Cry Dollars

Gotcha Heart


"The first EXO Appa!"

Gathered in a private area of a restaurant, EXO celebrated Kyungsoo being a father. "Wah! Daebak, he's fast ey?~" Baekhyun started with the teasing - as always making the other guys coo towards Kyungsoo who was just chuckling. Baekhyun was actually the last one to arrive because of his solo schedule. "Well anyway guys, let's all eat up." Junmyeon announced and the guys began eating without hesitation. "Oh by the way, Nabi's on their way here. She came with Sarah." Kyungsoo spoke. "Oh chincha? Where did they go?" Baekhyun asked while chewing. "I don't know. They said shopping." Kyungsoo answered. "Anyway, does Nabi have any cravings then?" Yixing spoke which made them all look at the husband with their curious faces. "Nowadays even before we found out she's pregnant, she's been obsessing over the chocolate, Maltesers? Like seriously, I'm not even kidding. I bought the bucket one because she asked for it. It's like... five-hundred twenty grams or something but she finished it in a day."  Kyungsoo explained with so much enthusiasm. "Yah, won't she get sick by that?" Baekhyun scoffed and hit Kyungsoo on the arm.

"I know that's why that day when she finished that one bucket I started controlling it. If she's really craving so much to the point of killing me if I won't buy it, I will just buy the smallest size and give her two pieces a day."

"Well does she follow?" They asked while laughing. "W-well... There are few times when she wins..." Kyungsoo answered. "And by 'few times' he means always." Baekhyun snorted - just by the man's tone, he knows it so well. "I can't help it... She's craving and Eomma told me she will get over it soon. Maybe if she finds another craving. I just tag her along to walk every morning but not so much, she would not talk to me if we walk for thirty minutes. Just fifteen." Kyungsoo explained. "Kyungsoo, who's wearing the pants?" The other members began teasing. "Of course, her." Kyungsoo answered like he was embarrassed at all. "Yeah~ Happy wife happy life." Baekhyun agreed and put an arm over Kyungsoo's shoulder. "We know but he already looks like a battered husband." Sehun said and laughed hysterically. "Yah~ Of course not. Nabi never beat me up." Kyungsoo said with a pout. "Are you sure?" Baekhyun asked this time and chuckled. "Hit on the head isn't beating up, you guys. She's just nagging and she's pregnant." Kyungsoo said. "Aigoo, will I encounter the same when Sarah gets pregnant?" Baekhyun murmured and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yah, you talk like Nabi's the worst pregnant woman in the world. She's the cutest alright? Especially when she bangs the door on my face because she's mad whenever I don't place the remote control beside the TV after watching and whenever I wash the dishes, cause she doesn't like that. And then afterwards, she's gonna apologize to me with a bear hug until I can't breathe anymore." Kyungsoo explained with a cute grin.

"Hyung, you're weird. You find that cute?"

"Love is weird." Baekhyun defended and rolled his eyes. "You guys, when you marry your girlfriends, I'm sure you would understand him." He added. "Wae~ You're not married yet as well." Junmyeon asked and chuckled. "But we live together already, it's almost the same. And besides, we're engaged." Baekhyun answered with a proud face and rolled his eyes. "He's right. And see how mature he is. He's religiously paying the mortgage of the house in Jeju. How is it by the way?" Kyungsoo asked. "I won't say the whole price of the rest house but a few million more in the mortgage alone. I'm already planning the interior with the designer, there's more to fix and pay." Baekhyun explained and high-fived with him. "Yah~ Sarah's a total princess huh?" The EXO members teased. "I just want to use my hard work for all these years in a very worthy way. That's ours." Baekhyun explained. "How about Kyungsoo? Are you still broke of the mortgage in New York?~" They began teasing again. "YAH! I'm already fully-paid, you guys! Stop teasing me about it! It's been so long I'm not that broke, alright!" Kyungsoo whined. Just then, their fun time was interrupted for a while when the door of the private room opened. They all turned and was welcomed by Nabi and Sarah's smiling faces. Baekhyun's lips parted open as he stared at his fiancée who was all dressed up and had very nice hair and makeup. Her makeup was orange and pink centered which brightens up her already bright eyes but it was a bit thicker than her usual. Her hair was in a side braid and her fringe was up in a cute pink hairpin showing off her forehead. And she was wearing this beautiful off-the-shoulder dress that makes her skin much whiter than it already is.

"WOW!~" The EXO members all cooed as the two girls entered. "Hi, Mama. Had fun?" Kyungsoo grinned and stood up to lead the girls to the table and went to hold Nabi's hand. Sarah arrived at the table while glancing down to Baekhyun who still had that overwhelmed expression and was motionless. Nabi smirked and nudged Sarah before sitting down with Kyungsoo on the other side. "N-nabi help me dress up..." Sarah spoke while biting on her lower lip. "Wah, you're really pretty Sarah~" The other EXO members even beat Baekhyun to complimenting Sarah. "Yah." Kyungsoo nudged Baekhyun while peeking at his face. He had a light smile while looking at Sarah. "W-what's with you?" Baekhyun managed to speak but not the words Sarah was expecting. "N-ne?" She asked and blinked. "There's no occasion. Is there any?" Baekhyun asked. Nabi who was beside Kyungsoo on the right frowned at how Baekhyun approached the girl. "N-nothing..." Sarah answered and looked down. She just flopped down beside Baekhyun and clutched tight on her shoulder bag that was placed on her lap. "Where did you go earlier?" Baekhyun asked and leaned down to her to kiss her on the cheeks even creating that cute 'hmm~' sound. He then grabbed a fork and stabbed one piece of meat and put it in front of Sarah's mouth. "I just grilled this one. Still hot." He said but Sarah only turned her head away with a big frown.

"Have you eaten?"

The others were already busy with their own food while the two had their own world - but not a very good world at the moment. "What's wrong with you?" Baekhyun casually asked and looked away. He felt flustered and speechless at first upon seeing Sarah much more beautiful right now but he felt like it would be weird if he was to overreact on it, he thought he never needed to overreact at such obvious fact that Sarah is indeed very beautiful, he was sure Sarah knows his mind like it's her own. "I'm gonna wrap a meat for you." He said and began placing a few slices of meat onto the lettuce but that was until he heard faint sobs from Sarah. "Yah..." he looked down to her and tried to peek at her face but she was turning her body away. "Oh? Sarah, kwaenchana?" The other members already noticed her tears that made her stand up and walk away. "Moya... Yah." Baekhyun stood up and was about to leave when Nabi spoke. "She dressed up for you and what did you say? Is there any occasion?" She asked. "I was just asking cause she doesn't usually dre—“Well she did today. At least appreciate it. You sounded so rude. You're supposed to compliment her." Nabi cut him off. Everyone grew quiet. "I wasn't being rude. She was prettier on that dress but I don't need to tell her that. She already knows how I think of he—“Knowing it doesn't mean she doesn't need to hear it. You're so comfortable huh? So comfortable that you forgot how to be passionate." Nabi said. "It's not that. I was just saying th—“Just follow her out, Baekhyun." Kyungsoo spoke. Without any word, Baekhyun left. "I can't believe he'll react like that. Kyungsoo, you never did that to m—“Nabi, we're all different... Baekhyun's different from me and we can't force him to be like me or other guys." Kyungsoo explained. The other members all looked down - totally agreeing to him.

"Sarah was hoping too, Kyungsoo..."

"Because probably you told her how I am. I'm sure she never thought of it before until you said it. Nabi... their relationship is different from ours. I get your point... but we can't question their comfort for each other... Don't put things into Sarah's mind that are different from how she knows Baekhyun..." Kyungsoo said. The other members began getting nervous thinking this might end up into a fight as well but then, "I-I'm sorry..." Nabi looked away while biting on her lower lip. "It's okay... I know you had good intentions..." Kyungsoo reassured and patted his wife's cheek. "Those two are probably fighting now..." Chanyeol murmured and heaved a sigh. "Nah, we know those two." Kyungsoo said and chuckled. "I really feel guilty now... K-kyungsoo, I just wanted Sarah to see a shy Baekhyun... does he think she's bea—“Ssh ssh... Calm down, hm? Let them fix it. Baekhyun isn't a shy person so his approach might be different from others. I believe he can show her that in a lot more ways. Let's just wait for them. I know they'll come back." Kyungsoo reassured his wife and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "A-are you sure? I might have... ruined their relationship?" Nabi said. "You know technically, they married off first before us. They've been doing what a married couple does before we did. They know how to deal with this, believe me." Kyungsoo said and chuckled.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun spotted Sarah at the restaurant's balcony. Since the place had second floor and it was technically a hotel restaurant, it had a wide balcony which has a garden as well and shows the nice view of Seoul. "Sarah..." He called while walking towards his direction. As soon as he arrived right behind her, he held onto her hips. "I just thought you're gonna react like how Nabi and I expected... I-I feel so... I feel so ugly right now..." Sarah murmured in between sobs. "No, of course not... Look," Baekhyun grabbed her body and made her face him. "Look into my eyes." He said and grabbed her face making their eyes much closer. "What do you see?" He asked. "W-well... M-my reflection." Sarah muffled with a pout. "Exactly. You're in my eyes. As long as you're looking at me. Okay?" Baekhyun said. "B-but I worked hard for this... I d-don't usually wear this..." Sarah looked down to her dress while still crying. "I know... and I'm sorry if I didn't speak my feelings out. I just thought... y-you already know how much beautiful you are to me..." Baekhyun answered making her look up again. "You worked hard to dress up today, how beautiful do you feel tonight?" He asked. "Very very... B-because I don't usually dress up and put this much makeup on... S-so... I thought... I'm very beautiful today." Sarah explained in between sniffs. Baekhyun smiled and nuzzled their noses together before speaking.

"Guess what... how you see yourself tonight... is how I see you every single day... Do you get my point?"

Sarah looked back into his twinkling eyes while her fingers clutched together on the side of Baekhyun's shirt. "I'm not saying that dressing up is worthless but... it can never reach that thing I see in you every single day without you doing anything... do you understand me? You're very pretty today, the dress suits you, your makeup is really done well, your hair as well but... none of it would mean anything if it's not you..." He smiles sweetly while her hair. "I know you... you don't like these. Those thick false eyelashes, you don't even like eyeliners cause you said it makes your eyes look much bigger... that pink blush that hides your freckles - I like your freckles you know... and those sticky thing on your lips, I know you don't like them because you end up nibbling on it and eating it until it's all gone... This braided hair that falls on your shoulders, you always put your hair in a simple ponytail or a high bun because you feel hot when your hair's touching your skin since it's thick and wavy. Dresses like this, you can't sit like how you want to sit, or how you usually sit... those heels, I swear I know you'll whine later on of how painful your feet are and you would tell me you will never wear them again." Baekhyun explained and Sarah bit her lower lip like he just read her mind. She looked down and hit his chest lightly with her knuckles. "M-moya..." She muttered with her mortified face. "See? That's why I asked you if there's any occasion... because I know you. And let me tell you for the nth time, you never needed to force yourself or to be someone else for me to be attracted to you or to get a compliment from me. Complimenting you... and being attracted to you would be understatements already." He explained. Without answering, Sarah buried her face on Baekhyun's chest and hugged him on the waist tightly.

"No, don't hug yet. Tell me that you get my point first..."

Sarah sobbed and shook her head. Baekhyun heaved a sigh and pushed her off gently to look down to her again. "My point is... I love you not just as a girl... a woman... my girlfriend or my fiancée... I love you as a person. The person that you are. And if I see that you're not being yourself, then why would I like it? This look... this look might be legit attractive... flatter other people with this look, it will work. But flattering me with this when I know who you really are, you think it will work? Nothing comes next after 'most' right? If I already think of you as the 'most' in a lot of things... how do I judge you in any other way better than that?" He explained in one go. Slowly, Sarah's lips finally curved up into a smile. Baekhyun reached his thumbs up to her face and wiped her tears. "Do you understand me now?" He asked. "Ne... your point is that... I'm your lifetime partner." Sarah answered. "Exactly." Baekhyun smiled and did a high-five with her before leaning down to kiss her lips when Sarah suddenly covered it. "What?" Baekhyun asked. She then looked down to her bag and opened it. She took out her pack of wipes. Baekhyun had a smug smile as Sarah began wiping her lips clean from lipstick. "There's more. There, on your teeth." Baekhyun muffled. "Chincha??" Sarah asked and smiled widely when Baekhyun wiped it with his thumb. "Geez, how much did you put on." He said. He then grabbed the wipes from her and wiped the remaining stains on the side of her lips. Sarah grabbed another clean piece of wipes and removed her eye and face makeup since she doesn't really feel comfortable with it, it feels heavy for her. "Wait, I remove this too." She then reached up to her eyes and slowly, carefully removed the falsies. Baekhyun's lips parted like he was in pain as he watched her do it. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "Not actually..." Sarah murmured as she did the second one. She then crumples it together on her hand and threw it away.

"Feel better now?"

"Yeah, I feel like there were curtains on my eyes." Sarah said earning a soft laughter from Baekhyun. Then moving on to the hair, she removed the beautifully made braid and her hair fell more to her shoulders and it has gone curly. She then put it up in a single and hit ponytail showing her lean neck. "Ahh, much prettier." Baekhyun smiled and put his hands on her bare shoulders. "Yah, your shoulders are so cold. Aish..." He removed his jacket and gave it to her. Sarah wore it without hesitation and rubbed her hands together. "Let's go back in." He said and grabbed her hand. As they were about to go into the wide doors which lead to the inside of the restaurant, Sarah spoke again while making her body as close to Baekhyun as possible. "But Oppa... you really didn't get shy when you saw me all dressed up? Nabi said it can get you shy. I never saw you shy before." She said. Baekhyun chuckled and looked down to her. "I've been shy to you before." He said. "Huh? When?" Sarah asked. "Try to remember." He answered. Sarah blinked while nibbling with her lower lip. "I don't know. When?" She gave up in the end. "Remember when I proposed." Baekhyun said. Sarah's lips parted as reality hit her. "Ah! When I said yes!" She answered. "Exactly. See the things you do that gets me shy?" Baekhyun said and intertwined their fingers even much tighter giving her hand a light press. "They're all priceless." He said while looking straight ahead with a light smile.

"You're right... this is waste... this dress is over nine-hundred dollars, I bought it in a famous brand... and these shoes kind of... cost four-hundred something dollars. I p-prefer saying its dollar cost because it's too big in w—“

"WHAT?? Over a million won—almost two?? SARAH HONG JACOBS FUTURE BYUN!"

"Oops... Y-you're so fast in c-computing it... I-it's not that big anyway, r-right? B-but it seems big for... only t-two products?  A-are you mad Oppa?"

"No! I'm so happy! Very very that I'm crying dollars right now."








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Chapter 40: Eeeeehhhh... Thank you so much otornim-from-2016! 😍 I really love this story, I had a lot of fun reading this. And having read this after your recent ones made me realize how much you have grown as an author over the years. I didn't mean that this story is any lesser than the latest ones, but really, though I'm only a fan of yours here on AFF, your growth makes me proud of you, very very! 😁 Thank you again for sharing your works to us. Hope you're having a great day today 💚
Chapter 36: I can really imagine cute daddy Baekhyun saying "MWO-yah!" 😂😂😂😍
Chapter 34: I want to make pancakes for Kyungsoo too!!! 😭🤭😍😂
Chapter 30: Awwwww.... I'm so envious of how Baekhyun and Sarah love each other 😍😍😍 It feels so good to read this. This is like a stress reliever for me these days. So fun, light, heart fluttering and very easy to read.. 💚
Chapter 23: Hahahaha... Epic fail! 🤣🙌 I have a feeling that I'll be totally amused with a very jealous Sarah and a nervous Baekhyun on the next chapter... 😁😁😁
Chapter 21: I'm totally enjoying this, of course they have to fight along the way but no matter what, they still look cute in my eyes 😍. AND No matter what story I am reading, I find Baeksoo interactions so fun and amusing 😁💚💚 Thanks for this otornim!
Chapter 15: Aww... it's a very Merry Christmas to Sarah and Baekhyun 😍😍😍💚 very very merry. 😁
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Hahaha, these two are too cute! I caaaaaant! All the frustrations I've felt for Baekhyun and Sarah at the beginning of the chapt (and the prev one) was long gone now. I suddenly got to very strong urge to learn how to talk broken english like them! 😂😂 They are just so cute and lovable, very very 😍💚
Chapter 5: Me loving all your works, Otornim, I'm surprised that I haven't read this one yet, and it's from 2016... This is so cute and fun to read 😍 I actually searched for the book "Making out in Korean" and was amazed that it really exist! 😂😂🤭 Looking forward to the next chapters... 💚
Chapter 41: I miss your update so I am revising ur completed story.