Chapter 2

Memory Lane
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Chapter 2 – the first goodbye of many



“And she is always so nice! Not even a bit show-off. If I didn’t know better I would say I embarrassed her –”

Baekhyun crossed the room again and again in front of his bandmate and best friend, Chanyeol whose head started to become dizzy. They were staying in their dorm after the slightly older boy’s lesson. He came home excited every single time. Kim Taeyeon was a role model for him since forever and now his dreams were finally come true: to meet her, to talk to her, to study from her. And everything was way better than he'd imagined. She was even more perfect than he had already thought.

“Can you stop moving for a minute, please? I might throw up if you continue walking,” his fellow bandmate groaned and laid down between the pillows of their shared room.

Sometimes it was difficult for him to be roommates with a bubbly kid like Baekhyun. At first, it was an award-winning idea to put them together because they were so similar: noisy, fun-loving but kind-hearted guys. They became best friends easily but they both had moments of quiet and peace. If the other disturbed them during one of these times, a little catastrophe happened. They had quite a few arguments about nonsense little things but nothing serious and they made up almost immediately.

“You can’t understand! She is –” Baekhyun sat down beside him wearing that damn dreaming look on his face.

“Beautiful, genius, perfect? Yeah, I know. I met her,” the tall rapper cut him off with a little amusement and a bit of annoyance in his voice. The all-day long training made him tired, his muscles hurt and he was sure he could fall asleep right there. But again, Baekhyun was too wide awake.

“You met her? When? Why? And why didn’t you tell me? I am your bestiest best friend just in case you forgot. How can you hide something this huge from me?”

“Will you shut up so I can answer?” Chanyeol hissed at him but couldn’t stop smiling. Times like this his friend seemed even more childish than him. He shook his head, gathered his thoughts and explained:  “You know, I was modelling before and I tried some acting too. Two years ago, I was casted in one of her music videos… I mean SNSD. The Genie’s Japanese version.”

Baekhyun felt his face fall. He was surprised because he had never imagined that. In fact, it was his fault, he should have been more observant about his friend’s carrier.

“Really? I didn’t know. I’m gonna check this as soon as possible but… How was it?” and then again after his shock, he was just a fanboy. The singer was curious about everything concerning Taeyeon.

“I already told you what I think: Girl’s Generation is a really professional group. They are all talented and hardworking. I was only a clumsy trainee but they were nice to me,” the younger told him but it wasn’t enough for Baekhyun. He wanted to know the whole story so after a while Chanyeol gave up pretending to be sleeping. He sighed and started to tell the old tale in detail.

“Once upon a time, there was this boy named Chanyeol –”

“Aish… Don’t be stupid, Yeol!” Now, his friend seemed a little irritated too, but a laugher escaped his mouth. The storyteller didn’t mind the interruption and loved to tease his bandmate.

“You started. Where was I? Oh, yes. Our handsome protagonist went to an audition…”


Days came and went. Rehearsing, shooting and sleeping followed each other in the same pattern. Finally, in January the countdown started: there was no more hiding in the shadows. Their debut time was fixed at the end of the month so they had to be ready. Of course, everyone was nervous so Baekhyun found the company of Taeyeon very refreshing and peaceful. He could break off the treadwheel while he was with her. He prepared for their next lesson as it was one of the many because he didn’t know it wa

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Chapter 15: Darling,
Finally, my heart at ease and I'm grateful that they get their chance to a happy ending (hopefully in their real lives, too). You know, when I first read something about them (it was a story of yours, too) Taeyeon's name really bothered me. That's my only opinion of their pair. But now... I'm a huge shipper. I think it tells you everything about the affection of this short story. <3 Thank you for writing this!
Love you xx
Chapter 14: Okay, I'm crying (how is it even possible?). It's just so sad because it happend in the reality, too and I'm so angry to the world; the company and the fans. Tsk, it's just really unfair. Life is unfair.
Chapter 13: Darling,
I really cannot find the right words but you know me well enought to know that I'm simply unable to leave the comment section empty. It's like when you are in a lecture. You have to have an opinion :') haha
But I also hate repeating myself so I wont tell you how much I adores their special cuteness. I will say that I love pastel colours, too instead.
I like the black and white thing that you mentioned before (their names are complete opposites yet just like the yinyang sign, they make an amazing, perfect pair). I hope they will stick together like that white dot in the middle of the black patch and on the other way around. ^^
Oh, and I almost forgot it! 14th April is amazing haha, I will dress up all black next time. First, I thought that Baek forgot the date and did dressed up all black. I'm happy I was wrong.
Love you xx
Chapter 12: Darling,
OMG how sweet! It just made me love Baek a bit more and now I really cannot decide whether he or Chen is my second favourite member. (the world's big problems, right?)
Anyway... Minho! I couldn't stop smiling when I first saw his name (it just brought back the Han Hyun Jae feels). I'm so happy that Baek has lots of supporting friends - actually, I'm happy because they both have - because he deserves them. A friend who knows you and your love as well can give amazing advice. (anyway isn't that they don't say anything bad about her means that they already supporting as hell). Okay, I know this comment is a mess :D Sorry?
So, I loved the last part and the second part's first sentence as well. Taeyeon's birtday reminds me of TianTian and Jisso's first play (I hope someday we both will be able to spend a whole afternoon/night like this). And the birthday present! So lovely ^^
Love you xx
Chapter 11: Darling,
I forgot to mention that I would like to hear some stories about Jessica in the former comment (actually, for a passing moment I thought that I saw her name in this chapter haha). Anyway, this part was so full of hope that I start to believe that it will get a happy ending hence this story is about "how to survive in the Hell when you really really love someone". This possibility gives me vibes. Oh God! I really have to read the next chapter!
Have a good night xx
ps. Taeyeon's mom is a sweetheart ^^
Chapter 10: Darling,
Aw, I like the idea of this maybe, too. But my heart still not at ease because their fight was so heartbreaking. I know that every relationship has its ups and downs but those words were too much. I know (and I hope Baek knows, too) that she didin't mean it but still. Once you say something, you cannot make it vanish. They stay there (always) and come back to the surface in the worst, most depressive moments. And they push us into an endless, dark hole all the time.
Have a good day xx
Chapter 9: Darling,
Well, this story is as sweet as the coffee you've just made me. And it's almost over (sob, sob) just like my tasty drink. Poor me.
To be honest, when I first read the click-click paragraf, I thought that somebody just took a picture of the two of them. It was really scary but this past part turned out to be quite lovely. My heart is thankful for that. And the present scene.. omg! I love your way of thinking about stars (it so romantic and idealistic) and true love. There are things, indeed, that're worth to fight for.
Love you xx
Chapter 8: Darling,
What a shame that I had to search to Yifan to understand the last sentence. I mean, I tend to forget that the EXO was a band with twelve (or so?) members in the beginning and that I only found them a year ago thanks to you.
So, the first world that usually comes to my mind when it comes to this story is cute but after reading this it was more like realistic. I can easily imagine that they fought like this in real life, too, because age is a serious thing not just in Korean and not just because of s. Sometimes I'm scared, too.You know, that yought fly away too soon, that I waste it, that a year passed me by (again) and I didn't do anything prodictive. Just study, study, study...
Anyway, I liked the present part, too. Suho is a great leader, a great friend and I'm happy that he is next to Baekhyun. ^^ He is a lucky person. And that thought of dating with the hottest girlgroup's member. I smiled when I read it.
Love you xx
Chapter 7: Darling,
Ahw, it was so cute I really can't handle it. And he confessed on Valentine's day, how romantic. And he confessed after he became an adult (legally). Everything is so perfect and pink. After scenes like this, I tend to forget that it's actually an angst story. But I'm feeling at ease now because you said that the breaking up part will be in the last chapter. It's just the 7th. Basically the middle.
I was so upset when I opened this chapter because of travelling but thanks to you I'm more than okay now.
Love you xx