Chapter 2

I Dream of Sunlight

When he awoke in the midst of absolute darkness, Kyungsoo slowly began to panic. There wasn't a shred of light anywhere. He had no idea of how big the room was that he was in or of what else was in it, so he crawled around as slowly and as quietly as possible. He ended up bumping his knee against the side of Kai's head in the dark, which caused the vampire to groan loudly. Kyungsoo screamed from shock, because he was terrified of not being able to see anything at all. Kai's hand quickly clamped tightly over the human's mouth to keep him quiet, but that only drove Kyungsoo into a further panic. He tried to scream louder even though it was muffled. Then he bit Kai's hand and kicked him away, landing a kick right to his gut. Kai winced with the pain and even felt a few tears being shed, because his hands were still so badly injured. Kyungsoo paused after he realized he had tasted gauze. Then the groans started to sound familiar to him. "H-Hello? Is it you? The burnt man? Why have you kidnapped me? L-Let me out of here or I'll bite you again!", Kyungsoo threatened, but then soon fell back under the influence of sleep. The fighting had taken away what little energy he'd regained from rest. He couldn't stay awake for long, because of how much blood he had lost so fast.

Kai sighed and took the cover off the window. It was night again. The two of them had been so tired that they'd slept through the day. He changed Kyungsoo's bandages carefully, but tried to be quick as he held his breath to keep himself from inhaling the scent of his blood again. "Monster..." Kyungsoo whispered softly in his sleep. It made Kai laugh a little to hear the word.

The vampire shook his head and leaned his back against the wall. "Monsters are only in fairytales and nightmares. They're ugly. They hurt people. They...", he said in a soft response, but couldn't finish his thought. His mind brought back the recent memory of how he had nearly killed Kyungsoo with his hunger. He looked down at his hands and furiously ripped the bandages off of them. "I suppose I was wrong. You can call me monster", he finishes.

While Kyungsoo slept, Kai went out to hunt. Surely the human will be hungry by the time he wakes and protein will be good for building his strength back up. Kai was plenty satiated from his feast the day before, so his skin had started to heal up nicely. There still was pain and he still looked plenty hideous, but the pain was no longer unbearable. Unsure of what the human would like, Kai caught a deer and some fish from the stream that ran through the forest. Then he brought them back to the treehouse and started a small fire near the base to cook the meat. As he sat by the fire staring into its flames he began to wonder if he could live with himself taking more blood from Kyungsoo. If he finished him off the blood would give him the strength to make the speediest of all recoveries. He would be normal again by next dusk. If he left it up to nature his skin would take at least a month to return to what it once was. Then he shook his head to clear such thoughts from his mind. "Who would eat all this food if I were to do that, huh? Then I really would be a monster. I would have killed these animals for no purpose", he said to himself aloud.

Kyungsoo poked his head out through the window and looked down below to where Kai was cooking dinner. "Doesn't it hurt your burns to be around more heat?", He asks. Kai looks up and shakes his head before turning his attention back to the food. He kept the meat skewered on sticks and stayed a safe distance from the fire, since even the slightest warmth would aggravate his burns. "Let me go home... I have a family. They'll be looking for me. You'll be punished when they find you've kidnapped me, so you might as well let me go...", Kyungsoo said softly. He meant it to be a threat, but he was too tired to put in that extra effort in his tone.

Kai chuckled and stood with his hands out to help Kyungsoo down from the tree. "Don't you want to eat first? Then we can head to the human village. If you want to collapse in the middle of the forest from weakness though go right ahead. I'm certainly not holding you captive. You passed out after something attacked you, so I brought you here to rest in peace", he said.

Kyungsoo carefully got down with Kai's help and sat close to the fire. "Rest in peace? So you're going to kill me?", He asked, although he didn't seem too concerned. Kai became confused, but more so by how Kyungsoo didn't run while he thought Kai would kill him.

The vampire shook his head,"Kill you? Why would you get that impression from resting peacefully, undisturbed by the forest's predators? I don't want to harm you. Earlier, I wasn't in control of myself, and I apologize greatly for that. It has been a long time since I had human blood. My body reacted against my own wishes. I am in control now, and I promise that I won't hurt you. You saved me from burning to death, so I wanted to repay you", he explained as he sat down beside Kyungsoo, handing him a stick with the first finished fish on it. 

Kyungsoo took the fish with caution. He looked over it carefully, sniffing it a little. Then he took a small bite, finding that it wasn't exactly the best, but it would help him get his energy back. "You should've started off with that then. 'Rest in Peace' is what they put on gravestones. Haven't you ever heard of that?", He asked.

Kai devoured a large chunk of deer meat in the same time it took Kyungsoo to have that tiny bite of fish. He wiped the blood from his mouth with his wrist before speaking. "No... We don't have gravestones or graves in my town. Nobody dies there. The only ones that die are the ones foolish enough to get themselves killed by humans. The humans never give us the remains of course, so there is never a funeral", he answered. 

Kyungsoo takes a few more bites in silence. He felt a little bad that vampires could not mourn their loved ones nor could they ever get closure for their deaths, but he didn't feel all that bad considering how many humans died in the process of killing a vampire. "What town is that exactly? I've never heard of a vampire only town", he asks out of curiosity. Could danger really be living so close to his village?

"Vampyre.", Kai answered simply, because he wasn't allowed to say any more than that. If the humans were to find their town again there would be more wars. He did not want to be responsible for the wasting of that many lives.

"A vampire from Vampyre? That's almost laughable. Why would they name the town that?", Kyungsoo chuckled a little.

Kai rolled his eyes,"The town was named before we were. The first human ever to find us was so frightened by us that when he returned to his village he was traumatized. When the other humans asked him what had happened he could only say 'Vampyre', the word that is written on the sign over the entrance to the town. That is where he had watched us taking part in an old ritual ceremony where a farm bred human was sacrificed so that the town could feast on their blood. Thus, when the others encountered us they deemed us 'vampires', which we found confusing, so we never use the term", he explained 

Kyungsoo began to understand, but just as he got the answer to one question he suddenly had more and more. "What do you call yourselves then? And what is a 'farm bred human'?", He asked, although a little afraid of the answer, since their fate seemed to be ending up as a sacrifice. 

Kai looked over at Kyungsoo, unsure if he really wanted an answer. The answer would be gruesome to hear, but it seemed like Kyungsoo could handle it. "Firstly, we call ourselves people. Some believe they are above humans, so they call themselves 'The Noble Race', but most are humble enough to be called a person. Secondly, a farm bred human is a human that is forced bred as a source of food, and for the occasional ritual practice. Although, not many humans come from farms anymore. Those that were once human, 'Shifters' we call them, were unsettled by this. So now we mainly breed pigs for food, but some of those that were born this way instead breed humans in secret for their private rituals...", he answers finally. 

The human felt he could vomit at the thought of people being forced to breed like that only to end up as a vampire's feast. Since he lost his appetite now, he put the fish he'd been nibbling on aside. "That's sick... we're not animals", he says, terrified by the images his mind conjured up of himself sprawled out on a stone slab as a whole town of vampires devoured him. 

The vampire simply shrugged,"Humans used to sacrifice other humans to the 'Gods' as a prayer for sustenance. I don't understand how that's any different from the vampire rituals. We do crazy things to survive...", he said.

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Chapter 2: Lol "You can call me monster" I see that reference :P.

Also, I liked the short history about the vampires ^^.
bff43ver #2
Looking forward to this!!!!