

The moment he wakes up, the first thing Leo sees is an arm. A tanned arm, to be specific, draped across his chest and when he turn to look at his side, N is there, sleeping peacefully. 

Sensing a movement, N opens his eyes and lift his head. "You okay? "He asks when he sees that Leo is staring at him. "Do you need anything? "He inquires, pulling his arm off Leo's chest and letting out a yawn as he stretches his back. 

Leo doesn't know what it is exactly but hearing that question, something burst inside of him and he doesn't know why exactly but he starts crying. Fresh tears just effortlessly flow down his cheeks. 

N gives him a stunned look, surprised that he suddenly breaks down all of sudden, without any warning or sign. "What's wrong?  Does it really hurt that bad? "He demands with an obvious concern in his voice. 

Leo couldn't answer him because all that is in his mind at the moment is what he did to N just a few weeks ago. He remembers how he thoughtlessly abandoned N when the leader was sick and when he imagined just how hurt N would have felt, both physically and emotionally because of his action, the guilt come crashing down upon him stronger than ever. 

"Yah... why are you crying? "N asks again, raising his voice, when Leo's cries turn into full sobbing. 

Leo still wouldn't, no, couldn't answer. He just sobs harder and in no time, Hyuk comes poking his head into the room. 

"What's wrong? "He wonders loudly when he sees the situation his two oldest hyungs are in. 

"You tell me. "N shrugs, standing up. "Get me some water. "He orders but before Hyuk could say yes, he changes his mind. "No, never mind. "He says. "You stay with him, Hyuk. I'll get it myself. "

Leo quickly grabs onto N's wrist, trying to tell him no to leave but N doesn't even bat an eye as he lightly pushes Leo's hand away. 

"Stop crying. "He commands before walking out of the room, not glancing back even once. 

Once N left, Hyuk slowly make his way into the room before sitting down on the chair that N occupied before. He says nothing and just silently waits for Leo to stop his sobbing. 

"Does the stitches hurt? Or the bruise? "Hyuk finally speaks up when Leo quiets down a bit. 

Leo shakes his head weakly, trying to wipe his embarrassing tears away. "I'll be fine. You can go. "He assures since he's pretty sure Hyuk wouldnt want to stay there and watch him cry and he only did it because N asked him to. 

Hyuk pretends that he doesn't hear that. "Or is it something else? "He asks. "If you tell me, maybe I can help, you know? Seeing you cry like that really creeps me out. "

"It's nothing. "Leo sighs, sniffling. 

"You make Hakyeon-hyung worried. He was angry because of the banana milk but when he found out about what happened to you, he forgot all about it and stayed in here with you instead. "

"Why does he still care? "Leo mumbles to himself. "I neglected him before, leave him all by himself, let him starve, let him choke on his own vomit while I take my sweet time sleeping... but even now, why he still care? I thought he'll take his revenge on me. "He blurts it all out.

Hyuk laughs. "Revenge? You make him sound like a villain or something. "He comments. "But I thought so too, hyung. "He admits. "It surprise me, really. That he stayed here all day watching you sleep. "

"I didn't watch Taekwoon sleep. "N denies, suddenly walking into the room with a cup of steaming tea in his hands. 

"You did! "Hyuk teases him and chuckles to himself when N glares at him. 

"Get out. "N snaps playfully. 

Raising his hands in defeat, Hyuk moves to leave the room but before he truly leave, he says something. "I wish you two would be like before. I miss it. "

N scoffs at that while Leo sighs. 

"Sit up. "N instructs and Leo just obeys. N sits down on the bed, next to the main vocalist, and hands him the tea. "Drink it. "

"Thank you. "Leo mutters after taking a sip. He tries to ignore the big distance N left between them but it still bother him. How he wish N would give him a warm hug like how he would usually do when Leo gets sick but he knows that at the moment, it's impossible. 

N merely hums. 

"You still take care of me even when you said that I'm no longer your friend. I thought you would abandon me like how I did to you. "Leo found himself admitting all that. 

N shrugs. "You're still not my friend, just so you know. I'm here because it's my responsibility as a leader. "

"You said you forgive me but you're still mad at me for neglecting you that time, right? "

N nods nonchalantly. "True. "He says. "I'm still mad at you but not because you neglected me. "

"Then because of what? "

N gets off the bed. "Think. "He suggests. "And after you finish the tea, come out. Hongbin's cooking dinner. He said something about apologising to you since he forced you to try harder? Or something like that, I don't remember. "


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Chapter 25: Bin =....= ur idea make them reconcile even it take days
Chapter 18: I can just imagine hongbin smirk and said that to taekwoon :)
Chapter 16: :0 he is serious
Chapter 15: 1:0
Chapter 14: Wonshik is forever hakyeon child
Chapter 9: Hahahhahaha u deserve it
Chapter 2: Im about to throw a punch =...=
bibibelle #8
I just notice the video you mention on the foreword and reminds me the same thing happened on last weekly idol... It's the quiz time to guess a word to fan's comment on their old video. There's a chicken as a reward. Taekwoon and Bin were the last two, while others enjoy their chicken. Others tried to 'help' Hongbin, but Taekwoon catch Jaehwan while whispered the answer to Hongbin. Taekwoon feel wronged, rushed to punish Jaehwan by hit his back with his knee. Knowing the movement (Jaehwan was facing back front while busy eat his chicken), Hakyeon tried to protect by put his hand on Jaewhwan's shoulder. His hand met on Taekwoon knees instead. For a second, he expressed the hurt bu the sudden attack. but another second, his face was plastered with smile again... :') Seems no one notice because they're busy to hold taekwoon, and ravi and others come to handle the the cameras mostly take those scene.

Get a mixed feeling watch that.. :')
myintzuchan #9
Chapter 50: I love your storu very much since the friendship between them can make my hreart flustered. Thanks for this awesome story.
Chapter 13: N's words make me think of VIXX picking on Leo's behaviour in Weekly Idol. Lol