

Leo doesn't even know why he take Hongbin's words seriously. Flowers? For N? How ridiculous. Yet here he is, setting foot in a place he has never ever been before, just for the sake of an apology. Just how desperate is he for N's approval? 

'Bad idea. Bad idea. 'His mind keep telling him as he makes his way into the florist that weekend, pulling his coat tighter and keeping his head low, hoping that no one would recognize him or else he'll have to explain himself as to why he's buying flowers. People might even make speculation that he's a having a girlfriend when he's certainly not. 

"What can I help you with? "A sudden question from the lady behind the counter startled him and he looks up at her, heaving a relieved sigh when she makes no sign of recognizing who he is. 

"I... want to buy flowers. "

The lady chuckles. "Of course. "She says. "For what occasion? "She asks. 

Leo let his mind wanders for a while. 'Hakyeon is not an occasion, is he? '. 

"For your girlfriend, perhaps? "The lady offers helpfully, hand reaching for a bouquet of red roses near the counter and offering it to Leo with a smile. "Girls love roses. "She tells him. 

Leo splutters, shaking his head furiously. "No! No! "He denies, horror written over his face. "It's for a friend! "he explains. 

The lady nods, putting down the roses. "Friend, then. A bestfriend? A friend who's getting married? A mourning friend? "

Leo sighs. "A bestfriend, I think. You see, we fought and I kinda want to apologize. "He says truthfully. 

The lady leaves the counter and goes over to the corner of the shop. "Yellow flowers represent friendship. "she tells him, gesturing towards a mixture of yellow-coloured flowers. "Which one do you want? "

"Can you... choose for me? I don't really know much about flowers. "Leo admits. 

Nodding, the lady bends down and picks up some yellow roses and some sunflowers before wrapping it with a nice, red paper. "I hope everything goes well between you and your friend. "She says finally as she hands him the flowers. 

Leo bows thankfully at her. "I hope so too. "



N is lounging in his room, scrolling through his phone when he heard a knock at the door. 

"Come in. "He says, sitting up and stretching his back just as the door opens to reveal Leo with a hand behind his back. "Yes? "

Leo shuffles his feet nervously as he closes the door using his shoulder, one hand still hidden. 

"What do you want? "N asks, noticing that Leo's ears are somewhat red. 

Leo takes a deep breath before finally revealing his other hand, which is holding a bouquet of yellow flowers. He offers it towards N. 

N frowns. "What is that? "He questions, making no move to take it. 

"Flowers. "

"I know that's flowers. But for what? Where did you even get it from? "

Leo sighs heavily. "It's for you. "He admits, placing it down on the bed and in front of N. 

"For me? "N picks it up, examining it. "From who? "

"Me. "

"You? "N stares at Leo with wide eyes. "For real? "

Leo nods timidly. "As an apology . "

N chuckles, placing back down the flowers. "Didn't I say that I forgive you? "

"You did. But you act like you don't and I hate it. "

N shakes his head. "Not everything goes the way you want it, Leo. And you have to accept that. "

"Stop that. "

"Stop what? "

"Leo. Stop calling me Leo. "

N laughs. "Alright then, Taekwoon. "He complies. "Anyway, thanks for the flowers. It's nice. "He says. 

"You're... welcome. "

"And don't worry, I know what it means. "

"It means friendship . "Leo tells him. 

N nods. "I know. But I don't want it. I don't want to have a friendship with you. "


N smiles. "Thanks, though. But please, no more. Please just let it--"

"I don't want to let it be. "

"You have to. "N forces. 

Leo huffs. "No. "He stresses out and leaves the room, not wanting to have another argument. 



Later that day, when Leo enters the kitchen to get some drink, he sees the flowers that he gave to  N earlier on the dining table, inside a transparent vase filled with water. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it? "Ken suddenly appears out of nowhere. 

"Yeah. "Leo says quietly. 

"Someone gave it to Hakyeon-hyung and he tells me put it somewhere. I think it's his fans. They're so nice to him. I'm jealous. "Ken comments,pouting slightly. 

"Someone, huh? "Leo mumbles to himself. 'So now I'm nameless to you? 'He turns away and walk out of the kitchen, bumping into Hongbin who then gives him a knowing look. 

"Good job, hyung. "He says. "But try harder. "


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Chapter 25: Bin =....= ur idea make them reconcile even it take days
Chapter 18: I can just imagine hongbin smirk and said that to taekwoon :)
Chapter 16: :0 he is serious
Chapter 15: 1:0
Chapter 14: Wonshik is forever hakyeon child
Chapter 9: Hahahhahaha u deserve it
Chapter 2: Im about to throw a punch =...=
bibibelle #8
I just notice the video you mention on the foreword and reminds me the same thing happened on last weekly idol... It's the quiz time to guess a word to fan's comment on their old video. There's a chicken as a reward. Taekwoon and Bin were the last two, while others enjoy their chicken. Others tried to 'help' Hongbin, but Taekwoon catch Jaehwan while whispered the answer to Hongbin. Taekwoon feel wronged, rushed to punish Jaehwan by hit his back with his knee. Knowing the movement (Jaehwan was facing back front while busy eat his chicken), Hakyeon tried to protect by put his hand on Jaewhwan's shoulder. His hand met on Taekwoon knees instead. For a second, he expressed the hurt bu the sudden attack. but another second, his face was plastered with smile again... :') Seems no one notice because they're busy to hold taekwoon, and ravi and others come to handle the the cameras mostly take those scene.

Get a mixed feeling watch that.. :')
myintzuchan #9
Chapter 50: I love your storu very much since the friendship between them can make my hreart flustered. Thanks for this awesome story.
Chapter 13: N's words make me think of VIXX picking on Leo's behaviour in Weekly Idol. Lol