A Witch

Saving the Princess


Despite the warmth from Mr. Lee’s voice, Hoya found himself with goosebumps. There was something too familiar about it.


“Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Sungjong.” Mr. Lee held open a door. “You’ll be in my homeroom, 421.” A half-smile half-smirk appeared on his face. “Haneul, get in here.” He rolled his eyes as he beckoned with his hand.

As the three boys walked in, a girl walked out from behind the corner. Her hair hung loosely over her shoulders, the loose curls swaying as she walked. Each step was silent yet there was a hidden sort of power to them. A feeling that one got from watching her strut.

Another popular girl who thinks she’s better than everyone.

“Mr. Lee!” Another girl came running in right as the teacher was about to shut the door. “I’m here! Sorry for being late!” She panted slightly as she shook her head, walking to her seat.

“Don’t be late next time,” the young man shut the door. “I won’t tolerate it.”

Myungsoo found himself staring at the girl as she puffed out her cheeks with a slight pout on her face. She’s pretty, he thought. And cute. The girl twirled her hair in her finger as she tilted her head side to side as if she was listening to some music.

“Okay class,” Mr. Lee knocked on the wooden podium. “Listen up. We have some new students from another school, part of the transfer program put into place. I expect all of you to treat them as well as you’d treat anyone else and welcome them here.” He beckoned for Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Sungjong to walk to the front. “Introduce yourselves.”

“My name’s Sungyeol.” He bowed, a fourth of the way down. When he stood up straight again, he smirked -- which was then followed by a collective, rather feminine, appreciative ooh-- then looked at Sungjong.

“I’m Sungjong.” The black-haired boy followed Sungyeol’s example, only partially bowing. He smiled and waved both his hands though gaining a chorus of awws from the females and sighs from the males.

L stared icily at the class, grazing over the group of students. He dipped only his head down. “L.” Even then, there seemed to be a group gasp from the females and annoyed exhales from the males.

Mr. Lee nodded. “Alright, My-- L sit next to Minkyung.” His voice turned cold. “Minkyung, don’t complain that you’re getting a seat partner and raise your hand.”

The cute girl who had been scolded raised her hand up into the air and waved it, light glinting off of the nails. Myungsoo almost smiled as he made his way next to her.

“Sungjong and Sungyeol, there are empty seats next to Haneul.” Mr. Lee seemed to raise his eyebrows slightly as a faint smirk unnoticeable to everyone except for three students appeared on his face. “Haneul raise your hand.”

The girl who had slinked into the room after Myungsoo lazily lifted up her arm, fingers still curled as if she couldn’t bother with a proper wave. Her face remained in the same emotionless expression as she stared down Sungjong and Sungyeol who walked towards her and sat down in the seats next to her.

“Hi, I’m Sungyeol.” The brunette smiled, tilting his head, while extending a hand.

Without missing a blink, the girl shot out “don’t talk to me” in a low, quiet voice with that matched her expression. Yet, her expression seemed to change ever so slightly to Myungsoo. It was the look that the rich had whenever they saw someone with less money. He tightened his jaw.

Sungjong glanced at Sungyeol and then the girl, deciding not to say anything as he inwardly sighed. Why did he and Sungyeol have to get some mean, rich girl as their seat partner?

“Be nice Haneul,” Mr. Lee admonished her. There was some sort of hidden intention behind it though to Myungsoo. He looked towards the girl being spoken to, surprised to see her expression changing slightly to a pouting face. How did I know she’s pouting, wondered Myungsoo. Aish! She still has that annoyed look on her face-- what am I thinking.

Mr. Lee moved his gaze to the entire class: “I have some sad news to share with you all. This past weekend, there was an accident. Do you remember Haneul’s old seat partner, Lim Choiji? He won’t be returning to this class. Please take sometime to honor his memory. The next class will be starting in fifteen minutes.” With that, he walked away from the podium, teeth clenched, and out of the room, leaving the students to himself.

“Oh my god!” “Do you think he… do you think he…” The girl made a motion across her neck. Her friends laughed. “Just say it.” “It’s suicide.” “Tch. I bet that Haneul did something to him.”

Myungsoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol looked around at the gossiping kids, disgusted that they were talking about someone’s death so casually as if it was the latest fashion trend. They didn’t notice a girl’s expression change minisculely nor see her clench her teeth together, tightening her jaw.

Myungsoo heard a screeching noise and turned to see Sungjong and Sungyeol leaning away from the girl as she pushed her seat back and stood up. The temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees as she stared down at the girls who were talking and they suddenly stopped; the entire room quieted down. Giving a small nod to herself, the girl walked away and out the door. Her steps were quiet but there was something about the way she placed each foot that made Myungsoo stare. What a .

As soon as Haneul closed the door, the chattering around him started back up.

“I don’t see why you like her, Jihoo oppa.” His seat mate, Minkyung, was talking to another boy with dark hair. “She’s such a . Don’t you see her bully me? And Mr. Lee always shows her favoritism!”

“Aish.” The boy, Jihoo, ran his fingers upwards through his hair, spiking it back up again. “She’s really beautiful though. And those few times that she talked to me…” He waved off the insults. “It’s like a bad habit.”

Myungsoo coughed quietly as both Minkyung and Jihoo looked over at him. “Hello L-shii. I’m Go Minkyung, it’s nice to meet you.” Minkyung smiled at him before gesturing at Jihoo.

Jihoo extended his hand towards Myungsoo who shook it. “I’m Yoon Jihoo, Minkyung’s friend.” Sungjong and Sungyeol made their way over, greeting both Minkyung and Jihoo. He shook out his arms afterwards, “Anyways, I don’t think Haneul would do anything like that.”

“It’s because you don’t know Haneul like I do!” insisted Minkyung. Myungsoo found himself staring at her again as she talked, hands waving around and face so animated. “I have to live with her. She definitely seduced Mr. Lee -- she doesn’t even come home half the nights and I always see Mr. Lee drive her here on the motorbike. That’s why she always gets hundreds.”

As Myungsoo registered her words, he was filled with anger. There was definitely a difference in how he treated the two girls -- Haneul was probably just some rich brat that bought him a motorcycle and bribed him alongside seducing him. Tch, how low could someone get.

Sungjong and Sungyeol were frowning and shaking their heads. “Why do we have to sit next to her?”

“I guess she’s never going to like me,” sighed Jihoo. “This is really a bad habit.”

Myungsoo’s eyes glanced upwards at Jihoo before happening to meet with Minkyung’s as the girl smiled kindly at him. He felt warm on the inside as they continued looking at each other. When their eyes broke away from each other, Myungsoo smiled to himself. Unlike Myungsoo, Jihoo had a small frown on his face as he saw the two.

Well. Now there’s someone else.


A/N: Hello guys! Sorry that I didn't write a note on the other chapter. I hope you guys have been enjoying your summer (it's all over for me :( i gotta go back to school tomorrow-- senior year! lets go). Cinderella and the Four Knights has me hooked with the cliches/cheesiness. On the otherhand, I got my friend hooked on Heartstrings :) (which may or may not be a good/bad thing). See you guys next week. 


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