A Tower to Scale

Saving the Princess

Previously ... 

“I TOLD YOU GUYS TO WATCH HER MORE CAREFULLY!” The woman fanned her face as she breathed heavily. She closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath and then sighed. “Just take my food away from me. I can’t eat right now.”

... ... ...

Haneul cutely squinted her eyes and stuck out her tongue as she ran out of the door and jumped down the stairs. “Thank you oppa!”

... ... ... 

The dark haired brunette smiled before looking down at his phone to see the numerous missed calls. “Aish!” He ran his fingers through his bangs before taking off into a run.


A girl sitting on the back of the motorcycle. A young man who was driving the motorcycle.

A well-dressed girl in heels that looked like a princess stepping out of a car, door opened by a gloved hand.

A group of pretty boys who would be stepping into a new world that they were previously not allowed in. The world of the rich.  

“Woah!” Dongwoo’s eyes widened as he took a look around the school’s interior. “It’s like a hotel!”

“Damn!” cursed the dark brunette cursed as he scanned the lobby of the school. The giant twin staircases that curled up on the opposite sides of the walls, the multiple floors that seemed to go up forever, the vastness of it all. This is on a different level.

“DON’T SWEAR KIM MYUNGSOO!” Sunggyu screeched as the dark brunette’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly when he saw a group of girls huddling in the corner looking at him and his friends. “YOU’RE GOING TO CORRUPT JAESOO!” As Sunggyu flapped his arms up and down, the group of girls giggled, covering their faces before scurrying away.

“You always yell at me. You never tell anyone else off.” L’s face slightly changed, and if Sunggyu hadn’t known the kid for so long, he would have seen no difference.

Hoya made a grab at L’s neck, wrapping his arm around and ruffling the dark brunette’s hair. “That’s because we’re not the older brother to a sweet and innocent little girl.”

“,” whispered Woohyun as the teal-haired boy dramatically widened his eyes and gasped. Sungjong laughed as Sungyeol started quietly chanting “! ! ! !” as if he was cheering on a sports team.

“Anyways,” Sunggyu continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted by Myungsoo’s halfhearted complaint and the rest of the children’s -- because in Sunggyu’s mind, the boys were terribly immature -- shenanigans.  “We need to go in to get our schedules.”

“Hyung…” Sungyeol whined. He put his hands under his face, making little fists as he pouted. “Can we look around just a little bit longer?”

Sunggyu almost, just almost, gave in. (But really, he wasn’t going to let Sungyeol get away. At least according to Sunggyu himself.) “Fi--”

“Aigoo! Your aegyo is high level of creepy, jerk,” Woohyun immediately slapped the back of Sungyeol’s head, causing the brunette to tilt forward dangerously and teeter back into balance. Well teeter back into Sungjong-- but that’s basically the same thing. Same thing anyways to Sungyeol.

“Oh oppa!” Sungjong wrapped his arms tight around Sungyeol’s waist, swaying them side to side. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Dongwoo seemed to snap out of whatever banana-milkless withdrawal symptoms he had after every banana milk. “Eh? You guys are gay?”

“WHO’S GAY?” A booming voice echoed behind them. A short, rather round-- at least in Hoya’s opinion-- appeared behind the group of guys as Sungjong and Sungyeol flinched away from each other. “There will be no inappropriate touching at this school. Stand up straight, you hooligans. Why aren’t you in class?”

Woohyun looked around, realizing that the hallways had emptied while they had been joking around. “About class, sir? We were just about to figure out where the princi--”

“WHAT IS THAT COLOR IN YOUR HAIR?” The balding man cut Woohyun off. He glanced at all of the boys. “You guys don’t belong here. I suggest that you either learn to fit in properly,” he glared at Woohyun’s hair, “or stop coming. This school doesn’t need people like you. This school doesn’t need rascals and troublemakers.”

The boys faces hardened as they heard the stereotypes come out. Sunggyu spoke up, “Excuse me, sir? Don’t you think you’re being--”

“SHUT IT!” The angry man waved his arm around, his face turning to a color that Sunggyu’s hair had been dyed previously, red. (A really really really red red.) “I am Mr. Cha and you will treat me with the utmost respect. Get the right uniforms in two days or you will be kicked out.” The boys’ eyes widened, and Hoya opened his mouth to protest the absurdity. “You’re going with me to the office.”

L looked towards the man who walked a few paces away and then turned around again. He glanced at a frowning Sunggyu and then at Hoya who had a weird expression on his face. Sunggyu nodded his head and started walking towards the (ugly, inside and out) man that was tapping his foot impatiently while glaring.   

I hate the rich who think they have it all. I hate the rich who think they are better because of money.

Mr. Cha stomped into the office only to be stopped by a handsome young man at the door. “I’ll take care of it from here.” Mr. Cha’s eyes widened and his face started turning red as he opened to his mouth to speak. “Half of them are in my homeroom and English class. I’ll take them.” The young man, dressed simply in slacks and a white shirt with a tie, stared down Mr. Cha as if he was daring him to say anything. Infinite, the group of boys stood behind the half-opened door, seeing glimpses of a tan face and hearing the deep but calm voice.

Mr. Cha huffed, “you better not just let those troublemakers wander around! They’re going to steal something!” He tried to push past the young man only to realize he couldn’t match the younger’s strength and pretended that he hadn’t attempted to. The stout teacher turned towards the group of boys: “You better have your uniforms in two days or I will get you to leave.”

The young man stood aside and pulled the door open wider revealing himself as Mr. Cha tumbled past him. “Hello. My name is Lee Hyunwoo-- oh, right. Mr. Lee.You should call me Mr. Lee.” He pulled several pages from a folder that he was holding. “I was asked by the principal to give you your schedules and show you to your classes.” He handed out the pages to Sunggyu, “Can you pass these around?” Smiling, the man dipped his head slightly. “Sorry, I don’t know all of your names yet.” He turned around to see Mr. Cha glaring at him and the group, “Let’s go. Let’s go. Before you’re late.” With surprising strength, he pushed Sunggyu and Dongwoo out the door into the hallway and closed the door, letting a small, almost inaudible, sigh be released.  

“Um,” the young teacher almost looked nervous to the students he was leading. Sunggyu looked at him expectantly while Woohyun tched. “Do you guys… I mean do you students need help… have financial issues?” He dragged his shoe along the ground. “Nevermind. I’ll deal with that ba-- Mr. Cha about the uniforms.” Mr. Lee suddenly looked at the ground; when he looked back up, it was as if there was a new person in his shoes. “Sorry, I should have asked you for your names first.” He smiled widely.

How fake…

“It’s nice to meet you, sir. My name is Sunggyu.” “Hi, I’m Dongwoo.” “I’m Woohyun.” “Hello sir, my name’s Howon but I preferred to be called Hoya.” “I’m Sungjong an-” “Sungyeol here!” “Myungsoo.”

“Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun and Howo-- Hoya.” Mr. Lee recited as if he was reading from an attendance sheet. “You’re third years who are on the third floor.” He smiled brightly again, “You’ll have Ms. Choi as your homeroom which is Room 317. Follow the other students to lunch, it’s on the second floor. The basic rules are the same, I assume you’ll be fine without me going over them.”

Dongwoo waved at the teacher while Sunggyu and Woohyun bowed. “Thank you.” Sunggyu pushed Hoya’s head down, scolding him as he did so. “What are you doing-- aish! Bow.”

Hoya flinched and blinked his eyes. “Sorry, Mr. Lee.” He bowed again. “I thought I saw something.” Even as he speaked, his eyes seemed to bore a hole past the younger boys and the teacher. There had been a girl in the corner, following the group. He couldn’t see her face but there definitely had been someone. Someone who seemed familiar.

“I assume I’ll be seeing you guys at some point later today,” Mr. Lee smiled warmly again. “Have a good day of class.”

Despite the warmth from Mr. Lee’s voice, Hoya found himself with goosebumps. There was something too familiar about it.

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