

"Chanyeol..why are you here?" Baekhyun asked after they departed from their hug.

"I wanted to look after you. You didn't seem that well." Chanyeol answered with a worried look on his face.

"I.. Thank you but you didn't have to come all this way to just 'look after me'. I think I'm fine." Baekhyun said.

"Well, first of all, no you're definetely not fine and I can see that in your eyes. You cried. And second of all I just live one door away so yeah."

Baekhyun looked at him surprised. "What? I didn't know you were my neighbour!" Chanyeol chuckled. "Well, is this a bad thing now?" Baekhyun blushed and looked at the ground. "N-no, it's not." Chanyeol patted his head. "Don't be sad, Baek. Let me tell you, Kris is not worth it. He may be my friend but he's still a , especially for doing that to you. And I am sorry for what happened between you two..and in general. You didn't deserve that."

Baekhyun's fists held onto Chanyeol's shirt. The taller male was surprised at Baekhyun's action. "H..He.. He t-told you..? About me..and my past? ..This is so embarrassing..I planned on keeping it a secret for forever.." Baekhyun shakily said, his voice turning into a whisper from word to word. 

Chanyeol's eyes looked sad. "Don't say that Baekhyun. You don't need to be embarrassed or ashamed at your past. You may have changed with your outer appearance but you are probably still the same person. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing!" Baekhyun looked up at him with watery eyes. "R-really?" Chanyeol was about to burst. The smaller just looked so cute and vulnerable. "R-really!" Baekhyun smiled at him and Chanyeol could swear that he just melted. Right there, on the spot.



The next day Chanyeol was scared that Baekhyun would still not come to school. The moment he entered the classroom he silently prayed that Baekhyun would sit right there where he belonged. And he was lucky. As he made the first step inside, he saw Baekhyun sit there, right beside his destined place. Baekhyun looked up to see a grinning Chanyeol look at him. Baekhyun couldn't help but grin back at him with a light flush on his cheeks. The next moment he wanted to take another step to Baekhyun and his seat but it all happened in a matter of a second and he saw someone really familiar rush beside him. It was Kris and what he did next was something no one expected. Kris sat beside Baekhyun and in that exact moment the teacher came in and the bell rang. This must be a joke. The teacher asked Chanyeol to sit on a free seat and so did Chanyeol. He was seriously so pissed. He looked at Baekhyun and Chanyeol thought that he saw a ghost. He looked pale and in horror. Chanyeol was more than pissed now. Especially of a person called Kris.


Baekhyun didn't know why or how. He just knew that the person beside him was not Chanyeol. It was Kris, the person he dreaded for. Okay, it was more of being embarrassed, sad and angry. He wasn't really scared. "Why are you sitting on Chanyeol's seat." Baekhyun emotionless asked, not once making eye contact. "I wanted to talk with you. Do you have time after school?" Kris calmly said. "Depends." Baekhyun coldly answered back. "Please Baekhyun. It's important." Baekhyun couldn't help it. Maybe he was just too nice. "Okay fine."


Chanyeol couldn't concentrate the whole lesson long. He really wanted to know what they were talking about.



"Let's go to my place." Kris suggested mid lesson.



"I said no."

"Come on Baek."


"No but. You don't have to be scared, I won't bite you." Kris laughed.


"I have a car." 




Chanyeol rushed out of school to search Kris and Baekhyun. The moment he stepped outside the building he saw the two of them driving away in Kris' car. 

Chanyeol being mad was an understatement.

He was raging with anger.



Ten minutes later they arrived at Kris' house and went inside and upstairs to his room. Baekhyun would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. They both sat on his bed and Kris finally started speaking. "I'm sorry Baekhyun." Baekhyun was more than shocked to hear his ex-crush apologize to him. "It wasn't right from me to make fun of you. I didn't even really meant anything and I want you to know that. I still don't understand why I was so stupid to do all of that to you. I know I may be too late but I didn't want to believe it but back then, I liked you too. Everything about you. You were the smartest person I knew, your quiet personality was just more than cute and whenever you looked at me with those red cheeks and adoration in your eyes. I was so stupid to hurt you. I'm deeply sorry. Maybe I already screwed everything but I want you to give me a chance. I still like you Byun Baekhyun. I saw your true self and the way you are now, but my feelings haven't changed."

Baekhyun was at a loss for words. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest. Are his feelings coming back? "I-I'm sorry but I need to think about it." Kris gave him an understanding nod. 

"I'll wait."







AN: I am finally back!! It was a long time but now I have time again :) Please don't be too mad at me because of the ending. ;)












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Chapter 5: ;'( im crying y is this so sad and complicating
Anaida #3
Chapter 4: oooooh Kris is lying!
Chapter 4: No!!!! it can't happen i believe that kris is lying that ..... chanyeol hurry up and save your princess!!
Chapter 3: pls update and Kris u have bad 'friends' u know and ur horrible person Baekhyunnie doesn't deserve u
ranita95 #6
Chapter 3: Ah kris just move already you ruined the mood!!!
Chapter 2: This is cute!! I love it!!!
Chapter 2: I love your story!
Chapter 1: Really looking forward to this!! Can't wait for the next update :)