His story

Another Drama
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London, 2020

Jong hyun just answered his phone. That cnblue manager, tiger hyung.

JH: "yes hyung"

Tiger :"where are you? You must return to korea right now."

JH: "i'm in departure waiting room hyung. I will arrive tomorrow". His answered him with low voice.

Tiger: "what's wrong? How is seung yeon? Everything is fine right?"

JH: "i don't know hyung. Just fetch me tomorrow okay". He just ended the call.

Tiger: "yah, this brat. I'm not finish yet." He yell at his phone.

Jong hyun is on the plane now. He try to sleep since he's feel so tired but he can't. Seung yeon's face keep fullfilled his head. How he miss her so much. He is sure about his decision to chase after her in london. But today when he saw her again he know he made a right move. He is still madly in love with her and he know she feel the same way.



Korea, 2017

He take a fast pace to her apartment and dial the enter code. He surprised when he saw seung yeon's friend, yoojoung and choi cho was there and they help each other for packed seung yeon stuff.

"Oh...hi jong hyun oppa" yoo joung and choi cho bow to him.

"What are you doing? Why you packed all that books?" He asked them.

They helped me packing my stuff oppa" seung yeon answerd him when she's out from the bathroom.

It's more than 10 day since she get out from the hospital. She stay at her parent house now and decide to back there permanently and today she come to her apartment to packing all her stuff. She start to ignore jong hyun when she's out from the hospital. She never answer his call, never reply his message. She drive him crazy but hecan't help but wait until he return to korea to met her,

"Why you didn't answer your phone?" Jong hyun start to ask her

"We both hungry so we want to take a lunch first." Yoo joung and choi choo make an excuse so they can just leave them alone.

He take a step to where she stand right now and back huging her. He kissed her hair and held the scent "i miss you. How can you do this to me you make me worried. What's wrong honey?" He placed his head on her shoulder and kiss it. He start to kiss her neck but she refused.

"Oppa stop it". She released her body from his hug. Jong hyun surprise by her action.

"What's wrong? You avoid me now? Jong hyun stare at her with disbelief. Seung yeoun just take a few step and stuck on her desk. She sighed heavily.

"Oppa, i want to break up with you" she said that without look at him. She stare at the floor. 

"What? What are you talking about? Why you want to broke up? Do i doing something wrong?" He move forward and trapped her on her desk. He cupped her face "what's wrong honey? I know you mad at me but they keep add more on my scedule." He try to kiss her again but she refused. 

"Yes, you're right. I'm mad at you. When i need you, you weren't there. You promise you will be there for me but you didn't" she is crying now.

"Seung yeon-a, honey, i'm sorry. But i thought you understand about it" jong hyun just surprised coz she answer him that way. "I will discuss my scedule with tiger hyung, don't worry okay. I'm sorry." He convince her.

"No need to do that oppa. I just want to broke up with you. I'm tired" now she try to stare him.

"You tired, i know honey. I'm sorry okay" he try to hug her but she just push him.

"I just want to break up with you oppa, why you are so stubborn" she shout at him.

"Get a rest if you tired. I'll packed you stuff okay"

"No need to do that oppa. I just want to broke up with you" now she sound desperete. Jong hyun shook his head try to endure his emotion. He decide to go home so she can rest.

"Get a rest seung yeon-a, we'll talk again" then he walk to the door and just to open it when seung yeon said something again

"I can't pregnant oppa" she told him. She closed her eyes to hold her tears but failed.

"What?" He look at her with disbelief

"It's side effect from my appendix surgery. They said i can't pregnant".

Jong hyun just stay to where he stand and feel like someone just splash cold water on his face. Finally he broke their silence. "We'll talk later" but when he placed his hand on the doorknob suddenly he felt a tiny hands around his waist. Seung yeon just run towards him and back huging him.

"I'm sorry oppa. I love you, always" he can feel her warm when she hug him. She's crying.

"Get a rest seung yeon-a" then he walk away from her apartment.


Hyung, you missed your timing again. What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Jung shin ask and stare at him. They're in the middle of their practice for concert.

"Oh,,i'm sorry. Let's do it again" he said but avoid all the member gaze. He felt like his head want to explode. He trying to do his activity as good as posible but sometimes he just can't help not to think about her. He is really love her to death and he is not seeing her as just his girlfriend. She is his dream, dream about his future wife, build a family together. But sudden she said she can't pregnant. That's really disturb him. Who's in this world don't want have a child in their marriage? And even he just don't care about her problem and still accept her, what should he said to his family, will they accept it? He can't be selfish about this. He sighed heavily.

Due to his hectic scedule and try to figure out everything he decide not contact her while he's on the overseas. It's almost 6 weeks since their last conversation. He just arrive from bangkok when he stood at her picture on her desk. Actually he want to take a nape but he can't. Finally he dial his phone,

JH mother: "oh, jong hyun-a, how are you honey?"

JH: "i'm okay mom. How is dad?"

JH mother: "we're fine honey. How is seung yeon?why i can't contact her. Looks like her number is not active anymore". He surprised when his mother tell him about that. Actually he is not expect his mother asked about seung yeon but now he got surprised but he try to hold it.

JH: "she is fine mom" he lied.

JH mother: "don't lie to me jong hyun-a. You're two already fixed the problem right? Every problem always had a way to solved. You two is old enough to solve the problem together" jong hyun now stand up from his bed. He got more surprise coz his mother know everything.

JH: "mom. Did you know about her problem?"

JH mother: "of course i know. I was there when the doctor tell her everything. The doctor not realize that i'm in the room that time coz i'm on bathroom but i was finished when he said everything to her. Poor my seung yeon. She beg me to not tell you coz she want to tell you personally. She's call me when she's already tell everything to you" she is teary when she said that.

JH: "what did she said mom? Jong hyun feel his eyes got heat up coz he undure his tears.

JH mother: "she said she is already tell you everything and she said she is sorry for you and for us. Just that andshe ended the call. I'm not call her back coz i think maybe she need to calm down herself. But when i try to call her a few days after that, her number just not active

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byeul03 #1
Chapter 10: update???
manarmufidah #2
Chapter 10: Please continue write this story
fido05 #3
Chapter 10: more updates pls....
Zheva001 #4
Chapter 10: i love the story...please next update... i want their have happy ending story
putrielitha #5
Chapter 10: Waiting your update authornim... im really serious about this story, hehehee update soon please....
putrielitha #6
Chapter 10: Update pleaseee.........
Chapter 9: Let them get married before yonghwa plz authornim...
oktan-past #8
Chapter 9: Poor both of them are suffering authornim plz make them happy
Ramadhanianwar02 #9
its abviously he atracted with that girl,oh man. pliz make an happy ending for them authornim
Hawaali #10
Chapter 9: Welcome back authornim. Why did say let's break up and then change his mind again instantly did he get attract to that girl I think he did and was confused hopefully he stay faithful to her til she make her decision her friend gave her good advice let's see what she choose.