
#07 | Taeny


Luke warm water rushed onto my back and I moaned in content.

“Mmm.” I shut my eyes and savored the moment. I sighed deeply and felt at peace with the gushing water soothing my body and my muscles. It felt nice. Really nice. Maybe I should just resume sleeping in the shower. Jumping into the shower for normal people would wake them up but in my case, it makes me want to sleep with these warm water enveloping my body and face.

“Holy …” I drawled out and rubbed my eyes. It’s such a shame I have to wake up early today for a class that starts at 7. I stayed in one place under the shower and allowed steam to fog up the glass. Water glided past my eyes, my nose and my lips. They took the marvelous journey of trickling between to the hills on my chest and across my stomach that was sadly slightly out of shape. I really need to hit the gym this Sunday.

I exhaled air out of my mouth without letting water in and stared down at my bare chest. My eyes fixed on them and I lifted my palm to cover ¾ of it, showing only my cleavage.

“So this is what she saw?” I asked quietly and felt something funny in my tummy. I ran my fingers through my soaked hair and a groan emitted from deep within my throat. The distance between my chest and her face was so small. What crossed her mind when it happened? I remembered seeing her turning a little pink. I guess I wasn’t the only one to be embarrassed.

“Kim Taeyeon…” I mumbled and said her name out again.

“Kim Taeyeon. Taeyeon.” The y 27 year-old woman was surfing her way into my brain again and I ended up mumbling her name like a mantra under the falling water. I liked her name. The more I say it, the more I like her name. I liked the feeling of saying it and the sensation I get when it rolls off my tongue. I was insane and I understood that perfectly.

I raised my finger to write her name on the fogged up glass walls.

“T-A-E-Y-E-O-N.” I said out each letter individually and I rubbed my hand over it to write a new one.

I moved my hand along the misty glass and an unknowing crooked smile climbed onto my face when I read over it.

I <3 Taeyeon

I then chuckled in pity. What the hell was she doing to me? What kind of sorcery was she putting on me? I forced my brain to stop wandering and turned off the shower. Time to get out. I think I might be late for class.




“Promise me you won’t laugh ok?” I made sure it was clear to Jessica and she gave me a nod.

“Geez you’ve been telling me that for a gazillion times now. Stop repeating like an old grandma and just say it.”

I scoffed and folded my arms. She was the one who was pleading me to tell her what happened and look at her attitude. This got the nerves.

“Fine. I won’t tell you.”

Jessica glared daggers at me and I fought to not meet her icy glare. I can’t back down.

“Come on stop joking around. I tried my best to help you and this is how you are repaying me? Oh my gosh! I am so disappointed!” She wiped an imaginary tear from her cheek and I faked gagged.

“Ow!” Her fingers were quick to find my forearm and pinch it. She gave me a smirk and this time was my turn to glare at her.

“Why are you so violent? Stop abusing me!” I whined and she shrugged.

“Tell me what happened yesterday right now. N.O.W!” Her dolpin-tone was appearing again and I surely didn’t want to hear her scream.


“Maybe I should just go and ask Taeyeon herself then.” Jessica said and I wasn’t that dumb to fall for her trap. There was no way she can tell Taeyeon because…there’s no way.

I scoffed. “Bruh you don’t know her number. Stop giving me empty threats.”

“Oh yeah? Well I can just go up and ask Taehyung for it.” She leaned on her palm and her smirk got wider. I hate it. I hate that smirk and that sinister glint in her eyes. Who does she think she is?

“You won’t.” I was starting to get uneasy. Knowing Jessica, this girl can do crazy s.

“Oh I will.” She began to stand up and I went bat.

“OK OK!” I pulled her down and wanted to smack the out of her.

“Drop that face.” I stared at the triumphant smirk she had on her face.

“So what happened?” She ignored my previous sentence and leaned on her palm again, her eyelashes batted in the most irritating way.

“I well…” My eyes found my hand that was resting on my lap and I struggled to put the words into the correct order.

“First off, the plan failed. I didn’t have the guts to do anything in front of her. The moment I saw her, I ran into the bathroom.” I peeked at Jessica who was having a you-ing-serious look on her face.

“That’s it? I went through all the crap of persuading you to say it out and that was it? you! Go hump a cactus!”

“I’m not done yet!” She just told me to go hump a what? I mentally face-palmed at my friend’s vast range of insults.

“I mean then she scared me in the bathroom and I kinda tripped…” I bit my lip and casted my eyes down.

“And…I crashed into her. Well let’s just say my chest was on display in HD in front…of her face.” I turned pink and I glanced at Jessica who was having clamped shut and it seemed like her eyeballs were gonna pop from the tension. She was holding in her laugh.

“Don’t you dare laugh.” I warned but of course if Jessica was ever intimidated by my words, the sky would crumble.

I watched as Jessica burst and I just sit there allowing her to bathe me with insults and mocking laughter.

“Yea yea yea.” I rolled my eyes and turned off my ears. Then the teacher entered the class and we no longer talked. Exams were appearing their ugly heads again and listening to the teacher is extremely essential.




“Hey you want to come over this evening? I need you to explain some stuff.” Jessica asked me after class and I thought for a moment.

“I have class this evening. Remember?”

“You mean Taeyeon?”

I nodded. Jessica stayed silent and observed me with her eyes.

“Jess, stop looking at me that way.” She ignored my comment and never brought her gaze down. I raised my palm to cover her eyes and she slapped my hand away.


“Tiff exams are just around the corner and you are not reviewing?” She gaped at me like I’ve grown 2 heads.

“Who says I’m not reviewing?”

“Well alright whatever.” Jessica looked around and took out her cigarette.

“I’m lighting this so if you don’t like it, move your .” She flipped open her lighter and I scrambled away. That girl has no mercy in her body.




What Jessica said was partially true. Instead of staying at home to review for the upcoming tests, I chose to not miss the art’s class. She might think I’m coming here for Taeyeon but that wasn’t entirely true. I really am intrigued with visual arts and have enjoyed doing art ever since I’ve remembered. I read books about Leonardo Da Vinci, learn the history of Picasso but those were things I do as a habit. I was never really talented in drawing and painting to actually make it work. That was the reason that made me choose the major I’m taking nowadays. To work with buildings instead. It was very pleasant in a way.

However, I do admit that the reason I’ve decided to choose this school was because of Taeyeon.

Today, I got out of class with a smile on my face. The teacher had just praised my piece of artwork. Well that was new. It was refreshing and extremely motivating to get nice comments from your teacher once in a while.

“Good bye.” I smiled at him and he bowed, thanking me for attending this class. I poked my head out into the corridor and looked left and right. I was still looking out for Taeyeon. Half of me wanted so bad to see her but half of me wanted to run if I were to see her in the hall.

Seeing no one, I didn’t know whether to feel disappointed or relieved. After that incident, it just made things even harder for me to see her. I walked to the parking lot and as I witnessed the condition my car was in, my heart inflated and I wanted to jump off a cliff.

“Hah?” I trudged slowly to my car and poked the flat car tire with my right foot.

“What the ?!” I groaned in exasperation. When I got here, the car was perfectly fine. Or was it? I wasn’t sure but I was hella sure the tire wasn’t this flat. Did I drive over a nail on my way here?

“Oh my gosh seriously? Like right now? You just got out of the garage for like a few weeks and now you’ve let me down for the second time!” My eyes went over my baby.

I squatted down and inspected the tire which was absolutely deflated. As I think about my terrible luck, I couldn’t help but link it to the previous events and to a certain someone. It was bitter to admit that ever since I’ve known her, bad things are falling upon me. Maybe it was just mere coincidence but when a series of unfortunate events happen whenever I’m with her or about to meet her, it’s hard not to think that way.

Kim Taeyeon. After I laid eyes on her, I slipped on bathroom tiles, I lost my wallet, I trip on heels, and now another problem with my car once again. But come to think of it, whenever something bad happens, she was always there in the most perfect timing to save the day.

“Could she appear any minute?” My imaginary mind came up with a ridiculous idea and my head darted around to see any sight of a majestic woman.

“No way. She can’t just have such perfect timing. And if she appears, so what? How could she help me?”

“Now what?” My hopeless eyes landed on my car and I just stood there with my hands hanging by my sides. I heard the glass door open and a person walking out. My heart turned wild and my eyes dashed to see that it was only one of the employees. I gave her an awkward smile and she gave me a smile too, unaware of my huge crisis right now. I was about to call my mom when the door opened again and a petite lady trudged out on her heels. Yes it was her.

As soon as my eyes saw her, I turned my back to her. I began to get sweaty.

“Don’t see me.” I mouthed but my mind screamed NOTICE ME.

I remained rooted on the ground and I swear if my heart keeps reacting this way to her presence, I’ll probably suffer from cardiovascular problems in the near future. I attempted to act casual and not so rigid but it was impossible. The sound of her heels clicking had stopped and maybe she didn’t see me after all. I waited for a few more moments and silence was all that fell upon my ears. Maybe she’s gone. I turned my head around to make sure but no she wasn’t gone.

There she was, standing just few meters away from me. Her eyes stared at me and she didn’t move. How long has she been standing there? Had she been looking at me the whole time?

My mouth clamped shut as I gave up hiding from her. My heart throbbed at the sight of her in her huge glasses again. Her grey hair was down and I’ve noticed how they’ve grown longer. An inch or so. And boy she was so attractive in that white button up shirt.

Her eyes were still fixed on me and we just look at each other in the eyes. Then she finally spoke.


I felt relieved that she didn’t choose to bring up what happened between us the other day. Let’s just act cool.

“Hi.” I inwardly cringed at my unnatural high-pitched voice. So much for being cool. I observed her face to see any reaction but I guess she failed to notice it. Thank god.

Her eyes darted to my car tire than back to me. My cheeks turned a little pink. It was just so unattractive to always appear in trouble whenever we meet.

“I believe your car got into some trouble again?” She asked me and I couldn’t help but hesitantly nod. I casted my eyes down and saw how she’s approaching me. She came to a stop a few feet away from me and I peeked at her face. How can she stare at me like that? Does she not know what she’s doing to me?

“Do you have a spare tire in your trunk?” She asked and I didn’t hear it quite right. Why is she asking me that?

“H-huh?” I stammered and cursed myself when I noticed how a little smile bloomed on her face when she heard me stutter. I watched her eyes twinkle before she repeated her question.

“Do you have a spare tire? Because I don’t think you can ride home with a flat one.” She chuckled and she began to roll her sleeves up. Great. Now she’s even hotter.

“You know how to change a car’s tire?” I asked, feeling somehow doubtful. Her rich background was getting into me. How can a daughter of a super rich family know how to do these kind of stuff? Don’t they grow up with a golden spoon in their mouth?

“Are you underestimating me?” One of her eyebrows cocked up and I furiously shook my head.

“I’m sorry. I do have a spare.” I opened my trunk and watched how she immediately got to work. She brought screwdrivers and wrenches from her car and placed them neatly near her. She was focusing on fixing my problem while I stood there like a constipated penguin.

“Uh…” I started and she stopped what she was doing and looked up with a screwdriver bitten between her teeth. My insides twisted in a pleasant sensation at that sight. The fact that she was capable of doing this was already making me fall deeper for her. it was so charming to me, in a way.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” I reluctantly asked. I was just too useless for me to handle.

She brought the screwdriver down and inspected me.

“You want something to do?” She asked in a tone she would use to a child. Holy . Was I still viewed as a kid?

“Well um…can you please shine a flashlight for me? I’m sorry it’s getting quite hard for me to see.” She was right. The only light was from the street lamp. I quickly obeyed her order and crouched down to her level to shine my phone’s flashlight onto the wheel.

With that, we were covered by silence again. I intently watched her working and constantly steal a few peeks at her face. She was so hot.

She finally got the flat tire off and I stayed mum as she lifted the spare wheel.

A small groan slightly escaped her lips but that was it. A sound of discomfort never came from her. I regarded in awe and amazement at what she was doing. Who would’ve thought. A lady with a small frame like her doing this.

“Is this the first time you see someone changing a car tire?” I noticed how the corner of her lips curled up in amusement. She was in the middle of screwing everything back in place.

“A-ah...yeah…” I shyly admitted and she only gave a soft nod.

“Well I hope you enjoy the show.” She chuckled.

“Where did you learn how to do this?” I was itching to know. She was just so skilled.

“Where? It just kinda happen. I used to watch my driver change car tires all the time.” She replied.

“Is it hard?”

“What do you think?”


“Well maybe.”

That was such a vague answer. I didn’t say anything for a few seconds and popped up with a few more.

“Why aren’t you using this screw?”

“I will, just not yet.”

“Do you change car tires often?”

“Not really.”

“Are you tired?”

Just as I finished asking that question, she stopped what she was doing and turned her face to me. A thin layer of sweat was covering her face and it just brought me back to that dream I had a few weeks ago.

“Are you always this curious?” Her lips didn’t lift into a smile or whatsoever but I could tell how her orbs were sparkling with amusement. My ears turn into a light shade of pink and I avoided her eye contact.

“Uh…no. I’m sorry if I asked too much.”

She chuckled gently. “No. I was just wondering. It’s actually nice to have a talkative person at a time like this.”

I was too embarrassed to say anything.

“Well, there you go.” She breathed out a huge breath and patted the wheel. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes lit up, probably proud at her own achievement.

“Thank you so much.” I got up and bowed down sincerely. Someone please stop my heart from beating too fast.

“Well when will I get my second free lunchbox?” Her eyes found mine with ease again and electric shocks coursed through my body. My stomach did numerous flips as I debated whether if she was joking or being serious.

Or whether if she was…flirting.




Thank you for reading and please notify me if there's any mistakes. x



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Chapter 15: Taeny Time! 😁
It's nice they had a great time together and maybe forget the thing with Taehyung for a while.
And their first kiss is just so... Shocking? 😅
I just hope mom would have no problem with this.
I like Tiffany and Jessica's friendship and their constant bickering! 😁
This is a great story, very entertaining. It's worth reading even though it was not finished. :)
Chapter 14: You can't control feelings, it just comes.
This is true, for the 3 of them can't control their feelings. It just happen that the two felt the same for each other. I just hope Taehyung will understand and accept that sometime.
Chapter 13: Smooth Kim Taeyeon!
Chapter 11: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1161218/11'>Eleven</a></span>
"i sincerely wish i was that glass " 😱
OMG! I can't find words to describe how I feel after reading this chapter! Fireworks! Confetti! 😍

And with all that has happened, Tiffany can't utter a single word! 😁
Chapter 10: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1161218/10'>Ten</a></span>
Whoa! There you go! Finally! ❤️😁
Is this when she was watching her finish the pineapple painting? 😁
Chapter 8: I wonder how a constipated penguin looks like! 😁
I imagine Taeyeon changing a car tire... 🥵
Chapter 7: Jessica is one crazy friend! 😂
It's funny how Tiffany knows what's on her best friend's mind!
I like Jessica's suggestions though, and I think it's kinda working!
Chapter 5: Oh my, Tiffany! Why do you always lose your stuff?!😅
It's okay though. You'll be having a good night! 😁
Chapter 4: Oh wow, that dream was... Whoa.... 🫣
Poor Taehyung... Atleast he found out early.
Chapter 2: This is cute!