Chapter IV

Calling all muggles
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Lee Geon's POV


Smiling, he leaves the recording studio feeling proud and satisfied with the day's work. Even if it was the weekend and he should be resting and doing nothing, it was better to invest these days on his music and the projects he wanted to pursue. He checked his phone again but no one had texted him back; he was hungry but didn't want to eat alone, for that reason, he had texted Jaeho, Moos and Jun but they all seemed to be busy judging by their silence.


I hope you're home, Lestat ...


He chuckled at the sound of the nickname he'd affectionately given to the eldest of the males staying at the retreat as a way of teasing him for his youthful looks.


What's this?


He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, staring at his phone screen, unable to believe what was happening. He flagged a taxi and hopped in.


To the Seoul towers, please.


He could have walked to the apartment complex where The J lived but he was having an emergency and it was best to get there as quickly as possible. If it would have been any other day of the week day, he could have gone back to the retreat, where everyone was staying but on the weekends, everyone went back home or to their company's dorms.


Thank you, have a good day.


He paid the taxi driver and got out of the cab, running to the entrance of the modern building here many models and actors lived, secluded from the rest of society and the never ending presence of fans and antifans alike.


I'm here to see Won Jongjin ... Yes, that's right, ninth floor ... Oh is he?


He signed the guest log and headed to the elevators; according to the security guard, the model seemed to have been having many guests since the start of the weekend and the Madtown singer hoped that he wouldn't be having any of his drinking buddies over at that moment because he didn't want to be the awkward party crasher.




That was a good relief; if this was indeed Seungyoun who had answered the intercom, it meant that their hyung didn't have any stuck up models or businessmen gathering at his apartment.


Hey, what are you doing here?


He hugged the usually chirpy rapper  of Uniq, but he cupped one of his cheeks when he saw the gloomy expression.


What's wrong, kid, are you sick?


Seungyoun shook his head. Lee Seungjun, one of the models for Tomonari and part of the celebrities staying at the retreat , walked to the door to greet the singer; Kyungtak hugged him as soon as he was close enough to do so; Jun patted his back before letting go and spoke.


His phone has a virus ... We're trying to figure out what kind of virus it is.


Kyungtak followed the other two into the living room and approached the "vampire lord" as Seungyoun and Jaeho called the eldest of their model friends.


Hey grandma ...


The model greeted him, setting a pitcher of what looked like fruit punch and several plastic cups on the coffee table; they greeted each other with a fist bump since the model wasn't that fond of skinship.


How are you,

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I should work on my reply for this!