

This was probably the worst school day for Chanyeol. He felt so left out the whole day long just because of this Byun Baekhyun guy. Every one was literally sitting on top of him all the time. The whole day it was just Baekhyun here and there and it pissed Chanyeol off. Even the teachers loved him because literally anyone could see how good of a student he was and it just didn't click in Chanyeol's head. How can someone be so good at school but look so good at the same time? No no, get this out of your head. He's definetely not good looking. 



When Baekhyun got home and let his body fall over his bed he smiled. He felt accomplished. All of his research and hard work all those weeks long and reading till his eyeballs fell out, were paid off. Everyone loved him and for the first time being smart wasn't weird or me getting called a swot. Everyone was so nice to him and it made Baekhyun more than happy. He tried to make as many friends as possible but there was only one person who seemed to not like him. Baekhyun's smile slowly disappeared. No matter how Baekhyun acted around this guy, he didn't seem to like him at least a little. What did he do wrong? Baekhyun heard that he's the most popular guy at school so Baekhyun of course wanted to befriend him! But it was no use. The guy named Park Chanyeol just gave him evil stares and just ignored him. Maybe Baekhyun just imagined things. As for now, he'll just enjoy his new life.





The next day Chanyeol already woke up pissed. The constant ringing of his phone with full volume made him mad, the least. Someone was calling him and he definetely was not ready to pick up. He tried to ignore it and get at least a few more minutes of sleep but the ringing just wouldn't stop. "What?" Chanyeol asked with gritted teeth as he picked up his phone. "You're late again, aren't you?" Jongin sighed. Chanyeol just layed there for a few seconds and then immediately stood up. "Oh ! Give me five minutes!" Chanyeol hung up.



When Jongin and Chanyeol got into their class everyone was staring at Chanyeol. Today was definetely not his day and he knew that. He probably looked like a hobo, hair messy and Chanyeol could swear that there was a bit of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth. But right now he didn't care and all he wanted was to slump into his seat and take a nap before the lesson start. The exact second he closed his eyes, he heard the seat beside him shift. Normally no one would even dare to sit beside him because they knew how pissed and mad Chanyeol can be and the only person who he wanted to sit beside was Jongin but he got seated away because they'd talk a lot so since then Chanyeol sits alone. 

"C-Can I sit here..?" He heard someone nervously asking. When Chanyeol opened his eyes he saw a small figure called Baekhyun standing there shyly with both of his hands playing with each other. Chanyeol at first stared at the smaller male and wanted to say no but then he realised that everyone was looking at them and that would worsen his reputation and today wasn't a very good day for him anyways so this would probably only worsen it. "I don't care." was what Chanyeol answered and Baekhyun smiled at him, as he sat beside the taller one.

Chanyeol absolutely didn't know why his heart was beating faster all of a sudden.



Yes, it was nagging Baekhyun. The whole day long and he felt like he couldn't hold back anymore. Yes, at heart he probably still was that freak who kind of has a thing for neatness and cleanliness and that probably won't ever change, so it was really hard to not just put his finger on Chanyeol's mouth. Yes, it may sound weird but that little bit of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth was really annoying him. "Chanyeol?" Baekhyun nervously asked. Chanyeol just curiously looked at the smaller to see what he wants. "You.. you have something on the corner of your mouth.." Baekhyun said. "Oh that. Yeah I forgot to wipe it away, thanks." Chanyeol said as he put his finger on one corner of his mouth to wipe it away. "Still there?" "Uh.. uh y-yes, on the other side..." Baekhyun shyly said. Chanyeol wiped his finger now on the other side of his mouth. "Now?" "It's still there." Chanyeol groaned in annoyance. "And now?!" Chnayeol got frustrated. "No.." Baekhyun just wanted to wipe it away because Chanyeol just missed all the time. "Ah nevermind then I don't care." Chanyeol leaned back again. "But! But I do!" Baekhyun tried to not sound hysterical but he failed. It just nagged him too much so he just leaned closer and wiped the toothpaste of his mouth with his thumb. Chanyeol may or may not blush deeply and his breath may or may not have hitched, but anyway, Baekhyun was way too close for Chanyeol's liking. Baekhyun slowly looked up to see Chanyeol's big eyes gazing into the other ones. They stayed like this for not that long because of the bell ringing but for both of them this moment felt like infinity. The moment the bell rang Baekhyun immediately ran out. The only thought in his head, "Why did I do this?"

Chanyeol just sat there, dazed, until Jongin waved his hand in front of Chanyeol's face. "What happened with you?" Jongin curiously asked. "What?" Chanyeol asked, still feeling a little hazy. "Dude are you deaf or something? I think you should go to the doctor." Chanyeol just stood up and whispered a quiet "let's go" while keeping his head low. After all the blush was just to deep to not oversee it.






That night Chanyeol couldn't sleep because of a certain midget with brown hair and a beautiful smile. Yes, he had to admit, it really was beautiful.





And in that exact night Baekhyun also couldn't sleep because of a certain giant with black hair and beautiful eyes. Yes, he had to admit, he could stare into them for hours.













AN: I hope you like this chapter! I felt like doing another update, especially since I won't be able to update in awhile but I hope you'll wait for me haha :p 

Anyways, I love talking with you guys so reading your comments would make my day! And of course if you upvote and/or subscribe. ^_^ 

See you soon, ily. <3












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Chapter 5: ;'( im crying y is this so sad and complicating
Anaida #3
Chapter 4: oooooh Kris is lying!
Chapter 4: No!!!! it can't happen i believe that kris is lying that ..... chanyeol hurry up and save your princess!!
Chapter 3: pls update and Kris u have bad 'friends' u know and ur horrible person Baekhyunnie doesn't deserve u
ranita95 #6
Chapter 3: Ah kris just move already you ruined the mood!!!
Chapter 2: This is cute!! I love it!!!
Chapter 2: I love your story!
Chapter 1: Really looking forward to this!! Can't wait for the next update :)