You got to keep me in line (pt 2)

Kidnap My Heart

For the next four days, Binnie felt extremely nervous. Every class, Jiho would sit next to her but not speak to her. Not even a hi or hello. Instead, she sat quiet during class, staring hard at the bright, red marker. Whenever she saw Mimi and Seunghee they'd just squint their eyes at her and nod seriously. Binnie had no idea what they were thinking. It also appeared that JinE was doing some thinking, always dragging Hyojung around and writing things down. Poor Hyojung's back was treated as a table whenever JinE needed it. During those days, the only people she could talk to were Arin and YooA, although neither would speak of the deal.

Finally, Friday came.

Binnie was at the peak of her anxiety, sitting alone in class. Jiho hadn't arrived yet and it was almost time for class.



Everybody in class turned towards the door where Jiho appeared. She wasn't in her uniform. Instead, she was wearing all black. A black shirt with black sport shorts lined with white, including a black cap with equally black lines drawn with paint on her face. In her hand she held the red marker, finally uncapped. She ran towards Binnie, dramatically jumping over the students' desks and scattering papers everywhere. She was so close to Binnie who was stuck, petrified, to her seat. Binnie suddenly felt someone grab her collar and lift her up.

"J-JinE!??" Binnie sputtered. "What are you-!?" JinE was wearing a white t-shirt, with red sports shorts lined with white. She had a red ribbon(?) tied around her head with equally bright red lines marked by paint on her face.

"Hyojung, CATCH!!!"

With that, Binnie felt herself hurled across the classroom and was caught by Hyojung who was wearing the exact same thing as JinE. Binnie saw on their back: "DEFENSE" in bold, red letters. Stealing a glance at Jiho, she saw in big, white letters: "OFFENSE".

"HOW SERIOUSLY DID THEY TAKE THIS?" Binnie cried internally. Hyojung immediately dashed away and the last thing Binnie saw in the room was JinE throwing a smoke bomb. Hyojung was a good way away from the room when JinE caught up to them, lightning fast.

"Hyojung, remember the plan!" JinE called out. 

Binnie watched Hyojung sweat nervously, trying her best to remain competent enough for her girlfriend. Running into the empty room, Hyojung shut the doors. Time for things to get serious.


"Excuse me, is anybody in here?" a voice soon called out. Without waiting for an answer, Seunghee burst into the room, wearing the same stuff as Jiho. Seunghee stayed quiet, observing the room. Suddenly, there was a movement in the shadows. It dashed quickly to the other door. Seunghee quickly backed out of the room.

"Mimi! On your side!" Seunghee shouted.

It was too late. The figure had run off quickly, carrying the sad creature. Mimi and Seunghee immediately gave chase. 


"PEOPLE LIKE HER DON'T RESPECT THE DAB, SEUNGHEE. THEY'RE NOT WORTH TRYING TO CONVINCE," Mimi urged her. With eyes full of determination, Mimi growled: "We'll crush them."

People looked out of their classrooms as the zoomed by, creating a huge ruckus.

"She's fast," Mimi panted. "We have to use our special move!" 

Seunghee nodded seriously. Grabbing Mimi's hand tightly, Seunghee stopped in her tracks and allowed Mimi to propel her forward. She zoomed forward, her face looking extremely funny as the air squished her face back.

"GRAB, BINNIE!" Mimi yelled. 


Seunghee had grabbed hold of some hair (a bad decision from the beginning) and finally landed a good way in front of Hyojung, still holding on to what she grabbed.

"I got her!" Seunghee cried triumphantly. 

Seunghee looked at what she was holding and screamed.

"SEUNGHEE, WHAT IS THAT!?" Mimi shrieked.


Seunghee stared horrified at the short head of hair she held in her hand.

Mimi sank to her knees.


"N-no!!! Hair can grow back, I'm sure!" Seunghee defended. "Binnie..." she said weakly. She held the hair close to her chest and started crying into it. "BINNIE, I'M SORRY."

Mimi ran to kneel down beside her and cry as well as Hyojung ran past them. The two continued bawling into the lifeless head of hair.

"What are you guys doing?"

The two who were still crying, looked up.

"YooA!!!" Mimi said, astonished. She was wearing the same outfit as them.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping?" YooA asked, annoyed.

"We were but we- we-!" Seunghee said before she burst into tears again. "A GIRL IS NOTHING WITHOUT HER HAIR."

"Alright, I'll ignore you but I will NOT ignore the fact that you're both crying into a wig," YooA said sternly.

Seunghee and Mimi looked at each other.

"A wig???"


"Are you okay, daughter?" Hyojung asked worriedly, still running. Arin was being carried obediently and as silently as she was instructed to, wearing the clothes of the DEFENSE team.

"I am," Arin mumbled, "But I feel so bad for them. They really thought they had pulled out Binnie's hair and the wig wasn't even that nice." 

"JinE was quite smart to think of this plan," Hyojung said. "As long as you don't get hurt, I'm fine with it," Hyojung said determinedly.


"BINNIE, WHERE ARE YOU!?" Jiho shouted frantically. Two hours had passed and she hadn't caught sight of anybody else. JinE was smart to choose this day. There would only be five hours of school due to some meeting or whatever. Jiho felt a little cheated.


Jiho caught sight of two short pigtails, unmistakedly belonging to JinE. Jiho gave chase. Jiho had armed herself by now.

"TAKE THIS!" she huffed, hurling a loaded balloon at JinE. 

JinE dodged it easily. It popped on the ground, spewing green slime everywhere. They ran up and down the stairs, in and out of classrooms, leaving green sticky, slime in their wake. JinE finally ran into the gym.

"There's nowhere you can escape to now," Jiho said, advancing. 

JinE grinned wickedly, not moving.

"Jiho, watch out!" 

Jiho was pushed out of the way and Mimi was left to take the blow. She was soon covered in wet cement. 

"I-I can't move!" Mimi said, struggling to move her body.

"YOU MONSTER." Jiho was shocked at JinE's mercilessness. "You leave me no choice then."

The gym doors swung open to reveal Hyojung all tied up. Carrying her was Seunghee, followed by YooA.

"W-What happened!?" JinE said. 

"I'm sorry, Hyejinnie!!! They threatened to hurt Arin if I didn't surrender..." 

"JinE, if you don't tell me where Binnie is, something terrible will happen to her," Jiho said, pointing to Hyojung. At that, YooA leaned in to kiss Hyojung.

"DON'T YOU DARE," JinE exploded. 

"W-What!? Y-YooA, what are you doing?" Mimi cried desperately at her girlfriend.

YooA didn't even pause or flinch and finally planted a one-second kiss on Hyojung's lips. JinE was outraged.


JinE had run towards them but ended up in Jiho's trap and helplessly swung enclosed in the net above them. 

"Make sure they don't get away!" Jiho ordered, running away to find Binnie. 

There was about an hour left. She couldn't believe she spent two precious hours chasing after JinE. Boy, was JinE fast. But where was Binnie? Jiho stopped in her tracks and breathed. Taking slow steps, she followed her heart which was beating fast.

She came face to face with the lockers. Jiho racked her brains for a clue, any clue. Finally, she struck gold. Binnie was born on September 9!!! JinE probably thought she wouldn't know. Now... 97..98..99!!!


Binnie who was tied up and gagged, collapsed into Jiho's arms.

"A-Are you okay?" Jiho gasped. Binnie stoop up unsteadily.

"We'll get through this!" Jiho immediately crouched to draw the line. She was almost done when something hit her hand, sending the marker flying.


A furious JinE was speeding towards them, followed by an extremely red Hyojung closely followed by YooA and Arin. It semed that Arin had come to the rescue with a pair of tiny scissors which aided the escape of the iron general JinE. Trailing behind was Mimi who was awkwardly running, still cemented in some parts, and Seunghee, who was covered by the remains of the net.

Jiho panicked and looked quickly around for the pen. It was just an arm length away... She just had to-


They all stayed still as the announcement resounded throught the whole school but JinE broke out of the trance first. 

"The pen!" she growled. 

Jiho snapped out of it and focused on getting a hold of the pen. With one last adrenaline rush, Jiho reached out and thankfully grabbed hold of it.

Just.. a.. bit... more!!!



Who do you think won? Team offense or defense?

I don't know even know why I've made JinE so ruthless lol

I just miss her so much :'<


Author, out ;)

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Wow authornim, this was written well. I loved the humor and how the girls were characterized. It's like something straight out of an anime!
Chapter 8: Every chapter was so funny lmao i can't stop laughing and smiling this story was really good
Chapter 8: Lmao i died laughing after every chapter
firstIove #5
This was an amazing story like I knew it would be! Thanks for contribution to the Oh My Girl fanfics with this BinHo story!!
This is what god wanted. Did you see yhe omg twitter account with the seunghee/mimi vines?

Top stuff m8 ya gotta continue it.
firstIove #7
Chapter 6: Yessss im loving all the pairs in this story! I hope Jiho can up her game :D Thanks for the update once again author!
hwatwhy #8
Chapter 5: i'm laughing this was hilarious hahah thanks for the update!
firstIove #9
Chapter 5: Same I hope JinE comes back healty! Team offence ftw!! Thanks for the update!
Chapter 5: wowww! I'm a fan of your story now. This is so precious. They're too funny. Omg! Thanked them that I laughed so much that i'm close to tear now. I wish offense team will win. Pleaseee, let binho sail~~ but why you made yooa kissed hyojung? Mimi's hurt. Ouchh my miyoo feel is hurting too TT