Chapter II

Calling all muggles
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Jaeho's POV


The Madtown singer had to make a quick pause in his conversation thanks to his bladder, but he was back and ready to continue; yawning, he picked up his phone and unlocked it; he saw, to his surprise, how the eight apps he had installed were now gone and then one, two, three, five, ten and twenty of them appeared in their place. He remained immobile and quiet for about five minutes.


"Younnie infected me!"


Jaeho nearly tripped on the hip hop magazines that Moos and Buffy had left behind on the floor from their late night hip hop music  ventures as Jaeho liked to call those days when the duo spent time together to work on songs and potential projects, but managed to stay on his two feet after gliding on a few of them. He looked in the closet, in the small study/office room, but he couldn't find the spare phone that their managers used on variety shows.




He found it on one of the bookshelves with motivational books that no one ever bothered reading, maybe thinking it was a safe place where none of the Madtown members would ever look, but they had underestimated the maknae’s desperation. The singer quickly texted his friend to let him know what was going on.


|Txt|-> @YounnieCho: I got the virus too!

|Txt|-> @YounnieCho: My phone is ed like yours!


He sat on the floor of the living room, kicking away the discarded magazines and left the normal phone beside himself so he could pick up his phone and see if anything had changed. He only saw a notification bubble where it said owl mail but other than that, everything looked pretty much the same. Jaeho knew that he should probably wait for Seungyounnie to tell him what to do, in case he'd found a good hack to fix the phone but he was a very curious person and even if his curiosity always landed him in trouble, he couldn't help himself.


"This doesn't sound so bad..."


His finger tapped the app with the name sorting hat, because there wasn't anything threatening about a hat, at least in his opinion, because last time he checked  hats were completely harmless objects that you put on your head.


"We're sorry; in order for you to fully enjoy the Hogwarts experience  and make use of this app, you need to open the invitation letter that has been sent to you via owl mail. We apologize for any inconvenience. Best regards. Rupert Albinicus, Auror with The ministry of magic."


That was a very y and unexpected outcome. T

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I should work on my reply for this!