Chapter 1

I Dream of Sunlight

Kai sighed as he noticed the orange line creeping up on the edge of night. That meant his time for stargazing was over. Really he had stayed longer than he should've. He knew that his bethrothed would be cross with him when he came home, so he thought for a minute if he even should go home. Why would he go there only to be yelled at? She surely would keep him up all morning, and lack of sleep is not healthy. As he stared still up at the sky he found that all he wanted to do was take a nap here, in his favorite of all places. The grass was softer than the fluffiest of pillows, and even though it was cold here at night if he could sleep here the sun would warm him throughout the day. He wondered if its rays really shined like gold. The running water of the stream beside him sounded so soothing, as if it were the sweetest lullaby he'd ever heard. The more he focused on it the more sleepy he felt, and soon he could feel the warmth he's always imagined surrounding his cold, lonely soul. It made him smile as brightly as the sun itself. He felt so happy to finally be embraced by the light after living so long in the dark. However, this was only his delusion.

Kyungsoo jumped backward a few steps out of surprise when he saw what looked to be a fleshless corpse lying on his favorite reading spot. His hand quickly clamped over his mouth as he tried to keep himself from vomiting when the smell of freshly charred skin entered his nostrils. Eventually, he mustered up the courage to step closer to the body, attempting to figure out who this was. When he stood over it though, the shadow he cast over it seemed to have disturbed the body, because it awoke with a scream that made Kyungsoo jump back another couple feet. "Oh my god! You're alive?!?", he asked with his eyes big enough to nearly burst. He had no idea how it was possible for someone to survive long with burns like that over his entire face. Then he realized the stranger may not have long, so he quickly pushed him into the stream to get something cold on those burns. "Wait here! I'll get a doctor!", he said out of panic, and was about to run off back to his village, but a just as severely burned hand reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him.

Kai winced as touching anything hurt the burns on his hand, but he kept a strong grip on Kyungsoo to keep him from running off,"N-No doctor.... Y-You.... Can fix me?", he asks, and then let go of him. He moves over quickly to the part of the stream where a tree stands tall along its side so that the shade of the leaves can protect him for now. He figured any elders from the village like the village doctor would take one look at him and know that he's not human. Kai knew that he was in no condition to fight a mob of angry villagers like this. He felt the weakest that he's ever felt in his life, and that's because he'd never been so close to death like this. When Kyungsoo ran off he started to sob softly, the salt from his tears making the burns on his face sting. The pain was just so unbearable he couldn't stop himself from crying no matter how hard he tried. It didn't only hurt on the outside though. Inside he felt just as bad. He knew he should've just listened to his fiancé and come home when he was supposed to have done so. Instead, like a fool, he always wanted to grasp what he could never have. As he looked down at his mangled looking hands he knew he deserved this for going against the natural order. The sun was made for the humans to thrive in, while the moon was made for the vampires. Humans should never go out at night, and vampires should never go out in the day. That was what he was taught at a very young age, yet being the curious dreamer that he was, he always questioned it. Now he had let his dreams take him too far, and he had learned his lesson now. Once the human helped him get better he would never gaze upon the sky again, night or day. He promised himself that he would fall into the natural order as he has always been expected to. Even though he despised everything about it, the natural order had set a plan out for him as it does for every being ever born, and he would listen now to its call if that meant he would be able to live further.

When he saw Kyungsoo's nearly out of breath figure bounding toward him hurriedly with a large bag slung over his shoulder Kai felt a small relief. The greater relief came after Kyungsoo bandaged him up, but that was only after the great pain of cleaning out his wounds. He could just barely stay still through the process, heaving out a large sigh once it was over. "How did this happen to you?", Kyungsoo asked, now that Kai's condition wasn't so critical.

Kai stayed silent for a minute, unsure what he could tell him that would be believable, yet far enough from the truth that he would not be made out a vampire. "I have a skin condition... I'm not supposed to be out in the sun, but I feel asleep out here in the night. Then soon it became daytime and here we are...", he said, hoping that would suffice. It wasn't really far off from the truth, so it wasn't too hard of a lie to pass off. Although Kyungsoo seemed to look a little skeptical of that answer.

The human helped Kai out of the stream, and moved him more over into the shade of the trees. "So you're saying you got a sunburn? I don't know... Does is normally get this bad for you? I usually just turn a little pink, but you look like someone poured gasoline on you and lit you on fire", he said as he looked from Kai's bandaged hands to his bandaged face. He'd left the mouth, and eyes exposed so that the stranger could still see and breathe.

Kai's eyes went wide with surprise. He mentally kicked himself for a moment as he realized someone burning him alive probably would've been a more realistic answer, but he was too curious about Kyungsoo choice in words to linger on that thought for very long. "Sunburn? Humans get burned by the sun too?", He asked, his eyes full of the same dream-like wonder that he had been cursed with since the day he was born.

Kyungsoo found it cute the way the man's eyes sort of twinkled, blushing slightly because he found them so enchanting. "Humans? Why do you talk like you aren't one?", The smaller raised an eyebrow as he grew more wary of this suspicious stranger in need.

As Kyungsoo seemed to be getting closer and closer to a conclusion in his mind Kai mentally kicked himself again. He sighed once more,"I'm tired. No more questions...", he muttered grumpily as his expression soon turned sour. Kai laid down on the soft grass and turned over on his side to have his back to the human. 

Although Kyungsoo wanted to prod him further, he understood the other had a very rough day getting so badly 'sunburned'. He let the man rest, and carefully checked to see if he had any more burns on his body while he was asleep. The rest of his body seemed fine since most of him had been covered, which was a relief. After making sure he was alright, Kyungsoo sat up against the tree that shaded the sleeping stranger, taking out one of his books from his bag to read. He stayed beside him for a while, checking over him ever so often to make sure he didn't bleed through his bandages up until the sun went down. 

When sundown did come, Kyungsoo closed his book and gathered his things. He was about to wake Kai up, but the man seemed to have awoke to the sound of his book shutting. "I must go... It's getting very late. Where do you live? I can walk home with you if you like so that you won't have to be alone. The woods is a dangerous place at night", Kyungsoo suggested as he looked over the man's wounds again.

Kai shook his head and stood up. "Dangerous? Yes it is dangerous for you, but not for me. It'll only be dangerous if I stay around you", he says, looking around as he tries to get his bearings. He was a little disoriented after all the sleeping he's done lately.

Kyungsoo frowned and rolled his eyes. "Listen here Mr. Macho.... I don't care how tough you think you are. With injuries like yours someone as small as me can even take you down with ease", he said, which only made Kai frown in return, because he knew he was right. Annoyed by the way he'd acted towards his offer of help, Kyungsoo took off towards his village on his own. Kai stayed there leaning against a tree for a little bit as he thought of how to explain this to his fiancé.

Ten minutes passed and he still had not figured out a story that would make everything alright between him and his fiancé. Still, he stood leaning back against a tree, although he fell down when he heard a scream through the woods. His brows furrowed as he recognized the voice calling out for help. It was Kyungsoo, and so he rushed to the scene. He couldn't just leave the person that saved him from death to suffer from it. 

When he got there though it was already over. Kyungsoo sat on the ground, stunned with fear as blood slowly trickled down his neck from the fresh scratch marks on it. Kai's eyes flashed a brighter red than normal once he caught the scent of it. They stayed that way as his mouth watered. He soon lost control of himself and tackled Kyungsoo down, pinning him onto the ground. Like a shark in a frenzy, he ripped Kyungsoo's shirt open quickly and tossed it aside. His tongue dragged slowly over the smaller male's shoulder, where the blood had run down to. Then it went upward, gathering all of the sweet red liquid in his mouth as he on the wounds slowly. Kyungsoo shuddered underneath the man, not daring to fight back, because he was still paralyzed with fear from what had originally attacked him. 

Slowly though, as Kyungsoo became weaker and more faint from blood loss he started to regain his will as his body tried desperately to survive. "Y-Yah....", he said weakly and tried to shove Kai away, but the man didn't budge an inch from his actions. although when Kyungsoo spoke it snapped him from his bloodlust in a way. He realized now that he would kill him if he continued, so he pulled back quickly. Kai the last drop from his lips desperately, and tried to fight his strong urges to rip Kyungsoo apart. He owed Kyungsoo so much for helping him, and now he felt so ashamed for what he'd done. Kai had decided that now he owed this man double. While Kyungsoo passed out Kai quickly dressed the human's wounds with the supplies from Kyungsoo's bag so that he wouldn't smell his blood anymore. 

His eyes changed back from crimson to their usual ruby color as the thirst within him calmed. He would be satiated for the next few days with the amount of blood he'd drawn from Kyungsoo, but with the price of Kyungsoo being weakened for the next few days. With both of them in very vulnerable conditions, Kai carried Kyungsoo carefully on his back to the closest place he knew, an abandoned treehouse, where he had spent much of his childhood. They would be safe there. It was still sturdy, and had a roof to keep him safe in the morning from the sun. He figured they could stay there a couple days while they rested up and let their wounds heal.

Kai laid out one of the blankets that was left there years ago, and laid Kyungsoo down on it carefully. He put the one pillow in there under his head, and put the other blanket over top of the human to keep him warm through the night. Then he put Kyungsoo's belongings in the corner before taking watch beside the window, gazing up at the stars again. Even though he had sworn off of it he couldn't help it. He's always loved the way the sky changes with every hour, each difference was just as beautiful as the last. Kai studied it until he grew weary. Once he did he put the cover over the window and laid on the hard wood flooring in complete darkness. He took a minute just to relax and breathe. "What the hell happened today?", He whispered to himself out of disbelief.

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Chapter 2: Lol "You can call me monster" I see that reference :P.

Also, I liked the short history about the vampires ^^.
bff43ver #2
Looking forward to this!!!!