The Uncertain

The Third Favor. 2Jae edition

Light sounds murmur around his blurry mind, trying to wake him up from this fascinatingly deep sleep. A little bit more clear now he hears the first singing of birds gradually waking up along with him. The soft touch of the warm breeze against his bare face  encourage him to open his eyes, but the comfortable sheets under him makes it extremely difficult to do so. The sensation is wonderfully inviting to stay in bed and sleep for days and nights and Jaebum might considerate the offer. Yet there is a stare falling on him from time to time. He can feel it traveling along his face and body, sneaking away from short moments and coming back to him faster of what Jaebum would like. This stare is odd, new, and Jaebum can’t name it with precision. It seems alike to the worry gaze of his mother when he was sick in the old days of his childhood; yet still this stare is not exactly worry… maybe it is concern? These eyes looking at him are warm as his dad’s brown ones when he smiles at Jaebum, but these don’t have such affection… perhaps this is appreciation? It’s frustrating, it really is, because this gaze is confusing but at the same moment he feels too lazy to open his eyes and see what stare actually is.

His thin eyebrows frown while Jaebum stirs uncomfortable under the cover, feeling just a few seconds after kind hands holding his shoulders and gently stopping him from doing so.

-Don’t… stay.- someone whispers, the smooth voice making Jaebum tense.

Those light hands silently move away from his body as he stays clam and Jaebum feels his heart's beats arising quickly. A low sigh leaves his mouth and his hands grip nervously the sheets as his eyes start to open ever so slowly. Everything appears little by little –blurry and mildly unfocused- causing his heart to flutter anxious as his eyes can see him more clearly while seconds pass by. His small but warm hands lying over his well-shaped legs, his torso hided under that sophisticated shirt, his slender neck, his puffy cheeks, his pouty and pink lips, his little nose… and finally his dark eyes, which look at Jaebum with a short surprise that make him twitch because of how damn cute his blonde demon is.

-You are here…- words escape his mouth before he could think; and Jaebum kicks himself mentally for sounding so longing.

A faint smile paints upon those evil lips then. –Well you won and passed out, I would never abandon my human in such state.- he says slightly mischievous, oblivious to how hard Jaebum's heart thump by calling him his.

-I… passed out?- Jaebum frowns confused as he wonders, praying to God to not make him blush just right now.

-Indeed. But perhaps that was my fault.- the blonde demon comments, having those brown orbs looking at him quizzical. –I too much blood.- he smirks, his pink tongue playing around those pointy fangs.

-Why did do that? Last time I checked Noble King Demons weren’t vampires.- Jaebum asks with a cheeky tone of voice, pulling the covers over his nose, sinking more into the warm bed.

-How do you dare to compare me with such low creatures?- the demon growls, his sharp eyes digging holes in the quite amused human. –Vampires, tch…- he murmurs offended, rolling his eyes incredulous.

-Well, sorry but vampires are the one who blood, right?- Jaebum asks with an obvious tone, hiding a big and mocking smirk.

-To live, yes. But for our contract we need to be fully connected, and that is why I had to your blood.- he explains between clenched teeth, his pride still hurt.

-For our contract? The book doesn’t talk about blood.- Jaebum frowns confused and curios, looking into those deep black seas which stare back at him.

-Think, genius. It is thanks to your blood that you summoned me, and how do you believe I knew where to found you?- the demon wonders clearly mocking, yet still pretty much annoyed. 

-Oh, you could found me because of that only drop of blood? We were connected with just that?- Jaebum inquires surprised, he completely ignored dark magic could be this strong.

-Yes, you silly human.- the blonde boy mocks, arms folding over his chest and legs crossing over one another.

-Then, if with just a drop of blood you could do as much… what can you do now?- Jaebum wonders, a thin eyebrow lifting daring under that mighty gaze.

But as soon as Jaebum sees the elegant yet evil way those eyes look at him, he wishes he hadn’t made that question.

-Well, I can practically hear how your heart is rising now. Blood rush to every part of your body, warm and sweet.- he says softly, lowering slow closer to his human’s face. -I can smell you are getting nervous… and I can sense you want something from me, yet I do not know what it is.- he tells, calm and low, nose brushing kindly against Jaebum's.

-Ummm…- Jaebum hums, thanking to God for the fabric between their mouths. –That’s pretty cool.- he comments uninterested, testing if the King can actually know every single one of his feelings.

-Not for me. It will be highly annoying to hear your heartbeats from miles and miles away.- the demon sighs tiredly, backing up and sitting straight; making the bed murmur under his weight.

-Miles and miles away? What do you mean?- Jaebum asks not understanding, feeling calm that he can’t know what he feels –entirely- but yet he will know more of what Jaebum could like to let him know.

-Great Lord Mephisto give strength to not kill him now…- the King mutters under his breath pretty much upset, his eyes closing for a few seconds. -Which is my kingdom?- he asks, eyes opening fast and staring hard.

-The Frozen Forest.- Jaebum answers quick, biting his bottom lip to not laugh at how pissed off his cute demon looks at the moment.

-And do you think the Frozen Forest are here in Korea?- the blonde demon wonders mockingly, yet still his voice rings quite annoyed.

-Well, no. But I don’t know where it is.- Jaebum shakes his head and shrugs, hiding his curiosity.

-In Finland. At the North of the country.- the King responds calmly, smirking at the shock expression of those brown orbs.

-Finland?! That’s at the other side of the World!- Jaebum exclaims incredulous, pulling the cover off his face and sitting abruptly in the bed. -How can you hear my heart from so far away? That’s impossible!- he adds, completely dumbfounded.

-Are you doubting of my power, human?- the demon asks, his black eyes narrowing rather amused.

-No… It’s just… too hard to believe.- Jaebum swallows thick, calming down a little bit as he remembers which demon he had summoned. –I guess it shouldn’t be such a surprise, since you are a King Demon, but as a human to believe something like that it’s pretty much impossible.- he tells, leaning against the headboard.

-A Noble King Demon.- he remarks, pink lips curving in a proud smirk. –You should not forget why I am a Noble King Demon.- he comments ‘casually’, but his intense gaze says otherwise.

-Uh, yeah, talking about that, what did you do to become a Noble King Demon?- Jaebum rush to ask, remembering the Priest’s words without feeling much intimidated by the cute blonde demon.

-Tch, this brat…- the King snarls annoyed, the tempting smirk on his pink lips disappearing instantly. –That is such a great and long story, it should not be told all of sudden.- he comment standing up quickly, his soft voice echoing mildly mischievous around the room.

-Well I already missed school again, so I have time.- Nichkhun smiles, totally acid, looking at the boy standing in front of him… and just then he noticed the silver crown around the demon’s golden hair. It is a small, simple silver diadem; with beautiful sapphires embedded on each tiny point.

-I cannot care less if you have time or not, human. I have things to do now, so think about your first favor and when you are ready to ask for it just call me, understood?- the demon talks quickly, already fading away in front of Jaebum's eyes.

-Wait! How do I call for you?!- Jaebum wonders looking into those deep onyx orbs before they vanish, since he had never done it and the King isn’t precisely close.


The blonde demon’s voice rumbles in the bed room as Jaebum flops down on the nice mattress, haunting his mind and giving more troubles than answers.

-Think… but what should I think about?- Jaebum murmurs quite irritated, hating the demon’s habit of making things stupidly complicated for him.

Dark brown orbs fall off close, letting Jaebum hear the singing of the birds while the morning slowly goes on. His own clam breathing lulls him, along with the sweet touch of the sheets and the mild caress of the summer breeze swiping through the opened window. Temperature is rising gradually and Jaebum knows soon enough it will be too hot to stay in bed but for now he lays still, enjoying the nice cool morning and the warm memory of his King’s caring gaze on him...

…Wondering why was he looking out for him if the contract doesn’t say he has to.

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cococyjae #1
Chapter 32: pls update :( ??
Chapter 32: This is art. This is a masterpiece!! Wow.... You are so so so talented... I can't even speak... So original... I admire your imagination! I wish you continue this but okay, they have happy ending in my dreams ~ Thank you for this amazing artwork ♡♡♡ Thank you for your hard working! ♡
Jaeotter3 #3
Chapter 32: Please please update soon:(
i miss this fic :'( will you update soon?
hello_im_miu #5
Chapter 32: Wow, this is a masterpiece please continue this story...
defsoul96 #6
Chapter 32: this is gold please update and continue this stories...
Simple-J #7
I'm missing this :C
Greekchina #8
Chapter 32: Wow this is such a unique 2jae story
Chapter 5: Youngjae sure like skinship! He's cute!
Chapter 2: Sorry, I'm new here. author-nim, your chapter one is really great. I'll read more and perhaps, reread them. They are so good. I like this story very much, though not even get to chapter three yet