

Was this really the right thing to do? Baekhyun really didn't know what to do. He knew that he had some kind of feelings towards Chanyeol but he was just too new to all this stuff. He never had a boyfriend or so before and his first kiss with Kris wasn't really any 'experience'. Also, he doesn't know how to even handle his situation with Kris and with Chanyeol being so sudden, he just didn't know what to do.

The next day were awkward, to say at least. Chanyeol and Baekhyun didn't talk with each other and only had a few awkwards glances towards each other. Kris didn't know that Baekhyun busted him and acts as if nothing happened. He still stepped a bit back and his feelings towards Kris become much less, to his luck. Although, his feelings towards a special Chanyeol don't. 

After school Baekhyun decided to message him. He was confident too, so he hoped that it will go well.


To: Chanyeol

Hello Chanyeol, are you still mad..? :( 15:44

To: Baekhyun

Leave me alone 15:46

To: Chanyeol

:(( I don't want this 15:46

To: Baekhyun

..You broke my heart 15:46

To: Chanyeol

I didn't know you felt something towards me.. and in that moment I was too hurt for 'anything else' 15:47

To: Baekhyun

I don't!! Stop imagining things to your liking 15:49

To: Chanyeol

?? 15:50

You don't like me..? 15:50

To: Baekhyun

wtf no I wouldn't like someone like you like that 15:55

..baek? 16:01

-Baekhyun went offline-




Baekhyun was sad. Did he really mean it? He didn't want to hear this, he needed to talk to him, from face to face. Baekhyun took his jacket, since it was rainy and cold outside and made his way out his home, with teary eyes.


Chanyeol wanted to slap himself. Why was he so stupid to say that? It was a complete lie anyways and now he completely screwed things over. Why did he always have to be so stubborn? Yes, he was angry but if he was honest to himself, he was the one using Baekhyun in this situation and he was sure that the other didn't knew better. 

Before he could think more about his regrets, his doorbell rang. Chanyeol was confused and curious to why someone would ring and who it was. When he opened the door, there stood a lightly soaked Byun Baekhyun. Face red and eyes filled with tears. Chanyeol was shocked but didn't say anything. Baekhyun made his way closer to the taller and hit the other lightly on his chest with his fist. He stepped closer while Chanyeol stepped back. It was quiet, his parents being at work and the only sound of the rain and light sobs from Baekhyun to be heard. 

"Say.. say it one more time."

Chanyeol was confused. "Say what?"

"What you said in your message." Baekhyun now lifted his head. "Say that you don't like me 'like that' while looking into my eyes." 

Chanyeol gulped. There was a slight pause before he started to talk. 

"I don't like-"

Baekhyun stepped closer. 

"Liar.", he whispered.

He went on his tiptoes and only a small inch seperated them. Baekhyun closed the gap between them and kissed the other. His fists were now around the other's shirt. Their lips parted and they looked each other intensly in the eyes. 

"I like you." Baekhyun said quiet.

Chanyeol smiled. He never ever felt this with any of his past relationships. Why was he so happy while being with Baekhyun? He just didn't understand. But all he did was, that his lips with Baekhyun's together, was something he didn't ever want to miss.

He put his arms around the smaller one's waist and connected their lips again. Chanyeol felt like he was on Cloud 9 and he would always want to stay like that, forever. 

He figured that having this boy beside him, was definetely something he wouldn't want to lose.









I'm so sorry. :x

Also, I changed my name :) I wanted to change it for awhile but I only had enough karma points now so yeah

Hope you like this short update! <3


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Chapter 5: ;'( im crying y is this so sad and complicating
Anaida #3
Chapter 4: oooooh Kris is lying!
Chapter 4: No!!!! it can't happen i believe that kris is lying that ..... chanyeol hurry up and save your princess!!
Chapter 3: pls update and Kris u have bad 'friends' u know and ur horrible person Baekhyunnie doesn't deserve u
ranita95 #6
Chapter 3: Ah kris just move already you ruined the mood!!!
Chapter 2: This is cute!! I love it!!!
Chapter 2: I love your story!
Chapter 1: Really looking forward to this!! Can't wait for the next update :)