asked. "Honey, I suggested that we tour you around, might as well make your vacation fun right? There are a lot of places here to go to." Mrs. Jacobs said with an excited tone. "E-eomma, it won't be safe..." Sarah murmured with hesitance. It made Baekhyun look away with a disappointed look seeing how she can still disagree even in front of her parents. "You don't want to?" Mr. Jacobs asked seeing his daughter's frown. "Dad, Baekhyun's fans might see us and follow." She explained and this one, Baekhyun understood. He just kept his silence while having his mouth tightly firmed. It bugs him off how she seems to blame it all on him whenever they would have a hard time on enjoying although he knew she didn't mean it like that. "Is that really a big problem here? Are they that much?" Mr. Jacobs asked not getting it at all. "It's hard to explain." Sarah said while scratching her hair. "Then how about to a more private place? Or resort? Right?" Mrs. Jacobs asked before turning to Baekhyun. "Son, do you know any private resorts here? The weather's pretty nice for it." She asked which made Baekhyun smile at how her parents were still insisting. "I-I have a few that EXO has gone to... Fans never knew about it not even paparazzi." He explained while hesitantly look at his unhappy girlfriend. "Oh, then it's good. Honey it's all good. He knows a place." Mrs. Jacobs said. "Eomma, he has a comeback." Sarah said again making Baekhyun frown. "I-it's still in a few weeks." He said. "You practice every day. You won't be allowed to leave, Oppa..." Sarah answered. Mrs. Jacobs could already feel the sudden tension between the couple, even Mr. Jacobs who couldn't understand a single word they were saying could see it.

"You two, how about we go tour your house around first and make a decision? Call us when you made it already."

Mr. Jacobs spoke and pulled Mrs. Jacobs up to stand. The two elderly went to the kitchen while holding their glasses of juice. "What the hell is that?" Baekhyun muffled right away once he was alone with Sarah. "What? It's true..." Sarah said. "You make them think that I'm always the reason." Baekhyun said. "I'm not. Oppa, I'm just trying to be safe an—“I'm so tired of safety. I don't need to be safe anymore. I want to be real." Baekhyun cut her off. "Oh is that why you try shout earlier? Oppa, you want put our relationship in trouble and I don't want us to be like your past rela—“Bull. You keep on depending on my past. It's been so long ago and we're different from that." He said which made Sarah flinch when he cursed. "Now you're angry..." She said. "Yes I am angry because I'm very frustrated. I hate myself for lasting on this. I hate myself for keeping you from everyone up until now when I can be proud of you instead. Just to be safe? It's never safe anywhere you go, Sarah. It depends on us. You keep on getting worried and scared. Do you even trust me?" He asked and stood up walking out to go to their room. Being left alone, Sarah ran her fingers through her hair as she felt her tears forming already. He's been acting like that for a few days already but she didn't know how to explain to him her side.



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Chapter 40: Eeeeehhhh... Thank you so much otornim-from-2016! 😍 I really love this story, I had a lot of fun reading this. And having read this after your recent ones made me realize how much you have grown as an author over the years. I didn't mean that this story is any lesser than the latest ones, but really, though I'm only a fan of yours here on AFF, your growth makes me proud of you, very very! 😁 Thank you again for sharing your works to us. Hope you're having a great day today 💚
Chapter 36: I can really imagine cute daddy Baekhyun saying "MWO-yah!" 😂😂😂😍
Chapter 34: I want to make pancakes for Kyungsoo too!!! 😭🤭😍😂
Chapter 30: Awwwww.... I'm so envious of how Baekhyun and Sarah love each other 😍😍😍 It feels so good to read this. This is like a stress reliever for me these days. So fun, light, heart fluttering and very easy to read.. 💚
Chapter 23: Hahahaha... Epic fail! 🤣🙌 I have a feeling that I'll be totally amused with a very jealous Sarah and a nervous Baekhyun on the next chapter... 😁😁😁
Chapter 21: I'm totally enjoying this, of course they have to fight along the way but no matter what, they still look cute in my eyes 😍. AND No matter what story I am reading, I find Baeksoo interactions so fun and amusing 😁💚💚 Thanks for this otornim!
Chapter 15: Aww... it's a very Merry Christmas to Sarah and Baekhyun 😍😍😍💚 very very merry. 😁
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Hahaha, these two are too cute! I caaaaaant! All the frustrations I've felt for Baekhyun and Sarah at the beginning of the chapt (and the prev one) was long gone now. I suddenly got to very strong urge to learn how to talk broken english like them! 😂😂 They are just so cute and lovable, very very 😍💚
Chapter 5: Me loving all your works, Otornim, I'm surprised that I haven't read this one yet, and it's from 2016... This is so cute and fun to read 😍 I actually searched for the book "Making out in Korean" and was amazed that it really exist! 😂😂🤭 Looking forward to the next chapters... 💚
Chapter 41: I miss your update so I am revising ur completed story.