Could you tie me down?

Kidnap My Heart

"YooA? What's up? Long time no talk."

"Yeah, hey, could you do me a favor?"


Jiho and Binnie were laughing and chatting away before class started before a knock at the door was heard. Everybody turned to look at who it was.

"Excuse me, but may I please speak to Binnie?" 

A charismatic and cool looking guy stood patiently at the doorway, looking around the room. Finally, his eyes rested on Binnie. He smiled at her.

"Do you know him?" Jiho asked, suspicious of the new guy.

Binnie simply shrugged and got up but Jiho held her back.

"What are you doing?"

"He wants to talk to me so I will," Binnie shrugged, shaking off Jiho's hand.

Jiho watched, feeling increasingly uneasy, as Binnie left the room with the unknown man. She gritted her teeth, trying to shake off the uncertainty the man brought with him. Jiho tried to think. Maybe he was a friend? Binnie rarely had any girl friends so it's pretty unlikely she has any guy friends. Maybe he's a relative? Okay, any relative of Binnie would not be as cool as that guy, no offense to Binnie though. After a few minutes of Jiho trying to rack her brain for an explanation, Binnie came back into the room, deep in thought.


"Binnie, tell me what you guys talked about," Jiho whined, nudging Binnie with her shoulder endlessly.

The eight friends were sitting on a table during lunchtime and no one could concentrate on their food properly due to Jiho's excessive whining. Seunghee was already covering Arin's ears for her. Everybody seemed completely done with Jiho.

"She's been like this ever since we started eating," JinE observed. "Binnie, just answer her already."

"It's nothing important," Binnie said.

"What is important then?" Jiho asked, rolling her eyes, "The Declaration of Independence?"

"That's actually quite important," Mimi pointed out.

"We don't live in that country so it's not important!!!" Jiho retorted.

"Binnie, please, just answer her. She's being more stupid than usual," Seunghee begged.

"Well, that should mean something, coming from a goofball like you," Binnie thought. She sighed before finally answering.

"He just... said he liked me."

Jiho stopped nudging Binnie. Everybody grew quiet.

"Like?" Jiho repeated.

"Well, he sorta said he was in love with me but I don't know. I've never seen him before but then again, he looks quite familiar," Binnie mused.

"So, he confessed to you!!!" Seunghee said excitedly, breaking the silence. "You actually have some dating game in you, huh, kid!?" Seunghee grinned.

She saw Jiho's expression and immediately backed down. She instead decided to look around and whistle, avoiding Jiho's stink eye. YooA leaned back in her seat, watching Jiho carefully. Mimi sweated nervously. She quietly tried to think of what was on her girlfriend's mind.

"Yeah, he also kind of... asked me to go out on Saturday. I'm not sure if I should go. JinE probably wouldn't let me anyways," Binnie laughed, turning to Jiho.

Jiho didn't say a word, eyes downcast. She only looked up at YooA but when they made eye contact YooA simply looked away, pretending to drink her water. Mimi grew even more suspicious.

"You're not my problem anymore," JinE pointed out, shocking everybody. "If Jiho says it's okay, then it's okay."

"Jiho?" Binnie asked. "Wow, you could tie me down just like JinE always would," Binnie said, amazed.

Jiho chuckled nervously, fidgeting her hands under the table.

"I don't think you should," Jiho said, trying to laugh.

"Well, why not?" Binnie asked curiously. She wasn't really trying to push the date but she just wanted to know why first.

"He seems weird. I don't trust him," Jiho said a little defensively. "Also, he seems like the type to sweat a lot."

"I think it's because he sweats when dancing? He's a dancer, Jiho. Anyways, he seems like a good guy. He looked proper and gentlemanly too," Binnie pushed.

She wondered how far Jiho could go. Jiho scratched her head in frustration. 

"Jiho, dude, you look like a dog," Seunghee laughed.

Mimi gave her a high-five and they laughed loudly together. Jiho was still deep in thought.

"Why do you want to go out with him anyways? Do you love him too?" Jiho said, slowly beginning to lose her temper.

"No, I just thought I'd try to be his friend or something. It's not really a date if i don't consider it that way, right?"

Jiho suddenly thought back to their little ice cream "hang out".

"Okay, fine! Go on your date with him then!" Jiho snapped. 

She saw the look on Binnie's face and calmed herself down. Everybody was watching her. She felt like she did something terribly wrong but what? She was only trying to protect Binnie. Everybody was still waiting for what she would say, especially Binnie.

"L-Look, if you wanna go so bad, then who am I to stop you? I'm only your friend," Jiho emphasized bitterly. "Go have fun," she said, getting up from the table.

"You haven't finished your food," Binnie said quietly.

Jiho didn't look back as she replied.

"I'm not hungry."

After Jiho had walked away, Binnie finally turned back to the table.

"What's her problem?" Binnie asked, suddenly feeling a bit angry herself.

Hyojung and JinE simply shook their heads sympathetically, putting their arms over each other's shoulders.

"Kids nowadays," they laughed to themselves.


Three days later, it was finally Saturday. During those three days, Jiho and Binnie barely talked or looked at each other. During lunch, they were quiet and focused on eating. Binnie couldn't understand what she had done wrong. She was still thinking about it, right before her "date".

"I'm heading out," Binnie, still in deep thought, announced to whoever was listening.

"That didn't take you long," Arin noticed. "When you went out with Jiho, it took you forever to get ready."

Binnie paused.

"Why do you think I did that?" Binnie asked.

"Because you cared about what Jiho thought of you?" Arin shrugged. "Anyways, have fun on your date."

Binnie walked slowly to their meeting place. It was at the same ice cream shop. The guy was sitting where Jiho sat back then. It made Binnie's heart feel strange. She didn't like it. She didn't hesitate to walk in and sit down in front of the guy. He greeted her properly and asked her for her order.

"A banana split," she said subconsciously.

Her body was here but her mind felt as if it were a million miles away. She couldn't help but wonder where Jiho was.


"Jiho, why do you keep coming over to our place?" YooA sighed. "I need to clean but you keep rolling around on the floor."

"Is Binnie having fun with that stupid guy?" Jiho asked.

"Oh, I don't know. You should ask her yourself," YooA said, finally giving up on trying to clean and plopping down in a seat.

Jiho continued to roll around, whining. She whined louder and louder until YooA clicked her tongue.

"Are you going to give her up to him?" she asked, annoyed.

Jiho hummed back in response.

"Also, I can't believe you let her go on that date. You don't even know the guy. You didn't even do research on him. What if he hurts her?" YooA bombarded Jiho. "What if... he's the type who likes crocs and wears it on their date???"

At that last question, Jiho got up.

"I've made a mistake," she said gravely.

YooA nodded.

"Call the girls, YooA. We've got some spying to do."


"Are you sure this is alright?" Arin whispered worriedly.

"Why are you getting all goody-two shoes now?" Jiho whispered back. "You spied on us before, right?"

Arin still didn't look completely sure.

"Don't worry," Seunghee whispered, "I'll protect you," she said, giving Arin a thumbs up.

Arin smiled and took Seunghee's hand. Seunghee's face immediately turned red.

"Hey, y-!" Hyojung tried to say but JinE shut her up.

"Shh! They're coming out!"

The seven girls watched as Binnie walked out with the guy. He seemed to do most of the talking as Binnie nodded alongside him. Jiho gritted her teeth at the sight of the guy.

"Move out, team," she ordered. She was going to make sure to give this guy hell.


Binnie and her date were walking when suddenly water splashed in front of them. The guy managed to avoid it but Binnie was not so lucky and ended up slipping. Thankfully, the guy caught her.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking straight into her eyes.

"I'm fine," she mumbled, looking away quickly.

Behind the bushes, Jiho was beating up Seunghee for not throwing the water right.

"I-I'm sorryyyyyy!!! Please stop!" Seunghee begged.

"You traitor!!" Jiho continued to growl. She was still pulling on Seunghee's ears, straddled on her back.

"Quit it, you guys," YooA said, "Let's move on to the next part of our plan."

"YooA, you actually care about me?" Seunghee asked, gratefully.

"I never said I did."

"That's good," Seunghee replied, "I thought you were an imposter for a moment."


"Do you want some cotton candy?" the guy asked.

Without waiting for her answer, he bought her a fluffy, pink one and got a nice, blue one for himself. Everything seemed to be going smoothly and Binnie had even laughed but out of nowhere, a rock hit the guy's hand, causing him to drop the cotton candy on his shirt. Jiho pumped up her fist.

"I guess you could say..." Seunghee snickered.


The two goofballs rolled around laughing while Jiho sat there smiling smugly.

"Nice shot, JinE," Jiho noted, nodding.

"I never miss," JinE said, pushing up her non-existent glasses.

"Trust me," Hyojung pouted, "she never does."

"Hyojung, please don't show anybody the marks on your body. Nobody wants to see them," Arin immediately said before Hyojung could pull up her shirt.

JinE laughed playfully, hitting Hyojung really hard. Expecting Hyojung would seen get another beating for some unknown reason, everybody just silently turned back to the date they were trying to ruin.

"This'll be hard to remove," the guy grumbled. 

Everybody's jaw dropped as he removed his outer shirt to reveal a muscle tee. He had a really, really toned body.

"He's got some nice muscles," Seunghee murmured.

Arin nodded in amazement. The guy tossed his shirt away and smiled at Binnie.

"I hope you don't mind my outfit," he said, still smiling.

"N-No, it's fine," Binnie stared, wide-eyed. "Let's continue walking. Do you want some of mine?" she said, holding out her cotton candy.

He winked at her and immediately bit off a piece.

Inside the bushes, Jiho was internally dying of anger and jealousy.

"Are you okay?" Hyojung asked, staring worriedly at the red-faced Jiho rolling around on the ground.

"She's fine," YooA answered, "That's how she throws her tantrums. But are you okay, Hyojung?"

"Mm, what do you mean?" Hyojung asked.

It was too dim behind the bushes to tell if the marks on Hyojung's face were red scratches or red lipstick marks. YooA didn't want to find out.

"Nevermind, let's move on."


They spent the rest of the day doing various things to ruin Binnie's date. They somehow managed to spill barbecue sauce on the guy's shoes and release a dog on him but he immediately managed to befriend it, even helping Binnie to pet it. Whenever Binnie looked happy, Jiho got furious, mostly venting on Seunghee.

The day was almost done and they had succeeded in trying to get him to trip or fall over yet it was always Binnie who was the victim and the guy always, ALWAYS, caught her.


"I thought we were just spying," Arin said worriedly. "We're sabotaging their date!"

"There, there," Seunghee comforted her. "This isn't so bad. Well, I guess it isn't."

Arin shook her head.

"I'm leaving," she said getting up.

Seunghee looked between her and Jiho before finally deciding to get up and follow Arin.

"You're leaving?" Jiho said, disappointed.

"Look, you've got your Binnie but right now, Arin is the only person in my life," Seunghee said seriously.

"So, we've magically become potatoes now, huh?" Mimi interjected.

Seunghee merely grinned and bro-fisted Mimi before catching up with Arin.

"You're not going anywhere unsupervised," Hyojung hissed, following them. 

"You can take care of the rest," JinE said, patting Jiho's shoulder. "I'm too tired to go on."

She stretched and lazily walked after Hyojung. Only Mimi, YooA and Jiho were left. Mimi, however, was also looking a bit worried.

"There's something about that guy..." Mimi pondered.

Jiho shushed her as the two on the date had stopped in their tracks.

"Binnie," the guy said. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Jiho's heart almost stopped beating. Binnie looked surprised.

"Junsun, I..."

"Junsun?" Mimi echoed. "Junsun-!!!"

YooA immediately covered .

"Jiho, me and Mimi are gonna go on a date," she said sweetly. "Watching those two lovebirds made me jealous. Good luck with the rest," she said, dragging off Mimi who was still trying to speak.

The words love and jealous resounded through Jiho's head. She tried to ignore it and tune back into the conversation.

"What does that even mean?" Binnie asked.

"It means, you'll be mine. We'll stay with each other, love each other and..." he said softly, "we can do this."

He leaned in forward and softly planted a kiss on Binnie's cheek.

Jiho's mind went blank. She fell backwards, not bothering to get back up. She felt her eyes sting. Was she crying? Jiho didn't know what to do anymore. She suddenly realized how much she liked Binnie. And how much she hated Junsun. She had all these feelings inside of her and it hurt so much to have all of those break apart. As broken as she would make Junsun's face soon enough. Jiho shut her eyes tightly, wishing the pain would go away. She kind of wished all the pain would suddenly transfer to that jerk, Junsun.

Man, Jiho wasn't being very nice right now but her feelings weren't being very nice to her either.

"Don't do that!"

Jiho came back to life after hearing Binnie's nervous voice. She immediately got back up, wiping away her tears and started watching them again. No matter how much it hurt, Binnie was still her priority. Also, she wanted a good excuse to beat up Junsun.

"I-I can't do this."

"Why not?" Junsun insisted. "Do you love someone else?"

Jiho's heart beat nervously. Did Binnie like someone? 

"What does that have to do with anything?" Binnie retorted.

"Everything! Do you like someone or do you not?"

At that point Jiho was so pissed, she couldn't hold back. She ran out of the bushes and threw herself between Binnie and Junsun. He looked surprised. Any change of expression in his face fueled Jiho's anger. That Junsun had made a bad decision to try and pull the moves on Jiho's girl. Well, at least in Jiho's head Binnie was her girl.

"Back off," she growled.

"Who are you?" Junsun asked, looking surprised. "Is she your girlfriend?" he asked Binnie, obviously joking.

Something in that word triggered Jiho and she suddenly spoke without thinking. Well, she normally spoke without thinking too much but this one was a really big one.

"YES," Jiho exploded. "YES, I AM HER GIRLFRIEND. Got a problem with that!?"

Junsun looked surprised.

"Oh, well then. I'm sorry. I didn't know she was taken," he said apologetically. "I'll be leaving now. Thanks for your time, Binnie." 

Jiho couldn't believe it was that easy. The two girls watched as he walked away with his head hung low. Jiho felt her spirits soar as he finally disappeared. Now, back to the important thing. Jiho turned around to face Binnie. Her head was faced downwards as well.

"T-Thanks," Binnie mumbled. 

"Cute~" Jiho thought to herself. She tentatively reached Binnie's chin to tilt her face upward. Binnie's face was so red and she looked so cute that Jiho almost couldn't handle it. She wanted to hug her but instead, just ruffled her hair.

"Let's take you home."


"You really said you were her girlfriend?" Seunghee asked surprised. "What did Binnie say?"

Jiho had her face in a pillow so her voice was muffled.

"She didn't say anything... Well... she said thanks."

Jiho was so embarrassed. She kept thinking of how cute Binnie was and how painful it was without her and how crazy happy she felt when they were together. Would she really give these feelings up?

"My brother said he enjoyed the date," YooA suddenly spoke up.

"W-What?" Jiho said, getting her face out of the pillow.

"He said the best part was when you came out and defended your girlfriend," she winked.

"You're crazy," Jiho said weakly, too taken aback to fight YooA.

"What will you do now, Jiho? What if next time, it's for real?"

Jiho flopped her face back into the pillow. She didn't want to think about that. She didn't want to think about anything. If she did think, it would only be about Binnie.

Jiho... really loved Binnie.



Lol so thanks for stickin' with me and my story until now

One chapter left to go~!!!


Author, out ;)

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Wow authornim, this was written well. I loved the humor and how the girls were characterized. It's like something straight out of an anime!
Chapter 8: Every chapter was so funny lmao i can't stop laughing and smiling this story was really good
Chapter 8: Lmao i died laughing after every chapter
firstIove #5
This was an amazing story like I knew it would be! Thanks for contribution to the Oh My Girl fanfics with this BinHo story!!
This is what god wanted. Did you see yhe omg twitter account with the seunghee/mimi vines?

Top stuff m8 ya gotta continue it.
firstIove #7
Chapter 6: Yessss im loving all the pairs in this story! I hope Jiho can up her game :D Thanks for the update once again author!
hwatwhy #8
Chapter 5: i'm laughing this was hilarious hahah thanks for the update!
firstIove #9
Chapter 5: Same I hope JinE comes back healty! Team offence ftw!! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: wowww! I'm a fan of your story now. This is so precious. They're too funny. Omg! Thanked them that I laughed so much that i'm close to tear now. I wish offense team will win. Pleaseee, let binho sail~~ but why you made yooa kissed hyojung? Mimi's hurt. Ouchh my miyoo feel is hurting too TT