Chapter 5

Purple Mist

When I realized I had fallen asleep, I instantly became aware that my head was resting on somebody’s shoulder. And it wasn't Toni’s. I lay there still, trying to think of a way to make this the least awkward as possible. I slowly opened my eyes, but kept my head where it was. The room was dark, the only light coming from the TV, which was still playing the movie. I suddenly felt a phone vibrate against my arm, and used that as my opportunity. I pretended that had just woken me up, as I sat up and stretched my arms. I couldn't look at him, so I snuck a glance out of he corner of my eye. They were all asleep!! Jimin’s arms were crossed and his head was resting on the back of the couch. Toni was curled up in a ball in the far corner of the couch and Taehyung was asleep on her arm.

“Sorry, did this wake you?” Jimin’s voice was so low I could barely hear what he had said. I looked at him. His eyes were barely open, his right eye opened slightly wider to look at me. I had just noticed we were sharing the blanket also. He picked up his phone that had just vibrated and placed it on the coffee table.

“No, it’s okay,” I replied, just as quiet as he did. Now that I was over what had just happened, I realized I was extremely tired. I relaxed back into my spot on the couch and looked at the TV, my eyelids heavy. The TV was so bright it almost hurt my eyes.

“Hey Maya,” Jimin’s quiet voice hung in the air. I slowly turned my head to look at him; his eyes were now fixed on the TV. The light from the TV shone on his face, causing his eyes to glisten.

“Hmm?” I asked; trying not to be mesmerized by how beautiful he looked. He didn't move his head, but his eyes flickered from the TV, to my face. When we caught each other’s eye we held it for a minute before his suddenly went back to the TV screen.

“If Sooyoung, or anyone, treats you bad or is rude to you… I want you to tell me...okay?” His eyes came back to me. I wanted to ask why. Why did he care if people were rude to me?

“Jimin…,” I started, watching him pick his phone up from the table. “It really doesn’t bother me, I promise. And you’re so busy I would hate to-” Suddenly he was shoving his phone in my face. I stopped talking and reached for it, our hands grazing over each other. I looked down at the phone, which was opened to the kakao ID search. I let out a small, quiet laugh before putting in my ID and hitting search. I handed it back to him and saw that he was smiling too.

“Wanna go get some ice cream?” He asked.

“What about those two?” I glanced over at the other side of Jimin to see Taehyung and Toni still passed out.

“They’ll be knocked out for at least two more hours,” Jimin muttered, getting up from the couch. I grabbed my purse and quietly followed him out the door. We had to be quiet so we didn’t wake them, and it felt like we were rebellious teens sneaking out of the house. Right as exited the building Jimin pulled his hoodie over his head. I had no idea where I was going, so I just followed him.

“What if someone sees you?” I asked, a little worried. He shoved his hands in the pockets on his hoodie and shrugged.

“Nobody really does around here, especially at night.” I guess I had forgotten it got so late. The night air felt nice, and I liked how the quiet streets were. The roads were lit by a few lampposts and LED signs for stores and restaurants. I liked this atmosphere a lot.

“So, California. Do you miss it?” Jimin suddenly asked after we walked in silence for a little bit. I let out a super small sigh. I didn't really want to talk about it, but I know he was just trying to make small talk.

“I suppose. I really like it here though. It’s a lot different and I still get confused about things but I have Toni to help me. Where are you from?” I asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from me.

“I’m glad you like it. I’m from Busan,” Jimin told me. I know I had heard of Busan before. I pursed my lips trying to remember where I had heard Busan from before. My thoughts were interrupted by Jimin’s laugh.

“You don’t know where that is, do you?” He asked. I looked over at him and couldn't help but smile.

“I was just trying to think of where I heard that before! Maybe one of the other trainees is from there,” I scratched the back of my neck.

“Jungkook is. But he’s not a trainee,” Jimin told me.

“Who’s Jungkook….” Jimin looked at me.

“Aishh,” He said, rolling his head back. “He’s one of my members.” He added, making me feel bad.

“I haven’t met him! I promise I know bts! I looked at your music!” I said, getting defensive. Trying to prove a point, I started dancing and singing, really badly, to a part from no more dream. Jimin started hysterically laughing, I noticed he laughed at me a lot.

“Stop it!!” He let out between laughs.

“Why? Am I not good?” I joked, making him laugh even harder. We approached a cute little convenience store all lit up on the corner. Jimin collected himself before we went in. I followed Jimin to a little freezer full of ice creams. There were so many.

“Which one is good?” I asked as we stood side by side looking into the freezer.

“I like this one,” He opened the freezer and reached for an ice cream in a white and pink bag.

“Hmm. I’ll get that one too then,” I said, reaching for the same one. As I followed him to the checkout I felt like a puppy dog following their owner, which made me laugh a little.  Jimin turned his head around to give me a weird look, probably wondering what I was laughing at. When we reached the counter Jimin grabbed my ice cream from my hand and threw it on the counter beside his. He quickly pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed the cashier a card.

“Jimin, I’ll give you money for mine,” I said quietly, taking my wallet out of my purse and opening it. Jimin put his hand over my arm, lowering my wallet.  

“It’s okay.” He put his wallet back in his pocket and took the ice cream. I quickly followed him outside to a bench.

“Thank you,” I thanked him as he handed me the ice cream.

You’re welcome.”

“I can’t believe we fell asleep watching that movie,” I said as I opened my ice cream and took a bite of it. Jimin smiled.

“We’re all so busy…I feel like that happens a lot when Taehyung and Toni hang out,” Jimin said, laughing.

“Really? Ah…. they’re so cute.”

“Why do you talk as if they’re a couple?” Jimin asked, his mouth full of ice cream.

“I think they should be a couple,” I replied, sassily.

“Does she like him?” Jimin asked nonchalantly.

“Are you trying to get info out of me? I know you and Taehyung are best friends, I’m not stupid.” Jimin’s face broke out into the biggest smile I had ever seen. Guess he didn’t mind my sass.

“If you tell me, I’ll tell you.” He said, now trying to negotiate with me.

“Tell me what?”

“If Taehyung likes her.”

“No,” I said, laughing. The truth was I didn’t really know if Toni had feelings for Taehyung. She only ever talked about him as her best friend. But by the vibes I was getting from Jimin, Taehyung definitely liked her.  The whole way back Jimin begged me to tell him.

“The cute faces don’t work on me Jimin,” I laughed as he walked in front of me, pouting.

“Come on. We could be the cause of an amazing relationship,” He said, suddenly acting serious. I sighed.

“Give me a couple days. And I’ll find out for you,” I finally caved. Jimin finally looked content as we reentered his building. As we entered the kitchen, there was a new face. Before greeting him, I glanced over at the couch to see Taehyung and Toni still passed out.

“You were right,” I told Jimin as I jerked my chin in their direction.

“Ah, Maya, this is Jungkook.” Jimin said, and the name instantly clicked it my head, making me blurt out, “Busan!” Of course Jimin started dying of laughter but the boy just looked at me.

“Jiminnie hyung, did you bring home my number one fan?” The boy asked quietly. I took note that he called Jimin hyung, which meant he was younger than me too. Jimin scoffed.

“Yeah, if your number one fan didn’t know who you were until an hour ago,” Jimin said sarcastically. Jungkook put a hand on his chest dramatically.

“I’m disappointed,” He joked.

“Anyway, she’s a trainee. We’re the same age,” Jimin informed him, ignoring his little act.  Jungkook looked from Jimin to me a couple times.

“Ah, noona,” Jungkook cooed, raising his eyebrows at me.

“Don’t hit on her, you weirdo,” Jimin warned, hitting Jungkook’s stomach. Jimin walked over to Taehyung and I followed. It was late and I was ready to go to sleep.

“Should I wake her up?” I asked Jimin. Jimin nodded before yawning. I didn't want to keep him up any longer.

“Ugh, I hate waking people up…She’s small, I can carry her,” I thought out loud, feeling Jimin’s eyes on me. I bent in front of Toni and wrapped my arms around her side to get her into my arms. I tried to be super gently so I didn't wake her up, but I felt a force pulling me back. I heard Jimin try to stifle a laugh and looked down to see Taehyung holding onto Toni’s arm.

“Ah Taehyung, really? You can see her tomorrow.” I said quietly, knowing he was still asleep. I unlatched his hand from her arm.

“Bye, Jimin, thanks for the ice cream. It was nice to meet you Jungkook!” I said before basically running out the door with Toni in my arms. I heard them both laughing behind me. Twenty minutes after I had gotten us both home and in bed, my kakao ringer went off.

‘I had fun tonight, sleep well.’ I smiled and added Jimin to my friends list.

‘I did too, thank you for letting us come over. Get some rest.’ I sent my reply, and locked my phone.



(Hi guys!! I am starting a school so i'll try to update soon but i would really like to know if you guys enjoy this! If you do i will definitely keep it coming! So here's two more chapters! xo meg )

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AurinKiss #1
Chapter 6: Can't wait to see MaYa debut
Chapter 4: I like this story. Maya is a good character, and the boys are super cute.