Chapter 4

Purple Mist

“Hey, Taehyung invited me over to dinner tonight if you want to come,” Toni quietly told me the next day at practice. We were sitting on the floor checking our phones during a short break.

“Would that be okay?” I asked, not wanting to just show up uninvited.

“Of course!” Toni smiled. I began to tell her about my run in with Jimin yesterday when I noticed I was getting looks from across the room. I stopped talking mid sentence to look at them. Toni followed my gaze to the three girls in the corner of the room and they quickly looked away. All except one. She was staring right at me.

“Ugh, here we go again,” I grunted, rolling my neck out of boredom. I wonder what I did this time. Toni just looked at me, her expression turning to worry.

“I heard you had a special night with Jimin,” A voice was suddenly behind me, making me jump. I turned my head to see the girl from across the room was now beside me. She had her posse of two other girls on either side of her. Everyone’s attention was now on me. But this wasn't the girl I had run into last night? She must have told someone. It was silent for so long I had almost forgotten she had asked me a question.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, blinking up at her. The girl smirked.

“Is your Korean really that bad? I said, I heard you were with Jimin last night.” She said, this time speaking even louder and slower on purpose, like I was stupid.

“Yeah, actually I was, but is that any of your business?” I blurted out, not so sure if I should have said that. I heard a few gasps, and Toni’s mouth formed a straight line. Definitely the wrong thing to say. I looked back at the girl, her eyes locked on me.

“Actually, it is my business. Stay away from him.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Or what?” Toni asked, her expression now amused. The girl scoffed.

“I could get both of you kicked out. Just stay away from him okay? He has enough annoyance from his fans, he doesn't need a trashy girl like you clinging to him.” The girl warned before flipping her hair and strutting out. Her last words hung in the air for a few minutes before anyone said anything.

“Disgusting,” Toni finally mumbled, before looking back down at her phone.

“Could she really get us kicked out?” I asked Toni quietly. I wouldn't want Toni’s future to be in danger just for being friends with me. Toni shook her head.

“Her uncle is like one of the CEO’s, so she thinks she can do whatever she wants. But even he knows she’s crazy, so it doesn't even matter.” Toni informed me. I nodded, still thinking. Toni quickly looked up at me and squinted her eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me about you and Jimin? What happened?” She asked, flashing a mischievous smile.

“I was about to tell you! But then that happened! All we did was dance and talk a little…” I mumbled, weirdly getting shy about this.

“Alone?” Her eyes were suddenly wide.

“Well, yeah, but it wasn't like that, he was really cool and just…chill. A little strange but sweet for the most part.” I thought about how his eyes crinkled when he laughed.

“Oh girl, if you think he was strange just wait until you meet Tae.” Toni said, laughing.

“I can’t wait,” I joked, but I was actually looking forward to meeting him.


After we had finished the day of training we went back to our dorm to shower before we went over to Taehyung’s. I was so happy it was Friday; I was exhausted from this week. I threw on some jeans and a cute sweater and did my makeup. I left my hair natural and wavy, only because I was too tired to style it. I checked my phone for the time; it was 6:15. I walked out to the hallway where I usually meet Toni when we hang out. We lived on the same floor, just different rooms.

“Ready?” She asked cutely, adjusting the strap on her purse.

“Yup!” Toni told me BTS stayed in a nicer dorm right across the street from us, which Big Hit kept their idols in. Once we got to their door and Toni knocked, I felt myself getting a little nervous. Just as I let out a breath, the door opened.

“Hi!!” A boy greeted us at the door with the biggest smile I had ever seen. He held the door open and gestured for us to come inside.

“Hi Tae! This is my new bff, Maya!” Toni introduced me as we took our shoes off at the door. Taehyung smiled widely and tipped his head at me.

“It’s so nice to meet you! I hope you like pizza.”

“You too!” I laughed, “Of course I like pizza,” I followed both of them into the kitchen that was connected to the living room. I looked over in the living room and saw Jimin on the couch, the TV was on, but he stared down at his phone. When he heard us walk in he looked up.

“Ah, Hey Toni, Hey Maya,” Jimin greeted us, getting up from his spot on the couch.

“Oh. You two know each other officially now?” Taehyung asked, looking from me to Jimin. Jimin opened the fridge and grabbed a green tea out.

“Yeah, we ran into each other yesterday,” Jimin said before taking a sip. Toni scoffed.

“Yeah, everyone seems to know about it,” She said, raising her eyebrows. Suddenly, the events from earlier today came back to me.

“Aishh,” I said, making a disgusted face. I walked over to beside Taehyung while he got out plates and cups. I didn’t really want to talk about it. Jimin noticed my reaction and furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Taehyung put a slice of pizza on my plate and I saw Toni fill her cup with water from the fridge, so I did the same.

“What happened?” Taehyung asked, as he reached for a slice for himself. I walked over to the table and sat down, all of them trailing behind me.

“Sooyoung found out they were together and threatened Maya,” Toni said, taking the first bite of her pizza. I could feel Jimin’s eyes on me, but I refused to look at him. I knew he was just feeling sorry for me.

“Hey, she threatened you too,” I stated, pointing a finger at Toni. Toni just shrugged.

“Ah, she really is crazy,” Taehyung mumbled.

“Why is she like this towards you?” Toni asked, looking at Jimin. Jimin rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Well…a while ago, I agreed to go on a date with her. I originally wasn't going to go, but my manager told me it was in my best interest to go. Which basically meant I had to.” Jimin explained.

“Yeah and ever since then she’s been crazy, calls him nonstop,” Taehyung added.

“Wow, and she calls your fans annoying….” Toni muttered.

“She said that?” Jimin asked, his eyes wide. Toni nodded.

“Yeah. She said she didn't need Maya annoying you cause you already had your fans to do that.” I was suddenly embarrassed that Toni was telling them all of this. They all stared at me, worryingly.

“It’s okay. We all know she’s crazy so nothing she says should bother us,” I waved them off and finished eating.

“You’re right. But hey, if she ever tries to say anything like that to you again, just let us know okay?” Taehyung told me with a smile. I nodded. After we finished eating we gathered on the couch to watch a movie. I already felt my eyelids getting heavy, so I wasn't sure how long I would last through a movie. Taehyung and Jimin were fighting over which movie to watch.

“Are you guys serious right now?” I laughed. They both looked over at me, instantly defensive.

“Maya, pick one.” Taehyung ordered. I rolled my eyes.

“I really don’t care,” I smiled, regretting getting involved. Not like I even knew these movies anyway.

“Just pick one!” Taehyung continued shouting orders at me, making me laugh.

“Fine, that one,” I pointed to the one in Jimin’s hand. I had no idea what either of them were about, and they probably knew that.  Jimin smiled, smug.

“Taehyung-ah, I want to watch that one!” Toni whined, pointing to the one Taehyung chose.

“Well now it’s tied,” Jimin pointed out. I tried to contain my laughter as I watched them. Suddenly there was a noise from the kitchen and we all turned our heads.

“I didn't know we were having guests,” He said casually, getting himself a slice of pizza.

“Hobi hyung! We need a tie breaker, pick a movie.” Jimin ran over to the other boy, both movies in hand.

“Ahh, Jimin you are too much. This one.” The boy placed his hands on one of the movies and Jimin quickly ran back over to us happily.

“Yes!!” He reached up his hand to me for a high five. I laughed at him, for some reason it made me happy to see him win. When I looked back over at the boy in the kitchen he was now looking at me.

“Ah, Hoseok this is Maya, she’s a trainee” Jimin introduced us. Hoseok looked surprised.

“Ah, at Big Hit? Where are you from?” I glanced down at Jimin as he quickly shoved the movie in and sprung up on the couch beside me.

“Yes, I’m from California!” I told him.

“Ahh, California! That’s so cool! Well, train hard! Hi Toni,” He greeted Toni before disappearing back down the hallway. I suddenly became very aware at how close Jimin was sitting to me.

“Are you cold?” Jimin asked before jumping back up and grabbing a blanket from the closet. He opened it up and draped it over me.

“Ohhh, how romantic,” Taehyung cooed.

“Shut up,” Jimin shot back, laughing.

“Thank you,” I smiled at him and he smiled back before locking eyes with me and quickly looking away.

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AurinKiss #1
Chapter 6: Can't wait to see MaYa debut
Chapter 4: I like this story. Maya is a good character, and the boys are super cute.