
The start of our STORY

Jihoon put the fork down, hands reaching for the glass filled with orange juice. She put her lips on the brink of the glass, chugging the drink down, letting the cold liquid to travel down her oesophagus. She glances around the half full restaurant. Her eyes fell on a small girl, running around the table as a woman, which Jihoon guess as her mother, chasing her with a plate of carbonara pasta in her left hand. The little girl giggled, stopping for a while before running again. Her mother sigh, a smile never leave her face as she decided to trot back to her table, ignoring her cheeky daughter.


Jihoon turned her face to the front, raising her eyebrows at Chul.

The guy put his glass down. “What are you doing here, actually?”

“I’m on my break, so I just decided to walk around for a while. Never really came here before though.” She took another glance at her wrist watch. It’s already 10pm.

“Isn’t that, dangerous? You’re a woman, alone at that. Anything could happened.” He leaned back on the chair, sitting comfortably.

Jihoon chuckled. “I’m not alone, actually. I came here with my friend. Her fiancé works in LA. It’s just some clumsy mistakes. I rode the wrong bus, and now I’m here. Supposed to be in Manchester.”

Chul laughed. “How can a person did such a mistakes? I mean, each bus has the destination written in front.”

Jihoon rolled her eyes. “Easy for you to say. You literally live here. Pretty sure you’re gonna get lost too if you’re in Russia. I got lost for like, thrice in my first month over there.”

He laughs even louder. “You really don’t have any sense of direction, aren’t you? Trust me, I went there last year, and I didn’t even lost.”

Jihoon clicked her tongue. “Brag.” She chugs down the almost empty glass. Jihoon rise from her seat. “Thanks for the food. I need to excuse myself, I have an early bus to catch.” She grabs her big travel bag, slipping her arms in through the strap.

Chul nods. “Where are you staying? I can send you there.”

“Umm…not sure yet. I have yet to find any place. I’ll just search for one, I guess.” She put her beanie on, covering her red ears.

“Just crash down at my friend’s place. She lives beside me.” Chul said suddenly.

Jihoon gave him an unexplainable look. “How do I know if you’re not some kind of psychopath killer?”

Chul burst out laughing. “Look, what kind of killer offered to buy his victim her dinner? And I’m still wearing my stained shirt. The things I do for angel like you.”

She cringed. “Ughh, the amount of cheese is too much. I might throw up.” Jihoon, shook her head. “It’s fine. I don’t want to disturb you any further. The dinner is enough. I don’t really like to stay in debt.”

“No. It’s fine. Really. Her housemate went out for three days. I’m sure she’s more than glad to have a company for the night.” Chul stands up. “I’ll ring her first.” He took out his phone, and dialled a number.

“Chul, you don’t have to-”

He stops her by raising a hand. “V? It’s Chul.” He covered the speaker with his left hand. “Wait here.” Chul walks a bit further from where Jihoon is.

The girl could only sigh. Seriously, she was a bit surprised with what’s happening to her. At first, she took the wrong bus, and now, she met a kind stranger that offered her a dinner, and even a place to stay. Jihoon didn’t know if it’s a blessing or misfortune. But for now, she’ll just be grateful.

Few minutes later, Chul approached Jihoon. His phone already back in his pocket. “She’s fine with it. And she’s Korean too.” He assured her.

Jihonn weakly smiled. “Chul, seriously. I’ve troubled you, haven’t I?”

The guy grins, showing his dimples. “It’s really fine, Jihoon. Besides, I’m glad that I could help my friend.”

Jihoon raises her eyebrow. “Since when did we become friend?” she teases.

Smirk. “Since you make my cups fall for you.”





“You’re saying that, you draw in your free time? Drawing as in potret and such?”

Nods. “Yup. Why? Couldn’t believe me?” he wiggled his eyebrow.

Jihoon let out a light laugh. “No, it’s just, weird. I mean, usually architect only draws building and such. How did you end up drawing?”

“I took art and architecture, idiot. Of course I draw. If I took medic, then I’ll be slicing up humans body.” He brings both hands closer, blowing warm air to his almost freezing hand. The temperature dropped again.

Jihoon scowled.

Chul laughs.

They have been walking for a good 10 minutes, when Chul turned at a corner, a three storey apartment came into view.


Both of them craned their head, turning to the direction where a long haired girl, clad in a big fluffy jacket, crossing her arms on her chest.

Chul pointed to the girl. “That’s my friend. Her name is actually Taehyung, but she told me to call her V.”

Jihoon nods, paddling behind Chul’s body as they climbed the stairs to the second floor. The guy led them to his friend’s unit. “V, this is Jihoon. The one I told you before.”

Jihoon bows down. “Hello, my name is Jihoon. It’s nice to meet yo-” her eyes widened, and the girl in front of her mirrored her perfectly.



They scream in unison, Taehyung engulfing the small statured girl in her embrace. “Jihoon, I miss you so much!!”

“I miss you too! Why didn’t you tell me you’re in London?! If I knew, I’ll contact you beforehand!” she breaks the hug, but kept her hand in Taehyung’s hold.

Smiles. “I didn’t know you were coming here! Gosh, it’s been so long since we last met!”

Jihoon laugh. “4 years to be exact. And you didn’t even come to Seokjin’s wedding last month. Most are able to come, except Jun. That guy is just so busy. Too busy.”

“Awww, poor Hao Hao. How’s everyone else? I’m stuck here for 3 years straight. Mom and dad keep on coming here.” She pouts. “They just want to travel.”

Jihoon laughs again. “Just let them be. At least they came and see you. You know, last year Yoongi went to my place, but he didn’t even come to me! Can you believe it?”

“Duh, it’s Yoongi. What do you expect? Bet that your father forced him to go there.” She laughs again. “Chul did told me that his friend’s name is Jihoon, but I didn’t expect it to be you! I mean, aren’t you supposed to be in Russia?” she exclaimed.

The pink haired girl smiled. “Jeonghan drag me here. You know Jisoo work in LA, right?” she receives a nod. “Since Jeonghan practically live an hour away from my place, she kind of just bought me a plane ticket, and we flew here. A run away, she said. Guess she’s stressed over her final project.”

Taehyung nods. She grabs Jihoon’s stature again, crushing her in a hug. “I’m so glad we finally met! Missing you guys so much!”

Jihoon let out a light laugh. She pats Taehyung’s back. “Me too!”

Chul cleared his throat, clearly showing hints that he’s still standing there beside them. The girls break their hug, both raising their eyebrows, shooting a what-do-you-want  face to the guy. “Uhh… it’s good that you found your long lost friend, V. But I’m still here, you know. Can you just, uuhh… I don’t know. Wait for this thrilling reunion after I’m gone?”

Taehyung rolled her eyes. “You are one hell of the party pooper. Just go back, Chul. I want to spend my quality time with my long lost friend. Go, go.” She did the hand motion, the one where she looks like she’s shooing cats or something.

The guy clicked his tongue. “If I know it’s going to be like this, I should just bring her somewhere else.”

Hands over the laughing pink haired girl, Taehyung throw a glare to Chul. “Where do you think you are taking my friend? Over my dead body first, you ert!”

Shrugs. “I don’t know. But it must be somewhere where I can spend some times with the angel without a plank like you.”

Gasps. “You know what, I’m so gonna tell Yoongi about this so that he can roast you, and beat you to pulp.”

“Taehyung, does Chul even know who Yoongi is?” Jihoon asks, and laugh again.

The latter stiffen for a second, which went unnoticed by the pink haired girl. “Well, even if he doesn’t know who Yoongi is, he’ll get what he deserved if he decided to  do whatever things he’s thinking of doing!”

That’s a close call, Taehyung ah. “Anyway.” He starts. “It’s a goodbye?”

Jihoon ceased her laughter, and s her arms on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Chul, thanks for this. For the dinner too.”

“You bought her dinner but never ever offered me lunch?! I’m sad, Chul!”

He rolled his eyes at his over dramatic neighbours slash university friend. “Jihoon, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, I guess. But if I haven’t woke up yet, just sent me a message when you’re on the bus. Just make sure it’s the right one.” He ended with a smirk.

Scoff. “I’m not that clumsy!”

“Says the one who bumped into a tall person like me. I’ll get going first before V starts to plan how to murder me for taking her quality time. Bye.” He waved, and starts to walk backwards to the next door. He wasn’t lying when he said that he lives next door.

Taehyung raised her small fist. “Glad you understand. Can’t wait till you leave here.”


Chul snorted. “I’m kinda worried to leave you alone. Who knows what you’ll do after I’m gone. I pray for the peaceful days for Hani.”

Glare. “What do you mean by that, you dimwit?”

He laugh. “You yourself know what that means, Kim Taehyung. Bye!” he quickly disappears behind the door, second before a flying slippers hit his door. His laughter could still be heard.

Taehyung crosses her arms on her chest. “That guy is so dead tomorrow! I’ll put lots and lots of wasabi in his sushi!” she stomped her way to Chul’s door, retrieved her slipper, and smack the slipper against the door before trotting to her own unit again. “Jihoon ah, let’s get in. We have lots of things to keep up!”



“It’s the right bus, isn’t it?”

Eyes rolled. “For the love of Jisoo, it’s the right one. Don’t worry. Taehyung’s here with me.”

“But still, that’s what you said before you literally boarded the bus to London. Why don’t you ask the driver one more time? Just to make sure.”

“Jeonghan, it wrote Manchester. Or maybe you want me to send the picture to you?” she raised an eyebrow.

“It’s better like that. Send me a picture of the bus, so that I’ll know that it’s your bus when it arrived.”

Jihoon rolled her eyes. “You are worse than my mum.”

“I’m just worried, okay. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I couldn’t reach you at all! I’ve started to think that you might get kidnapped or something.”

Grin. She pushed her hands inside her jacket. “Sorry. It’s just that my phone died, and I only realised it when I’m about to sleep.” And when her phone is alive again, 17 miss calls from Jeonghan, 13 from Jisoo and lots of messages from both of them. Such a worrywart couple.

“Apologize accepted. But seriously, send me the picture. And call me 10 minutes before you arrived.”

“Ay ay, ma’am. Don’t worry, I’ll do as you wish for. Bye. See you there.” She hung up, and turned around, grinning at Taehyung. “Jeonghan and her never ending worries. It’s such a regret that you can’t come with me. Jenghan would be so thrilled to see you again.”

Taehyung flash a sad smile. “Yeah, I have an early class tomorrow. But it’s okay! Just one more year and I’ll be free from here!” she punch the air.

Jihoon grin again. She took a look at her wrist watch. “Taehyung, I’ll be going. See you next year in Korea.” She hugs the girl, patting her back. “Do your best!”

Nod. “You too, girl. Medic is tough after all.” She pulls back, smiling at the pink haired girl.

Jihoon let go of Taehyung’s hand, waving as she walked to the red bus. Making sure that it’s the right one, she snap a picture of the bus before hopping in. Jihoon waves again from the window, and Taehyung gladly replies, watching as the bus slowly move out from the place. Her smile drops after the bus disappeared completely. “You didn’t tell her.” She blurted out, slowly turning around to face Chul.

The guy left his hiding spot beside the wall. “I didn’t.”

“Don’t you think it’s wiser to tell her the truth? You wouldn’t want her to found out in a wrong way, or maybe wrong time.”

Sigh. “I just… I can’t tell her. Not yet. Not when she didn’t even recognise me. I already pretend as if I never know her, I need to keep it that way till I find the right time.” Chul watch the former place for the bus, his eyes full of sadness.

Teahyung ran a finger through her hair. “I just hope that you won’t regret it, Seungcheol.”

Smiles weakly. “I won’t.”




2 years later.

Screams could be here, one in Busan and one in Jeju Island. Jihoon has to shut using her hand, trying hard not squeal again. “Are you serious?!”

“Yes!! Why would I lie about something like this?”

Jihoon groaned in frustration. “Ohhh… I wish I was there when he proposed. Oh my gosh!! Seungkwan, I’m hapy for you!!”

“Me too!! Oh gosh I can’t stop smiling, and my sister’s been sending me an annoyed look since this afternoon, but I don’t care! I just wanna scream and smile all day! I’m getting married, Jihoon ah! Can you believe it?!”

She smiled. Her ears caught something coming from the room next to her. “I just heard Yoongi shouting. Guess Hansol just told the guys, I think.” Jihoon laugh.

Seungkwan shriek on the line. “I’m blushing right now! Gosh, Jihoon help me!”

“How am I supposed to do that? Flew all the way to Jeju?”

Yoongi burst in through the door, phone on his ear. “Hoonie, did you heard about it??” he asked, tinted of excitement in his voice.

Jihoon pointed to her phone. “It’s Seungkwan.”

Nod. “Good. If mom asks where I am, just told her I’m in the studio. I need to compose some wedding song. My friend’s getting married.” He slams the door closed.

Jihoon laugh again, and brought the gadget near her ears. “Someone’s excited.”

“Why the hell Yoongi sounds more excited about this than you are?”

The doctor rolled her eyes. “He’s excited everytime he heard that one of us are getting married. Remember that he’s the one getting nervous as even when it’s actually Namjoon’s? Seriously, he loves his friends so much.”

“Anyway, my wedding is in 3 months. You think Jeonghan’s gonna make it? When’s her due?”

She took a glance at the calendar. “She will, with a two months old baby in her hand. Her due is next month.”

Seungkwan squeal again. “I’m so excited. Everyones here in Korea, and might can even held a small reunion! I miss all of you too much!”

“Yeah! Let’s do that. And let’s pray that Jun won’t have to travel anywhere during that time, or else Minghao might miss your wedding.” She chuckled. As an international actor, that guy needs to travel often. And since Minghao has finished her study, she’s traveling along with her husband. They got married last year.

Gasps. “Heol, I need to blackmail him so that he won’t accept any offer till the end of my wedding. I need Hansol to help me. Bye, Jihoon! I’ll call you again!”

“Bye, soon to be bride. Love you.”

She put the phone on the small table beside the bed. Smoothing her pillow, Jihoon let her body falls on the fluffy mattress. Smiling, she stares at the ceiling. One by one, all of her friends are getting married, and surprisingly, they are getting married to their crush back in high school.

Letting the memory from old days swam through her mind, a picture of someone make her smiles go away. Despite all her effort to forget about the guy entirely, her mind says the opposite. She can’t help but wonder how he’s doing. She’s heard from the other guys, that he flew away from Korea using his trial results. And she never heard any other news about him after that.

Seriously, how’s Seungcheol doing?

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Chapter 2: Omfg wtf jihoon WHY DIDNT U REMEMBER CHEOL
Chapter 2: I was right.. It's Cheollie! And slowly everyone is getting married.. Jihan and Verkwan.. Am not familiar with BTS pairing but am guessing Namjoon and Jin.. I like VKook in BTS.. Ahahahahah
Chapter 1: You leaving us hanging... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. Ahahahahah
mynameiskuku #4
Chapter 1: yes.. i'm also need happy Jicheol ending.. :)
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