Episode 2

Don't Hate Me

YoungHee fell and her head hits the corner of the table. The boys froze, staring at her as blood flows on the floor. "What?! I just pushed her softly!", Hoshi yelled while pointing at her. DK quickly ran towards her, "We need to-", "Just leave her there! I don't want to get in trouble! It's better she gone!", Woozi said while pulling other members. They were looking at each other, nodding their heads and left YoungHee alone. WonWoo stopped for awhile, it's not that he do not want to help, but Mingyu kept pulling his wrist. "Come on!", Mingyu asked. "I'm sorry Gyu but YoungHee needs me -  I mean us", letting go of his hand and ran back into the meeting room. WonWoo lifted her and took her to the hospital. An hour later, the doctor came out and told him that she needs to rest. "May I ask, did she involve in any accident or trauma?", doctor asked. " I'm not sure. I don't know", "I see. It seems like she had a very long term trauma, let's just hope that she will be fine when she wakes up", doctor said while bowing to him. WonWoo bowed back and quickly check on her. As he took his seat beside her bed, staring at her injured head, he felt very sorry for what he did before. Tears started to drop. "WonWoo! Is she okay?", DK suddenly bang the door, making WonWoo jumped. "Sshh! She's fine... It's just that, the doctor told me she maybe experienced a long term trauma.", "Oh my...what have I done", DK said while regreting what he did. Well, he was pulled by Hoshi, the strong one.

At dawn, YoungHee opened her eyes and looked around. She touched her cheeck, tears can be seen on her palms, remembering how Hoshi pushed her head. All she wanted is to be respect and making friends. "YoungHee...", WonWoo called out when he saw she's awake. "WonWoo -oppa, why they hate me so much? Am I a bad person?", she asked slowly. WonWoo can only hold her cold hands. "They love you... I'm sure they love you...",WonWoo said while smiling at her.

While in the training room, no one can focus well. All of them kept making mistakes, thinking of YoungHee. "Let's rest for awhilee!", Hoshi waved his hands. They all sat in circle, looking at each other. Their eyes were talking, what if the company knew what they did to YoungHee? Suddenly the door opened, they did not even bother to look back,maybe it's WonWoo from the hospital. "Hi guys...", a sweet and soft voice greeted them, it was YoungHee.Sincerely smiling at them, who does not falling for that smile? All of them widen their eyes,some of them even swallowed their saliva. "Eyy what's wrong? I'm sorry... I fell off the car earlier, but I'm okay now!", YoungHee was trying hard to lie. "I hope you die!", Seungkwan yelled at the back. "Now now... Have a good rest okay?", she got up and walked towards Seungkwan. Wiping his sweats with her bared hands, then took she remembered she had tissues in her bag, when she was about to wipe his head, Seungkwan look away. "Don't be stubborn, let noona clean your face. Aigoo you're no longer a trainee, you need to take care of your face!", she praised while wiping his sweat and giving him a fan.Seungkwan looked down and speechless. When she's done, she went to Dino and Vernon, "Come here you two, let noona wipe your sweats!", YoungHee did not say much, she's just smiling and moving her hands. Her hands was about to wipe Mingyu's sweats but suddenly he slapped her hands away. " I can do it myself", he glared at her. "Oh,okay I'm sorry", she apoogized. She got up and gave them the tissues. Their faces were priceless, as they are asking why she did not wipe their sweats. She chuckled while covering ,"You're older than me, I'm sure you can take care of yourself well!", she chukled again.

Their practice end at four in the morning, YoungHee was busy cleaning the practice room, organizing the shoes and picking up the tissues. "Hey...",Hoshi suddenly called. "Oh Hoshi -oppa, can I help you?", "No...I..I.. just wanna say...uh..sorry","What for?", " About your head, I pushed you actually... I'm really sorry!", he closed his hamster eyes,waiting for punishment or maybe kick out. "No... I told you I fell from the car...", she said while holding back her tears. "No... I really did it!", this time, YoungHee was crying. But just as soon as she cried, " You expected me to apologize? I did nothing! Hahahahahaha! Stupid! Guys look at her she's crying! Hahahaha!", Hoshi pranked on her and laughed with . YoungHee cried and ran away from them. WonWoo wanted to chase her but DK told him to give her some space.

YoungHee ran as fast as her lungs handle, not knowing she stood on the han river. She did not think much, climbing the metal fence, she threw herself into the river. Waiting for God to take her soul.






Hi guys! Enjoy reading my story? Well,comment below! Just wanna tell you guys I'll be entering university next week, so I don't know if i had the time to write it. But if I got more than 500 views, I promise I will write the new chapter! I promise! Keep supporting me!

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Angel28 #1
Oh my god did YoungHee committed suicide? Well anyway, update soon it's getting good :)
Angel28 #2
Chapter 2: Okay, I swear they were too harsh. hahaha update soon :)